Uncomfortably horny Hardy Boys Manga time

#15 The Hardy Boys: Undercover Brothers (Manga)
Uncomfortably horny Hardy Boys Manga time
The writer of that sad song thanked us for being sad
Became dennis miller
oh no
met some fat people with indigestion
and now it's over
What did Jack EVEN DO?
He just biked around till he wanted to come home! He defeated nothing!
He god.
He defeated US.
I'll miss all the memorable characters like
The Sirota gazes also.
Jack was there
The cat milf who I don't think got a name
no she got a name
Good for her
it was like "hormona" or something
Good job Mike
"sex person"
Less good job, Mike
Live Free, Die Hardy
This is already off to a bad start
The Larpy Brothers
Fuck yes
I'm getting adventurequest vibes so far
I'm just going to reuse the same bingo card
Come on Hardys
oh it stands for american teens against crime
that's nice
Mouths are hard
Before I start making jokes how old are the hardy boys in this
joe is 18 and his little brother frank is 18
Frank is 18,Joe is 17
Fuck off Joe you're making this dangerous
I was close
But it's bold to assume the Brazilian madman who drew this knows that
Is this the same brazilian madman as the megaman?
Somehow, yes
incest megaman to be clear?
Technically possible. Joe is plainly the one who never got breastfed
He had an interview in one of the other issues
so they have a whole stable of IPs where they just never knew anything about the source material?
That would be a step forward
Frank plays on his very realistic desk
This is a real long walk to The Hardy Brothers were playing video games.
genuinely did not think it would cut to a video game screen
It's a LAPtop you can't put it on a desk, beb
While Joe has no idea how to use a phone
Don't ask me why there's a produce sticker in here, that's how it came
someone was having a halthy snack while they read
Kids are gonna open this book, see, and they're gonna be like, "Whuhhhh?? There are monsters in this book? I thought it was about two boring clods!" Then we've GOT 'em!
and put the sticker with the rest of the garbage
Because this book is delicious
I recognize that code. This book is a real lemon.
This is how video games do
My brother's ego prohibits his sprite from doing a basic special move.
Frank's model is glitching
Oh, no
This is definitely how world of Warcraft works.
She boobily breasted her opponent's computers.
Expressions are hard to draw
You can't just paste random anime faces into your comic and expect it to work.
Her cyber-address
What a beautiful idiot language
you could say we're cyber stalking her
Helicopter drawn already crashing
Cut off your right digital breast, you cowardess.
She's a cyber Amazon!
...They're already there?
Rich dialog
I wish games had mechanics that allowed for this bullshit
Who's got money these idiots used their personal computers instead of dumpware with VMs running?
One idiot was using his personal phone
Giving her pimples, very nice
because this is a multiplatform game the likes of which- oh it's league
Is A.T.A.C. deputized in any way
Full half a page for this
or is this just going to be a citizen's complaint
You gotta hit that page count somehow
either way it's definitely a great acronym to scream aggressively while pounding on a lone young woman's door
This is an abduction
Hard disagree, Joe
"you wouldn't have heard of us" just straight up admitting they're using fake credentials to imprison this girl
This child is getting blackbagged right now
hady's theres a horrific crime being comitted right now
Don't worry about that, it's over!
checking for teen crimes in QWOP now, Hardys?
Nah, she's getting a job offer from the NSA. She'll make more in a year than the Hardy's will see in their life
Goddammit, Scott Lobdell can sexually harass you for years and still book work with lines like this, and I can't even sell an 8-page story .
They're dead inside
What's the opposite of envy but you land at the same place?
They know what happened to that girl
So, that was chapter two. Onto chapter three
If you've got breath to banter, you're both taking last place.
that incentivizes you to take down fewer bad guys
learn game theory, idiot
Respect trash, says Joe
This is the worst Hardy Book we've ever suffered.
Name anything that even makes this a basic Hardy story.
No, those comics from 2018 and 2020 that took themselves incredibly seriously were worse
This is the best Hardy Book I've ever seen
And that book about Franklin W Dixon fucking Carolyn Keene in 1920s France was way worse
I'm gonna have to read through the book cage archives someday
These grown adults are terrified of these teens
ok I guess that moves the story along
I am a master sleuth
Trust me, I don't have time to get into that mess
I'm so happy this exists
A great use of space
"We're killing your dad, boys. He knows what he did."
An even better use of space!
it's to keep it discrete
wow this shot really establishes the dread and isolation
Fenton is being held in Iowa. This is what it looks like
Good use of space, bad use of paper.
Needs more corn
Oh shit this is going to be And Then There Were None
Interrupting to say I saw a ton of old Tom Swift books in the used section of my local bookstore today. Carry on.
This dude somehow managed to get a sunburn on the way here
Prison corn only grows three inches high
What did we ever do to YOU?
I didn't even take a photo
I did consider it
Really went all out on the graphic design
No graphics at all, I smell a rat
Impressive that Fenton was able to say a squiggle
I didn't order a metric ton of sausage either
what, is deadpool in there?
Chapter Four: Titties and Skin tight clothing in this book for children
And, I would like to say, an unacceptable amount of thought went into those crotches
oh no it's taki from soul calibur
bah, skintight titties is normal media for a kid these days. The crotch-accentuating crotch-plates, I'm not sure.
Most of the thought
It's the lines leading to them
Action Fenton Hardy
the fact that they're so particularly low-slung
That's really a problem, because the artist really clearly said "these are panties"
damn Fenton, you fly?
oh wow yeah those are micro-bikinis
right, if they had any veneer of protection they probably would start higher and not explicitly wrap down the taint
Action Fenton is Foiled
damn, dude
that was like a full t-bone intercept
with a toe kick
fuck whatever you're reading, she's a born soccer player
Either they're awesome or Fenton sucks
Possibly both
Meanwhile, Frank Hardy, completely unaware of the situation, decides to hack the security system for no reason
Yeah, Fenton, bait that teenage G-string crotch gun kitten.
Maybe let's tone down the ass in the Hardy Boys book, hmmm?
Absolutely not
Needs more ass
Looking at you Frank
Do your duty for your country
And now the Hardy Boys are Spiderman
I just want one Hardy Boys where they get shot by a henchman
Joe has to finish it alone because Frank decided to bum rush an m4
That's more Joe's, modus operandi
But he's immortal, so it works out
Yeah he's a minor so he can't die
Joe's kicks make them blush
he's got one year of plot armor left
I want to see the pictures this artist traced for these panels.
Brilliant boy detectives
These boys have horrifying arms
Engage firefight stance
Somebody needed to hit Paulo with a newspaper
Paulo isn't allowed to talk about family
hit him with a cold shower
Not sure King Nubari is OK
In 2008
a kingdom without its king is still a dom, ladies
Fuck off
Oh shit we're doing a diehard
that's from die hard everyone
which makes the skintight suit ladies alan rickman
that works
Jesus H Christ
oh, I wish we were doing shining
Yeah that's rickman
Big heads huge tits can't lose
No shit
I saw it in a movie WINK
talks for 3 pages about how it counts as a christmas movie
Jack Miller bikes in to explain the reference
Jump to pouting position
wait wait wait
these girls know the hardy boys and know that this is a party for their father
and don't get who could be foiling their plans?
You're right they should kill him
Dudgeon. It's high dudgeon. GOD.
This wouldn't have happened if they just killed Fenton
wrong you're, and should be led instead of lead
take that comic book
I win
Goddammit, it's Chief Collig. Not sheriff
It's going to be the Family Cop from Die Hard!
I still don't get this one
My tits and strange belly holes demand answers!
Getting this on a tshirt
Petulant Fenton is adorable
hm, weird but cool I guess
Did we establish how much ATAC will pay for Fenton?
Engage magnetic garage door opener
"We're also doing Die Hard 3, idiots"
And electrocute everyone
"You fools! You've entered Die Hard 4!"
our die hard references shall blot out the sun
Who wrote this, Ernest fucking Cline?
The cover copy of this book was Live Free, Die Hardy, so it was always getting to 4.
"I've met your father, he's exactly like me, but with a mustache"
As with all Die Hards, the villains could easily get away with their plan by simply killing all their hostages
more, less, one of those
Is their father just Fenton with a mustache
What kind of father makes uniforms for his daughters like that?
"My point was that you suck!"
Yes kill him
yes mansplain her own trauma to her
she was wrong to feel her own emotions, fenton
tell her
Fenton blows the boys' cover
Before you check the table kill Fenton
just real quick
Damn it
hahaha jesus "take my sons just please don't hurt me"
Way to go Dad
Purple girl has the most haunting head
This is a curse
Now, I can't be sure, but I think that says Happy Anniversary
It reflects her inner struggle, but also it lurks in your closet when the lights are off
Do you put candles on an anniversary cake?
Why are there two candles
I mean we know why
It's a Cake Wreck for sure.
But why
he's... 2 years old?
Luckily, one of them pulls a lighter from her boob
Fuck yes kill him
shoot him in the dick
And none of them have appropriate facial expressions, but that's a given at this point
I get that this was a plan
The ol' under boob lighter trick
Harpy Aquatr&day!
but it's stupid even for this type of plan
Happy Analverysorey!
Fuckin stole this from The Hardy Boys Casefiles #80: Dead of Night
Should've shot him in the dick
Recognize those knockout candles anywhere
seriously, those are a staple of the franchise?