🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles(tm) Poll Time 🚨
This time, the theme is uzis! Vote for your favorite here
🏍️ #86 - Virtual Villany
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles(tm) Poll Time 🚨
This time, the theme is uzis! Vote for your favorite here
🏍️ #86 - Virtual Villany
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law
oh man this is so hard
I have to miss this week's read because of visiting family, so I'm voting against the one I want to be here for
I voted #102 because the robber looks like he got chased through the glass by a swarm of bees.
That robber never learned doors. He has a lot of medical bills from looney tunesing through every wall and window he finds
I think the VR one slightly won for me because I love a good 90s interpretation of VR
The 2:55 is such a weird choice
clearly should be 4:00
I just realized
That window he jumps through IS the door
What if he just forgot the door opens inward and went full tilt thinking it would swing open
"It opens in, Ted"
that actually happened during a real bank robbery once
Aw man, I was hoping he'd get caught. Still, that's hilarious
255 is the max value represented by a byte, but the question is: does the WRITER know that?
Frank Dixon knows that computers explode
So, is it house style here to refer to the writer of the Hardy books as Dixon, even though we know they're all ghostwritten?
More or less. It helps focus the scorn
Wikipedia has a very incomplete list of the actual writers, so it would be hard to refer to the author
I think most of the ghost writers appreciate that.
It's gotta be Virtual Villainy. Thinking that a digital clock face counts as something “virtual” means this will be awful
This time, the Hardy Boys will endure the hardships of the virtual world. Two readings ago we were in San Diego for the "Annual Comic Convention," this time we are in San Francisco for "VidCon." Prepare for such nonsense as: The Xyrodian Corporation, bikers, and ninjas. All that and more, this Friday 5pm Eastern, as we enter The Hardy Boys Casefiles(tm) #86: Virtual Villainy
@Brockway Will you accept my ultimate challenge and pin this?
I hate everything about these two paragraphs.
I would not have pinned this if Virtual Villainy lost
I leave it up to the people
Reminder: At 5pm Eastern, the reading of The Hard Boys Casefiles(tm) #86: Virtual Villainy will begin. I usually give a preview, but an overzealous librarian may have destroyed the preview. I'll try to remove this, but enjoy this in the meantime
See if you can remove it with a hair dryer or steam
The surgery wasn't completely successful
Fuck you, Surrey Township
Frank sure went defeatist quick
I guess his karate kicks don't work anymore
… you Canadian, Gel?
I was like “why does Surrey sound so familiar”
I'm from Florida. I bought these on eBay, apparently via a library in Michigan
We open with the Hardy Boys getting ready for a rumble
They are immediately in dart combat with bikers
I don't know if the dart vs biker shotgun game would be very successful
Frank's weapon being empty feels like a metaphor
I don't love that we're getting the cover action like 5 pages in
You know how much bikers love the mall
I assume this is VR. Dixon doesn't do stakes.
Xyrodian invited the Hardys to the VR game company for... some reason
Xyrodian games presents: DEATH MALL
"Before that, Death Mall was just a shopping simulator"
"Honestly I forgot why we called it Death Mall before we added the murderous bikers."
Willie Gage is an old timey prospector name. No wonder he's so bad at memos.
Why does everyone at this video game studio want to meet the Hardys
You know, the classic friendship between detective and the president of a video game company
Why does Fenton insist that?
Is he trying to push them into a less head trauma-centered career?
"I know I'm friends with your dad, an actual detective, but I need some teens on this industrial espionage case"
Pointlessly elaborate murder note, classic
Run Amanda
Run fast
Yeah. If you've received credible threats against you or your business you shouldn't be talking to two teenagers, and its weird she has to point that out.
Amanda: The Red Head with Red Cheeks
“We're givin er all the redness we got captain!”
And now the blushing, super-genius, 27 year old is being taken to dinner by high schoolers
As is customary, their black van is immediately tailed
Best way to lose a tail is to let them know you're trying to escape
They just run through black vans
the best solution is to drive into oncoming traffic
Why even introduce the gas station danger
“Check please!”
Oh Dixon
You sweet summer child
So predictable
Piracy isn't a victimless crime, kids. A game designer might have their card declined at a Mexican restaurant
"Amanda then drove to her red house with the red roof, red mailbox and red front door."
Love that they cut the card up on the spot
That's how the world works
I wonder if Pratt is a good guy
Oh, he's fat and smoking a cigar. Definitely a good guy
What a brilliant plan
I like the implication that a copy somehow wouldn't have come from their “lab”.
then they peel off that label and there's a hidden rembrandt under it
So they agree to meet with this Pratt guy at the Oakland docks. It goes about as well as expected
Just standin below cranes at the docks, usual Friday for the Dum Dum Boys
Yeah, that's how cranes work. They suspend things in the air.
Frank, you are supposed to be the smart one
If only there was some way to tell where a crane was capable of suspending this over.
God has sent his servants for the Hardy Boys
Yes, Frank. Either that or dock workers got drunk and decided to see how far they could chuck shipping containers with a crane.
Actually, I think I've invented a new sport.
Also now you know that the guy who tried to kill you is trained as a crane operator
Really not a great way to stay hidden
Or Franklin Dixon thinks heavy machinery just has like a steering wheel and a button
"Don't stand under crane loads" is like industrial safety 101, I'm shocked the Hardy's haven't picked that up yet.
can't have been trained that well if they just flung the crate in a random direction
so that narrows it down even further--the guy who tried to kill them is a lousy crane operator
A crane is just a big forklift right? Yeah that scans
Oh, those were just regular murderous dock workers
what a wacky misunderstanding
Taken on its own, that first paragraph is gibberish. It's like the guy is talking to 5 different people in 4 sentences.
"Pratt? Why, he's been dead for 15 years!"
"hello, trespassing teenagers, i'm here to escort you directly to the scene of a gruesome murder"
How did they miss the car if they were almost hit by that container?
Good thing heavy equipment malfunctions are never investigated
Oh the guy said it went haywire, good enough for me
Wait, so the crane malfunctioned, causing a fatality. And they just kept using it?
Listen, our only suspect said ghosts did it. We had to let him go. Our union lawyer won't go to court against poltergeists.
convenient that the guy was killed in a way that's implied to be super gross and traumatizing, but also blocks line of sight to the corpse so they don't have to do a therapy sidequest
"Joe doused the headlights, because the person writing this is 90 years old"
Have they caught Amanda red handed?
If the next 110 pages of this isn't Amanda chasing after the Hardys with a gun, I'm not sure where this is going
what if she's a triple agent
also murdering teenagers over video game thefts seems legit
This has to be some kind of misunderstanding, but there's no way to get out of this well
You know how people steal from themselves
This is some real encyclopedia brown style detective work
She's activated Joe's misogynist rage
Jesus, I didn't know they had weebs in 1994
did they go inside her condo
she literally just agreed to murder them two seconds ago
just long enough to show the best technology 1994 had to offer
then they left
only because quantum immortality is real and the book is following them to the AU where they don't get dissolved in her bathtub
Then they get tailed for the fifth time. They loose the tail, and follow the guy back to an office. It goes as well as expected
It's amazing that they recognized the gun as a police special, but couldn't put two and two together
Strike force AZV
So, you recognized them and knew their father. But still thought they were suspicious
I'm sure "the police keep letting civilian teenagers in on their sensitive operations" is well-trodden ground, but Jesus
Frank Dixon with the standard increasing, then dissolution of tension
Ah yes, customs. The people famously involved with games made in the country.
Set up a mislead for ten pages that literally goes nowhere
Again, US Customs doesn't care about things smuggled out of the country.
Lmao what if they were just like "yeah that makes sense" and went home and that was the end of the book
The endless tenacity of US Customs
The idea of a deadly video game crime ring seems ridiculous but then again I guess there is real life organizated crime surrounding avocados and sand
Oh my god. Even fucking Joe knows this guy's job better than he does.
This is how cranes work, right?
Joe has a weird idea of how the corporate ladder works
The Hardys enter a completely automated warehouse. In 1994
Willie, a huge nerd, goes off to confront a murderer alone
The Hardys play frogger
And then dominoes
The police just show up
This book is all about crushings
The criminal tries a very stupid ploy
Joe, the moron, falls for it immediately
It's time for the weekly Joe explosion
Frank is an expert identifying types of terrorist plastic explosive by sight.
hahaha oh my god
they could have just made it blow up immediately but instead they made it only blow up if he sucks at the game
You really should know by now that tension is nothing
he didn't even have to beat the game??? he just left????
Do something clever? No, just wait for the game to pause
They have stopped to eat so much in this book
You gotta love early 90s mainframes
women only eat diet leaves
i can confirm that i've never consumed anything with a calorie in my life
also i assume "health salad" is a typo but it's also way funnier to imagine the author thinks there's a specific type of salad called a health salad
You really want to make sure your fire system completely murders any humans in the vicinity
You know, the louvers. That word everyone knows
if i had a nickel for every time i saw a work of fiction use the "kill them with the fire system" thing i'd have at least three
thank god for louvers
The wire gag loses all power when you can just keep trying them
And when Joe randomly guesses
Must have been one of those old IBM model M keyboards. They could stop a bullet.
Some dork would buy this if it were an indy game
I'm pretty sure I've seen Indy games completely identical to that.
Master criminal
It's hard to recognize the man that hired you
Seems legit
The most effective anti-virus: counting lines of code
As flawless as this plan sounds, I have doubts
I'm pretty sure checksums had been invented in 1994.
YOU? Accuse me of murder? I'LL KILL YOU!
Oh shit were so red were purple now
Buckle up, chucklefucks
Whoops, now it's just a hug
I guess it's the uptight guy now
This may be the weakest justification for murder I've ever seen
Do you think they hired the rapper from the other book?
Oh, I wish
Getting Rapster Randy Rand in here? Awesome
This guy has big 'flunked out of police academy' energy.
It's not often that I see the dumbest motivation of all time
That sounds like one of those troll games that actively hate you for playing it.
Jesus, that sucks
Jack would later go on to design The Stanley Parable.
Well, that's it I guess
The Hardy Boys Casefiles #86: Virtual Villainy has been defeated
that one was remarkably dull for that cover. And I didn't get to find out what 2:55 meant
Nevertheless, The Book Cage has been satisfied
I'm 99% sure it was a countdown, but the book was more concerned about spreadsheets than VR
Thank you again @gellaho for suffering through this for us.
And for the record, I voted for the other book.
The back of the book was a complete lie
It was very similar to the cartoon one, but with less kidnapping and murder
That cover deserved better, anonymous ghost writer
I'm glad we don't know the writer of this book. I hope he tells people he wrote a Hardy Boys book at parties, someone looks it up, can't find him, and they all mock him for the rest of the night.
Such a disappointment. So many computers and none of them even exploded.
One did, but it had an actual bomb in it.
Which is inconsistent with Hardy Boys lore.
Yeah, a bomb exploded. You're supposed to infect the computer with an explosion virus in this universe.
I love that Joe must endure at least one explosion per book
Because I hate Joe
Honestly, I've been a little disappointed in how well behaved he's been
He didn't even inappropriately hit on Amanda in this one
It's much more fun when he's a raging psychopath
the bad guy's whole thing was that he was murderously boring and yet his murders and murder attempts involved shit like taking control of heavy equipment to precisely fling cargo containers onto their cars, wiring explosives to arcade games so that dying in the game is dying in real life...
just seems very off-brand
he should have killed everyone with exactly two shots to the back of the head
You fit in so well here that I forget you've missed so many of these. This is, in fact, very on-brand for the Hardys.
oh man
clearly i missed out on some real garbage not reading these as a kid
so which of these series is the worst
We love them all for their weird, bad quirks.
But probably Psi-Man
It has a guy who finds a dog and names him Rommel because of the lightning bolt marks on his forehead
I'm way behind on the archives
TimeWars was the most boring
Also the main character is a psionic warrior who is also a pacifist quaker.
wait that sounds amazing
Shit, I forgot about Time Wars
Which is disappointing because of my love for Simon Hawke
It's easy to
It's boring, but I'm most bothered by how much of a missed opportunity it was.
I know TimeWars eventually gets dumb enough to be entertaining, but I have to read through them to figure out when that is
I think Psychodrome is probably the best of the stuff, but it's too dense and long to really work for the format we've adopted here.
The 8th one has Dracula, werewolves, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Brahm Stoker, and HG Wells
that is too many things
But I gotta get there
All I'm hearing is that Alan Moore ripped off Simon Hawke when he created the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
That's Simon Hawke, baby
also if sherlock holmes doesn't have angry sexual tension with his creator i'm out
His new series also has most of those things, somehow
Except they're just Kirkland Signature brand versions of his other characters
Because Simon Hawke has never had an idea he isn't willing to reuse in every book for the rest of his life?
That's his Nysteel (c) guarantee.
holmes/ACD and dracula/stoker double date
I love that he has a Big John character in the Robin Hood firm that's just a gay Ice
Steele will always be my precious baby, but Psychodrome is the most concentrated entertainment
He'll have sexual tension with something
is it a dracula
I refuse to speculate, Simon Hawke is unpredictable
There is sexual tension with a robot Dracula in the Case of the Artificial Vampire, yes
amazing. i never would have dared to ask for it to be a robot dracula
The biochips allow it to power itself by drinking blood
Simon Hawke wrote a Star Trek book and decided Bones should be the one with the steamy sexual affair
I think I had the most fun dunking on Photon, so far.
Yeah I agree, photon has been a lot of fun
@gellaho I love that you own more Simon Hawke books than the entire Georgia library system.
That tracks. According to Dax he is a very generous lover.
Wait what are these hidden gems
He's got the hands of a surgeon
I own these
I can get them and find out
Never mind, of course you do
They are Shakespeare murder mysteries
The Merchant of Vengeance is amazing title
There are four of them, he had to stop writing them because he had a disagreement with the publisher
Much like Steele
"No one will buy my Nysteel Gondolas. And for that they must pay!"
Haha classic Hawke
I have all his books except for the D&D stuff (because I don't care) and his movie adaptations which are hundreds of dollars
I don't know if I'll ever experience as much joy again as when he wrote himself into this last book as JD Masters
And then killed himself off a chapter later
There's so much to get through, who knows what secrets lie within
Psychodrome III is the plan for next week, and I have very little idea what's in there
You ever just remember you hadn't listened to an awesome band in a year because there's so much out there?
I just had that but for the short stories of Alice Munro.
Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a pipe-layer