Programming update: We will be reading Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #98: Murder by Magic tonight at 5pm

Programming update: We will be reading Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #98: Murder by Magic tonight at 5pm
Here is the preview
The 2nd Amendment specifically says women should carry flamethrower soda to repel Hardy Boys.
If a woman is jumped in her dressing room and she doesn't spit fire at her attackers, society has the right to shame her. All of this is in your Bible (USAV)
for a split second I thought that said "deadly Decepticons" and I was so into it
You aren't excited by Legerdemania?
Possibly the nerdiest collection of letters possible
The Hardy Boys get into 90% of their mysteries by taking hired muscle gigs elsewhere.
"My father needs two 17-year-olds to escort a briefcase of diamonds. Help us, smalltown Long Island."
I thought she had like laser breath. Rad
"Yo yo yo! This is MC Meaty Ice! We're short two security guys at the arena! Straight up, WORD hire those Hardy Boyz! 290 lbs of sheer muscle."
I've come to find out that a guy in the band Autograph was named Randy Rand
We begin with Joe sizing up a new target
Joe or Gob? You decide.
Selina St. George and her bear. Fantastic naming, Dixon
Selina St. Dragon? The fuck is this, a One Piece character?
You know any Hocus Pocus Harrys?
I feel pretty bad for that bear, knowing how circus animals are typically treated.
My brother is a property manager and I know, offhand, three reasons why this bear would never even come into the building in a cage, let alone out.
Honestly, magician hotel sounds kinda cool.
But what if it was a magic theater, hotel, and museum?
I hope the bear leaves the building in a tiny car and its muzzle still wet with Hardy blood.
I'm going to laugh at every Legerdemania
Frank had a musician at his tenth birthday
Joe has obtained magic knowledge to impress magic girls.
If a magician offers to perform at your child's birthday party for free, call the police.
Muscular Biff Hooper relentlessly harassed Heavyset Chet Morton
Dr. Savant has some horrific crimes in his past
Just once, I'd like him to be introduced as their faithful friend who repeatedly risked his physical well-being in their adventurism Chet Morton.
I guess if you are going to murder someone on stage in front of an audience, you might as well put on a show
The only notes this ghostwriter got on Chet is 'fat'.
As the flames died down and the smoke cleared, the audience gasped. There stood Gideon, perfectly fine!
Not sure what's going on here but hell yeah! Burn! That! Gideon the Great!
He just interrupted Dr. Savant to go onstage and say "I'm inn danger"
Large cardboard boxes, always just hanging out on stages
Again, property management would never let you do this trick.
What a pleasant magic trick
You can't trick ol' Brendan, Gideon. You can only illuse me.
Exotic Miranda Valentine
I hate Gideon
Why do all of these characters have Playstation character names?
Chet doesn't deserve love
"I heard that, Frank," boomed the unmistakably large voice of Chet. "Fuck you the next time you need a save."
I'm guessing when you're 98 books into a series you start just using a thesaurus
@FancyShark is a missing limb tonight.
Well, luckily a shark tank killed a woman
So there's that
Frank thinks a magic show might just end with a corpse. Send em home sad, as they say the shark okay?
it's heading back to it's ancestral home: the deserts of Las Vegas
I imagine there are easier ways to kill someone
Ah, the hypnotist is the brother of Gideon. What a creepy family
The first time someone wanted to hire the adult
I mean, they don't. But at least they brought it up
What you really want to do is snoop around a crime scene
I think this guy might be going out of business because he hires enough performers to fill a 6+ floor hotel
Where each floor has at least 18 rooms
Maybe the worst hiding spot for a suspected murderer
Dr. Savant hypnotizes everyone into pornos and bar purchases so they make it back.
How have they not found this guy
Joe's going to summon pinhead
What am I saying? He can't solve a puzzle
Kids love ax murder
This Hardy Boys mystery is brutal.
Just pulling ax pranks in a hotel hallway
immolation, shark drowning, ax noggins...
Maybe it's an asylum and they just tell everyone it's magic for their peace of mind if they have hallucinations.
Frank doesn't understand these hu-man pranks
They're not jokes, they're ILLUSIONS
Those damned reporters, willing to beat people with microphones
Look at this mob of well-heeled reporters.
I decided my stage name should be dorky
It's just Masters. Actually my real name is Yermakov.
No smokebomb? What a lame trick.
Joe's preparing to plant some evidence
Oh, Joe, you tremendous idiot
OK, a leprechaun just showed up
Trickle-down economics the REAL illusion here
I love how the book's trying to show Joe's ignorance through not understanding inflation but now he just looks like a Modern Monetary Theorist.
The cavalcade of freaks continues
True story: I got off the bus in Dublin once and saw a little person who was, like...not OVERTLY dressed as a leprechaun, but only if he was very overtly dressed like a 1920s Irishman. I swear to God, he had a pipe.
I hope he was going to a well-paying job.
Like I hope however much is an acceptable level of pay to stand staturist bullshit, he was making twice that.
There's the cover
Good, they deserved it.
Charging into a woman's dressing room like twin tornadoes of terrifying sex pests.
This section confuses me. Did Frank get burned or not?
Definitely Shutter Islanding here.
I'm sure her act is very culturally sensitive
Joe has more experience with concussive blasts and wasn't prepared for an incendiary attack.
Frank, you've already been burned, might as well collect the caress.
This is a level of confidence that I've never had
Chill out Hardy Bro, it's just a prank.
If I heard two unfamiliar voices outside my dressing room talking about interrogating me, I'd Yoga Flame them as well.
"I just wanted to be cool!"
Bullshit the Orientalist-garbed southern belle firebreather is prone to tears of guilt over a sunburn to an idiot charging her.
Try harder, Jamie
Daughter of Jack Hardesty, Steele's chief
My name's Jamie Flamethrower...
and this is the story of how we saved America.
Of the Providence Flamethrowers.
The Amazing Pyro. Also, the performers pay to perform at the festival?
Lol, the performers have singled out the Hardys to prank
Seems more like buy a convention pass.
I don't know if that's stealing, magicians
that's some shonen protagonist shit
Joe's going to get in trouble for magic flirting
I laugh every time
You know what? Fuck it, bear attack
This and Psi-Man. Things get dull? Throw in a bear attack
Generally solid advice, but Dixon demostrates how to fail at it.
You were a naughty bear, weren't you? Weren't you!
The murderer must have started this prank war
Hey there, lips, how are you doing?
I love that this is just a thing in all these books
Jamie Flamethrower is the lesser-known follow-up to Chelsea Dagger.
Now I want a crouch-and-stalk game starring these two but their stats are different in case you want to maraud through the level as Jamie.
Joe is confused as to why a woman wouldn't tell them about her past relationship with a possible murderer
This is why there is exactly one magic act in Vegas
Who's Selina?
I think the killer might be an animal rights activist.
Salina St. Dragon is the one with the bear
and the ridiculous name
Joe is hiding in a closet eavesdropping on her trying to get Dr. Savant to join her act
Then someone tries to stab him
That's all we're told he's doing in that closet, anyway. We can infer the rest.
Oh, sorry, he's in an iron maiden
But this author does not know what an iron maiden is
Gotta build the tension in your murder attempts
Joe then spends about twenty minutes getting out, by which point the murderer has just left
Watch out for any vehicles or computers, Vanessa
There is no context for this. I have no idea what this means
The blade was sharp as a...nother blade.
Very devilish of the murderer to have multiple swords
Vanessa St. Girlfriend.
And now: A series on Chet being fat
Having fun, kids?
that is fucking grisly
How dare you intrude on Gideon's pursuit of the ultimate rush?
Gideon found an even less safe way to do it than David Carradine.
"Magicians are not like muggles, my dear boy." Gideon's eyebrows waggled as the orbs beneath them slowly regained a unified direction. "For us, there can only be extremes. Orbis non sufficet. That's Latin. It mea--"
"I know what it means," Frank sighed. He had three years of Magic Club under his Yearbook photo.
I hope you are ready for some hot Joe-on-Gideon action
Any other universe, they'd just be the creeps who broke into a woman's dressing room, than a man's bath.
I don't know what the odds of survival are for a double suffocation is, but there you go
Kids love suicide notes
Maybe the bag prevented water from entering his lungs the way the judge prevented justice from entering the Rittenhouse trial.
Again, I don't think this counts as stealing
If you improve on an existing idea, nobody considers that stealing
Everyone hated him because he didn't fall for our tricks and then tricked us with functioning versions.
This is just the magician version of killing your master in a duel.
This book may have the fewest actual clues I've ever seen in one of these books
Actually David Carradine was killed by the mountain guy in Kill Bill for stealing his tricks.
It's not going to end up being Gideon, but there has been nothing to suggest that. Other than that killing his assistant while he's performing on stage would be incredibly stupid
the perfect illusion, Michael?
Everyone's looking for the distraction, Michael. They don't realize what they're seeing is EXACtLy what it LoOks LiKe.
Oh, there's a rash of burglaries happening
Sweet kills though.
Just out of nowhere
Vanessa is the name of professional hot chicks in this time frame, I don't know if you all recall that.
They would never blame Mr Pizza
Like you might as well name her Boobs Shinyhair.
Biff is the counterpoint to their fat, overweight friend
When you think about it, burglary is really grand-scale magic illusion.
Jesus, leave Chet alone
Uh, oh. Joe solved the puzzle box
There's an actual timeline. Like every week of these boys' lives they solve a mystery and then they graduate.
Where's your boyfriend?
Breaking into a dead woman's private quarters.
Frank believes this key opens the pirate chest in the shark tank
And ludicrously, it does. But, oops, shark
How big is this tank?
How do they transport it? My God, leave the poor sharks alone.
It may not be our favorite, but at least a shark is joining us today.
I am a gentleman of culture. These hoi-polloi sharks do nothing for me. Fucking CULTURE, I say!
Frank has a lot of time to muse on sharks
Literally a bunch of teens
they just lift and move it
'cause water isn't heavy or anything
Frank: "Must...die...a.....dork...."
Cue the greatest moment in Walking With Dinosaurs
The shark follows video game pathing
This author decided Frank and Joe are the same person
Joe is wearing soggy Hanes and that shark ignored him
Hell yeah!
No, Frank, just read it. The shark can't get you
The shark was an illusion!
Are you shitting me? Newspaper clippings?
Why would you lock up newspaper clippings under the watchful eye of a shark? Newspapers aren't exactly private materials
You don't can your newspapers after the week's harvest?
They have to find the second jar in another shark tank with the yarn and pushpins. Then everything will fall into place.
Back to the snacking
There're like 8 different ways you can tell Joe's an idiot in those 2 sentences.
I am readily subscribing to the belief that the author just played Resident Evil and live-blogged their journey with Hardys inserted.
Microwave french fries?
National burglary ring
microwave OreIda Fries were a thing for a few years
Burglars can't travel because they always return to the scene of the crime.
they had a special crisper tray and everything
I'm not questioning whether they exist. I'm suggesting only the saddest, most patheti....oh, I see my mistake
But what kind of person would conceivably TRAVEL for their day job cover story while also making things DISAPPEAR in burglary?
Touring magicians and burglars? What is this, Now You See Me?
Or am I the only person who saw that movie
I know nobody saw the sequel
I didn't see it, but know of it. I would love to find out the screenwriter stole the idea from this book.
It had a very dumb twist and a magic carousel
Yeah, the FBI agent was behind it, or something stupid, right?
It took a full ten matches to verify, eh?
Joke's on you. Kenny Loggins was using the exact same arena booking service.
that's the power of rootbeer
I'm drinking root beer right now.
Oh, Chet, you food monster
You just reminded me I saw both movies but can recall nothing of either.
In case you forgot, Vanessa has survived since the animation book
Frank and Joe eat every other page, but still find time to mock Chet between mouthfuls.
Book 69 (nice)
which I think means there are definitely some books where the author forgot Joe had a girlfriend
Because I know Joe was hitting on that criminal record executive in Bad Rap
There's no such thing as animation in your spare time.
Not even now.
Dixon's ghost writers didn't share notes, and certainly weren't going to be arsed to read these.
So much lip action
Honey, honestly, why would I be interested in a half-naked redhead who has tamed our most mystical element?
Hawke must have had to pay off a bookie or something if he was taking Hardy boys ghostwriting gigs.
So what if her nickname is "Hotlips"?
Who would have guessed it was the hypnotist
Wait, this is one of Hawke's?
ah I see
The lips
It's his tell.
This is one of the few where I know
The same guy who came up with Moe Nardy
The publisher I reached out to never gave me the list when I asked for all the ghostwriters.
there are some listed on wikipedia
but not a lot
How many pseudonyms does this boss have?
He can kill a Hardy character like none other.
I said I wanted it for the series, they responded asking for the ISBN (as in from one book). I sent them the full list of over 100, and for some reason they didn't feel it necessary to get all that for me.
To be fair, I'd have told me to fuck off too if I was in their place.
Yo, Frank, your evidence is terrible
"Look, proof that burglaries occurred."
"Goddammit Frank, you know those deputy badges we gave you in kindergarten aren't real, right?"
Frank's favorite activity is showing up to the police without evidence and expecting them to believe him
"Listen, I know you have evidence and a guy who repeatedly ran away from you and returned to the scene of the crime"
"But I have newspaper clippings"
Frank is so mad that the police chief expects hard evidence
You've done this 97 times before, Frank, what don't you understand?
That's right, Chet, never forget that you suck
Has anyone since the 1970s ever referred to using a microwave as nuking something?
I hear it pretty regularly
Really calling out the Chet/Biff dimorphism.
Fuck you, Chet. They kept you, but they didn't keep John Lackley.
Rick Oliver decided that he needs to repeat this several times
Look at those bastards, talking to each other like old friends.
"Wait a minute...this isn't real. It's an illusion! How could they lie to me?"
Really suspicious that the two men performing a trick that could go really badly if they don't trust one another are communicating in a way that doesn't damage the illusion.
Arrest them both.
Joe is having a great time chasing this murderer
I'm pretty sure Frank spends 90% of his time in some sort of state of confusion.
I'd say Joe is being generous, but I think what he actually means is that for once Frank is more confused than he is.
"It sure would be nice to be prepared for facing off against a killer, but hey, I don't have explosion-induced genius."
Get, burned, Dr Savant. With your "tiny gun"
Joe spends a lot of time in a post-concussion fugue.
Joe is an immoral, we all know this
Leave that typo!
That is also true
Hey, Joe is just as his God made him, mister. Out of spare Tom Swift and Bobbsey Twin parts.
Joe is dumb, horny, and unkillable by human weapons
Classic X-Man right there
So... wait, Savant just happened to be carrying a tiny pistol that just happened to only hold two shots in a story involving the
He's only alive when he's hunting Man.
Gellaho, it's a trap. Any page now they're going to turn to look at you.
Frank's brilliant plan is to turn out the lights. It does not go great
There have been no explosions, so I'm not sure this is actually a Hardy Boys book
The actual plan all along was between Joe and Savant.
Vanessa's room full of computer hasn't even exploded yet.
Savant was going to be allowed to get away with the money after he killed Frank.
So that Joe could finally be with his girlfriend.
this story could definitely use some dynamite
Very uncommon for brothers to not attempt fratricide
Like, didn't Joe directly cause the death of his own girlfriend?
I'm pretty sure the Hardy Boys story ends with Joe causing Frank's death, too.
Oh, there were plenty in book 69
Her house basically burned down
And thus began the schism that would eventually destroy the hardys
Time to monologue
So, apparently in the Hulu series Biff is a girl.