It's here

#1 Steele
It's here
Based solely on the back, I'm guessing someone saw Robocop and didn't understand it
"What if robocop but also death wish"
You know, sometimes great art isn't appreciated in its own time
The ultimate cop eh
I was going to say post an excerpt. You beautiful human
His clothes look like carpet underlay
Wow, that's some dynamite writing
3 pages in, and that outfit is accurate
Most works of fiction would spend maybe more than a half a second to contemplating the philosophical ramifications of this situation
The clothes look like that because it's basically an electric blanket
Steele said "How the hell can be human with a computer for brain?with metal parts and plastic skin?"
"Your not human," Higgins said, "You shouldn't even be speaking! Why is my Dean Martin pyjama real doll speaking back to me?" He asked, reaching for the cattle prod.
Also: Missle Backpack
Worked wonders for boba fett
This is how police trainees dress
Steele is the ultimate cop, a descriptor that will definitely not stop being cool ever
Also get a description of the World Trade Center
"let's give the trainees rocket backpacks" a man who definitely did not end up regretting that idea
What year does it take place?
In this universe one of the towers is still standing, whoops
Nobody can panic and empty a clip into an unarmed black teenager like Steele can
Don't know yet
But It is the future
I'm assuming, most of New York has been destroyed
He's overburdened with weapons, to the point he would fall over and die in a puddle.
He can be overcome by a damp meadow.
"I bet in the future New York will be blown up but the world trade center will still exists"
All of these people can be immobilised by a large magnet
Or a narrow staircase
I mean, how's the author going to compensate for his feelings of inadequacy without giving the hero tons of guns
Also of course he's equipped with a .44 magnum
Of course
By the way, Steele is the instructor for these trainees. And he's a huge dick
Is there an audiobook, if there isn't do you think they will let you read for it?
I think Steven seagal would be perfect to do the audiobook
You ready for two yikes?
That virus killed billions
Then there was a nuclear holocaust
why would anyone make a virus like that?
The Chingos and the Green Dragons running together!
This means war when the Mick and Paddy coalition find out!
We better head over to the Bolognese Ciabatta club.
(what year did this come out?)
Also, zombies
can't have post apoc without zombies
He just couldn't decide on a post apocalypse
What was the fifth mutation? This virus is all over the place.
The fourth mutation caused Parkinson's?
Huh. Parkinson's then turns to pneumonia. Got it.
I don't want to post the whole book, but I'll share Steele's gritty backstory
The first Gritty Pre-boot
Like I know there will be a huge amount of major plot holes here, but any virus deadly enough to kill in seconds would not be able to spread worldwide in a matter of hours or days or whatever
This book has so much going on, four different apocalypses and it's not even about those, it's about a robot dude who fights crime.
Unless the terrorists are like, UPS
Imagine the logistics you would need to distribute that thing worldwide
Everyone's dead, everything is destroyed. There are at least 5 major gangs operating parts of New York. But there are still cops and specialists
Make Don diebel a carrier, he'll infect half the world in a matter of hours.
No functioning government, but cops
The most important service to restore in the apocalypse is not power, or medical services. Definitely cops
The angry police chief literally just mentioned "the feds" but DC is a burning crater
I mean, the idea that police and military are the most important to maintain order is like, Fascism.
How are their fucking feds?
how is there a government?
No, nobody knows what's going on in most of the country
The Robocop program is called "Project Download" by the way
Was there a second draft of this book?
The World Wide Web is in, you guys
I actually kind of want to try reading this shit now, it sounds insane
The complete lack of understanding how viruses work makes it a little hard to get into the story but I agree it would be an experience
Like “virus turns into completely different type of virus” is 3rd grade essay level stuff here
It would be like the alien who’s currently running our earth simulation deciding that the next strain of COVID causes AIDS
So far, second chapter is all about Steele's wife Janice. And how much she hates/wants to fuck him
Wow, we are just balls deep in this authors psyche huh?
Well, I'm now reading about Steele visiting a priest (Catholic church, still going strong)
So yes
I feel like i have an image of the author in my mind
im going to see how accurate it is
Ok so not quite what I thought he'd look like
apparently JD masters is a pseudonym, of a man who legally changed his last name to hawke and has written, just so many star trek novels
He looks like a body builder got old
yeah, i imagined an ill fitting suit
He had the head of a History teacher from Liverpool, the torso and arms of a guy working in the shop at O.C Choppers!
He is Steele!
The whole second chapter is about the marriage. I'm a quarter of the way through and this dude hasn't died yet
I may have to unironically read these.
Given the politics on display in the book Steele, I wouldn't figure him for a star trek guy
The first time he fucks his wife, he fucks her like they had been married for years.
"Yes!" She says to his proposal, as her mind screams "No!"
Now it's turned into a matrix thing where CIA (apparently also still exists) scientists are going to download his police skills and upload them to other cops
Where's the author from?
Is he British? The gangs read like someone from a UK village stretching for gritty New York drama voice
Not sure when the robot part will happen
Is there a graphic novel?
apparently he's from colorado?
The Chingos and the Green Dragons.
I mean the Green Dragons could be the remnants of some sort of Larpers. I googled Chingo and it means nude in Spanish? Is that correct?
A team up between role players and a gang whose USP is they're naked?
The worldbuilding makes no sense, it's a post apocalypse but the cia and many of the structures of government still exist as well as police force, but new york is just violent gangs. But like, laws and shit still exist? Like am I just missing context or what?
So, the intelligence services are basically little organic nations. I can see they would look to survive. They know how to maintain structures in a warzone. They would probably love it. They would probably be over the fucking moon
Is there a court system?
Can someone please draw this
The population of the world has been dropped below a billion, but there are still a lot of people in New York
How's the Amazon doing :thinking:
So this is how the government works
I think if we dropped below a billion no structure would be able to function no matter what
Except that 3 states are totally dead, Texas has seceded, there's a war in the Midwest (?), and nobody knows what is going on with the west coast
Waging war on "the survivors"
I don't know who's at war in the Midwest
This is the greatest book. I miss those old yellowed trash pages.
If I had read this at 13 I would have taken it so seriously.
I cannot wrap my head around how any of this functions? Am I dumb?
Here's some stupid shit
Like the use government is still around sort of? but everything on fire.
They have brought in the unarmed combat champion ( all branches) of the US army.
Written by a man who has absolutely been in fights before
Steele is gonna iron Man Vs Captain America his moves
To be fair, that cannot be a large pool to choose from anymore
Just him and six guys
It's the golden age of fake Karate
like it feels like the author forgets that the world has been reduced to a tenth of it's population, there is no way they bounced back in however many years it's been since the initial virus.
If you haven't got scurvy you are in the top three
Time to examine Steele's dick
Is this written by Riker?
"I was wrong, that is a mutilated bratwurst and my stomach is turning, oh my god is that a Balldo?" She asked.
"Gotta make sure everyone knows he has a huge dick" - Simon Hawke, genius
Wait, they should as a prank make his dick smaller
What is his next thought please?
just a tiny robo chub
At least someone in this damn lab knows to complement a man on his cock, during his RoboCop induction phase.
Wait, his dick is a gun isn't it.
Good news, TV is still available
"In soviet russia dick shoot you"
What do cyber men with huge dicks watch, after a hard shift slaughtering green dragons?
Talk shows
Your mom?
Full page devoted to a fictional ad
I gotta go. @Gellaho you are good man for mining this rich vein of hyper masculinity. Please @ me if post any descriptions of the gang members. I will be disappointed if the Chingos are not Nude Europeans and if the Green Dragons are not medieval role players though.
@Dr Skin, the dandy here you go
The Green Dragons are Chinese
Oh god I came back into the room my phone was charging to see
Victor Boradini, strong Italian man, gets a nice manly mob name while the Chinese guy is jus “Chang”
I think they didn't even ask 'Chang' his fucking name.(edited)
This is cartoon gold.
Philippe and Chang. Over there Viktor and Akeem.
Then you get "Peacemaker" who is going to get more airtime I hope.
Chang is "a young, good looking Asian with a youthful angular face and long, jet-black hair"
That's what you get for him
Phillipe is ignored
“He looks like one-a them Asians”
You know, with kind of an angular youthful face.(edited)
At this point, the sexy lady scientist tried to fuck Steele without any build up. And Steele's wife is cheating on him with multiple men(edited)
Isn't it funny the virus killed any person with an expression of individuality. Leaving weird ethnic gangsters.
Holy shit
I'm halfway through, still waiting for the plot to start
I'm halfway through, still waiting for the plot to start
We must fund the purchase of the entire series. There is nothing else now in my life.
I want to draw "Chang"
Well, look man they have to get the worldbuilding done, how are we gonna take this cyborg action series seriously if we don't first learn that his wife's a whore.
also the evolving pokevirus
I imagine he's wearing silk.
He has a ponytail
He is resentful nobody asked him name, which is Stephen.
As it happens it is Stephen Chang. That's not the point.
And like all lady doctors, she couldn’t resist dipping that pen in the company ink
That you John Coffee?
"He said 'hold right there' but in the way black people say things" - Simon Hawke, genius
The uhhhh not being able to see him in the dark because he’s so black thing is a little sus id say
Even with predator vision.
Is steele a robot yet?
also let's talk about how lucky the robot guy is to be named steele
yeah, nobody tells the story of Jacob R. Fleshboy, the cyborg
It’s like how every town where the resistance is based is somehow already named Sanctuary
Just crazy coincidence
He just got shot to shit, exploded, and then a building fell on him
there is a Blaseball player named Oliver Notarobot, who is the reverse
So I'd say it'd be robot time
Was it Chang? Tell me it was Chang
Chang deserves revenge
That's the mystery
"a voice that was unmistakably black" has big Wakka energy
He couldn't see the assailant, because he was black and it was dark
I know by the naming conventions Peacemaker is an antagonist the author was working on, he will get a cameo.
So how far would this story have to tip to become straight up fascist? Like I don't think it's there yet but it's closer than maybe you'd want it be.(edited)
"How's it been Ice?"
what a tantalizing glimpse of a Ship of Theseus/Axe of my Grandfather problem that will probably be glossed over after he has his deus ex i never asked for this moment
Your brain will be as obsolete as an amstrad in about 18 months. Good luck.
@Dr. W. Sanguine, PhD PhD
what a tantalizing glimpse of a Ship of Theseus/Axe of my Grandfather problem that will probably be glossed over after he has his deus ex i never asked for this moment
According to the cover blurb they spend like, a sentence on it before he threatens to rip a dudes lungs out
God, what is the process of upgrading your brain to the newer model?
"Electronic sedative"
a cyberpunk story written by someone that understands neither computers nor human biology
I mean, is he still the same man?
Good news, ladies!
Also some religious philosophy after the dick talk
they couldn't save his brain, but they did save his dick
priorities i guess
"Your soul was in the grundle, bud, so you're good!"
also are we defining humanity based on reproductive ability? Is that what that passage is saying?
Hey readers, in case your wondering he still has a dick. Back to the story.
i mean i was waiting for the fuckest shit, gender essentialism/BIOTRUTHS comes as none surprise
"what about my soul" asked so casually
Catholism isn't clear about the exact location of the soul, so you know. It could be eeerrrrrmmmmm there ( touches elbow)
glossing over the big transhumanist questions with "who cares, you still have a penis"
@Science God Q Alchemy
also are we defining humanity based on reproductive ability? Is that what that passage is saying?
There's some more "but what is the soul, really?" talk on the next page
@Ferroday, ScapeApe
glossing over the big transhumanist questions with "who cares, you still have a penis"
Chekovs penis(edited)
But talking about the dick first makes it somewhat irrelevant
"If you introduce a massive penis in the first act, it must go off in the third act" - Anton Chekhov
Such weird male insecurity.
I will let you leave me my flaccid flabby man flesh and just give me a super penis, thanks.
maybe it's just me, but if I was getting a nigh-immortal robot body I really wouldn't give a shit if I still had genitalia
He has a nuclear powered heart!
"A miniature fusion generator"
Brain, take it.
Skin/ face, take it.
Penis, whoah. This kings sceptre, the seat of the soul. These four inches of Albion? NO. Way.
i mean i think it's important to have something that makes you feel like a person, whether that's taste ealistic skin, the junk, or whatever
as long as I still have access to the basic senses to interact with the world around me I do not care if I'm classified as human anymore
I don't know what this book is about
at least, biologicallly
like, just put my brain in a robot suit and leave me be
if you can think and reason and shit you're still human
body is a fuck
real gnostic hours
I dunno guys. I think the digestive system has a lot of play. All the irrational stuff is important.
@Dr. W. Sanguine, PhD PhD
if you can think and reason and shit you're still human
exactly, the rest of your flesh is irrelevant
I said "fuck off" out loud after reading this
but everyone has a different way of feeling like a person
maybe you need to eat to feelr eal
maybe you need to bone
maybe you just need to read
there's different needs
"wondered if a cyborg was capable of tears"
"he wasn't
His eyes are going to go all gross and dry.
The author is an idiot
"At least I'm still too manly to cry"
Im a materialist, so I don't believe separating mind from body is possible.
he weeps from his penis now
He has the clap?
the body influences the mind, but i'm no materialist
He's working out now for some reason
"My dick is still here too, Susan's gone. Probably won't be back for a few minutes" Steele thought to himself.
And that's the story of how he lost his dick and had to get a robot version
don't jerk off with your uncalibrated robot hands
Too tough to cry, too flabby to forget leg day
He peeled back the latex nyskin to expose his terminator arm.
Determinedly and without crying (for the first time in years) he began to masturbate while he focused on revenge fantasies against his wife. Who is, for some reason only in the story to be utterly deplorable.
I think he forgot that this is post apocalyptic
he keeps doing that
What the fucking fuck is the issue with the wife?
Lol at legal proceedings and apocalypse landlords
Like look guys NY is ruled by roaming gangs but you’re 3 months late on rent and the bank is about to foreclose on me
How am I going to save up for my daughter to attend Fordham at this rate?
JUST:clap: KILL:clap: HIM :clap: WITH:clap: YOUR:clap: HANDS
"Your cowbag of a wife called, she's told the kids you died sucking Chang's cock and it's Robbie's birthday. It's best if you don't focus on correcting your relationship with your children and just store up the rage for later"
"And then they got an eviction notice and -wait, shit, the world ended. God, what is in these pills? How long have I been awake?"
I mean, his legal status is nebulous, so he can't be tried for murder right?
also everyone died of a virus so like, who gives a shit?
On top of all this, I gotta take the LIRR at rush hour!?
Who granted a restraining order against a deadman who's been ressurected as a Robocop
Oh wait, apocalypse. Right. The LIRR is just a tunnel now. A gang tunnel
Why would he pay a blind bit of notice. This all screams messy divorce for the author.
Are you saying this man has had trouble with women?
Where Robocop shot a rapist in the dick, Steele... arrests a mugger
Wait, a mugger? can you imagine living in the end times and fucking mugging someone?
Also, he’s a cyborg cop. What’s going to happen if he breaks the law? Is there a super cyborg cop to arrest him and take him to mega jail?
"Steele has qualified immunity, the qualification is that he's too strong and no one can stop him"
"We may have made a terrible mistake"
Nobody survives UltraRikers
He just fucked the lady scientist
of course he did
With his gross human dong
Any of these New York references landing?
"I- I mean, my character is a badass cyborg that doesn't need to cry and has super duper cyborg powers and has a really big dick and bangs all the chicks and he doesn't even NEED you Sharon."
Yeah, let's actually talk more about Steele is incapable of crying
that's hilarious
Oh wait! He’s Tappan Zee lady scientist!
Like, can you imagine the level of insecurity?
imagine being that guy
The author has apparently attempted a set of humourous murder mysteries, with William Shakespeare as a detective.
I'm not going to lie, I'm interested
as an elevator pitch, that kinda rules
I mean, they can't be worse can they?
This clearly isn't the man to write it, but that is NETFLIX material
what's this guy's name again?
Simon Hawke, writing as Jd masters
he changed his name to hawke, legally
which will never stop being funny to me.
All the Shakespeare's murder mysteries would have to feature thinly disguised characters from Shakespeare's creations.
Macbeth with Shakespeare as Poirot?
Cover continues to be on point, here comes the laser eyes
honestly, if you handed that idea to, let's say Taika Waititi, I could see it working
Steele, Jagged Steele, Targeted Steele, Killer Steele, Cold Steele, Renegade Steele
@Ferroday, ScapeApe
Did you miss the covers?
I just looked him up on amazon
That's one the greatest runs this discord has had
The missing hand fiasco
and then there was the porn parody, Hard as Steele
Oh no he just has a spare hand. It ain’t missing
It would have to be a series, I'm almost done with this book and they've been in the lab for 75% of it
Bandolier jetpack straps
Non dextrous stabbing hand
the cover for the first book he just looks like someone drew over a ghostbuster
The entire Steele series is like, a desperate cry for help from a dude having a lot of problems with his masculinity
God, I remember dunking on these covers. I secretly worried they might not be that bad, but here we are.
His eyes glow red as he sees red, red dots appear on his target's heads
so we have found the point the editor just gave up
These were written in an age where books needed publishers right?
Here's the classic, stop or I'll kill the kid scene
Laser eyes, of course
This is the most ineffective use of government money.
He would not be deployed in this fashion.
This feels like it was written by a computer
I mean, the entire oversight committee died of virus an unspecified amount of time ago
there's this reviewer called Yahtzee who once said that no amount of super soldiers is going to be more effective in combat than a good bomb
Like, why did the gang member just decide to pull out a knife
You notice in the justified violence fantasy, it's not required that you immediately check on the victim
Who is only there as a sort of provocation
Was there a butterfly knife moral panic in the 80's?
Dude who doesn't take a child hostage gets shot in the head, but he disarms and incapacitates the dude holding the child hostage.
Also "snikked out his knife"
there was a moral panic about everything in the 80's
He was dropped off at the Green Dragons' territory. I don't know why, but I only have twenty pages left