Where do you go after Hitler? The Gambler! We will be returning to intense world of laser tag this Friday, 5pm Eastern. It's Photon #2: High Stakes by David Peters/Peter David

#2 Photon
Where do you go after Hitler? The Gambler! We will be returning to intense world of laser tag this Friday, 5pm Eastern. It's Photon #2: High Stakes by David Peters/Peter David
Photon: High Stakes is coming up on the hour.
So, how do you follow up Hitler and the Holocaust?
If you guessed an extended pun, you'd be right
Oh, God. He's going to keep doing it
Is he going for Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett?
He's going for some kind of whimsy
I don't care for it
Is he trying to flirt with his teacher?
I think so. How the hell do you "wave" eyebrows? Unless they're detachable.
These jokes are going to kill me
Uh oh, David’s about to go Full Milan
Never go full Milan
With my secret identity as Bhodi Li, I am a master warrior -hold on, I gotta lock up my bicycle
I think someone from the company yelled at Peter David for not including enough laser tag in the last one
They let him publish a Nazi adventure, but they need to sell the laser tag
That kid he shot is dead, right?
He's going through his anime girl transformation sequence
No, he's actually playing regular laser tag there
For about three seconds, then he's turned into BHODI LI
Jesus, Bhodi you are an asshole
Leon is a common lizard name
Are we also supposed to know how big MX missiles are?
Seems like an unsafe way to hold a bazooka.
I was hoping someone else would
If I don't get Lord Baethan this time
So help me God, David Peters/Peter David
Wait, he's a Star Wizard as well as a cyborg with glorious hair? Fuck yes.
If you are going to write about them this way, don't make them 17
You all take bets on which kids you know are going to fuck each other, right?
It's so weird to me that they named their supercomputer MOM. That's not going to sell it as cool
I wonder if that’s Peters hitting back at the toy company for saying he needs to throw in more laser tag
I think the Hitler book would have been enough
If you can't sell something with Hitler, you're not cut out for marketing.
Bhodi Li is basically Joe Hardy
I still can’t see Bhodi Li without immediately thinking Geddy Lee
Bhodi Li is such a weird choice for a name
Geddy's parents survived the Holocaust so I imagine he'd have a different reaction than "Buh, what's the Holocaust?"
His response would probably be punching the author.
Parcival is a ten year old
“A Naz-a-whatzit?”
"Joo-squeez-it?" Seriously?
Lol translates as Gambler
I repeat: ten years old
I don't know why he doesn't get the Photon energy transformation, but whatever
So I was on the right track, Bhodi Li is Rush and Jwwwskqeezit is Kenny Rogers
These feminazis, amirite
Bhodi says feminists are the real Nazis
"Yeah, woman who gets victimized by every threat we encounter. Just respect men!"
As if to prove the point
quit whinin' ladies
MOM says sex isn't important, and as a 17-year-old I was about to correct her.
I can't get over how petulant the capitalization makes it sound.
It does have the energy of a kid being told to take out the trash.
All space aliens talk like Shaggy
No red flags here.
This probably would have been good information for the last book
But Peter David wanted to get straight into Hitler
100 years seems like a long time
Hmm so they didn’t actually kill this warlord last time huh. Just his minions
We have the source of all life. We use it to play laser tag. Suck it, Universe
No, they shot their power pads and sent them back to their evil base
"Fuck you, Bhodi."
I like how he’s not “the gambler” or anything. Just gambler
Oh, I guess we're sticking with that name
Lol Arrian race is so brutal
That should have been the title of the Hitler book
"Arrian Attack" or "Oh, I Guess We're Sticking With That Name"?
It's almost like he's daring someone to stop him
The change of tenses in the final paragraph is painful.
OK, fuck you. I'm being pranked
That's the corniest shit
David Shakedownville Peters
This is some commitment to this stupid bit
I should have known when he actually did the Hitlarr bit, but
Based on the other names, that means Bugarr annoys people and Dogarr follows people around?
I think it means they look like a bug and a dog
Pirarr is a pirate
Mandarr is a human (man-darr)
That makes sense. I'm just lost on what that says about Destructarr
Destructar is a giant alien with a huge mace and laser cannon
Warriar got punked out in the first book
I feel like he's cheating with Destructar. You can look like you bring destruction, but you can't look like destruction itself.
I'm not sure if this is warriarr or destructarr
He is become death
Bodhi Li giving it up on the first date here
I don't like this punking out of Lord Baethan
In hindsight, we probably should have had people there to keep the cargo secure. Oh well.
Bhodi Li: Professional Moron
I guess I might have been wrong about Dogarr
Why would Dogarr have the scorpion tail?
That's a clear Bugarr accessory. Dammit Peters, keep your shit in order!
Yeah usually when you have valuable resources you put them all in one place and lightly guard it
Standard procedure
I know these books aren't copy edited, but "projecton?"
I'm trying to remember the really egregious typo in the last one
It was something with random characters
It was like st%*rs
It was something like how#j
Oh come on. that's a sneeze-induced typo.
I'll probably say this at least a dozen more times before the end, but for fuck's sake peters
Bye Mandarr
Warriarr gets punted out early again
Lowest on the power rankings
Nevermind, they all suck
Oh, they get teleported. Okay, that covers how they can keep showing up.
“We can’t see anything! Fire blindly!”
"It's the perfect defense!"
I'm guessing Gambler is turning and becoming Gamblarr
Who's Jon?
Gambler talks in rhyme. I hate it!
"Here's a rhyme for you Gambler: Go fuck yourself."
That's just a taste of what I'm experiencing
Hate hate hate
stay strong @gellaho
"Fuck you too, Bhodi."
I see someone saw The Wrath of Khan
If Khan or even Ricardo Montalban appeared and kicked Bhodi's ass right now, this would be the greatest book ever written.
Parcival. Is. Ten.
Fuck you
Son of a bitch has gone meta
The more and more I read these crappy books, I realize that meta comedy has been around forever and it was always terrible
How many have you read so far?
Also, that mom is a saint for not kicking his ass.
This is the second Photon. In general, 18
I wonder if Gambler is a bad guy
Naaaah. Who hasn't tried to blow off steam by shooting a random animal?
Come on
That is a clever reference and you are correct to recognize it, David Peters.
Some good science for the kids
RIP Tivia
Fucking Hardy Boys-esque rejection of danger
"Tivia's probably going to blame this on men," Bhodi thought with his perfect male brain.
Try more sexist
He's earned his woman
Have fun, kids!
"Peters, we looked at your manuscript. Is this about us asking for more laser tag?"
Fucking, what?
Dave’s running out of ideas already
Bhodi Li: Alien Racist
Eyes! Wheels! But it's a potato!
Sorry Bhodi. I just assumed based on your personality that you'd have equally clammy hands.
These jokes are the worst
Don't sexualize the children
also, side note: if I'm doing too many reactions, please let me know and I'll tone it down.
You are doing an appropriate amount of reactions
it's fine
This is crazy shit
it lets me know people are paying attention
I'm halfway through the book and I'm not sure the plot has started
If Peters isn't careful, all this leg stuff is going to summon Brooke.
More like Boney Li amirite
Giving myself the pug for that one
The emperor is described as a fifty year old man and
Fucking what
Hahaha how many dogs has Peters thrown out of cars
that's the craziest simile I'm ever read
And I've read two Victor Milan books
He’s killed more pets than a peloton coming off a hunger strike
I guess Diebel is one of Peter's fans.
Tivia, I think the name explains it
It's pretty goddamn self-explanatory
"What is self?"
I guess the game show host thing was literal
The most lovely or handsome species, not even slaves. So if Bhodi wants to fuck a squirrel he thinks is giving him the eye, it's cool.
This is the craziest thing I've ever read
I got nothing
Catch me up, time moved slower back on Earth.
Is David hornier for kids than JD or Milan?
Guardians have recruited an insufferable rhymer named Gambler.
Bhodi, have some dignity.
My brain is breaking
Tivia almost died in the vacuum of space.
I mean, I get it. I dated a redhead at that age, but don't say that part out loud.
I'm not sober enough for this
I think you're caught up. David Peters thinks he can tell jokes.
Legit, almost nothing has actually happened. A new guy called the Gambler has joined the team. He's a dick and talks in rhyme
I don't know what to do with any of this
Etrigan-Gambit, got it.
Like, this is fucking crazy
I didn't skip any introduction, this just happened. Twelve daughters showed up and things went straight out the window
Maybe slightly more Fonzie than Etrigan in rhyming.
Yeah Peters thinks he’s a comedian now and he’s very bad at it
Fucking what
Nobody bangs the emperors daughters except the emperor
I don't know if I'm ready for this
"Gambler, same poem as before: Go fuck yourself."
Ugh, Gambler, I hate you.
He's like...elderly white person rap.
He's getting worse too.
I mean more complicated than what? Nothings happened so far
Maybe it's more obligatory laser tag.
I will draw power from my Steele shirt
I hate all of these characters so much.
Just one, son!
Don't hit on the emperor's son either, Gambler!
"Bros before Hos" Gambler
Is Gambler speaking without rhyming supposed to be the signal that he's eviling? that a Steele blanket?
It's my Steele shirt
I screen printed it to celebrate my completion of the series
You're, right. That would be helpful
It has fuck-all to do with anything, but go for it Bhodi
Sure would be nice if we could just stop the villain and not have countless innocents die.
It's almost like it's a game of laser tag
I think you're reaching.
Bhodi is SO CLOSE to realizing this is all a construct to train him for some ulterior cause.
You love it, kids
Bhodi isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed
Though he’s definitely a tool
I thought deductive reasoning was beyond him.
Apparently, Pike can shapeshift
Also, fuck these rhymes
It's not clever if you just make up the words.
You're not dr seuss.
It’s an awful boxing reference for some reason
"This is what the kids like, right? Rhyming and violent deaths?"
Fuck, you. He's a Dodge Charger now
suck it
Runya? I barely know ya!
Runya is some guy he cheated at a poker game in the first chapter
I didn't know it would be the only plot point
Sorry, a "Groth" game
Wasn't that the animal Gambler shot for fun?
Rip Pike?
This is just nonsense
I love how he describes a Phoenix and then is like “it’s a punching bog”
Ah there we go
"This Phoenix is totally something I, David Peters, Recognized Genius and Very Funny Man, created. Trust me."
Feels like if you can change shape instantaneously, you'd be above gladiatorial combat.
I've got about 40 pages for a plot to happen
I refuse to believe this is the same author who wrote so many great Hulk stories, including Future Imperfect.
Bhodi Li: Sexually Aroused by Disappointed Fathers
Is it? His name seems kinda common.
"Note to David Peters from David Peters: 'Wanamaker' too on the nose for potential sex pest?"
It is actually him, I believe someone looked it up
That's just sad.
We reached common consensus he was pen-naming after he thanked everyone at Marvel.
Better not use your fucking mimeographs to reproduce this
Our hero uses women sexually to provoke their fathers.
A weirdly common trope if you think about it
Let's not do that
That is why Man God created them. They're the ACME products to rile up older men.
Fucking, how do you know that Gambler
You are an ALIEN
By the way I missed most of this what's going on?
Bhodi's the fucking worst, and Gambler is worse.
nothing is going on.
Quick summarize the book so far in three sentences
There's a new guy on the Photon team called Gambler. He rhymes and is gasp evil
wait, is rhyming part of his ruse?
what does that accomplish?
Gambler wants to fuck a redhead teen. Bhodi Li makes out with other teens to anger their fathers. A shapeshifter turned into a Phoenix to throw a gladitorial contest.
Ok, so I'm unclear on basically, everything our heroes are trying to accomplish in the series as a whole. Is it just laser tag? Are they real lasers? Do people die?
It fools Bhodi, apparently
What are the stakes?
Leon: giant lizard warrior and coward
beats me
You've read two of these books
The first one had the Nazis as the stakes
I have no idea what the stakes of this one are
I think there’s still this general “warrrlord is trying to destroy the universe” thing but that hasn’t really come into play
Is it like Voltron but with laser tag? Is that what this is?
The lasers blow everything up, but you aim for the target, which instead sends its wearer back to home base. It sense.
Because fuck you if that's what this is
The last book was about them trying to recruit Hitler
They had a tv show and wrote so many of these books and don't seem to grasp the plot any better than we do
I am aware
Still trying to figure that out
It's about the light and the dark
You know, Star Wars garbage
On a more meta level I'm trying to figure out why they thought involving Hitler and the holocaust in this was a good idea
Also, minor point: one of the six Evil Generals is named Bugarr, who is just a guy with a gun. Another is named Dogarr, and has a scorpion tail.
I think there are a lot of questionable choices on their part
Fun fact, all of these Warriarrs are Dugarr children.