It's been a long time coming, but it's finally time for Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #69 (nice): Mayhem in Motion! Will the murder be solved or will Joe be too distracted by cartoon dogs? Find out this Friday, 5pm eastern.

It's been a long time coming, but it's finally time for Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #69 (nice): Mayhem in Motion! Will the murder be solved or will Joe be too distracted by cartoon dogs? Find out this Friday, 5pm eastern.
@Brockway Pin this message before the Hardy Boys pin you for the murder
"Damn it joe why is the drug sniffing dog so pissed at you?"
"Fuck yourself, Frank! That's why!"
Joe is watching his brother get mauled by a dog and he's never been more turned on. (edited)
a message
to this channel. See all
pinned messages
They'll never catch me - I'm going to hide in an old mine!
Is that a My Pet Monster poster in the back?
30 minutes until Mayhem in Motion
Here's your preview
Oh god they're going to murder so many dogs
A young Michael Vick read this and knew his destiny
Murder! Those! Dogs!
The back of the book says they will use the art of illusion
So I'm hoping for magic
Or illusion to dogs, which don't have object permanence
The illusion will be like Frank pretending to throw a ball to get away
I'm betting on Joe Hardy failing to pick up a woman with close up magic.
Oh, I wish
He would be all about sawing a woman in half
I just really want to see Joe fuck up a card trick and get laughed at.
Starting with Joe, not great
I'm more impressed we're actually seeing them in school
Joe has spotted a new female
Joe never laughs when he sees a woman
This girl seems to already pissed off the Mafia
Joe's question "who's that" was just establishing plausible deniability.
He'll soon have her putting the lotion in the basket
Classic "I'll call a tow truck" pickup line
I guess
"It does? Wow, no. I'd never hit on someone as awful as you"
Lady, that's not a pickup line he is literally luring you into his van.
This is the exact wrong answer
That's not what she asked, Joe. Stop avoiding the question.
"I didn't spend all weekend hosing child blood out of the back of a fucking truck"
"It's quiet if you ignore the constant crime"
"You're not an ASSASSIN clone, are you?"
“Also ignore our constant presence at or in the vicinity of said crimes”
Maybe Vanessa is trying to murder Joe
It's the classic serial-killer faux pas of intruding on another killer's territory
I like to think she's being sarcastic there.
Vanessa lives in a weird farm
Vanessa, honey, you went from “ew go away creepy van guy” to holding hands with creepy van guy REAL quick
"So, planning a terrorism?"
All the best cartoons are made in converted barns
“We can help! We have a van!”
At least one of those computers is seconds away from blowing up in Joe's face.
Exploding computers is Hardy Universe canon.
"Rex Rover? Did you guys even have a second idea?"
Whoever wrote this book should sue Stephen Spielberg
This was written in 199
Nobody tell them about South Korea
Toy Story is already in development at this point.
I can't believe someone stole Animaniacs from the Hardy Boys
Yeah. WTF, Spielberg?
"Joe thought they belonged in the freak show"
Tall redheaded woman = cartoon. Short bald man = cartoon
Nothing freakier than a TALL LADY and a SHORT GUY huh?
I can't wait for the reveal that they're a married criminal couple
RIP barn
Fire from exploding computer?
RIP short baldy
What a great character
wow. that was fast
I think Vanessa is crazy
Wait, why would you tell anyone that?
That's not a thing people tell other people.
I think Vanessa's mom might be crazy
If you're going to include a stupid aphorism, at least quote it properly
It's "if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass a hoppin'"
Vanessa saved the animation, but missed the human man
To be fair, it was established that he was very small.
probably because he was so short
Yeah. Not like those computer disks
I'm no animation expert, but this seems weird
Well this was 1992, disks could be as big as 5.25".
They are celebrating how Vanessa saved the animation
Completely disregarding the dead guy
"We saved the first three episodes guys!"
At Skip's funeral, they'll speak for 20 minutes about how great the animation was they saved
We've been over this, he was short. And bald. He had no reason to live
That is the appropriate response
See, this is why you need to maintain off-site backups.
In case Joe Hardy shows up.
Why isn't that sentence at the end of every conversation?
Phil Gemowski: a real name
Wasn't Mega Mouse a Lemongello creation?
Notice how buried Skip is in the concerns
A great man
I hope that was Skip's eulogy
Just exactly what Andrea said
They'll probably forget to have a funeral
Skip's body just lying in a trash bag by their desks
They toss their Burger King wrappers into the bag absentmindedly
Joe is confused by police collecting evidence
The chief doesn't like people pointing out he never went to college
Keep telling yourself that Joe
"Also, the scrawled note on the wall in Skip's blood saying 'MURDER'"
I can't believe that every police officer wouldn't know you idiots
Frank is still exerting effort in showing human emotions
I'm sure the creators of "The Andersons" would go out of their way to destroy the three person barn animation studio
Who I guess would be that universe's version of Matt Groening
"Trust me, if you ever saw the show, you'd kill to keep it off the air too"
It must be the Japanese!
That sounds like really shitty animation
Is Frank Dixon just taking digs at anime now?
Somebody threw a giant rock at their van
Well, he did already indicate the Japanese man didn't listen to a woman saying "no"
Also, isn't Toho the company that owns Godzilla?
It's weird how many times poison gas comes up in these books
"Somebody farted. Let's get out of here!"
Frank knew that the anonymous gas was deadly and explosive
To be fair he does have extensive experience exploding.
And huffing fumes
That's the customary Joe surviving explosion
And Lynn, who was unconscious in the poison-filled house before they arrived? She's fine
And the customary Joe head injury.
What a couple of detectives
What does a chef have to do with this?
Was the gas coming from the stove? That's the kind of thing you should establish before the quip, Dixon.
I'm telling you, it's a complete coincidence
The police chief is just desperately trying to keep Joe and Frank from interfering further.
"Look! Keys! Jingle jingle jingle! Just go away!"
"Get out of my office before my computer smells you and explodes!"
This is definitely something a television company would do
Just sending animals to people without warning
Yeah, working dogs don't need like, trainers or handlers or anything.
Just Fedex a dog over, who cares.
That dog has been waiting in a warehouse for two weeks
It's time for the cover
That kicks ass
The next chapter is just a graphic description of Frank's throat being chewed apart
The Grey (2011)
"Yay! He broke that dog's jaw!"
I don't care if the dog's trying to kill you. Kicking a dog is never a good look for a protagonist.
Dogs work like birds, right?
This is the Bingo sequel we need
They go to sleep when it gets dark?
I mean, it wore itself out but I'd think it'd still be awake
I mean, people put blankets over their dogs' crates, so maybe? Idk my dog sleeps like all the time anyway
Having owned a German Shepherd, I can say that they definitely do not go to sleep when it's dark.
How many throats has he torn out?
Frank, being a robot, can hear higher frequencies than a human
Vanessa and Andrea are huge Def Leppard fans, so their eardrums are shot
Classic dog whistle spy device
Switches it back on, instantly swarmed by thousands of bats
It's fascinating seeing how this author thinks animation works
The Manchurian Caninedidate
So, we're going to get a description of The Andersons
It's so weird
Saying something is the size of 2 or 3 quarters together is awkward. It's make believe! Just say it's the size of a quarter and your book will be better!
There's even a half dollar out there
This is such a meta idea for this book to go into
The Swizzler fucks
I think it means it's the diameter of a quarter but the thickness of 3 stacked together
Herbert never gave up his porn name
It's a cartoon about a cartoonist who draws live action (edited)
I think so, too. But either way, I maintain it's bad writing to say that.
Which, as far as I'm aware, isn't a thing anyone has actually done
This idea is too good for this book.
Oh so it's a fuckin toonie, eh?
That may be the case but the day I plagiarize a Hardy Boys book is the day I end it all
Stephen Spielberg already did, so might as well
That's how the internet works, sure
The computer then exploded
Okay, come to think of it, make a Jack Kirby biopic like this.
Women aren't allowed to be tall and red haired
Bit public to be doing that, Frank
How dare she
Does the Amazon have a name, or did I miss it?
I've just been thinking of her as Red Sonja.
Lynn St. Pierre
Hers is the house that exploded
She was casually mentioned at the same time as Skip
That's a very Bond Girl name.
Why does she need a name? She's a tall lady with red hair! THE FREAKIEST OF FREAKS
Literally every time the Hardy's spot two people walking together, one is saying no to the other
They always think "they're in cahoots!"
She's lying! The gingers are known for their deceit!
Okay, I'm coining a new law: the number of times an author mentions a tall woman's height is proportional to the author's desire to be stepped on by said woman. (edited)
That tracks with all of the reviewers that mentioned the lady in the new Resident Evil
This show is getting canceled in two weeks and that family ain't getting shit
And if it's being animated now, I think most of your scripts already need to be done
Skip's body was sent Ground Shipping because it's not like he's getting any deader
they could fit that short bastard into a shoe box
I'm surprised they didn't just roll that sad fuck into a ditch
Honestly, the biggest credibility stretch is that a short man could find someone to love him
Vanessa is very smart to get photographs of Joe
Joe has a moment of clarity
Yeah that's a veteran move
[6:30 PM]
“This is him, officer”
the only problem is that the only people who could investigate her murder are the Hardys
[6:30 PM]
because the police apparently don't do anything
Lynn has encountered many Joe Hardys in her time.
I have a feeling that this technology didn't exist in 199
Oh shit deep fake
And yet, even she didn't pay for it
OK, definitely not
This is just magic
"So, you can basically bring back the dead from a photo?"
"Can I see my grandma again?"
"NO! We only make cartoon dogs!"
Frank Dixon predicting the Wacom tablet is eerily prescient.
It did, at least graphics tablets did. They were really expensive though
"You're telling me that you can make a 3-D model from a couple of photographs?"
"You can retire. Just sell this to porn studios"
On a computer in a school girl's room in 1992 (edited)
"This would have made Jurassic Park a lot easier."
To be fair, it's probably using almost all 256KB of RAM on that thing
History being the relevant section there
Way older than I thought
Right? 1888, holy shit
Suddenly: Gunplay
I misread that. I first thought it said Vanessa's head exploded
it is weirdly written
The gunman decided that one missed shot was enough and left
Probably just a hunter blowing off some steam
Macho Moron: The Joe Hardy Story
*(not actually that macho)
Women: They'll Just Wait
"I know part of your house burned down and got shot at, but I'm sure you and I can agree this is all one crazy coincidence?"
I was joking!
It's not a homework assignment, Frank
You can't just put a TV show on whenever
Pete Moss, who really missed his calling as a gardener/landscaper
"He's being so unfair! Expecting TV shows to be ready in time, it's unreasonable!"
An exact quote from the writer's room of Venture Bros
Frank has access to a version of the internet that did not exist in 1992
Wait, did Frank hack the IRS?
No, he called their computer with his computer
Frank hacked the planet.
Learn to internet
Vanessa, why
why are you doing this
Of course. I was modeming too hard
demonic modem noise (edited)
Kinda seems like you could use this to protect soldiers and other law enforcement in dangerous situations, but, sure, let's make a cartoon
The same reason any 17 year old does anything - she's flirting
A man is dead.
With Joe Hardy? She's a Forensic Files episode in waiting
I definitely did some objectively dumb shit as a teenager trying to catch some d
I think the difference is someone is clearly trying to murder her
And I don't mean Joe this time
Not sure that would have stopped me either
Also, Joe: ew
So she's living out North by Northwest over a cartoon that Hanna Barbara would have called precious?
My brilliant idea: get us both stuck in a snow bank
Then we can't move
Good thing they're so white they blend in with the snow
Joe: "Please, Vanessa, women can't drive"
"What the hell's a woman?"
"And why am I so angry when you say that word!?"
Frank's also a moron
Is it supposed to be obvious why they'd target this teen? Because I got no clue
I think she's supposed to be the only remaining owner of their cartoon?
What happened to her mom?
Yeah, her parents should be the targets
The only person to die so far is the worthless short baldy
otherwise, it's just been failed murder attempts
Yeah, "person"
And now the Hardys encounter: BEEF
Thank god, he was too miserable to be allowed to live
Skip has to feel especially ashamed that he died after seeing how bad the killers have done since then
"Man, these guys suck and they still got me"
Literally the only evidence so far has been a lighter with the initials SG
and tire tracks
I bet when he bit it he let out a long, squeaky shart
If that's not in the book it should be
He is pathetic
He probably did it when he heard the gunfire, way before he was even hit
From the single (maybe) line he got before he ate it
The reason I'm telling you about the lighter is for this "twist"
I usually leave out the evidence because the culprits usually capture the Hardys at some point at just tell them about the crime
So all evidence is worthless
True. We got a damn soliloquy in the last one
I'm also seeing Frank is continuing his demonizing of the Polish