🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨 This time, you must choose which sport will terrorize the Boys:
⚾ #46 - Foul Play
🤼♂️ #51 - Choke Hold
🏈 #95 - Illegal Procedure
Vote by reaction on this post.

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨 This time, you must choose which sport will terrorize the Boys:
⚾ #46 - Foul Play
🤼♂️ #51 - Choke Hold
🏈 #95 - Illegal Procedure
Vote by reaction on this post.
Number 80 is all “No, not that way, you idiot!”
Dangit. Was making a joke about a typo on Illegal Procedure before realizing part of the cover was torn
"That football's a computer! Get away before it explodes!"
"stop all the downloading"
that's the nuclear football, you dumbass!
Frank in the common sports fan attire of pink sweater and jorts
I'm voting choke hold because I'm hoping for an exploding wrestler
The people have spoken, we will be reading about the Hardy Boys in the wrasslin' ring. How will Frank and Joe escape being maimed by the "muscle-masters"? Is Sammy "The Kung Fu King" Rand related to Superstar Rapster Randy Rand? This Friday, 5pm eastern, Franklin W. Dixon dares Vince McMahon to sue him in The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #51: Choke Hold.
@Brockway pin this like a roided out man-beast pins a weak teenage Hardy Boy
He even has a sergeant's insignia on his onesie. I can't wait to find out his legally-distinct-from-Sergeant-Slaughter name.
He's actually Randy the rapper in a unitard
Coming up on the hour, it's The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #51: Choke Hold. Here's your preview
Not an illegal move!
Frank clearly thinks it being illegal is worse than the broken neck
I wish he'd been consistently worried like that. "Oh no! They cut that lady in half! That's illegal!"
Are they in mexico? Because piledrivers, afaik, are only illegal in lucha libre rules
Frank Dixon is probably counting on his readers not knowing anything about wrestling. Which is a dangerous gamble given the target audience and era it was published
you could just say it was the territory's rules, where's my no-prize
according to the wiki, it was published in 1991. 5 years later, a lot of confused wrestling fans bought this book and wondered why they didn't do a swanton
I guess we're skipping the formalities, they're already in the ring
I'm glad they mentioned the hammerlock or this would have started weird
After space camp, the logical next stop was wrestling camp.
The traditional Kung fu attire
he's...dressed like Luke Cage?
Or Adam from Streets of Rage 1
Sammy Rand the Kung Fu Master, wrassler, and karate instructor
Danny Rand going under an assumed name but also not being too bright
When you want to learn wrestling, you go to a karate master who calls himself the Kung Fu King
Sammy didn't explain why he was taking two high school boys across state borders
Kung Fu reasons
Sammy breaking kayfabe
oh good I was kind of worried we were gonna go under the "wrestling is real" assumption for this book
Joe and Frank's childhood just ended
Where do you go after the chair doesn't work? Ammonia poisoning, obviously
It was supposed to be filled with strychnine
you put cat piss in a guy's bottle one time and suddenly it's a murder attempt
Well, once the owner of the company ignores this, your next step is your former students
I mean, this tracks with what I know about vince mcmaha- NAAW? REALLY?!
Best not take the bottle to the police or anything
There's a janitor that's wondering where his chair and bottle of ammonia went
"let's not go to the cops, I will instead ask children to solve this mystery. this is a logical thing done by smart people"
alternatively, a very confused cat
And, when a wrestler turns you down, completely give up and try selling your company
Well, steroids and concussions lead people to make questiobable choices
again, tracks with what we know about vince
"Sir, there's other wrestlers..."
"Forget it. They'll probably all say no. This whole business was a dumb idea."
Don't stretch yourself too hard coming up with wrestlers for your book
"I couldn't get reruns for Happy Days so I'm selling the TV Network now too"
Major Disaster doesn't sound scary when it's what you call a colossal failure
why are the two wrestlers we've seen both wearing baggy pants?
I don't watch a lot of wrestling but isn't baggy clothing a bad idea?
I'm getting mixed signals on the reality here
Wow, flirting works different in wrestling
I can't tell if it's gay chicken or high commitment to kayfabe even though the only audience is two kids in on it
If it's the latter, it further cements that Disaster is a better actor than Sammy
These are some swell names, Franklin
Seems like Fred Stone would have been a much cooler name
Slim sounds like a weasel. Not metaphorically
Time for our first patented Hardy Boys cliffhanger
So he'll...slip?
Not really
C'mon, Frank. They're not fighting over a snake pit
"'Check into possible murderer,' it's a good thing I wrote that down. I could have forgot!"
"I don't really know the guy, but I suspect him of murder"
Alliteration is not always the best idea
"He tore the ligaments out with his bare hands. It accomplished nothing but it was badass."
I hate this Mayflower bullshit already
3 characters with alliterative M names and they're all related to each other
that's not gonna be hard to keep track of or anything
It's so they can get bulk orders of monogrammed towel sets
@che jakesy, sports revolutionary we have an Ice Alert!
Give your love to an Ethan Berry man
Jesus Christ Frank, you're supposed to be the smart one
"What do you mean 'wins'?"
"Are you okay, Frank?"
“ok but when they throw you at the ropes why do you keep running? Can’t you just stop?”
jesus christ they didn't know?!
"Frank, did you not hear the first thing I mentioned?"
so they just blew past the fake chair last chapter?
didn't stop to think about that?
"Frank, you didn't catch on that this was fake when I told you he was supposed to use a rigged chair?"
"It was supposed to be balsa wood" didn't provide any kind of hint?
"Or when I said we choreographed the matches?"
"Or when you looked over at the other wrestlers practicing their routines?"
frank you're supposed to be the smart Hardy!
Frank rn:
Joe must be foaming at the mouth
I don't know enough about wrestling to know if Warfield is supposed to resemble a real person
Joe's been saying all this out loud
"He'd let his body get out of shape now."
"Hey, screw you!"
They just let their competition into the training facility while they're filming?
Depends if the next paragraph is about him suing a website to death for linking his sextape
marvel lawyers: pardon?
East is upset he couldn't find any buyers for his corporation
So mad he couldn't give up completely
"I can't take it anymore! Guess I'll keep going."
Frank figuring he can just commandeer vehicles
Frank knows he can rely on Joe being a voyeur
Also, has Disaster done anything around them to warrant suspicion yet?
he was very angry at rand?
They saw him and Missy leaving the room with the rope climb
So not really
Frank follows Disaster to an office building and
Please be a security guard
An actual cliffhanger? I don't know if this is legal
Just to confirm his suspicion, Joe will now stalk the Roman brothers
there's a reason real life pro wrestling uses "face" and "heel"
This fake confrontation is going on for a long time
frank is absolutely shit at writing wrestler beef dialogue
"Your mouth against my muscle" doesn't sound as threatening as you might think it does, Sammy
How dare he
"He expects me to do my job? I almost fell off the rope climb!"
Jeez, Sammy. Maybe he'll be more sympathetic if you tell him you broke a nail?
I can’t believe anyone in the wrestling business would crave money or attention like that!
This is 1991? Sure, I completely and totally believe this
Mars is in retrograde and I still have to wrestle?!
His campaign was "Give me all your steroids or I'll kill you"
She sounds terrifying
So he's complaining about getting hit in the side with a wooden chair?
Sammy would later change his name to Tony Romo and play football
People took chair shots to the head
This is a terrible murder attempt
Also terrible motive
I don't think that's it either, Sammy
haha, Dixon
Death by Christmas steroids
Going to be extremely disappointed if the real motive isn’t just CTE
Frank, how did you lose sight of the guy you were following
Major Disaster did three tours in 'Nam. He knows how to evade pursuit
Now, why would a wrestler go see a shady doctor Frank
Take it easy, I’m exactly the sort of person you’re paid to beat on!
Uh, oh. Joe's on the loose
That's a good question, Sammy.
Wait, is spreading mustard on rye bread a way to express anger?
Jesus Christ, Frank. You are really dumb in this one
Piling ham and cheese equals quizzical
That sandwich is going to be important to the plot later
This is teaching me there's an entire play of emotions going on when I go to Subway
Frank, I know this isn't the first time that this has happened to you
Frank, you know you can't drive a manual.
The best way to survive a car crash is to just let it happen
Meanwhile, Joe's stalking has ended predictably
Do it, Mitch
This seems like a real interaction between two people
So many burglars have used this ploy to rob Mitch blind
Mitch. Don't get distracted. Joe is a danger to your sister.
Joe, I'm not sure this is the best gambit
Joe, he has a gun
OK, Gorgeous George is real. You can't be doing that
"Introduce him to the old man" means "bury him alive in the cellar floor"
The father's name can't also be Mike
Stop it
The 'M' key got stuck, okay?
Joe really likes taking note of other men's muscles
Joe's staying for dinner now
For some reason
Hopefully, they're going to cannibalize him
Why is this happening
A three-brown meal
Is Missy actually his manager? She's 19 and this is supposed to be fake
Vegetables are for the weak
Sure, normal thing for former wrestlers
"Remember, Joe. I can use any one of these on your penis if you lay a hand on Missy"
So, how old is the major?
they're painting disaster as such an obvious villain that I'll honestly be disappointed if he turns out to be the culprit
"Cocaine, booze, and horse tranquilizers my boy"
At least we've got a more apparent crime now
"Wrestlers also fought to the death back then"
Knives: famous for sawing
Bowie knives are like two fucking feet long
What sort of purse is this
Since there's no personal massager in there, I think we know what the knife is for
"I want to obscure my license plate, but only at night"
Yeah, cops won't care about that
"I should be alone, so the murderer has an easier time"
"Who's Joe?"
"Dammit, Frank."
Seems like somebody who should be trusted in the ring
I mean I’m pretty sure that’s how you get a WWE audition?
I can see why Missy liked him
I'm pretty sure this isn't how this works
especially considering these two are in a different company
Jimmy is also short for 'victory', because they're not very bright
"Don't let the Romans buffalo you" - I've never seen anyone unironically use the verb form of Buffalo
Also, is wrestling real or not?
"Tear off his head and fuck the bloody stump! Wrestling's all in good fun, kids!"
I can't understand the reality of this
Frank can't do the count
So they rehearse but they're fully capable of beating each other to death
Wouldn’t this be way more compelling if the Hardy’s thought this was a worked fight?
And then the dudes beat the shit out of them?
Here's the murder attempt
And disaster could be the ref?
An illegal move in a practice match!
The stakes could not be higher!
Major Disaster may not be the guy , but Jesus
Disaster's thinking to himself "Dear God, someone save those kids! I can't drop character! I have to scream for their blood!"
"This ends when I say it does!"
"I loved watching the awkward high schoolers"
Yeah, Sammy. You've been making the whole organization dance to your tune so far.
What a fun interaction between two students and their former teacher
"I always feel clean after seeing your naked body, brother."
Is Goldfinger behind this?
"Well, we tried."
Now that the door and window are open, the temperature is rising?
But it's being vented out. Who cares if it rises?
No shit
All of this could still be caused by Sammy being a careless idiot
No way
They ignore the sign saying "Control sticks. Please use caution when setting temp"
"I need to tell people to take care of their bodies!"
Those speeches are hell on the body
If I don't wrestle, they'll think I think steroids are cool!
But doc, we’re independent contractors! I don’t have health coverage!
One man must find the courage to tell kids to not use steroids
The doctor is like 'I've dealt with wrestlers before. Your brain is going to make a great article in Lancet.'
Jesus, Sammy. It's not the Gettysburg Address or "I Have a Dream".
Taking a brave, lone stand against Big Steroid.
Kinda hoping for a murder on the orient express, now
Who are big, because of steroids
"4 score and seven injections ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new sports entertainment, conceived in wrasslin, and dedicated to simulated combat, brother."
This sounds like an ex-wrestler
stuttering while talking to two teens
And yet he still had the balls to turn down East's offer to sell his company
My autocomplete now suggests Lenny should follow Big. I blame all of you for this.
Seems like a plan that would work
These two resemble wrestlers
Man, if Joe can follow your plan, you fucked up
They won't have them there, dipshit
It's not a pharmacy
"Nothing but insulin in here."
Who is saying that
And why are they yelling at the nurse
Motherfuckers the box won’t say “steroids” on i— never mind
Sure, he's also there. Why the heck not
"Please, kids. Run away. I can't break character!"
"An uggo," thought Frank, "he must be evil"
Wispy mustaches deserve hatred
Asking for an appointment, how unreasonable
I love that he respects the Dumpster brand name
Walsh, making no effort to destroy anything that could tie him to a steroid scandal before dumping it in the trash
Curious Cat sounds threatening
It's an actual cat
Whoever is trying to kill Sammy is really terrible
Their timing is spectacular though
Everyone was screaming, but no one but the Hardy Boys move to help
The warnings sounded like more noise, but the screeching metal heard over the crowd was inaudible to them
I think the canvas is a bigger concern, numbnuts
Sammy sure gives up quick for a guy determined to not let anyone stop him
"I will fight to the last breath or if I get an owie"
These are the dumbest kids
"Seems worthless. Throw it away."
Yeah, really dumb
I hope East is still trying to recruit him
Well, the Hardys go over there. I guess the TV network is in driving distance, conveniently. It goes about as well as expected