🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This week, the theme is attempted murder. To vote, react to this post.
🛥️ #29 - Thick as Thieves
🪕 #60 - Deadfall
🏋️♂️ #63 - Cold Sweat

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This week, the theme is attempted murder. To vote, react to this post.
🛥️ #29 - Thick as Thieves
🪕 #60 - Deadfall
🏋️♂️ #63 - Cold Sweat
The answer is obvious
I dunno crazed redneck is making a strong argument
The man holding the 225 lb barbell parallel to the floor has unbelievable strength
Also has ass-hugging shorts
makes you wonder why he doesn't just use his hands
Like go to the gym right now and put 225 on a bar and try to hold it straight out in front of you like that
Also call a doctor
It's also weird to put a stationary bike under a machine, but whatever
I vote oblivious homoeroticism!
I absolutely must know how they write him missing a shot from that range.
Do we know its 225? It looks like that second plate is only a 25er
Hmmm good point
It should be said regardless 185 to the throat is still a real bad time
Yeah either way that's quite the predicament
It looks difficult but he's resting most of the weight on Frank's trachea.
I'm worried Crazed Mountain Man is going to be a good guy
He's trying to kill Joe. He's a good guy
Truth. That also makes the gym guy a hero
I respect that the gun wielder on the Thieves cover is going after the smart one. Kill Frank and Joe will be using plastic bags as astronaut helmets inside a week
Holy shit
This is wonderful
But this is divine
I can't take my eyes off it
His eyes say he knows just how fucked he is right now
Too many crooks ruin the neighborhood
Any other day, this wouldn't be the third funniest cover
He's eating silica packets within two hours
Thick as thieves unfortunately could never live up to its cover.
he's detonating a trading card kiosk at the mall.
like, very first thing.
Inserting pennies into electric sockets within a day, hoping for temporary tattoos, gumballs and small toys
punching the touch screen to make the picture of the dog come back
All of these activities follow rejection from a woman
It's not winning, so read this nonsense
So we are clear.
That jives completely with Joe's deal
Haha what the fuck
This rules. This rules so hard.
Joe can't narc. And he can't die from bombs.
And the idea that their archenemy is a woman is so perfect with how awful Joe is to women
this blurb reads like it was written by AI
I'm trying to calculate the least that could weigh: light bar (15 lbs), 10-lb plates that are sometimes the same diameter as 45s. Every version of this suggests lats found normally only in unmistakably Black sidekicks.
This looks like an A+ Mr. Show sketch.
You're seeing David Cross too, huh?
But like...MINIMUM that dude is holding out 75 lbs at arm's length with the bulk of it on one side of him.
Joe inspires a lot of rage strength
Basically his latest appearance on What We Do in the Shadows but minus goblin ears.
That hillbilly is hopefully trying to protect his squirrel and raccoon pelt collection
Yeah that is some gymnast shit right there
Once again, the people have spoken. We will journey into a world of beefy lumberjacks and tree hugging peaceniks. Will there be explosions? Absolutely. Join Frank & Joe in Crosscut, Oregon, for The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #60: Deadfall. This Friday, 5pm eastern.
Trees are the computers of the forest.
@Brockway pin this, or else
Chainsaws and double-barrel shotguns, but not a Bruce Campbell to be had
Or else, what? I'll go bald?
Aren't you already balding??? 😏
You'll be visited by the Mr. Flannel there
Nope, still got super-dense goku hair if I let it
Oh I thought that was like an artist's rendering of me, bald, in like 10 years in Vermont
David Cross at first
90s Oregonian Lumberjack is a popular style
Would you use a shotgun, Brockway? You've said you're a trap-specialist. I'm picturing a lawn of bear-traps.
He's aiming for Joe's lower torso. Going for a slow death
That's where Joe keeps his brains though.
Oh yeah, just gotta wound em so they won't make it back out through the trap gauntlet
Hardy Boys Casefiles #60: Deadfall begins in one hour. Here is the preview.
Already this book has lost me. Joe doesn't know anything.
i love "exploding into a run"
that implies he runs like Tom Cruise
He loves exploding
For those of you who are playing at home, this is the book before Grave Danger, aka the Mexican adventure
AKA The Forbidden Love of Joe Hardy
That was the South American adventure
Grave Danger was about stolen artifacts and Mayan pyramids
Dang, I missed that one
All I know is every time the Hardys cross the border, people die.
But I found this on the Hardy Boys wiki:
Larry Mike Garmon (27, 36, 39, 43, 46, 126)
Ron Goulart (23, 30, 44)
Steven Grant (3, 6, 14, 19, 29, 62)
David L. Robbins
Known authors of the Casefiles books!
Those numbers are either the books they wrote or their clone-batch numbers
That's a relatively small amount of books
Yeah. Wiki author either got lazy or ran into the same obstacles we did
Ron Goulart writes a lot of comic book criticism/compendium books.
And Shatner's TekWar
I can maybe see if Grant knows, but I'd rather wait until I have to reach out to him anyway.
This is adorable. The wiki's knowledge of those authors comes from a blog kept by a husband and wife that collect old books:
...who apparently do not regularly maintain their site
Oh hey, the wiki says that Steven Grant is most notable in the Hardy Boys Casefiles for creating their nemesis Charity
I feel like each of the ghostwriters might operate in their own Hardy Boys universe
Beautiful. The Assassins have been in the Casefiles series since Book 1
@gellaho @John , behold one of the late entries in the Casefiles series
Haha, yes!
Somehow Frank looks eben older in this picture than on the show
The late stage covers are no bueno
Url included because fart
hahaha, they pushed the TV show so hard
And after that, the covers are just ugly, cluttered messes
until the collections at the end
I think there are more books than TV episodes
I think you're right. Weren't there like eight episodes?
Looks like book 104 is the last one with an awesome cover. 105 was when they started the TV show promo covers
Brian Kotzky is the son of American cartoonist Alex Kotzky and is an artist himself. Brian Kotzky work graced the covers of 101 The Hardy Boys Casefiles, starting in 1987 with #3 Cult of Crime and ending in 1995 with #104 Wild Wheels. He also painted six covers for the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Mystery series. In all, Kotzky worked on 107 Hardy Boys books.
We need a shrine built to Brian Kotzky
I think I'm getting there
haha, true
11 half-hour episodes plus one 2-parter.
Ah, thankya
All I had to do to find out was look on my hard drive, because, and I can't say this with enough shame, I own them all.
So, yeah, more book covers
By the last few, they had to have been doing it out of spite
"Look at this beautiful thing you were too good to enjoy!"
The beautiful thing are these book covers
Brian Kotzky is a genius
One day you should have all the covers removed and wallpaper a room with them
Make it your fuckin' room
Make t-shirt prints of each one. No text
Text should never be on t-shirts. Go look at graphic tees and notice how every single one would be better with the text removed.
Cool-ass picture of Rogue Squadron with "Star Wars" written below it, as if I don't fucking know already?
four-by-four = wood
4x4 = truck
Ergo, Stan is playing pretend
Stan's squirrel-sausage patties did not elicit comment
Joe the food monster
Callie #12
Frank could often predict into which rage Joe would enter at any given time
And yet, Frank still has to explain everything to Joe
Am I the only one finding vaguely unsettling eroticism in this description
You are not
The deadly rumbles between the hippies and lumberjacks
One or more of these writers is very into describing the children
It's in every book, so it's not even worth mentioning anymore.
We've run out of ways to call it out
well, maybe
Buster Owens upgrading equipment, like some kinda asshole
Stan's been chopped down so many times by angry loggers
What a weird utopia to be angry about. Don't work, get half your pay? Today you'd be lucky to not be thrown into the woodchipper after they laid you off.
Vance Galen is not your typical hippie
Vance sounds like he was high through most of Vietnam
Wait, so Stan owns a different mill, and the workers are angry at him that the other guy shut down?
Stan is the hippie uncle
of Callie
Stan finds it weird that a different girl is his niece every few weeks
"We lumberjacks hate the trees! The trees are our nemesis."
"A tree killed my father!"
"A tree crushed my car!"
"A tree...stole my heart"
Very three dimensional characters here
Surprisingly difficult to find death-related reactions. Probably overall a good thing, but still disappointing.
hahaha, you nailed it though
Buster loves parking lots. He's a quirky man
I learned at the master's knee.
Bo Johnson didn't try very hard on his company name
I bet you could write a Hardy Boys novel in a weekend if you lined it up right.
Ah, a short one this week. Conflict resolved. The loggers quit and join Bo. Callie #12 makes it to the next book, Joe is frustrated and impotent again. Everyone wins.
Bo: staunch enemy of OSHA
The loggers agree to plant five trees for every one they cut down and more jobs are created, huzzah.
Then, they go for a very normal walk
Going going back back to Callie Callie
Joe's getting his exploding in early this time.
Joe can identify explosions instinctively
"3 teenagers were seen fleeing just before the old mill exploded. They are considered extremely stupid and 100% guilty."
He's like a sommelier of concussive blasts.
Frank is very familiar with chemical fires
I was going to joke "The bridge explodes" but then it did.
"Well, we tried"
Dynamite is a chemical #HARDYFACTS
Who would have expected lumber to be so flammable?
"Look, I know literally every law enforcement agency in the state is going to be involved in this one, but obviously you need our help to prove what happened."
Dynamite is the 8th primordial element
"We should have kept it dryer!"
He died as he lived. On fire.
Dynamite Benders don't have a long life expectancy.
Learning curve is brutal too
A lumberjack burning in his own mill is somehow even more tragic when he's not a beautiful white woman. It's the only time the news bucks its own weird trends.
Frank, this is no time for your improv poetry
sidebar: you all got weirdly into that missing woman case last month and creeped me out.
Seems pretty cut and dry
That dynamite is medicinal.
Frank's really having a Joe kind of day.
I can't believe we don't have a Pete emoji
"Jesus, man. Don't you know those should be transported in a specialized container. Anyway, some old mill and the guy you hate blew up. What's for lunch?"
Stan swore, guess it must be someone else
"I keep it for the articles!"
Yes, the father you've heard of. Not the children who stopped a warhead
Yea, the Bible telleth us not to swear. Jesus Himself did say "say yes when you mean yes." Enjoy hell, Stan.
Fenton's a nationally touring PI and we know so little of him.
I promise everyone will like this sheriff a lot more if you imagine he pronounced it as "show bid-ness"
Maybe he just seeds America with mysteries for his son to follow.
I think he bought it
Leaves a box of first-aid-o-mite here, there...everywhOOOOOOM OH NOT JOE'S GIRLFRIEND NOOOOO
That's right, I said son. Can you guess which Hardy is actually Sam Spade's kid?
Sheriffs in rural areas always believe hippies
Even if that's the truth, you have to know not to answer the question if your answer is gonna be "I've never met this dynamite riding shotgun in my life."
"I swear, the dynamite looked 18, officer"
"Shut up, Joe, I've been around this guy for an hour. I know how he ticks"
This all hinges on whether Frank is right about Stan being stupid
Dammit, the sheriff doesn't like it, but this is a Frank's Gut state, so he's got to let Stan go.
"He should have lit one of those sticks of dynamite, screamed 'you'll never take me alive', stolen a cop car, and taken Callie as hostage. This makes no sense."
Callie, your uncle didn't suicide by cop, so he's the most likely suspect.
"The woman joked, ignoring the dead man and the dozen people injured by exploding glass"
"I'll let you off with a warning, Guy Whose Assistant Has Started Multiple Brawls"
"Innocent men don't comply with law enforcement, Frank. They don't have to, God will recognize them in Heaven."
RIP Callie
Oh no, it's contagious
Spontaneous Human Combustion: the Dynamite of Flesh
Oh, wait, no. She's just further incriminating her uncle
"We all were, didn't you notice us running away right before the place blew up?"
"I've been fighting with the loggers for months. Yes, I was here before."
real talk: nothing is more infuriating than being damned by a defender you never requested.
The Shaws are famously good under pressure
Famous cop talk. "Stop confessing and do it later."
"A lawyer? Like the one in Uncle Stan's crawlspace?"
Joe: Target Acquired
Lots of things, Ronnie
All that's happened was a mill fire and an explosion. No wars or aliens
Bearded and muscular, uncommon traits among lumberjacks
I think you've said enough, tree-hugger. Better save the rest for when you're adequately represented.
I'm moving to Hardyville.
Nothing says sex like khaki pants
"Mr. McGinley, did you murder this bank owner and move all the money to your account?"
"Okay. Thank you for your time."
OOH, baby, are those flat fronts? Daddy like, save the pleats for that church dress.
Frank: foot guy
You can't prove any of that, and I intend to countersue this state.
Large men in boots? In the WOODS? This can only be truck drivers or lumberjacks.
"I see multiple luscious prints in the mud"
But why would a flatbed truck drive out to a logging camp?
Blood on the hat of a dead man? Impossible!
A stained hat? Just one?
Wasn't Buster's skin sloughing off on Joe's sexy khakis? A little late to be memento moring.
No, Joe. Hat
"Did you seriously just ask if how and where the guy was murdered matters?"
Joe,'ve learned nothing?
Is Joe Memento-ing?
Great theory, but Joe's Gut is not recognized in this state.
It's all they have to go on after they contaminated that crime scene into inadmissability.
Frank and Joe knew they needed to tamper with that evidence
And...and the loggers didn't know that?
Sheriffs need evidence? Huh
Joe's brains are slowly leaking from his nose
"Just incriminating you. Government's wired the whole town. Bye!"
Are you kids shitting me?
They are absolutely going to get into a barfight with Hank & Dean.
"Ah, a fellow connoisseur of the law, I see!" Frank chirped nervously.
The sheriff forgot to take his medication this morning
I will never tire of the actual law enforcement getting angry at the Hardys
I think the author got sheriff confused with newspaper editor
"I have evidence."
"Well, hand it over!"
"No. I don't wanna"
Definitely not enough evidence
What I would give for Brian Dennehy's sheriff from First Blood right now
Some more absolutely believable names
Walter won the local paper's "Most Evil Name" award, three years running
oh no
Speaking of the newspaper, it's apparently the only place to develop film.
And apparently somebody could run a newspaper for 200 people
Half your subscribers? Jesus, you're chill, lady
Ronnie is working on a computer. She will be dead in the next five minutes
Time for the man everyone hates, Vance Galen, to show up at the newspaper
Ronnie, asking the hard questions
Galen, new to the whole "plausible alibi" thing
Joe struggled to figure out what Galen could mean
Galen is why there's a Fifth Amendment
Lumber Mob
Exactly 1000. Frank counted.
Better just dial that tension back to zero
Ronnie & Mike
The Romeo & Juliet of our time
Ronnie: the town's disapproving mother
Ronnie's the only source of news and morality. She's a naturally occurring pundit
It's not nice the way Rafe does his job
The logging business confuses me
Assault: How to Use It For Big Busine$$!
Millie is the anti-Callie, she did it.
Some very inflammable personal belongings
A friend of mine did this up by Lake Placid when he was Ronnie's age, so that actually tracks.
Savage burn on the arson/explosion victim
"Well, I can tell you one thing about our vic. He died as he lived: poor"
Joe decides to snack like a 1800s cowboy
Stew and biscuits, the classic snack
"We serve ice cream and pasta. You want to try again, asshole?"
Frank has a great understanding of crime
There's that human warmth Frank exudes
Hu-man emotions are beyond him
More attempted murder, as per usual