52: Decision at Doona Anne McCaffrey

A fateful encounter between star-roving races, by the author of the Hugo-winning novel DRAGONFLIGHT!



In the epic conclusion to Ladies' Month in the Book Cage, what happens when an author of successful dragon books attempts writing a book about cat people and humans founding a colony at the exact same time? For some reason, a lot of mass suicide. This Friday, we'll find out how and why the back of this book is mostly lies when we read 1969's (nice) Decision at Doona by Anne McCaffrey at 5pm eastern.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



@Brockway pin this or I will force you to pronounce all the Hrruban names, like Hrrto, Hrral, or Hrrestan

Dolphin cop Thrillho

That back cover has alternate universe MGM energy


Btw, I think those cat people are supposed to be 6 feet tall, so that is a miniature dude

public jakesy no. 1



I have such wonders to show you

public jakesy no. 1

So much dep

Wolfbang Howlbig

Shit. I think I'm going to be in Vegas for Doona


I'll be waiting for people at the hotel

Gentleman Brendan

Real cool of you to end Ladies' Month the first week of Women's History Month, you MGTOW subversive.

Those cats sure do look like Fox-Sloths.


Decision at Doona is coming up on the hour. Here's the exciting preview: about bridges!!!!


And here you can familiarize yourself with the author

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

This sounds painfully erotic


This was released in 1969, the most erotic of all years

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


I'm giving Anne McCaffrey some benefit of doubt because I enjoyed her book on the history of dragons in Western culture. But that About the Author page is raising some early flags


Before we begin, let me introduce you to the wonderfully named cat people characters

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah, that's not gonna get confusing

Gentleman Brendan



Who could forget such characters as "Third Speaker for Internal Affairs" and "Seventh Speaker for Management"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

As indelible as Oliver Twist, the Count of Monte Cristo, or the Pringles guy

Hi, Brendan!

Gentleman Brendan

This is your leaf, Bhodi: LIE!

Hi, Shancy Fark


Obviously, we all know Todd

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Of COURSE to Todd

Gentleman Brendan

Why did we get a dramatis personae if 60% of them are just the nameless title they'll go by?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I would have so much respect for Anne if she never mentioned those characters again

Gentleman Brendan

I respect this introduction. Far above the usual "Peter Droona lives in a house in Maine with four cats, three of whom respect him. He is found making decisions daily."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Memorize these names. They will never reoccur."

Gentleman Brendan

Third Minister of the Interior Hrrunk? No, my mistake, Seventh Minister of the Deciding Hrrona.


Well known cat people behavior, chair shuffling

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

The senior scout can't suppress the other guy's bow?


Behold: a meeting

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Fucking YES. Read back the minutes, Anne!

Hell yeah, Third! That rapier wit can't be held down!


I wonder where this idea came from

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

Slow start, if I'm being brutally kind.

Ramb$ne Gracie with Scythe

Following the naming conventions, I'm Hrrrrrrrrmb$ne

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah. Most conferences fire out the gate

Gentleman Brendan

Weren't the first few years of Trek fanfiction dominated by woman authors? I smell converted work.


May I present: the boredom suicides

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Let's see how she describes the forehead wrinkles

public jakesy no. 1

The Prime Rule


There is a lot of suicide talk in this here book

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



Behold a race too bored to work or fuck

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That's actually clever to reveal this during a conference meeting

Gentleman Brendan

If I lived on a dying planet, I'd probabl--OHHHHH.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

Send my son in a rocket to a nearby world.


Gasp this is quite the reveal. I guess

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


How do you hint something like that with your eyes?

Gentleman Brendan

She gave us all these nameless people but no hierarchy.


Meet Ken. He's human

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Hi, Ken

Gentleman Brendan

This book is indulging in what Twain called "The woman screamed."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I'm assuming Ken is the audience surrogate


He's going to Doona. That's about all you need to know about him

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

What's that?

Gentleman Brendan

"Don't just say 'the woman screamed.' Bring her on and let her scream!"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Wow, Ken and Pat have qualified for Whitest Family of 1969


I'm assuming this fart is important to the plot

Gentleman Brendan

it reads more like the outline than the execution.

Is this the same Todd?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

There is only one Todd


Codep, spacedep, and Alredep


Your guess is as good as mine

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Dr. Hu Shih


Don't think I was joking about the suicide thing

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Does Codep mean "dentist"?

Because suicide should not be common enough to be a casual talking point for a job

And also, dentists have a high suicide rate


Ken's going to be free on Doona!


Next page: They have already arrived on Doona, formed a settlement, and survived a long winter

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Having the hero prematurely celebrate being able to feel is setting up some dark possibilities



FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



Anne's not fucking around

Kinda seems like we could have skipped the whole last chapter at this rate


That fart was really important though

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That's true

Ken's really grown as a character since then


For some reason none of the women came

Gentleman Brendan

Ezra likes to fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Lee communicates through WWE antics


Oh, also the cats are here

Gentleman Brendan

Will the men still form a circle and each tug the tallywacker behind him once the wives arrive?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I'm sure they will. It'll be christened "poker night"

Gentleman Brendan

This novel moves faster than Ezra pulling down his wife's panties.s

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Sure miss my wife. There's furries in a village nearby. Can't wait for spring."


Larry randomly gains a speech impediment

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



That's when the mockery is gone

So I guess he talks normally when mocking

Gentleman Brendan

Welcome to the town of Yiff. I am Hrrbrrglrr. This is my wife, Mrrbrrglss

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Lawrence's "normal" voice sounds awful racist

Gentleman Brendan



All that backbreaking work. I assume, we did not see it

Gentleman Brendan

Larry had better be the only one allowed to talk like that.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

And he better not be allowed to talk like that again

Gentleman Brendan

are aliens a known thing?

It sounds like they already know there are aliens.

You wouldn't be so weirded out by the other alien settlers.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

They know aliens exist, but their goal is to avoid planets with sentient alien life


Hey look, a second prime directive. What a coincidence

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Because last time they populated a world with sentient aliens, the aliens all killed themselves


I also feel like this would work better if you didn't start the book telling us that the cat people are also making a settlement on this planet

Because it now has the air of a comedic misunderstanding, and I don't think that's what she's going for

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah. This is less "share the land" and more "you took our camping spot"

Gentleman Brendan

I thought that was the aliens' goal.


Turns out it's the cat people and the human's goal

Wakka wakka

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



That's why you have two prime directives

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

C'mon, what are the odds a SECOND species would meet humans and eradicate itself in despair for the univ--how many? Well how many is ALL? Jesus Christ, it's four digits?


Oh, that's not even what it is

It's far dumber

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

We need to stop introducing ourselves via Limp Bizkit


Seems weird that Earth would be so overpopulated when any dingdong can get off planet

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Awww, Anne thinks you need to be married to have kids


Space Department, Colonial Department, and Alien Relations Department


If you aren't meeting aliens it seems weird to have that department, but sure

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

There were a lot of disappointed, horny nerds that left the Alien Relations Department interview


Nineteen planets can still hold a lot of people

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Interplanetary travel but no birth control


See if you can spot the huge bombshell she drops in the middle of this. Then just skips past

Gentleman Brendan

Maybe part of their problem is they're letting people reproduce at replacement levels.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

Now we know why the first species extinguished itself: to avoid talking to pervs.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"I swear to Gorp, just one more dick-pic and I'm buying a gun."


I'm not sure she's actually going to come back to the massive subliminal campaign

Gentleman Brendan

They had to prime people to agree that dogs and burgers were a good idea.


Unexplained mass suicide, cool

Gentleman Brendan

"Should we have an entire planet dedicated to butter production? Before you answer, have a slice of bread."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Jesus Christ, Anne, get some help!


It's weird that the assumption is that would happen every time you met a new alien race

Gentleman Brendan

"Wow, we must really be cosmic assholes. We'll have to keep doing what we're doing but avoid anyone who calls us out on it."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"How was the first meeting with the Atlassians?"

"Pretty good. They stabbed their own eyes out after we shook hands. But they said 'Hi' first!"


If you don't want to possibly contaminate them, why are you making contact?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Smash cut to Larry, pissing on the cat people's lawns


I understand that you have to wait for your spaceships to come pick you up, because you don't have any here (which seems like a great idea by the way), but still

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Ken is being deployed because he was in debate club?


She also is saying that there are ships coming with the children and womenfolk, but for some reason they have to wait for other ships to leave on

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Ships don't turn around. They're one-use and then you toss them in the trash.


Seriously, how tiny are people in the future


Six foot tall!? They are like the giants of old!

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"We'll have to ride on each other's shoulders. Three or four of us should be able to match one of them."

Gentleman Brendan

You have to breed smaller humans if you want to overpopulate the earth so dogs don't fit.


I'm so horny, I need to have have her soon

Gentleman Brendan

I have missed 14% of my child's life. I hope she's still a miserable bag of frowns.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Hello, my grave-faced girl-woman"

Todd's on the spectrum, but this was in the 60's, so that means he has psychic powers


Excuse me

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Deceptive or secretive beef is called "Chef Boyardee"

Gentleman Brendan


I'm not liking how many things Anne predicted.


You know cats, with their wide caveman-esque brows

Gentleman Brendan

apparently people in the future consider hyphens vestigial.

Reeve gasped: plainly these cats were D. T. F.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Obvious maleness


During the first contact game of catch, Ken turns into a 19th century dandy

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Reeve is immediately put to death

After they bat him around for several minutes


Communication is easy peasy

Gentleman Brendan

A dandy...lion?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

Still less offensive than squatting down and jabbering MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW

hEY LOOK you DUMB caTs


Next page: Ken has already made a friend, visited their village, and is returning with Hrrula to the human village. They also both reek

Gentleman Brendan

I speak your language: LASAGNA NAPS

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Takes out a laser pointer. "I AM YOUR GOD!"


These prime directives are working out great

Gentleman Brendan

I watched a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend today all about how much CATS sucks, so I am ready for this.

Cats don't sweat, Anne.

Maybe your space-cats do, in which case they're catlike humans and we can stay on Doona.


Seems like this Hrrula is a real know-it-all

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Aliens are real assholes, always trying to figure out communication and whatnot


Seems like there are a lot of signs that these might not be ancient primitives

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I'm sure Anne will cover this in more detail


So many signs

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Just a two-stroke engine? Wow, okay, Mr. Space Man"


It's possible that species committed suicide because they kept being told they stank

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Hrrula sprays them both


They came out of nowhere, and they seem very sophisticated. What could this all mean

Gentleman Brendan

I can't compete with this humor streak. Take my title and my lands, Gentleman Shark.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

You are far too kind

I'm waiting for the reveal that the cat people are just humans


I wouldn't think you'd need aphrodisiacs at this point

Gentleman Brendan

I'm laughing my ass off at humanity accidentally bullying an entire species.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Ben's testing the waters before admitting he just fucks deer

Gentleman Brendan

"Hey, wouldn't it be wild if these cats were polyamorous like earth cats? Hey, maybe their deer are sentient too--""


We interrupt this jolly horniness to present: "Genocide: A Good and Necessary Idea?"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

No. SLAVERY was the easiest solution to-

You know what? Fuck you, Anne

Gentleman Brendan

Just feels like it's a cultural problem, not a resource problem.


Lawrence, Hu, and Adjei all stem from the same civilization, right?

Gentleman Brendan

These aliens kick ass.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Give us more of Guess Who's Coming to Doona and less race war, Anne


Very next page, "We are so culturally sensitive"

Gentleman Brendan

Lee's face darkened bitterly. "We'll see your thoughts on genocide when you find Hrrongrr barbs-deep in your wife, Reeve."


Sorry to come in late, just checking, this is Anne McCafferey?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It is!

She's trying sci-fi


Back to the Cat Planet

Gentleman Brendan

Have we figured out the Hrr / Kzin relationship? Is it like Kryptonian/Daxamite?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

There's a joke somewhere in there about herding cats and the fact that the cat planet has a massive bureaucracy


The First Speaker is excited at the prospect of peaceful exchange? Violence? More suicides? I'm not sure

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

This is turning into a sitcom


I'm not sure why Anne thinks the first step of any cultural meeting is suicicde

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"I know! We'll scare them and then the rec center will be ours!"


Well, now he's saying peace

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It's especially unsettling because she's not giving any indication she doesn't know what suicide is

"Fellow Speakers, we have met another intelligent race. I recommend suicide."


You have to win all situations, including learning


You need to kick education's ass

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Goddamn right

That's the real lesson of graduate school


And, yes, I know you are very excited about the promised bridge

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



You bet your ass


The most deadly of all technology

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

A species that prompts self-extermination moves in next door to one suffering a rash of suicides.



A bridge is a guaranteed path towards violence

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Just ask the River Kwai

Gentleman Brendan

At what point are they going to stop acting like Hrrula is the kid that eats paste?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Probably when they find him in bed with their wives

Gentleman Brendan

"Yes, very good Hrrula! Bridge! To cross WAH-TURR"


I don't think this is true, Anne

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Why don't they just terraform the surrounding area to redirect the river? Oh well, they seem nice."



Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Employment sucks. What have I missed?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Is the twist going to be that the cat people genocided the actual natives?

Gentleman Brendan

That would be amazing.

Seriously, write that movie.

Do Avatar only to realize you're in the majors now.

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Make the natives mouse people though.


Boy, that doesn't help me understand the pronunciation

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Hi, GDC! Anne McCaffrey is telling us a story about humans and a race of cat people that are both worried about landing on a planet inhabited by intelligent species

Also, Anne thinks every meeting between new cultures causes suicide

Gentleman Brendan

It's a romcom we think.

Separate but equal under the grass.



FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

But the humans totally helped


You'll never guess what the First Speaker thinks is the only solution for leaving

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"I'm thinking mass suicide. HEAR ME OUT!"

Gentleman Brendan

It's odd that we're not seeing Hrrula talk to all these speakers.

It's like they're watching TV.

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

The cats in the back are taking bets on how long it takes the first speaker to suggest mass suicide.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

holy shit, what if this IS just Avatar and the "natives" are all the avatar robots?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Last time it took him one full round of suggestions. What you got this time?"


Don't worry, the third has his own opinion: MURDER

Gentleman Brendan


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

As Monty Python once said, a murder is just an extroverted suicide

Gentleman Brendan

Death by KILLING!


Violence is inevitable, thus is bridge law

Gentleman Brendan

We build bridges so we have something to burn.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



The cats' position makes even less sense, given they know humans have space travel


But I guess this sitcom premise must continue

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

More sitcoms need genocide/suicide as the consequence they're trying to avoid


Look at this racist cat

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Dude, Third, too far


That's nice, they aren't going to murder the children

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

The sphinx in the fourth row took particular umbrage to the bareskin remark.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I just realized all of these conference room discussions work way better if you imagine all the dialogue is being attributed to a box of kittens


The bridge stands, ominously

Gentleman Brendan

sorry, are we just watching the humans and cats go through the exact same concerns all book?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It's to show that, like, are we really so different?

Also, it really pads the book's length


All great relationships start with subterfuge

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Do it, Anne. I dare you

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Hrral would be terrible at poker with such an obvious tell.

Gentleman Brendan

sky-traveling ships


The family ship has arrived and, like, omigawd

Gentleman Brendan

The humans decide to tie all the Hrr in a bag and throw it in the river

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Why, are they allergic?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

We gotta clean everything up before the landlord sees!


If this is what space travel looks and sounds like, how would these two species not notice each other landing