🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This time we're encountering false and mistaken identities. Vote for your favorite by using reactions
🛶 #22 - Double Exposure
⏰ #84 - False Alarm
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This time we're encountering false and mistaken identities. Vote for your favorite by using reactions
🛶 #22 - Double Exposure
⏰ #84 - False Alarm
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law that Brockway?
Holy shit, I have to choose that one.
I don't think that artist is familiar with how plate glass works.
close to paper, right?
I still think that's Brockway back in his younger days.
If you can't jazz hands your way out of a bank, you aren't fit to rob banks
Once we clear that, Double Exposure will be my second vote. It's what @Gentleman Brendan has been waiting for: a long-lost Third Hardy Brother
But armed robber Looney Tunes-ing through a glass door takes priority
Never has a more true thing been said.
Have we considered he has psychic powers and broke the glass with his mind
He's pristine, so maybe
I think the most logical explanation is that the woman is in on it. And she has psychic powers.
Look at her expression. She's not surprised.
She's not scared or alarmed in any way.
She's concentrating. She arranged for her and her idiot boyfriend who thinks he's a detective to be here at the right time for her to help her henchmen escape, knowing that she'll never be considered for a moment as a suspect.
Joe's doing a great job of using her as a human shield
And that by the time her goons are caught, the money will be in her swiss account and she will no longer need them.
Well, she's his girlfriend so that was bound to happen
Honestly, I'm more surprised he didn't throw her into the path of the glass instinctively, then leg it.
It's also possible she's an evil clone
Our baby's growing up.
Also, is Frank legitimately in the middle of a jazz solo?
He's got one hand raised like he's about to bring it down on a piano.
It might be how he prepares his karate
Frank's a pure jiu-jitsu man. He's getting ready to flip that criminal back onto the glass
He's bringing karate back into jiu-jitsu.
The ghost writers aren't particularly consistent. He's also done aikido
I feel like being a Hardy Boys ghostwriter has only one requirement, and that's that you know nothing about the Hardy Boys going in.
No reason to wait, the people have spoken! We we will be reading a tale of suspense as a bank heist with "near perfect disguises." Will Vanessa survive this kidnapping? Joe has lost girlfriends before. We'll find out this Friday, 5pm eastern, as we read The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #102: Wrong Side of the Law. Smash for Cash, baby!
@Brockway smash that pin button for some cash!
(in this case cash is purely figurative)
I do not accept figurative cash
How about metaphorical moolah?
I do accept dream bucks, but otherwise physical currency only
Some say that dream ducats are the new hotness
Dammit, adjective-scooped by the master
Do you take Beenz?
So either I Freddy Kruger you some money, or deliver it to you physically?
Yes, that is it exactly
Well, I don't want to impose. So, I guess it's time to be immolated by a vengeful mob
One hour until The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #102: Wrong Side of the Law. Here's the preview
The more I look at the glass, the less sense it makes
Frank was used to seeing this when Joe was on a date
We start this Hardy Boys adventure in a James Bond movie
Either James Bond or Wisconsin hunters
You'll be able to tell based on how drunk they are
Callie's not a fan of these action movies
Callie doesn't appreciate the subtleties of SNOWMOBILE!
Getting to the snacking immediately
You know how you get movie theater concessions after the movie?
Eat candy and chips and drink soda to be in top condition, kids!
I think Callie might be a 55 year old woman
"Hey, maybe you want to come with us to this volleyball game hosted by that sports drink company?"
Callie is definitely retirement age
"They better not be getting funded by MY social security"
The snacks will save us
Wasting no time getting to the book cover
"Oh no!"
<runs to the snack bar and starts eating>
The last person I heard use the word deliquents was Fredric Wertham
Now, the back cover said Vanessa got kidnapped
Back when mall security could shoot to kill
This seems to suggest otherwise
The End
OK, they just left Callie and vamoosed
ah, okay
That's actually smart
Except for conking her out
At least Frank and Joe are going to call the cops and let professionals handle this
Is officer Con Riley from the middle ages?
Officer Riley can't wait for the day one of the Hardys gives him an excuse
"Good morrow, fellows. Did you see the blaggards, perchance?"
"Ho, rapscallions! Whither the brigands?"
Frank only caught part of the license plate. But apparently that was enough
There's only one silver sports coupe in the state?
If it's going to reduce to one license plate, ghostwriter, why not just let him memorize the whole thing?
Joe, how the hell can he know the history of people he hasn't identified?
Everything in Hardy Boys is named like a small town in the Midwest
Orchard Bay, where the produce practically leaps onto the docks
I grew up in a town called Port Orange, where there was no port and there were no oranges
"Now hold on kids, no deductions allowed"
"Shut up, Joe"
Riley, the armored cars have schedules. This is not witchcraft
Aunt Gertrude, who totally existed before this. We promise
I can't imagine a more pointless series of sentences
Oh thank god, they're hydrated
Why does Frank know this
I guess I know what Brinks is, but that's national
I like that they feel comfortable enough to say Yellow Pages and Dumpster all the time, but are deadly afraid of naming any other brands
"Frank, stop calling here."
Must be a territorial thing
"You better play up the Yellow Pages and Dumpsters, or your knees are kaput"
The Hardy Boys' only plan is to walk up and hope for the best
Who would have guessed armored money transport wasn't open to the public?
Stalking is legal, right?
Of course, they gotta eat again
"Craig was my brother. He died in Korea."
At this point, they are eating every 6 pages
That's proof enough for me, LOCK 'IM UP!
I don't get how Bayport has maybe two restaurants and they never see the same people twice
"Fucker didn't finish his Pecan slice. Book 'im."
Well, that backfired
They're metabolizing like aircraft carriers
Hernandez has a point
Hernandez, you're clearly new to this job
Riley and Collig learned many books ago to just nod and hope the collateral damage is low
"You kids help rob a bank? Free pie!"
"Thanks for scaring away my customers before the dinner rush!"
Frank must think "armored truck" means "stage coach"
You can just make armored trucks stop and open up right?
Sure. Just ask the guards to take a group picture.
"You know what would help? Access to restricted evidence."
Because police departments are just libraries
This ghost writer may have confused Frank with Joe
"I can't believe the police aren't just rolling over and letting us do whatever we want, like the last 101 times"
Frank is experiencing rage for the first time in his life. There will be bodies
I'm sure these kids in need will find the video production classes very useful, Vanessa
You kids all have access to production studios, right?
The entertainment industry: famously open and full of jobs
Sounds like Vanessa is very invested in this
The fuck is happening here
Vanessa was never told she was supposed to create videos to show kids how to cook, do laundry, create a bank account, find a good school, etc
This grown-ass Irishman is going to murder this kid
The author got distracted a lot, I guess
Oh no. Gil!
This is before Gil was sent off to San Francisco where he'd be murdered by not-Damien
Gil is straight out of a 70s exploitation movie
If those starred muscular redheads
"Step off, you jive honkey"
Gil then keeled over from a heart attack
The last redhead died of a diabetic attack
RIP, diabetic volleyball guy
I think you're right about the author confusing Joe and Frank
Joe's the angry moron. Frank's the karate bot
Everyone must have extreme body proportions in the Hardy Boys universe
C'mon, author. Give us Chet
Or give us more of Scarface. I want to know why that kid is there
Since he's obviously one of the robbers
Ghostwriter takes some time to tell us about tying shoes for some reason
Delinquents at the youth center are the source of all the latest trends
It's how we got hula hoops, Pogs, and heroin
"This was easy, my basketball games usually end in gunplay"
Joe found someone as stupid as him. It's kind of sweet
Any reason Pat couldn't be given one of the old teacher's offices?
Ricky's torso would wash up on a beach three counties over a fortnight from now
The reason listed is just a hastily scrawled "fuck pat"
Flow charts!? Are you mad!?
Gail, you crazy bitch
Lots of electronics plants in the Northeast
The author just threw a bunch of half-remembered computer terms on the page there.
Jack certainly doesn't bring up his credentials every time a kid talks back to him
Frank skips out on Arts & Crafts and discovers... the Turkey Menace
It's not like they changed Gil's entire personality with one shitty joke
The guy was going to murder over a stumble
Humans work on Broly rules in this book. One solar plexus punch makes them explode
I'm so happy this author decided to have the whitest man keep saying turkey
Gil is the anti-Ice
I love these pointless details
Frank got the directions from a girl in a red tanktop, noted
I'm trying to figure out if Gil is an adult or not
He was initially described as a tall, muscular guy, which says adult to me
Yeah. But then he's described as a tall, redheaded kid
Maybe he's going through puberty as we read
That does sound like a Vinnie Alessandro
Anyone that doesn't give directions is filled with resentment
I bet the karate instructor is Lisa Tang
Remember the bank robbery? Me neither
Lisa Tang, the most Japanese name the author could think of
Hey, Frank, remember when your mom got cloned and then the clone was murdered?
Maybe settle down on the vengeance
Joe's enjoying Frank's rage
This is all a simulation. A virus has corrupted Frank's programming
Let's keep the word attractive out of the kid's book, OK
It's very weird these kids and young people keep getting described as attractive, muscular, and slim
Oval shaped face, because she's Asian. And her name is Lisa Tang. And she teaches karate. I'm ghostwriting for Frank Dixon and I know Asia-people
Frank's brain does not compute lady karate
She beat him with a pure Joe strike
Oof, Frank lost to an energy lady. That's embarrassing
Okay, I should stop
Didn't think I'd be getting such accurate street-talk in this Hardy Boys adventure
It reads like two narcs trying to learn lingo from a printout
Joe decides to take this information and teach basketball
The author helpfully reintroduces Gil, in case you forgot
It was thursday all day in my head!
Don't worry, Brendan. All you've missed is an extensive tour of a rec center
'Tis Friday. I hope you dressed casually as is law
that book did not win the poll
But it will next time
Tommy's taking a break for a bit
This book is mostly about a murderous redhead
As you can see in the cover
Also, the book started with Frank's girlfriend getting momentarily taken hostage by bank robbers, but they left her at the curb once they got to their getaway car
Frank has sworn vengeance
My memoirs.
Here's what you need to know: Gil is a muscular redheaded teen(?) who keeps calling people turkey
I can't believe I burned my vanishing eyesight learning python when I could have been brain-ogling '90s redheads even if they aren't angie everhart
oh. Well fuck off Gil then.
The Hardys must eat constantly
Jesus, they never stop
They've eaten more in this book than all the others combined
Alison's dad is an time traveling Okie from the dust bowl
Alison's dad tried to improve on "going out for cigarettes"
Have they looked for him at the pizzeria? better go to this pizzeria gang, all the kids are talking about it. Did someone say pizzeria?
Golly, that's a swell idea!
Add Frisbee to the brand names they can use
WasteCo-brand flying discs
This isn't so much an investigation as a shitty "What I Did On My Summer Vacation"
Reddening, do you get it? HE'S GOT RED HAIR
That's not how water works
Did we mention Gil's a hair-trigger psychopath?
Are you telling me that basketball didn't kill him? Impossible!
The crowd then began to boo, denied their bloodlust
Turns out Vanessa is also retirement age
The ball didn't explode?
"Joe, there weren't any hotdogs. There was that possum we found..."
mmmmaaaaybe if it displaced enough water to be ejected back up, but you would need to push it down yourself. It would have to go HARD to submerge itself.
Fuck you
That burger does sound good though.
Now Frank's just taunting their bloodlust
This is not the Frank I know.
Yeah, this author didn't get the memo that Frank's a robot
They finished eating. Then, they ate some more
"Gil had an unmistakably white voice, like the crown accountant of Hell."
So you're saying he's not skilled enough to prepare a good ol bacon-ladel?
"Mah stars!" thought Frank, "A gentleman must always tuck in his shirt-tails!"
How weird would it be if you had a beach picnic with two college freshmen and read in the paper the next day they had been slaughtered at a gun buy?
What, again?
The Hardys enact their only plan: walking straight up to danger
Because some picnics are worth it
"No, not a gun. I want condoms."
If you have a gun, you can tell whoever you're having sex with to not give you AIDS if they know what's good for them.
To be clear: the sex is consensual. The transmission is on YOUR terms.
"You look like a cop, child."
Your health class would kick ass
"Hey, man, I'm cool."
This didn't work for me in HS, and it doesn't work for Joe now.
Flawless fake name, Joe
"I meant--gulp--I'm the cool Hardy boy."
"Pardon me, fellow law-breaker. Might this be the way to the illegal goods display?"
This was written in 1995
And we got jive turkeys all over the place
Not even a callback to the Turkey moment.
They'd better go looking for their town's only Black guy so they can plant evidence on him again.
"The man was disgusted, he'd gladly sell guns to a child. But a poor child? Never."
Joe's fake name is Karen.
Karen--uh, Hardy!
This feels elaborate when one of these kids would crack.
the cops have this in hand. There's no cloak, only dagger.
Wait, they're consulting with their detective father? This is unheard of
"We have a generous layaway plan, but it requires proof of credit, punk"
Isn't Joe 18? There are Walmarts that'll sell a kid an assault rifle if his parent comes in, why's he buying a saturday night special when he's of age?
Fenton acted alarmed. Human emotions are still a mystery to him
Joe is 17, Frank is 18
They're in the Midwest. Just tell the seller your ID's at home
I thought they were on Long Island.
Are they?
"I'm pretty sure it's fake, dad"
I think the town names are throwing me off
Bayport is in New England, that's all I know
Fenton, you're getting your children killed
If you have to explain why a name works, it doesn't work
The Hardy Boys have evolved since their debut in 1927. From 1959 to 1973, the first 38 books were extensively revised, largely to remove depictions of racial stereotypes
hooooo boy
The Klue in the Klock
"I'm meeting with the president, boys. Don't look into my credit card history"
"No, Dad. She hates you. You always mix that up."
It has been a matter of disagreement regarding the treatment of minorities in the books. The early volumes have been called models of diversity for their day, since among the Hardys' friends are Phil Cohen, who is Jewish, and the Italian immigrant Tony Prito.[14] These two friends are rarely involved in the Hardys' adventures, however a level of friendship is reserved for Biff Hooper and Chet Morton.[7] The books have been extensively criticized for their use of racial and ethnic stereotypes[e] and their xenophobia. Vilnoff, for example, the villain in The Sinister Sign-Post (1936), is described as "swarthy" and "a foreigner", notes critic Steve Burgess.
Bayport is the most Long Island name that isn't a surviving Montauk word.
Town names are hard
Con Riley, easily baffled by small distances!
Hoo boy, it gets weirder from there.
Are you telling me something written 100 years ago was racist? I don't believe it
There's a passage about "This isn't racist enough against African Americans. Make it more racist."
You start talking about Beehive Savings right now, young man
That reporter's already gone feral
Barmet Bay is a fictional bay in Bayport, the setting for most of the Hardy Boys novels. While research links it to the actual town of Bayport, New York, the original Hardy Boys series never specifies the exact location. Barmet Bay is horseshoe-shaped, and stretches about three miles from its mouth at the Atlantic…
So it's just broadly Yankee.
Ah, my bad then
Joe Hardy, shoving police evidence in his crotch
Riley is so fired
I don't like the bulge talk, ghostwriter
Gotta take this to the lab, aka Vanessa's house
Which I believe burned down the first time Vanessa showed up, but whatever
Vanessa doesn't know she can get free bus rides with her AARP card
Oh, isn't that convenient
I'm mildly impressed they remembered to address that
Thank you, Insurance Fraud!
Probably references an earlier mystery where Fenton and his friends let Andrea's mom know Portuguese aren't welcome here. This is a clean town.
Less impressed that the Hardys still haven't embraced VHS in 1995
Projection tvs weren't cheap back then.