🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This is what you have matched. Vote for your favorite by using the matching reaction
✝️ #4 - The Lazarus Plot
🙈 #8 -See No Evil
🔫 #20 - Witness to Murder
🛥️ #29 - Thick as Thieves

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
This is what you have matched. Vote for your favorite by using the matching reaction
✝️ #4 - The Lazarus Plot
🙈 #8 -See No Evil
🔫 #20 - Witness to Murder
🛥️ #29 - Thick as Thieves
Somehow one of these also has a secret set of Hardy Boys. I don't know how that keeps happening
I must admit I am tempted by the idea of a see no evil/witness to murder double header, but nobody has 9 hours.
The people have spoken, and we will be reading one of the earliest Casefiles mysteries. This one, involving cloning and Joe's exploded ex-girlfriend. We are finally delving into the world of Hardy Boys dopplegangers. This Friday, watch out for scientist out in the wilds of Maine, it's The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #4: The Lazarus Plot. This Friday, 5pm eastern, murder is the newest branch of science.
@Brockway If you don't want to be accidentally face to face with your own clone, please pin this
Cemetery Dwarf origin story? 🤞
Frank with his cromagnon fivehead
Joe with his magnificently blown-dry hair
Oh god is her name iola
Joe's exploded girlfriend? Apparently
A bunch of iotas of Iola
Thanks, I'll put your clone back in the vat
It's funny. We probably could have harnessed the cloning technology to grow him a new, healthy body instead of these replicants that mimic his exact physical condition
I tried to get a book about gene splicing in order to make a healthy clone, but the book turned out to be a biography of a guy called Gene Splicing
He makes most of his money that way
The vat is something the Science Ape built, I have no idea how it works
Voting is over, but I vote for "Thick as Thieves" because the tagline "Too many crooks always ruin the neighborhood" is so good
That one also had a wacky plot, but will have to wait
Something something master cat burglar
The nice thing about Hardy parties is there's enough for a lifetime and they're all coming our way.
I think Thick as Thieves might literally have a fake Catwoman
One hour until The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #4: The Lazarus Plot. Here is your preview
Remember DOB's words: You meet your clone, your options are Fight or Fuck
All aboard the SS Dix
I tried that line. It did not work.
This is among the weirdest ways to describe fishing
They kidnapped a fish from the water
Cult of Crime sounds like a doozy
"Despite the boys' insistence that they were fine sharing one"
Whoa there, big spender
Joe was happy to polish that car's wood
I used to joke about my brother being a poonhound, then his girlfriend exploded
Frank was always joking about human trafficking
Joe's mental breakdown is so irritating
"I see my girlfriend in every fish, Frank"
Frank is very sensitive
"Here. See? I scraped some of her face off my shoe just this morning."
"Come on Joe, she died horrifically. Remember?"
"Weird that they put that in the report"
This book isn't fucking around, just getting to it immediately
"It was so erotic"
Joe's spider sense is tingling
She came from Canada, obviously
Nothing so far can't be explained by PTSD and head trauma.
Their elaborate trap to clone a girl and shoot wildly
Shit, it's dick cheney.
They crawl away and Joe enters The Rage
"But, Frank, are you sure that the shooters aren't also huge bird dorks?"
"Hold your fire. I hear a whippoorwill"
I'm assuming this means sprinting and screaming through the forest
Anal glands already needing to be expressed
one of the shooters had a laser sight and managed to distract Joe for a while.
Make sure you do your Tai chi before engaging your enemies
Frank's rebooting
The Hardy Boys are easily intimidated by catalog clothing
LL Bean would tap into a new market if they armed their models
Frank chose cowardice and deception
Kim Sung would have loved the blueberries
This ghost writer loves short paragraphs
Like a cat, Joe scrambled up a tree and had to be rescued by the fire department.
Joe often compared falling bodies to squirrels
The Hardy Boys think in their own branding
That rules
Turns out it was just a couple of guys from Montreal who got lost on a hunting trip.
They're dead now
Joe Hardy had plenty of time to muse on his sporting accomplishments
Giving up: the sign of a hero
There's the Hardy writing I know and love
Frank was incapacitated on the ground, but don't worry about it
Frank's computer brain required defragmenting
Yeah, definitely french-canadians.
Very explicitly so
You know how people talk
The Hardy Boys do resemble deer
The Hardy's fear of the color orange almost proves their undoing
Bold strategy, Quebecois
To be more authentic mais non should have been tabernac.
Last time he hesitated, the deer had a knife
OK, OK, so we shoot people all of the time
Henri thinks everyone's a deer
Jacques is starting to get disturbed about Henri's constant suggestions that they hunt more dangerous game.
She had dark hair, most uncommon in a human female
All those deer with pixie haircuts
"Not once I ran out of bullets"
"I used them all on that forest ranger we buried yesterday."
Only one person has ever worn blue, Frank
Every woman that bought that color of sweater has been harassed by Joe
The catalog discontinued it for that reason
The Hardys find a building and must therefore break in
"Damn, she must have been taken by Zeus"
"Joe, the sign is right there"
The logical choice is to dig under a fence of a completely unknown building
"Help me Great Escape my girlfriend's clone, brother"
Get the 80ft shovels, Joe
This is the longest they've ever gone without snacking
While buying the shovels, they encounter the stereotypical store owner
"You boys must not be from these parts."
"We don't get many visitors here."
"Only road is the one back that'a way. Goes out of town. Best be on it."
Good thing we spent time on the shovels
Doctor Lazarus couldn't be any more stereotypically "mad scientist" than any other band
I thought electric fences didn't spark from water. Don't they need something grounded to touch-BZZZZZZZRRRRRZZZZTTTT
Victorian Mansion in the forest, as you do
Lazarus Clinic would eventually rebrand as Umbrella Inc
That line could have used some workshopping.
Welcome to the Mansion Generico
"Halt --- lest I smite you for your trespassing ways!"
"We only buy doubly eccentric buildings"
"Please wait for one of our friendly mercenaries to greet you"
Eccentrics get great prices
"We knew about your Maine vacation"
"We knew your trauma would render you too stupid to leave after being attacked by French-Canadians!"
Best and brightest for this mission
Surprise party's not going well
Iola Frankenstein
Her eyes always were blank. It was what Joe loved about her.
You're telling me Joe wasn't captivated by the "middle-aged Oriental?"
Nazi, Stereotype, Nerd, and Huge Nazi
Surprising Joe's plan of staring at Iola didn't work
"The doctor says you can have a lollipop for being so brave"
Anything but my thumbs!
Will they ever thumb wrestle again?!
Joe wondered why Frank didn't just marry the Network
Don't think Frank hasn't tried
Frank's dogged sense of duty to the Network, a character trait that will be surely kept throughout the series
It's his defining feature
Mister Shark: SitRep!
Sorry I'm late. I was making four-foot ramen noodles.
I wonder if they had imagined this series being all assassins and clones until Dixon got bored of it.
Yessir. French-Canadians shot at the Hardys, thinking they were deer.
If we had that modem, we would be easily able to contact them in this featureless white room
Then Joe dragged Frank to a spooky mansion in the woods that was owned by two sets of lunatics until it was bought by The Assassins!
Joe's dead girlfriend Iola is discovered...alive?...on a slab surrounded by scary/offensive men in lab coats
Then Joe was drugged
Now they have to figure out how to escape and log on to the Network's BBS.
Later, they would just call the Gray Man's office phone
The car explosion GF?
The same!
There are actual clones?
Joe's being a total baby about seeing his girlfriend get turned into ash
There are presumably clones, but they haven't been identified as such yet
Joe's going to try to hack the mainframe like a baby with a gun.
You're only endangering yourself, Joe!
There definitely were clones in Dead of Night
This must be the origin of computers' hatred of Joe
Frank has become a real dick. Almost like he's...b someone else
Dead of Night was much later though. And they knew the Assassins could make clones then. Which made it more stupid they got tricked
"Frank? You don't normally have this much personality. It's unsettling."
When attempting subterfuge, remember to be really pissy
Terminating interaction
You can tell the Assassins are masters of espionage
Subterfuge over as quickly as it began
Joe gets his first real erection
That's how normal mirrors work, Joe
"I do drugs now."
Joe's been staring at a picture of John Stamos and wondering why people don't comment on his looks
Joe chooses violence over brain
It means there was a moment when Frank and Evil Frank were nude at the same time, Joe
Who wants to bet they tried cloning Chet but didn't have a large enough cloning vat?
I'm not sure that's how cloning would work, but OK
All the Chet clones died from pizza withdrawl.
Hahaha, Joe lacks the self-awareness of dolphins and horses.
Joe's only hope is to look less exhausted so the goons take the clone
My dog is constantly trying to fight Mirror Dog. Joe has the exact same reaction.
Nazi doctor, sure. It's crucial to have Nazis in your children's book
Just ask Peter David
This strongly implies the Hardys are surrounded by fugitive Nazis with plastic surgery disguises.
They had to transplant the thumb prints?
what kind of sci-fi is this?
So like they can clone everything except their fingerprints?
He skinned the Hardys alive?
This was all to steal their thumbs
This means there is a vault that only the Hardys can open, or some crime they want to frame them for
Kids love this
China, always teaming up with nazis
Is this a Manchurian Candidate reference?
"What should we name the Chinese villain?"
"Eh, knock a letter off"
"They cut my electronics funding, so Nazi science was my only fallback"
That tracks. Companies never bring over electricians
Mad about your job being eliminated? Consider…nazi schemes
This is an elaborate plan to do... Something
"They have a PS5!"
You need at least one evil dweeb
Ah yes, famous Axis collaborator, China.
There are so many actual crimes they could just film.
There's gotta be a better way to go about this
"Now kiss"
So not clones, technically.
Yeah, they're shitty clones
Finally, the fingerprints make sense! It all makes sense!
They get actors to undergo surgery and training to imitate the target
Gotta get Stalin and labor camps in the children's book too
Stalin, famous for teaming up with nazis
Have we time to mourn these anonymous young men who have been subject to the most grievous psychological torture imaginable?
Nah. They're actors. They're just happy to have a paycheck
Actual Jaws shows up.
They got Smithed!
Karate the pain away, Frank
What if Zangief, but Richard Kiel?
This would become my favorite book
Joe wondered why pitchers were always beaning him
Frank's karate master, training him to fulfill his destiny as the Cape Fear psycho.
Hear that, amputees? Just stop being afraid
Not on a DNA level but they have all of the Hardys' looks and evil.
Joe's still struggling with the double thing
"He's totally serious"
I cannot fathom the labor and cost to turn two human beings into someone else's doppelgangers, and this guy burned a year of his life doing it to college freshmen.
He could have made his own Marilyn Monroe!
"Nooo, she just got those pierced!"
These idiots did what Jimmy Stewart dreamed of doing in Vertigo
famously full of nerves the earlobes are
I'm sitting here twisting my own, and I am in so much pain
"Now we will lick a finger and stick it in her ear"
It's gonna be something when Joe dates his dead ex's clone.
People definitely never do worse to their own ears for decorative purposes.
Jesus Christ, Joe
He's going to try to convince her the old Iola let him do all sorts of stuff
The author knows Joe is dumb and violent.
Joe is pretty slow to grasp the concept of a doppelganger.
Joe really can't handle that other people wear the same clothes
"But DUHHHH her clothes and voice DURRRR"
"I mean, we definitely told you that the nerd specialized in downloading and uploading memories, but thank you for forgetting that"
"New Iola, I assume you have the maid outfit Dead Iola always wore?"
"Think back, Joe," said Frank, who was not stupid, "Remember when the scientist showed us how he replicates someone?"
"But...clothes...", Joe replied
Joe's in for a rough landing
This is a crazy complicated scheme just to find out what's wrong with Joe's wang.
Joe wins the Tempting Fate trophy
Certainly need to do all this work to get a phone number
"Great job on that, by the way. He had a family."
"But how will you contact this...Network?" asked Iola, who was definitely not a clone, with a quizzical look. "It must be impossible!"
Gotta get the secret snack chat
"Joe and I have a secret walkie-talkie and the codeword," said Frank, reassuring Joe's definitely real girlfriend.
"FOOLS!" Cackled Not-Iola, pulling off her blonde wig.
Joe is about to be outsmarted by a Nazi scientist who stole his dead girl's diary.
Don't give out the Gray Man's email address, they'll send him spam Joe!
Joe manages to avoid asking about when Iola farted in the car right after he closed the windows
Russian ham is the most deadly ham
"And what is this mo-dem you speak of?"
Fucking 2FA didn't take Joe into consideration
Great job figuring that out, Joe
So they're not killing them
It's those damnable Canadians, I knew it!
Our first plan is Canadian murder, backup is spooky house
You could still shoot them
Don't have to explain it
Just shoot them
This speaks to a much different world than the other books portray
The Hardys going to space camp, knowing there are a bunch of shadow people running around
The Hardys bothering with a sports drink death when there are literal terrorists out for their blood
Giving them shovels couldn't possibly backfire
Or they just dig the holes anyway, whatever
Jacques just can't let the implication lie.
The author really wants the kids to understand the whole death threat
Could have skipped the dirt, boys
Dirt: It's like acid to a Quebec resident
That can't be Frank, it must be another clone!
This is why I don't get close to the men I make dig their own graves.
Wait, they smashed the shovels on their skulls? Did they just kill them?
It's Chet!
It was blunt, not edged.
Hardys getting into the terrorist game
Any chance to see Henri's sweet Taz tattoo
So, Herr Doktor seems the cloned boys have become themselves the doppelgangers...IRONIC, no?
Joe's poor old station wagon
at that moment, Joe became a van guy.
A new paint job on the wood paneling, Joe?