Well, my pupils are still the size of dimes, so we shall pivot for The Book Cage. A return to The Hardy Boys: The New Casefiles: Undercover Brothers with Issue #1 Crawling With Zombies.

#1 The Hardy Boys: The New Case Files
Well, my pupils are still the size of dimes, so we shall pivot for The Book Cage. A return to The Hardy Boys: The New Casefiles: Undercover Brothers with Issue #1 Crawling With Zombies.
Sorry your eyes are dilated tho.
Instead of a preview, you shall reckon with the fact that there was a second Hardy Boys Manga being published at the same time
Kids love the exposed muscles on Frank
And the exposed brain
Do you really need to go undercover when dealing with zombies?
Yes. They're gonna eat you.
I mean it worked in Shaun of the Dead.
I'd like to think even my zombie corpse would zone in on the Hardy Boys for destruction.
Still amazed by how bad this logo is
Zombies can smell a Hardy ffrom over a kilometer away.
Put two stars in between American and Crime, sure
They couldn't even center the text
You don't say
What a completely natural way to talk to someone
"Man, that was nuts, huh?"
"Huh that sounds like a cool story."
"Oh no of course its not going to happen on the page, what do you take us for? Writers?"
All Tarantulas Annihilate Canada ⭐⭐
No clue
Their theme song.
I, too, like to give the complete backstory on someone attacking me before acknowledging them
Never listen to me play a video game
What is happening here
The mountain, she bleeds with the blood of the earth
Is someone shooting a laser?
That's some serious air for such a shallow hill
Its like someone tried to draw a comic visual effect but only had it described to them and the printer fucked it up further.
The Silicon Valley has one security system
And those stadium lights have scoliosis
In media res works better if you don't have the characters discussing the leadup like bad improv
Joe is such a catty bitch
Joe is bitching an awful lot for a man in a sweet dirtbike chase\gunfight.
That's right, 90's and 2000's teens. Joe went there.
Frank's eyebrow appears to be escaping his helmet
Hahahaha he's in VR and equipped a helmet not meant for his character.
It looks like he's about to drink from a sippy cup
Yelling at the top of his lungs.
The gunmen chasing them on dirtbikes can totally hear them but are pretending they cant to be polite.
Two full spreads already
In case you can't read the whole thing, that's SKUUUSSSSHHH(?)SKUUUSSSSHHHH
That's the sound their pelvises just made
hahahaha, the idiot criminals didn't have eye protection
Still not sure what's happening here
My best friends brother once peeled the skin off his hand bones in a dirtbike accident, and I would love for this manga to have that happen to Frank or Joe.
Go to the dirt bike rally on Hardy Days and you might catch a bullet to take home!
Just for six months they have their fingers sewn together as the skin grafts take.
Bipolar Joe goes from horny to angry
Reaching for things with their new fleshy flipper hand.
Younger Hardy Boy Brother
This dude is having the greatest moment of his life
I mean he did just witness a sick dirtbike chase\gunfight.
does that girl's shirt have a boob window
Of course it does. Manga.
Those radical moves aren't part of some kind of boy detectiving, are they?
Is ATAC some kind of underground vigilante thing? Do the cops not know about it?
Officer Sean Doesntreadthenews.
Of the Dublin Doesntreadthenewses.
Oh, I forgot how fucked up they drew Fenton
"Can you see anything up my nose, officer?"
Just endless darkness in Frank's mouth
oh right, Fenton's got a thruple going
Jesus Christ, someone make an emergency call to the art school
They didn't even manga right!
Not to be crude, but this tit situation is critical
She has no ribs. Only titty
Man Aunt Trudy's tits are some of the weirdest I've seen in a manga, like the artist didnt understand titty art fundamentals like perspective.
That's hard to do in manga!
Two pages ago
Seems like a foundational manga thing
The artist has one look idea
A look that says "One of us has to give up a limb so we can eat"
Please tell me a computer explodes
Good lord
Why does mom have a middle schooler's hair clip
Because her and her sister both look like college girls trying to seem younger.
Has anyone pointed out the Z Box? I hate it
They have a joint Trapper Keeper full of Lisa Frank stickers.
The aunt's standing profile but her ass is trying to see what's going on
The artist was on a deadline and had to trace a lot of stuff from their How To Draw Manga book.
This seems highly inefficient
But at least I know that's hdmi, very helpful
ATAC is into some real mission impossible shit i guess
What a fucking hassle making fucking Nintendo cartridges for these two dinguses to get orders.
Like the manufacturing alone.
A bird seems to have shit in Frank's hair
Making a lot of assumptions about how your employer acts
Hello, teens, have you heard of these "Flashed Mobs"
just got here and why do the hardy boys look like anime charlie kirk?
The Xbox had an internet connection, you could download patches and shit, you do not need to manufacture and burn discs to send orders to your teen vigilantes.
This zombie forgot his line
"Hardys, as you know, teen socialize in public"
Is it harmless fun? I could see a lot of teens getting murdered over that
Yeah, I'm sure she's fine
Method acting, probably.
She needed to be compelled, because teens in flash mobs are known for their adherence to traffic safety
This truck driving through the concept of time.
Or Cambodian devil shrooms.
Teens love method acting and shrooms.
Frank is de-aging
Frank's face distorts like a water bed
"online social net" fuck you.
Just say IRC and forums, you dorks.
And Joe's hair is growing at an alarming rate
Gotta wonder what the two controllers are for
...are they getting instructions on their fucking xbox?
Who the fuck is Belinda? Is she a Cassie?
His neckline is also plunging dramatically
"This xbox will self destruct in 5 seconds"
I also always refer to my s/o by their full name in case I'm spontaneously used for exposition in a children's mystery book
Is ATAC gonna have these nerds investigate rainbow parties too?
Chet apparently lives an hour away
"Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to look into this so-called 'race music'"
I am now imagining Joe and Frank trying to angle an invitation to a teen blowjob party and its funny as shit.
is...he wearing a leather jacket over a hoodie?
Cassie hopes she can hold her breath long enough to get out of Chet's bedroom.
There is no way he only got "about 100" results for searching "zombie" on the internet
It was the style at the time.
ahhh, all is right now. Thank you
the style at the time was boiling to death in your own juices, apparently
I guess that's why it's called "drip"
I know the ATAC logo is supposed to be a sheriff's star but it looks like A star of David
oh god he's having a stroke
"Bro, do you smell toast?"
Belinda, that page hasn't finished loading
"Social networking" is not something Joe and Frank have heard of?
I feel assaulted by that dialogue
"Tee hee, I have like six thousand followers on my Insta, where I do ASMR."
This small town has a whole row of museums?
When "Got Your Nose" goes wrong
What expression were those eyebrows meant to denote?
According to a hashtag, the crawl is scheduled for tonight
This is Marvel Mangaverse level art
this is the author's elaborate suicide note isn't it
Nice tits, Chet
Ah, good. They're in hell
I hate this art so much
Might as well happen in every one of these
They got Gerry Conway to write this?
They get that this art is supposed to convey extreme emotions, but they're not getting that the emotions being written are bland
I don't remember the hardy boys being this abrasive towards each other in previous incarnations
Their nose and jawline makes them look like muppets
This is manga so it has to be edgier.
They were like, let's get someone who was born in the fifties to write this book For the Kids?
I think it's more like "I've watched one episode of Inuyasha, I know how to write manga style"
#zombie-crawl hash-tag message
Belinda be hornyyyyy
Gerry Conway is the guy that killed Gwen Stacy
the artist cannot decide how belinda's hair is tied can they
A rectangle
Really getting the most out of the medium
All Belinda wants him to find is her g-spot, but thats the one thing a Hardy boy can't find.
And this is manga. The g-spot is, like, everywhere
Thanks for telling me it's dusk when they're outside
"sigh That's my bellybutton again, Joe."
Frank and Joe spend an afternoon asking people where they can find this mysterious "little man in a canoe" down by the riverside.
Chet is part gorilla
the hotdogverse is real!
This lady has horse legs
Was he the original artist?!
that mask is almost certainly a reference to something but fuck if I know what it is
Horse Legged Zombie Woman is my ska rythmic metal band.
If I was going to be a generous person, I'd guess Cryptkeeper.
Just incomprehensible
Chet knows this from Addams Family reruns
And from how much goth puss he's crushed
the letter just could not be arsed, could they
He did the cover!
He got better! Good for him!
Meanwhile: chemicals
I can't read "Tweester" without hearing it said in Ren Hoek's voice
Arms out is the most efficient running posture
"The kids like Naruto right?"
Every high school has the steam engine room
Whats fucked up to me is they used Twitter already earlier, but someone must have said "No, once is risky enough. Change it to Tweester."
Mousey girl can move
Meanwhile, Joe and Chet get dosed
Ah the classic high school boiler room. Where you have an equal chance to make out or get murdered by a pedophile.
I could move pretty quick too if joe hardy burst into my home and started chasing me
okay, good point
That activates the adrenaline fierce
Threats on tippy toes
I can't shake how the hardy boys look like kid ryu and ken in this style
This school is falling apart
She must have expressed opinions about video games. I can't otherwise explain why geeks would be cruel to someone that looks like her
Really falling apart
Yeah I mean I get it, mousey girl, but like......No, yeah. On your side here, miss.
Hey there, gun
Just next time use a molotov and not mind altering chemicals.
Way more detail on the gun than anything else
From the desk of George Ptow
Next time just sell your drug to a pharmaceutical company. It's way easier to get revenge on jocks when you're rich.
Um.........mousey invented a DRUG?!
If you arent popular its your own fault.
She died as she lived. Whining
Frank: Not a doctor
Brilliant idea Frank, just get right in there
Jesus, Frank. Why don't you roll around in it for good measure?
And rub your hands with, uh
"slurpslurpslurp. This taste.........where do I remember it from?"
Hey! It IS a sex thing!
I mean Taylor should just have made sex meth and people would be cheering for her now.
No hands!
I'm glad they don't go too far into the implications of a drug that removes willpower that can be absorbed by the skin
I'm not really here. My book party is me, packing my books.
Instead shes died a creamy death in a school boiler room.
But pretend I am and tell me what's up.
GAH it's a comic
Not just a comic, a manga!
He's immortal, Frank
Your favorite thing!
Gellaho's eyes are hollowed out right now, so we're reading Hardy Boys manga
We're reading about them investigating a flash mob that pretends to be zombies. An unpopular nerd girl was just killed for making a brain chemical gas
brain chemical gas CREAM
Ah well then, we await the return of The Master.
This is the worst way to rob a museum.
They're surrounded by people who didn't have anything prepared
And robbing museums is a bad idea anyway unless you are repatriating stolen artifacts.
Shit, Joe and Chet are having full on trips, how was mousey girl not popular as balls?!
Someth fun for the kids
Fucking sweet
It seems really pleasant with all the screaming and death
Fear and Loathing in Bayport.
Again, 400% more detail on the gun than anything else
I mean if she can make some face cream that makes you see demons she can make E.
Not sure why they're listening to these guys
Oh shit Hardy boys comics
I just realized that the artist has been drawing everything as normal American comic style except the faces
Joe somehow teleports from the front of that crowd to the back
It's the Brazilian way
This three foot deep puddle.
The way this artist drew Joe's back, I thought it was his ass falling out.
I've got hunkbrain after today I guess.
Shook all the features off this guy
The after-hunks take a while to wear off
Have you seen any panels that say Rardy Boys yet?
She is PISSED at his neck
Good thing it never rains in Bayport