So, instead. A brief Hardy Boys Manga

So, instead. A brief Hardy Boys Manga
He knew that the moment we left his story and kept turning the pages, we were damned.
oh shit!
Oh, fuck me.
A product so shitty, they didn't want to put Dixon's name on it
Hardy Boys Street Fighter II sprite mod NOW
Chet is E. Honda
I think I have a copy of Buck Rodgers: Countdown to Doomsday someplace and Rex Moran would fit in nicely as a sci fi space hero.
Nancy is chun Li
Fenton is Dhalsim
There are so many characters who are basically Rex Moran in space.
Who's Bison?
Whoever blew up Joefrank's gf
Two of the four books in The Dying Earth star someone who is basically Rex Moran, in a world where people are allowed to be smarter than sump pumps.
Couldn't think of a K for that acronym?
"Letters are expensive, okay?"
I want you to appreciate Paulo for his art
PPfffft American teens love crime, wtf.
If we appreciate it, will he stop?
Or will it encourage him?
K is the worst acronym letter because it's supplemental.
American Turbo Teens Against Criminal Kings.
we should delete C, it's parked in K's space.
I did it!
I win acronyms!
Aaaand we're already off the rails because the Hardys are part of a larger organization
Where should we put the words? Right in the crease? Absolutely
Punisher creator Gerry Conway
THAT's why his name was so familiar!
No one in their right mind would hire the Hardy Boys to be part of a larger group of crime fighters.
That's how you end up exploding.
I read that as FLAME DOOM! and got real hyped.
They're in shredded karate gis. This is already insane
Flames of Doom isn't bad, but it does lack the sheer power of FLAME DOOM!
Like someone finally decided to kill the Hardy Boys with a burning monster truck rally
No! You fool, that only makes them stronger!
I guess the machinery is doing this
There's only one way to defeat the Hardy Boys!
Break Ultimate Flames Up Challenge of Dooom
Get them interested in teenage girls who don't tolerate their boyfriends nearly dying all the goddamned time.
Or, you know, a gun.
You could also defeat them with a gun.
Two bullets.
We've lost so many Callies to that plan
Time to spin
I like how if you rebranded this it could also be a start to a sweet Double Dragon comic.
So, Hardy Boy characterization is a mess. But I'm pretty sure neither of them is 'the smart one' and 'the one who solves problems with punching'.
What a great chapter
The End?
I wonder if that was what they set out to do.
And then they couldn't get the license.
Oh, good. Joe's perspective
This is a manga so I assume they plan to have Frank and Joe make out?
Man, nothing's ever improved by seeing it from Joe's perspective.
Even Joe would tell you his perspective sucks.
yet in my experience this is what happens if you hang a pair of boys up by the feet
oh hey, they got Robot Frank's personality down
don't ask
I guess I skipped the zombie adventure
When did...
That not.
That pink sleeveless hoodie is pretty cool tho.
"Zombie crawl scam"?
That pink sleeveless hoodie is almost too cool for normal Joe.
That bird looks very upset at making a cameo
I think Conway is trying to tank this
I will admit that I do like they remember Frank has a parrot.
Bawk! Polly didn't sign a waiver!
He does?
Just human bodies moving normally
I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned before.
Like, it's been 20 or so years since I read them, but I'm almost certain Frank had a parrot in the originals.
Just like people move
That bird's gotta be dead by now
So glad I scrolled up before I earned a scoop.
Also, why's it called "Break-Up" if siblings compete?
There's only one bed in that room.
...holy shit, in the originals the parrot had a fucking rad backstory.
Siblings like Clown Man and Redhead Lady
Because Joe and Frank are single.
I dunno, porn sites have taught me 80% of you are all trying to get at your family.
Deadly Wipeout
The other 20% like family guy tequila bibles
What sport was that meant to be?>
So its Ninja Warrior but for siblings.
I'm just over here watching amateur homemade like a DECENT CHRISTIAN
The many faces of Paulo
Double redheads!
So... Misty, evil Misty, old guy, and...
Secret agent Chinese woman.
that's an instant bingo
Nah, seriously, that's Lois Lane.
The Roberta Twins worked very hard on that name
Also, I feel like this is racist.
Linda Hunt is much shorter than that
Mike Wallaby?
"Mike Wallaby, because Guy Australia was busy."
Joe's hair is unacceptable
Oh, man, Joe's haircut looks even worse from this angle.
Joe just finished FF7 and GODDAM did it resonate with him.
Guess we know which video game the artist likes
Out of all the possible characters they could have given incredibly stupid hair to, why did they choose the one we're going to look at the most?
Most unrealistic thing is the parents being around and/or concerned
Fucking anime
Okay, so, I hope everyone has their minor introduced character is the villain bingo cards ready!
Fenton's at least mentioned usually
Please mark your choices now, and when the obvious twist is revealed we'll see who's right.
The only time the mom has really showed up was when her clone got murdered one of those women their aunt or is Fenton in a polyamorous relationship?!
But its Manga Hardy, so it could still be what I said.
Look, the hospital is the safest place for this guy.
Yeah why would you not be proud of injuring teens?!
That's the only place they'll find a cure for whatever shrank his right arm.
It worked really well for Action Park.
Fenton looking real rough
Wait, he thinks Frank will do what?
Fenton "Squished Jack Nicholson" Hardy
What species is Fenton?
Pencil eraser
Lol Manga Fenton too busy thinking about stuffing his sister wives gyoza to think about which of his sons is responsible.
It's never made clear but I think he's some sort of gingko.
Would i be right in guessing this is 2005 material?
The whole point of the Hardy Boys in the 90s is that neither of them is responsible.
Hi, Chet.
...Chet looks the exact same size as the two Hardies.
I like fat Chet better than this nurock pear-bod dumpster Chet
Exactly the same size.
And they're still fatshaming him!
Oh, Chet, my boy, what have they done to you?
If you love food and you're fat, chase your dreams, bubby. If you're just the tambourinist from Smashmouth, get the hell off my lawn.
He better double in size when he fights serious
Man they really did Chet dirty
Why does he look like he stuck his finger in a light socket?
They always do
I am the producer
Chet is our favorite Hardy character
Always comes out the class act.
Is he supposed to look like he's in Smash Mouth tho?
Why does he look so happy about it?
Chet welcomes death baby!
Chet is fat.
Chet is a hero
It's literally his only defining characteristic.
Such a majestic spread
Like, Chet is a large, round individual who cheerfully engages in personally dangerous activities for the sake of his friendship with
The place is haunted
Look at all the lack of detail
I can't remember which one of them he's friends with.
I don't know if Chet remembers, either.
All that head trauma's probably erased most of his childhood memories by now.
He's friends with everyone, but only the Hardys acknowledge it. It's bullshit
Religious groups famously hated stunt gameshows
I think Chet is in Frank's grade?
Welp, there's the villain
Yeah, that's... that's probably the villain.
I mean religious guy isnt WRONG but he can still fuck off.
This makes me deeply uncomfortable
what? Gameshows arent women or gays
Okay. Okay. I'm calm. I've got it.
God what is up with this poor girl?!
This is the most controversial Hardy boys we've ever done, and most of them have an Ethnic who talk like DEESE
I dated her in what you Yanks would call middle school.
She was fun.
I think she went into politics.
Bad Paulo, bad
Also Im almost sure its illegal for Frank and Joe to be anywhere that close to redheaded twin gymnasts.
🎵 laaaaaaaaaaa🎵
Goddam tho those girls are fucking BUILT
No, that's about par for Joe.
Joe gives off this aura that tells women they don't want to be involved with him in any way.
At least in the regular books.
Next page, inexplicable destruction
Here it's that funking hair cut.
I can tell you of a fact no matter how equitably you try to write your characters even the best artists will make the women AWHOOOOGA
The haircut is cute but the fact that he emotes at either 0% or 150% is a big problem
Watch out, Chet!
Chet, you are about to be eaten by a shark.
You will be missed.
By us.
Also that lazy artist flipped the same drawing and changed three details
CAn we get some Chet Boys Adventures?
Faces matching dialog is optional
Left to his own devices Chet lives a very happy life going to the kitchen and then to the table and then to the kitchen and then to the table.
Whoa we doing weird anime Hardy Boys now?
We were serious, his character trait is 'he likes food'.
Kids getting killed by scaffolding is great TV?
There is no market for Chet Boys adventures.
Producer lady aint wrong tho, I would watch the shit out of Joe and Frank getting smushed by scaffolding.
Jakesy my man, strap in, and let me tell you the ballad of Rex Moran: Chet Impersonator
Okay so we do get accurate representation for reality tv producers
That woman fucks.
Which in a 90s Hardy Boys story means she's probably evil.
Is this gender swapped John Landis?
Chet need food
True but this isn't about me it's about the comic
Does 12 hour shifts jerking off coal miners.
Oh, thenk God, they read their notes about how 'CHET IS FAT'.
I was worried.
Dragonball H
This is from 2011?
Chet has gained 30 pounds in the last two pages
"The pace is better than Z but the fights are less cool"
More like Preparation Z
Chet's hair grows and shrinks based on his emotions
Hey, don't you judge how he responds to Joe's hair.
I thought Chet was about to go Super Saiyan
We all have to deal with Joe's hair in our own way, and Chet has chosen food.
Fuckin somebody better go super saiyan
Otherwise what is this all for
Um why is Frank miming...
All jokes aside, Chet is usually like 200% too sweet and generous to go super saiyan.
Man they keep trying to set up Joe and Frank as being somewhat antagonistic but I just can't buy in to the idea they have emotions.
This is the biggest serving of Chet we've ever gotten, and I'm around to see it develop.
I don't need horny Chet
Or horny Paulo
I don't think Chet's being horny, I think he's trying to keep Frank from meddling with the machines.
That blonde girl is a mandragora, right?
Chet knows his Hardies by now.
Or a labrador in human form.
Also the soft and dumpy chick has the exact same body type as the other chicks?
Soft and dumpy? She's drawn exactly the same
I'm not picking up what they're putting down here
Seriously, did this guy think anime art is just bad hair?
Thanks for the "then" and "now." Otherwise I'd be so confused because my memory is so short
The main difference between Labrador Girl and the twins is the twins are muscled like fucking pitbulls and are also mean little bitches.
Girls mocking the bodies of girls drawn the same way as them is pretty standard anime
Everything for Frank is teamwork?
... she's from Labrador?
I bet Joe plays solo a lot
Which means they're probably not evil
Frank Hardy?
Okay then.
Faces are hard
The face of a woman who just caught you pitching a tent.
where do the lips go
Sure, Joe, your brother (who has on multiple occasions forgotten you were in mortal danger) is all about team work.
eh somewhere around there
That's his fatal... flaw. (?)
"Should I put something on the screen? Nah"
I've never seen a talking poodle before.
Hold up
...god, every time I see Joe's haircut it upsets me in a new way.
Oh this is a crime.
Like a crimey crime, accessing data under false pretenses.
That's.. completely blank?
That part's normal.
What data???