Mind Melter Flippant Sausage
All the best and most memorable lovemaking ends with someone in a ditch, the trick is being alive.
#3 Time Wars
All the best and most memorable lovemaking ends with someone in a ditch, the trick is being alive.
A warrior's death
Well, what could go wrong in 18th century France/England
The two countries famously get along
This is a plan with absolutely no possible drawback.
"Great lay. Might as well stick around forever."
...Alright that's all dating before thirty or so
There will certainly be no person becoming Emperor of France and plunging Europe into war in a short while. Certainly not.
Only takes about half a page to talk him out of it though
"Oh right. I'm basically a vampire. Yeah, my bad."
Pfft, thats lame, dude, just fake your death.
Rogue time warlord when
Bro is missing the fact that its SO fucking easy to fake your death in the 17th century!
Just walk off someday and never come back, people have no way to check!
Dude could invent going out for smokes
You can be like that guy who grifted Tsarina Alexandra the first time.
"I will return in a different form so be ready for that."
And explain it to a baffled Ezio
Some stuff happens, who cares. Then it's revealed that gasp Fitzroy is Mongoose!
I already forgot who Fitzroy was
London has Pimpernel fever
Pro gamer move
He's supposed to be their liaison with the future
Its fatal, thousands die in the great Red Pimpernel Fever epidemic.
ITs caused by poop water.
It will have a resurgence after a TikTok influencer pitches it as a cure-all
Or rats. Or rats in poop water. Rat water was a delicacy
I go through three bottles a day
Still is, they call it Bristol Crunchy Water now.
Well, there's the Italian quota met
"No, I said people, Dewhurst"
Itsa me, Rico! I helpa you witha da smuggling! Spaghet!
It was Andre btw
I wonder if there's ribbing between different centuries of time traveler
"Ita wasa me, Andre, the wholea time!"
"Andre we told you to stop talking like that, where did you learn that anyway?"
"Mario 64."
Spoiling games across the timeline gets you hung
I bet they screw with reenactors all the time
Andre explodes Mongoose's time machine
ngl, I read that as "remote cockblock unit"
We prefer "roommate"
Man if your time machine security device is so sensitive all it takes to make it detonate your failsafe self destruct is kicking the control panel, you might be a bit stupid. Like what if you trip and bash your elbow on it?
(sorry to interrupt)
It's Brockway's wife!
"I love traumatizing historical figures."
"Let's show him violence rules."
So, yeah. He comes back as a pirate in the 20 Thousand Leagues book
Would he have lived that long?
Because ngl Nemo vs Lafitte is a setup I would read the hell out of.
At that point the time travel gets real weird.
Spoiler alert: Jules Verne is in it
I will always respect a manic swing for the fences
Oh come on, that's not even Verne's schtick. Wells was the time machine guy
Get it together, Hawke
Oh, don't worry. He shows up eventually
In the one with vampires
doing laps around my couch & pumping my fist rn
That book also has Arthur Conan Doyle and Bram Stoker
Because Simon has completely stopped giving a shit at that point
Now that's strawberry syrup on bbq burger
What a strange way of spelling "ascended"
Become what he was meant to be
Some French guy has captured Marguerite's brother. That leads to some historical poontang
The two are one and the same
We are all desceneded from these two huh
Be the fan fiction you want to crank it to in the world.
I very well might, filing that one away in the good idea vault
My finest high school writing memory was a fanfiction contest with my friends
I wrote "Spawn Gaba Gaba," which is the crossover it sounds like
Hell, they're both public domain, I could probably shop that manuscript around
Mongoose has employed most of 18th century Europe
Well they had to get through the economic upheavel somehow I suppose
Cobra throwing a tantrum over his time travel club being shared
Every confusing tick in macroeconomics is time travel
Hey Jellyband is back
like any idiot with a sack full of potatoes cant buy the loyalty of a third of France in the 17th century.
Jellyband has the greatest name in real or fictional history
Jellyband finally got back from making a deal with the devil at the crossroads
The Horror at Camp Jellyband
He exchanged his soul to invent the Dover Jelly.
Its made of gravy.
And bacon.
Keeping a bunch of houses up throughout time and space sounds exhausting
It's no Tingo Spellhands
I guess we have to make them fight
I'll start typing
RIP John Jakes, the king
Piracy is genetic
"It's premodern, Lafitte. The standards for perverting youth are much higher and more literal."
This isn't Hawke's best bad work.
Being a decent liar and a murderer are pretty good talents to have in any time period.
Only way through grad school really
Lafitte in the 20th-21st century is probably just a normal finance bro.
The Sea Wolf of Wall Street
They all end up in the same end and... Laser fight
High Noon At Laser Inn!
You gotta wade through two French books to get to the good stuff
Oh god all of Three Ninjas just flashed before my eyes at once
Like the Manchurian fucking candidate
Although the next one about Zenda isn't fantastic, the ending is
How do I exorcise these visions
Vesper, lambda, pheasant, winter.
The Greek one is really the cream of the crop, but we have a ways to go
Shoot, I think
"So hold my fire?"
Cobra gets double murdered
or un-murdered
or......re murdered?
Im not clear on the rules.
Honestly, I really do just come to time travel for blaster-powered french revolutions
So kudos to the author
double doublecrossed!
If someone that talks like this saves your life, you're in one of those nice versions of The Matrix that Agent Smith was going on about
Time for the 10 page epilogue
Does it have its own epilogue
Something something time bandits
The prologue had a prologue, so I wouldn't be surprised
Damn Simon, leaving the Nazi treasure til the last part of the book. Classy.
If you're a time traveler
Why do you need to wait for the nazis to
Nab an object
Uh oh
Goddammit, Hawke. We talked about this
Just gonna drizzle that in
I appreciate that we didn't find out Cobra was a sex criminal until the second time he died
I wonder what his masculinity blog was called
Cobra isn't Darrow. I know it's confusing because I left out most of the bullshit future organizational politics
The important thing is that none of it matters for the rest of the series
I mean, yeah, obviously. That's what I was thinking
Here's the best twist: Hawke is progressive IRL
Welp..........those people are some other timelines problem now, i guess?
I'm skipping most of this, but just know this is mostly a very long and confusing time monologue
There's some timeline where people evolved from candy that just got a bunch of sex pests dumped on them
When timelines get introduced everything gets so vague, I miss when Timecop suggested too much timing just made you melt.
Man I can't even describe my order at a restaurant without someone getting bored, how do you do this monologue
So are we going to have a timeline war, is that what Simon is getting at? Because that would be pretty sweet.
Hell yes it does
Yeah, like he makes me look well-behaved. I wonder if all of his work isn't parody.
You know what's hilarious? Yes, but not because of this
This is never brought up again
I love me a good Mobius Front.
Something really crazy happens at the end of the next book that leads to that
He said in an interview he writes whatever he thinks sounds awesome. I think he's channeling his inner teen and running with it
Edgelord warts and all
This is the best way to pay rent
Not gonna lie, I would play D&D at Simons table.
It would rule.
Only respect.
"I love the way that kid killed without remorse"
They bunked with Ishmael
I should reread that
"Had being the operative word, we scrambled their brains so hard that Jean thinks he is the star of a 1990 movie about a dictator with flying magnet boots."
What a fun way to end
"You can think about being Galactus. Or get schwasty."
"So I don't have to pay child support in this future?"
"No, you pay double."
"Eh. Ive killed a bunch of people. Pass the wine."
Larry David playing Galactus is my new thing.
If the stars are gods, the stars are ours!
"You destroyed trillions of souls by shifting the timeline, Galan!!" |Curb theme plays|
We have defeated Time Wards #3: The Pimpernel Plot
Have we though?
Nice, Roger Zelazny. This Immortal wasnt my jam as much but still solid.
Or is this the only possible surviving observable timeline after it defeated us infinitely?
Only in this timeline. In the other one it whipped our asses.
Damn it
So ends the 97th Edition of The Book Cage
No shame in being beaten by the sixth-best, kid.
100 coming up fast.
May all your enemies be laser knifed
Why do I even pay for a training dungeon
We did it!
Feels good to slip back into a Simon Hawke.
We wouldn't even have a book cage without him. Gellaho is the mastermind, Hawke is the soul.
Great riffing, everybody! Have a night filled with flintlock pistols!
Yes. This story is why I have the gun.
Good job, you huge dorks.
Rest well one and all
Thanks as usual!