19: This is Your Life, Bhodi Li David Peters

#4 Photon

A Photon Adventure Novel #4. The All-new Intergalactic Action Series! It's not just a game. It's an adventure...



Now that Bhodi Li has fought Nazis and convinced cosmic superbeings to allow the continued existence of our universe, what happens now? Well, everyone gets Photon amnesia of course. Will Warriarr do anything now that he's been on two covers? Tivia has been given a sunburn, will she ever be depicted with her correct skin tone? Does David Peters/Peter David have any shame? Find out this Friday, 5pm eastern, as we read Photon: This is Your Life, Bhodi Li.


@Brockway please give me the pin that I crave


I think the full title of this book might actually be A Photon Adventure Novel #4 - Photon (R) : The Ultimate Game on Earth (tm): This is Your Life, Bhodi Li


Coming up at the start of the hour: It's Photon #4: This is Your Life Bhodi Li


Here's your preview

John, Grand Master of the Arena

The hyphen in skin-like red leather implies he has a gaudy jacket, which I don’t think was the intention.

Dr Shark

Unless that crystal's crazy-fragile, you can definitely just shoot him first, Mandarr


I'm real afraid this book is going to have a lot of quotes from movies and television based on the title and that preview heading

Dr Shark

Bhodi has been getting closer to Ready Player One with each book


At least they haven't been plot points

Dr Shark

This is true


There he is

Dr Shark

Can't wait to see how Bhodi ruins the universe this time


So he either put some work in this one or procrastinated


I’m sorry, probably way late to the party on this, but “The Ultimate Game on Planet Earth”?

Dr Shark

I think we know which it was

Dr Shark

Yep, laser tag


Oh, good we're still breaking up these 150 page books into parts


Isn’t ultimate in that sentence an adjective though?

Dr Shark

It is


Ok, so we’re talking about the final game, not the best one. Guess that clears it up.


Off to a bad start

Dr Shark

Just dropping all pretense and calling it a phaser now

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

Its ok, it just needs a Final Solution


Bhodi Li's mom was 70 years old apparently

Dr Shark

He played the 12th Doctor, right?


How do you know that guy but not Hitler


Bhodi? Answer me Bhodi

Dr Shark

Javo already figured it out

Bhodi seems to know every facet of history except Nazis. It's too convenient


You've kissed multiple times Bhodi

Dr Shark

Our hero reflects on when he wanted to punch a woman

John, Grand Master of the Arena

Oh how awful that I no longer feel hatred for a woman. Fuck you, Bhodi

Dr Shark

Bhodi and Joe Hardy are part of the same incel forums


Since when


I don't see no cape

Dr Shark

I guess the universe reboot last time changed clothing


I guess it's in the backpack


But you can't introduce invisibility now

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

Its invisible idiot


then how's it white


Bhodi, having survived the unmaking of the universe, gets right back to the misogyny

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

well its not always invisible

Dr Shark

Next Bhodi tells Tivia to smile

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

Red Pill Bhodi


Excuse me, princess

Dr Shark

Oh, like Bhodi doesn't have a toilet cam

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

Imagine if the next line is just "Hey Tivia why don't you come over here and SUCK MY DICK"

Dr Shark

It'd have the same tone

John, Grand Master of the Arena

I think the grossest part is the book clearly wants us to agree with Bhodi here


Hope the kids appreciate a Cleveland joke


Bhodi Li, American, is unfamiliar with the Earth city of Cleveland

Dr Shark

"This is Peter David telling all Cleveland residents to kill themselves!"

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

I like how they make sure to let you know everyone didn't get the joke

Parcival made a joke and it sucked and also Tivia is a stupid whore

Dr Shark

There are no second drafts in Photon


I'll share the 2 paragraphs about the best characters because I'm sure they won't be in this one again

Dr Shark

These guys fuck. Therefore, let's focus on Bhodi, who never will


Parcival is a huge nerd


And he went back for the Cleveland joke

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

really mad discord won't let me change my name to Javo, Glistening Silver Cyborg and Wizard

Dr Shark

Let's not forget Parcival is also the most hardcore of the group. He murdered enough people last book for Bhodi to have to understand the concept of "genocide"

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

I want to know what a laser tag bazooka looks like and how it works

hype slug jakesy

Was it ghostwritten by Drew Carey?

Two mentions of Cleveland in any context makes me suspicious

Pegged Bottom



I've only seen it used against a robot, and it did jack shit

Dr Shark

It can shoot down spaceships with one shot. We know that much

Ah, right. And it's useless against robots

hype slug jakesy

The final boss of Tivia’s world:


Warriarr and Mandarr, at it again


Will Warriarr be easily defeated again, despite being on the cover?

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

wow Tivia you sure do suck and get captured a lot

Dr Shark

"Deadliest"? Warriarr's gotten his ass handed to him every time he shows up

hype slug jakesy

Yeah I’ve yet to see Wariarr win a battle

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

keep in mind we are playing by Power Ranger rules

hype slug jakesy

Easily the deadliest character in these books has been Hitler


The answer is yes, obviously

hype slug jakesy

I mean sure, 8 million confirmed kills is a high bar for your supervillains, I’ll give them that. But you gotta at least make it close


It's good that these Warlords of Arr frequently forget their powerful laser guns and try hand to hand combat instead

hype slug jakesy

Yeah how do the laser tag villains keep forgetting they have lasers to tag with

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

seems really early in the book for the main villains to suck this hard already

Dr Shark

In the Arrian native tongue, "suck an egg" is like saying the n-word, the c-word and the f-word at once


Bhodi, professional moron

Dr Shark

Even Mandarr can't believe Bhodi's this stupid



Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

and in the Arrian tongue, the n-word has TWO hard r's



Dr Shark

He broke the unbreakable grip!



hype slug jakesy

What does it all meeeeeeeeeeeean!?

Dr Shark

I think we can all be relieved he'll never learn the guitar


you really feel the gravitas of this moment after the "Suck an egg" comment

Dr Shark

It was his Patton moment


Red and white???

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

I am glad I am not the only one who caught that


I think he's talking about his outfit

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

Heres lies the splattered corpse of Bhodi Li, who died full of cum

Dr Shark

You have no idea how much semen the fall's going to get out of Bhodi

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

beat you


I think he’s up to something else based on that “final scream”

hype slug jakesy

Bhodi Li: Cum Fiesta



hype slug jakesy

I see we’re still playing by Hardy Boys rules here

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

I hope nobody wanted this dope nickname. Well, I hope Javo wanted this dope nickname

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

its ok

it didn't fit

and besides

you forgot to meantion gleaming

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Dick Bracket Co-Champion still has legs anyway


Not humorous

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

It didn't fit!

Dr Shark

He slept on train tracks

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

yeah at this point Cerril and I are in a game of chicken about changing names

hype slug jakesy

“His pants were soaked in cum for some reason”

Dr Shark

Sis has Parkinson's, just like I remember!


I'm assuming Chris was beaten into unconsciousness by some woman

Dr Shark

"Kill him!"

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Bhodi Li is so cool you guys

Let us go buy laser tag equipment


"I will write the (second) most insufferable character!"

hype slug jakesy

God dam wimmins keep trying to tell him what to do

Dr Shark

Nurses: Sexually Harass Them!


Who couldst be?


You know, even if that isn't him, strangle him

Dr Shark

The doctor would go to his grave trying to perfect his stand-up routine

hype slug jakesy

Hahaha I would love it if it turns out Bhodi Li got in a skateboarding accident a year ago and he hallucinated the last 3 books


This book is testing me

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Hey doctor, :B_: :OO: :O_:

hype slug jakesy

Got a real Wizard of Oz situation here

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

:B_: :Traxxine: :O_:

hype slug jakesy

You, and you, and you were there!

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

This wasn't intentional but I like it

Dick Bracket Co-Champion Javo

oh man I cant wait for this all to be a dream

its gonna be great

Dr Shark

A dream? Naw man, no way they'd try something that out there!


Surprise ass-jab

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Anyone with a name or profession that contains an "ar" sound probably gets wild accusations from Bhodi Li

I like the outdoor pics

Dr Shark

Next chapter, they get the pliers and ask Bhodi if it's safe

Dr Shark

Wow, harsh


"Fooled Chris not at all, say Yoda"

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Next chapter the Hardy Boys would shake off the sedative and immediately start karate chopping ninjas

The nurses were ninjas

Dr Shark

Hell yes


I liked this guy better when he was a servant of Hitler


Excuse me, Hitlarr

hype slug jakesy

His favorite gun is an ARR-15


A twist worthy of a soap opera

hype slug jakesy

Mmmm hmmm

It was all a dream

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

Or... was it?

hype slug jakesy

I used to read Word Up! magazine

Dr Shark

"Also, Chris, we're married"



Dr Shark

"A shame. I wanted to saw your head open to see if the coma was from a parasite."


I swear to God, if this asshole turns Lord Baethan into a Texan

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

If you had your way, Evan, it would be called Earrth and it would be flat!

Dr Shark

Society for Creative Anachronism? Like, avante garde Civil War reenactments?


I don't like the use of the word "sashay" here

hype slug jakesy

If I learned anything from RuPaul, it’s that you only sashay away from things


A German player? Hmmmmmmmmm

Pegged Bottom

the only thing i learned from her is that you better WERK.


Hitlarr's revenge?

Dr Shark

"Schweitzer beat you with his gun for a solid five minutes. We should have stopped him but he looked so happy no one wanted to intervene."


"My real mom is MOM!"

hype slug jakesy



It’s happening

Dr Shark

Finally, we have justice


So Bhodi supposedly follows professional(?) Laser tag but didn't put together the fact that all the players resemble the space people he hangs out with?


"I'm Spider-Man!"

Dr Shark

He's, like, just so good. Why bother paying attention to anyone else?

John, Grand Master of the Arena

Clearly written by someone who has never laid on a hospital bed.


Great bedside manner

Dr Shark

Bhodi better escape before Nurse Ratchet clocks in


He's gone feral


I would be just as sick of this kid's shit as the doctor, I sympathize.

John, Grand Master of the Arena

He fights better after being in a coma for two months than when he is a magic warrior.


Wow, he actually did it

hype slug jakesy

Being in a coma is less plausible to Bhodi than the whole Intellistar Wariarr thing he made up in his head, which is fantastic

Dr Shark

This is the kind of meltdown you normally only see when a spoiled child is told they can't go to Disneyland


It's such a plausible story


This is fantastic. No notes.

John, Grand Master of the Arena

If he believes this is fake, what does he think happened when he turned into a cumstain on that planet?

Dr Shark

"The woman I fantasized about punching...isn't real? What should I do now?!"


"Loretta? That doesn't sound like a yogurt"

hype slug jakesy

Also why would they put Wariarr in a position where Bhodi could recognize him if they were trying to fool him into thinking this was real!


Mandarr, please

hype slug jakesy

I’m rolling my R’s apparently


Mandarr is the human who got turned into an Arrian. Man-darr

Silver Cyborg Greg (a wizard)

To devastate him

It is working super well

hype slug jakesy

Oh Jesus lol

Dr Shark

Loretta's here to put his catheter in


Even though all Arrians are descendants of Hitler? And Thousands of years old?


The lore doesn't make a lot of sense

hype slug jakesy

Also is candy stripper some kind of code

Striper whatever, these colors don’t run

Dr Shark

Old fashioned term for assistant nurse



hype slug jakesy


John, Grand Master of the Arena

It was a volunteer position for nurses in training.

Dr Shark

That was it. Thank you!

Also, she's showing her teeth. You better run, Chris.


Jesus Christ

John, Grand Master of the Arena

I only know because my aunt is a nurse.


The hand cream planet of women

hype slug jakesy



Peter, what are you trying to do


I think I understand why Photon went out of business

If they are letting this dude just make fun of their product endlessly

Pegged Bottom

the hand cream is NIVEA you ass

Dr Shark

"Release me from this book contract or I'll destroy all that you've built"


You gotta tiptoe around copyright


Peter really should have realized that they would keep him under contract after he started with Hitler

hype slug jakesy

“You know that awesome shit we just did in the last three books? Real Photon isn’t that, losers”

Dr Shark

He's just bashing his head against his cage at this point


Pointing out that something is stupid doesn't make it less stupid


The more of these shitty books I read, the more I understand that meta humor really doesn't work unless you are really fucking good

Dr Shark

It looks easy, but it really isn't


Lydia has a lot to answer for

Dr Shark

The Twinkie Farm sounds delicious

Pegged Bottom

If we can't do Nivea he shouldn't have been able to do Twinkies, Looney Tunes or Magic Kingdom.


Stop it

Dr Shark

Loretta is 63 years old

hype slug jakesy

Yeah this is way too meta and it barely even works


I don't like this phrasing

hype slug jakesy

“You should write 3 books based on your stories, Chris”

Dr Shark

"And no more"


I'm going to need the references to stop

Dr Shark

Remember, mock someone if they stop being cheerful


Chris/Bhodi decides to fight his gym teacher


I would have been delighted if this kid finally decided to tone down his bullshit.


which is a move I've only seen the most delinquent of students attempt

Dr Shark

Lambert doesn't seem to care about his job

hype slug jakesy

I think back when this was written you were still allowed to beat the shit out of kids for misbehaving

Dr Shark

True. I don't think lawsuits for this stuff even existed yet

hype slug jakesy

Going for the running neck wring, bold choice


Chris might be bringing his "phaser" to school

Dr Shark

Haha! Our school hired a hair-trigger psychopath to teach gym!


Loretta needs to watch herself

Dr Shark

"I mean I want to punch you"


she's going to end up in the trunk of a car

Dr Shark

Parts of her will


They only suspended him for this shit?


That might be the most realistic part of the book.



hype slug jakesy



Dr Shark


hype slug jakesy

Can’t wait until he meets Dogarr

Dr Shark

Now the lizard busts out a bazooka


This is going on for a while

Dr Shark

Yeah. Who the hell would get any enjoyment out of a video game?



Dr Shark

"Do you need all that rope, son?"


I can say from experience that Davids Peter does a pretty good job of portraying a teenager with a head injury.


VW, eh?


more evidence of a Hitlarr plot

Dr Shark

"Loretta, can we make a quick stop? I have to buy a couple gallons of lye"


Take your date to laser tag, kids!

Dr Shark

All the coolios are!

hype slug jakesy

Ughhhhhhhh Volkswagen