105: Tom Swift #4: The DNA Disaster Victor Appleton

#4 Tom Swift

Tags: The Year of Pain
Mess with the laws of evolution - and you just might risk extinction!



🚨 Tom Swift Poll Time 🚨

The Book Cage demands your input for the Year of Pain. Tom Swift has fucked around in God's domain, and you must decide how. Vote for your favorite by using the matching reaction. Polls close at 5pm Eastern.

♊ - #2 The Negative Zone

🧬 - #4 The DNA Disaster

The Badgers in the Discords

I'll always vote for mirror universe shenanigans except for when dinosaurs are involved


Yeah this is a tough one

shaqtoberfest jakesy

But I mean come on, Negative Tom is just regular Tom after rubbing a balloon on his head

shaqtoberfest jakesy

At least throw an evil mustache on him


Tom Swift can't grow a mustache in any universe


My vote's for the one where he discovers goatse.

The Badgers in the Discords

It's going to be funny if DNA Disaster wins because no one else bothered to read the very clear instructions


The Book Cage: Episode 105 - Tom Swift: The DNA Disaster

The people have spoken! And they've certainly chosen something. And just the back already makes me feel like I'm losing my mind.

Tom Swift's latest invention has set off an evolution revolution in reverse. His microradiation DNA scanner, destabilized by a black hole created in an earlier experiment, has created a biological time warp. Now the scanner's beam of alien energy threatens to put the entire world into prehistoric peril.

Join me, Friday 5pm eastern, before I turn into a rampaging ape-man.

The Badgers in the Discords

Oh my god it's Threshold.

The worst Voyager episode, retold for the shittiest sci fi nerd children.

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

I just wanna know why a Hork Bajir is on the cover


Good modelling agent


Less than one hour until Tom Swift #4: The DNA Disaster. Here is the preview

The Badgers in the Discords

The fossil record shows that velociraptors were well known for being able to jump and twist in the air like housecats

Trapper FlippantSausage

"All I know is that I, Tom Swift, have stolen the fire of Creation from God and spit in His face as I cast Him screaming from His throne."


Time to begin the process

Trapper FlippantSausage

Thats not even a raptor, Illustrator person.

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

it's a Hork-Bajir with a good modeling agent

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Is that a net gun?


We begin with Tom Swift on Mars, where there are dinosaurs apparently

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

this reads like parody

Trapper FlippantSausage

Because Mars is the only place in the galaxy with red rocks.

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

I half expect to find this is some video game.


And t Rex's


Oh, but don't worry, it's turned into a bat

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

dream or video game

vote now on your phones

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom........you might wanna calibrate that shit, a T-Rex shouldnt turn into a bat AT ALL.


A talking bat


Hey; whose the genius here?

Trapper FlippantSausage

Not from gamma rays anyway, your cancer gun is broken.

Toms Dnd nights are wild but weirdly egocentric.


Ah yes, every possible shape. All one hundred of them


Rick out here to crush it's skull


Everyone knows changelings are weak vs bats

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Quick, pick up a mongoose!

Trapper FlippantSausage

Maybe go back to T rex, guy, you are doing worse and worse vs bat.


Tom's ray gun is useless, surely a net will save the day

Trapper FlippantSausage

Its just a snake tho, Tom. It didnt even say it was giant or even venomous.

You can beat that with a normal housecat.

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

We're already to the cover image.


But, the changeling has a trick up its sleeve

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Form of water


Turning into the Black Death


Is it changing?

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Is this the game Morpheus played with Lucifer?


Geez; short book

Trapper FlippantSausage

Hey, uh......Changeling? maybe kill Tom with a disease that ISNT vulnerable to washing your hands and antibiotics.

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

"I am penicillin"

Yeah go ebola or gtfo

The Badgers in the Discords


Oh fuck, is Odo gonna rest Tom for space crime finally?


Change into prions

Can't beat prions

Trapper FlippantSausage

Also bubonic plague takes like weeks to kill its host.

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Or rabies, apparently

Trapper FlippantSausage

If it even does.


Anyway, welcome to Thomas Swift and His Electronic Game



Mordred Dances with Werewoofs


The Badgers in the Discords

Hahaha this stupid fuck invented holosuites but worse.

Giant "game over" buttons are a failure of the game designer.

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Couldn't call it the Holodeck®

Trapper FlippantSausage

More bulky than a Virtual Boy and gives you the Bubonic Plague.

Brilliant, Tom.


the author knew 'holodeck' was taken and 'cybercell' was the best he could come up with

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Trés cyberpunk

Trapper FlippantSausage

Also Tom needs to git gud, he didnt even TRY boofing ivermectin.


Which somehow made them feel sick

Don't really know how that works

Trapper FlippantSausage

Haptic feedback suits with built in heating elements.


I'd definitely suggest to Tom that he keep workshopping the name. Cybercell sounds like where Judge Dredd sends me for loitering

Trapper FlippantSausage

And so many many needles.


"I love buboes!"

The Badgers in the Discords





Not sure why the helmet needs air holes if you aren't actually on Mars, but sure

The Badgers in the Discords

"I really felt like we were on mars! 😀"

Trapper FlippantSausage

"Five years in the 'Cubes will teach you to be one of the 99% of citizens with nothing to do, creep."

The Badgers in the Discords

Probably because of that gif I posted

Trapper FlippantSausage

For realistic choking.


his helmet has speed holes, they make him go faster

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom Swift is exactly the type to waterboard himself so his videogame is maximally realistic.


Oh I hate the way they typed three-D


Nobody tell Hasbro


how'd you get it to turn into a little tiny gun?

Trapper FlippantSausage

Hey Tom? Note to your dad, maybe dont name it after a genocidal robot dictator.


real big 'we made the torment nexus' energy there

Trapper FlippantSausage

I say this as someone who nicknamed his PC after the AI from Marathon.

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

this is Decepticon erasure and I won't stand for it


What a fun game


Oh is this gonna be one of those "we made our video game villain too smart" sci fi stories?

Or is this just unrelated to the actual plot at all

Trapper FlippantSausage

Wait, you thought of "it can turn into bacteria" but not "I need medication for things"?!


Spoiler alert for The Negative Zone

Trapper FlippantSausage

Bud you are lagging behind fuckin EVERY survival game ever.

Also can Tom just invent ONE thing that doesnt turn into a fuckin disaster?


Not so far


Maybe Tom should be following up on the thing that overturns our knowledge of space and time, instead building VR games

Trapper FlippantSausage

No I think he should stick to VR.

Im very comfortable with Tom not breaking time and space.


Yeah, someone else should follow up on the phantom zone thing

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

negative zone, wrong comics rip-off


Ghostwriter must have been rushing to meet a deadline.

"Eh, they have hair or something"


Swole rick

Trapper FlippantSausage

Why is Rick still friends with Tom? Remember when Tom overwrote Ricks brain with an electric karate shirt?


Shoot, I was ready at 5 then I wasn't.

What's this one about?

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

thus far? ripping off a star trek holodeck episode

Trapper FlippantSausage

Dinosaurs and maybe VR?


So far they played a video game and got owned by the black plague


Hahaha, stupid anti-phloxers

Trapper FlippantSausage

It seems to imply that Tom is going to invent a DNA rejiggerer and become a literal Spiderman villain.


Everyone knows you fill a crow's mask with herbs to stave ye off the Plagguee


After they leave, the computers just turn themselves back on and the changeling leaves


Don't ask how

Trapper FlippantSausage

Im 100% certain at least one Spiderman guy did a "lets turn people into chimps"


If you're an evil shapechanger try changing into a non-evil shapechanger

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

oh sorry, this might actually be ripping off an X-Files episode

Trapper FlippantSausage

Im joining the war on the evil shape changer, on the side of the shape changer. Tom Swift must be destroyed.


No no this is totally star trek


But, why

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

red ghost


This is the TNG episode where Moriarty becomes self aware

Trapper FlippantSausage

If I was going to rip off something it would definitely be Star Trek because First Person Shooter is an embarassingly bad episode of X-Files.




"You can't keep doing this, Tom. You need help."

Trapper FlippantSausage

Okay but why NOT robobear?

When you imagine that Tom is a supervillain it all makes sense.

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

so it's covered in...Fibearoptic cable?


Tom makes horrors as a warmup to the day's work.


"Please Tom, if you have any mercy left in your heart, let the creature die."


The ghostwriter has a vendetta against Popular Mechanics

Trapper FlippantSausage

All Tom needs is for a band of plucky teens and their friend from space to vow to stop his evil rampage.

hahahahahah imagine thinking magazines were going to be relevant for fifty years.


They must have let an eight year old ghostwrite this

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Because of reasons

Trapper FlippantSausage

Its a real improvement, thats for sure.

Trapper FlippantSausage

Its refreshing to have a villain who's motivation is just "Tom Swift? Fuck that guy."


Magic science crystals

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Can he?

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

hey found our author

Mordred Dances with Werewoofs

Can he really, Tom?

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, may he rest in peace(?)


It was only years later, as Rick looked into the eyes of hus newborn daughter, that he truly understood the cost of this moment

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

wow uh

so this author was a bit of a nutcase

Trapper FlippantSausage

"Okay so when do you test it on me and maybe my sister, and turn us into like chicken people or something is what I'm asking, Tom. Usually I find out when I start bawking and I just.........can't today."

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

he wrote under several aliases, based part of his name off a Les Miserables character, and uh

In 2000, MacIntyre was arrested after a neighbour said he duct-taped her to a chair, shaved her head, and spray-painted her black. He later plead guilty to third-degree misdemeanor assault


Those flashing lights are just an LED strip you thought looked cool, Tom


Oh shit


But before anything can happen with that, Tom's sister waltzes in to the sanitary lab with some animals


I am very worried for that kitten


That's some Big Bang Theory levels of insight into science there


All Toms are clones of Tom Prime.


Just throwing around pets

The Badgers in the Discords

Every animal name is going to be a hat on a hat, isn't it

Trapper FlippantSausage




"Tom! Save me!" screeched Tom the Mynah Bird


Crystals can do whatever you want


Oh this mouse is FUCKED

The Badgers in the Discords

That mouse's name? algernon.


Put on your safety goggles, kids


But, again, why?

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom........mice are pretty basic mammal prototypes. Theres not much evolution there.

Its one of evolutions rare "one and dones" in that it works almost everywhere.

The Badgers in the Discords

This really reads like a wiseguy author who thought of answers to every question except "who gives a fuck"


You're applying way too much understanding of evolution. Clearly mice are descended from the noble triceratops


And, unrelated to everything else, a black hole has reappeared


These books always imagine evolution as some preset path to godhood.


Black holes never go away after the first treatment


Christ, all of Tom's failures have come home to haunt him at once

The Badgers in the Discords

"I got rid of the black hole!"


"… It's right behind me, isn't it?"

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom did you think you fixed it so black holes could never exist?


That's how eyes work, they shoot out eyebeams

Trapper FlippantSausage

Black hole proximity may cause temporary blindness.


All possible future Toms Swift are turned into inside-out noodles


Not the sheets of paper! They had so much to live for!


Ok I have to say, I kinda love that one idea

The Badgers in the Discords

It's funny that the author is pretending that this story should continue in any direction that isn't "the earth implodes into a gravity of well of astronomical power, the end"


That looking at a black hole hurts because it sucks the photons right off your ocular nerve

Trapper FlippantSausage

Like what happens in a Bethesda game when you use console commands to rescale something and then kill it.


The science checks out

The Badgers in the Discords

If only a black hole actually would swallow Photon

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom, if you turned that housecat into a smilodon I swear to god.

They arent closely related to modern cats, you fool!


We'll just leave this problem for someone else to deal with

Trapper FlippantSausage

You also get points deducted for unoriginality, at least do a deep cut like thylacoleo.

The Badgers in the Discords

it's the Swift Industries way

Trapper FlippantSausage

The janitor probably has a tranq rifle, its fine.

The cleaning staff has to sign waivers for this exact eventuality.


And the black hole popped up again, don't worry about how

Trapper FlippantSausage

Security is equipped for random wild animals, but probably not black holes too.

The Badgers in the Discords

so it's sort of a flasher, this black hole


"And we may as well get started on the wrongful death lawsuits for whoever you send."

Trapper FlippantSausage

One or the other, Toms Dad is real cranky about the budget.


Tom stole his data interface design from RoboCop

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom stop designing robots with holes for you to jam things in.


And there it goes again

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom spent like the entire GDP of Guatamala on making Orb and hes basically a no-no can.


Everybody knows green means the evolvo-ray

Trapper FlippantSausage

Yeah sure, green means go.

Makes sense.

Sandra has lost SO MANY pets.


The tiger instantly evolved to thrive in oxygen


Science is really whatever you want it to be


Rick out here trying to get superpowers

The Badgers in the Discords

the Negative Zone is what I call ⁠general-chat


I wonder if that spider's thoughts are more spiderlike now

Trapper FlippantSausage

Cool, yeah, hyper-evolve Rick, I wanna see what that means to this ghostwriter.


This went from a holodeck episode to the one where barclay gets turned into a spider

Hopefully Rick gets turned into a caveman.


Tom is really flirting with magic this episode.

Trapper FlippantSausage

That was was so good. Troi turned into a still pretty hot fish lady and Picard was set to be a pygmy marmoset.


And they left the bird in the room with the randomly appearing black hole


They are so bad at pet ownership

Trapper FlippantSausage

At least this one is evolutionarily plausible.


Crayon supercomputers

Trapper FlippantSausage

So when does Soundwave get invented?

Or is that Orb?



This author treats computers like hack writers in the 50s treated them.


I'm always accidentally sending things forward in time, too


Sounds like kicking the can down the road again is a pretty good solution. Let Future Tom deal with that shit

Trapper FlippantSausage

So you really just made it Future Tom's problem. I can dig that.


Launch a black hole through time, what could go wrong?


The black hole completely missed the robot kickboxer


We're going to accidentally upload The Big Crunch into an adjacent universe


Wouldn't it just show up at some other point in earths orbit?

Trapper FlippantSausage

Probably the universe where we all have universal healthcare and world peace.


That's how that works sure

Trapper FlippantSausage

And more seasons of Justified and fewer seasons of My Big Fat (Slur for Roma) Wedding.


That's a bunch, ghostwriter. I would have been so confused otherwise

Trapper FlippantSausage

"Tom, you name this after my cat or I tell Dad you are playing God again. And also I found your stash of alternate universe Mandy porn."


Calling something the Darwin Effect is a good way to get a bunch of creationists hassling you.


Oh, but what's in the Amazon Zone!? Oh, thank you for the explanation

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom lives in California doesnt he? Isnt the Arizona zone like a few hours away by car? Why would you build that?


Of all the places you could have written as an example for your Placename Zone, you had to pick Arizona

Trapper FlippantSausage

"Next to it is the New Mexico zone, and then the Texas zone."


Good thing they have a Arizona zone and a Nevada zone. They're very distinct

Trapper FlippantSausage

"We had an Oregon zone, but the test subjects succeeded and formed an ethno-state."


Rick is attacked by the tentacles of the coconut tree


I would love it if the dna machine just said "fuck this" and turned the banana into a T rex


"we don't talk about the Utah zone any more"

Trapper FlippantSausage

Ah yes, the notorious tentacled electric cononut trees of Arizona.

Taller than three tall men and twice as deadly as eight tall men.


They're in the Amazon Zone. Which still means The Changeling fucked up

Anyway, Tom Swift managed to not hear the screaming tree, but thinks this is hilarious


Maybe you just fucked up your zone, tom

Trapper FlippantSausage

Rick, at this point youre the asshole for still being friends with Tom.

You know what he is.


In Rick's tell-all biography, My Life With The Monster, he says this was the first time he saw behind the mask and glimpsed the real Tom Swift


Rick got hit with a TASEC

Trapper FlippantSausage

"Also it said something about being the character from that rad videogame you made, and that it would fuck my mom?"

The Badgers in the Discords

The phrase "electrical coconuts" disqualifies anything else good about this manuscript


He said it was like looking into the eye of a shark


They turn a banana tree into a giant tree, it's very exciting

This is the best explanation you're going to get

Trapper FlippantSausage

Tom, Rick isnt smart enough to say this but that is fucking stupid.


You built it tom, why are you speculating about how it works?

Trapper FlippantSausage

You cant possibly have made a DNA scanner that picks up things that arent DNA in the first place, you asshole.

Tom........this was never a DNA scanner, was it?

Tom, did you try to build a black hole gun?


They need to close the negative zone before general nod escapes


Quick question, does the author think that the A in DNA stands for atoms


They are apparently fascinated by shooting this thing at plants

But, oh no, fruit flies!

Trapper FlippantSausage

I mean I would be too.


Why don't all the microbes crawling over these animals become supergerms?

Oh wait I spoke too soon, they The Flyed

Trapper FlippantSausage

Ghostwriter........flies dont HAVE JAWS.



They have segmented eyes, not jaws

Trapper FlippantSausage

Of all the things you could have made giant you picked the one insect that doesnt have jaws.

And notoriously dissolves its food with acid because it cant chew.


Forgetting that this process is reversible, they let the venomous dragonflies fly away

Trapper FlippantSausage

Its fine, they'll die in like 20 minutes at most.


"I said turn off the scanner, Rick. This is your fault now."

Trapper FlippantSausage

Or less, they cant possibly breathe in a modern atmosphere.


They are from a period in earth's history where the oxygen content was much higher