124: The Hardy Boys Casefiles #76: Ring of Evil #1: Tagged for Terror Franklin W. Dixon

#76 The Hardy Boys Casefiles

Tags: Ring of Evil
When danger's at the controls, the final destination can be terminal.



The Book Cage: Episode 124

The Hardy Boys Casefiles #76: Ring of Evil #1: Tagged for Terror

Welcome, to where it all began. It's time for the Casefiles trilogy that leads to Dead of Night. The world's busiest airport won't know what hit it when the Hardy Boys and The Assassins collide at baggage claim. Join me, this Friday 5pm eastern.

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Fuuuuuuuuuck yes.




We're back, baby!


A little under an hour until The Hardy Boys Casefiles #76: Ring of Evil #1: Tagged for Terror. Here is your preview, including a dead Frank Hardy buried in underwear

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Poor sweet Frank Hardy

He died as he lived: Buried under someone else's underwear

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Poor guy had to restart for a system update. Happens to the best of us

Velo, Electric Ghost

TSA was formed specifically to keep the Hardy Boys out of airports



Time to get tagged

Javo Knows the Island of Worms

happy suitcase is happy

Velo, Electric Ghost

Hi @gellaho !

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

oh so they just work at an airport now

Velo, Electric Ghost

Hi @Tom Owns Diebel's Grave !

Hi @Javo Knows the Island of Worms !


Starting off with the jokes

Velo, Electric Ghost

Mike doesn't need this


Mike wanted Fenton, the merry prankster

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

so is this an early one?

Velo, Electric Ghost

Mike has a family and kids to get home to


This slight sends Joe into a rage

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

This is either going to turn into violence or hate sex


Hi, @gellaho ! Hi, @Velo, Electric Ghost ! Hi, @Tom Owns Diebel's Grave ! Hi, @Slampire, Dying on a Game Show ! Hi, @Javo Knows the Island of Worms !


Not particularly

Velo, Electric Ghost

He for some reason assumed that he could hire the professional detective whose services he had previously employed


I feel like there are a couple of federal agencies that would be better options

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

haha yeah so they've carved a huge bloody swathe through crime's underbelly at this point

Velo, Electric Ghost

Oooo 1993

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Why would he assume he would get Fenton and not his dipshit sons? Does he not know he's in the Hardy Boys?

Velo, Electric Ghost

This airport is in for a surprise

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

When was the TSA created?

Velo, Electric Ghost

November 2001

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Do the Hardy Boys solve cases pre or post-9/11


I am also disappointed that we're not reading about Fenton's awesome life.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

ah, baggage theft. A simple innocuous crime that certainly will not balloon out into some insane human trafficking on a rmeote south american island or anything


Joe looking for a rumble

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Oh god

Velo, Electric Ghost

Why would anything do that

You sound insane

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

The Hardy Boys are going to Epstein Island aren't they


HELLO, @Brendo !

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

So far this is entirely accurate to how two teenage boys would act


Don't lie to the man, Frank

Velo, Electric Ghost

"I just don't want children to die because of a god damn bagging handling case."

"Yeah well fuck you old man."

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

"I did not need another lawsuit. One dead child in a conveyor belt was enough."


"They're still scraping pieces of him out of the gears."


That's what sunlight does to skin, makes it paler


Eddings is made of high quality leather

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Like a tasteful couch

You could make shoes out of his dead skin

Velo, Electric Ghost

"Please explain to me again why he sent idiot children to investigate an actual crime."


Ah, they're stealing valuables. Very unique, baggage thieves usually just take the little travel soaps

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I love how much contempt the author seems to have for Joe


"We thought our rep was untouchable as long as Spirit Airlines was around."

Velo, Electric Ghost

This is the storyline that leads to the Halloween special, right?


Hank Forrester, top-notch at manning

Velo, Electric Ghost

That contempt grows


It's Assassins for four straight books! It's like Idiot Christmas!

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

of all the things to bring in a plucky underdog private investigator, airport security seems like one of the least likely

but maybe the 90s was just a different time

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

See Frank's there to do his fucking job and Joe's there to serve as bait for sex offenders and murderers


One of them, Dead of Night ties into the continuity of like six different books


I want a noir story starring a bitter, hardened TSA checkpoint guard

Velo, Electric Ghost

Honestly that's kind of impressive for these books

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

"I've seen too many good men killed by shampoo bottles. Too many."


"You can't see passengers. Just bodies."

Velo, Electric Ghost

"Put your wallet on the tray. As if it makes any fucking difference in this bitch of a world."


Solomon Mapes, a very real name

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Whoever came up with the name Solomon Mapes should be fired. Out of a cannon.


"Do I have to take my shoes off?"

"On. Off. Like the dirty light bulb hanging from my ceiling. How many years had it been since she'd told me to replace it? How many more would it be before I did?"

Velo, Electric Ghost

The realest name


Frank noted that Mapes was a real smoke show

Velo, Electric Ghost

It's one of those names that gets worse the more you see it

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Solomon Mapes, born on the drapes


I think Solomon Mapes was the answer George Costanza argued over with Bubble Boy

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

christened with capes

married to... Blakes?

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

So how much of the book is about Frank coming to terms with his sexuality by fantasizing about Solomon Mapes


Mapes noted this conversation for the inevitable lawsuit

Velo, Electric Ghost

"Just gotta call some people about this and then we'll get this plane started, boss."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

I don't see why they would bother to introduce the pilot unless he's the murderer

so everyone start pre-loading a whole lot more jokes about his name

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Look sometimes you come up with a name so stupid you have to share it


People demand more humanity from their pilots


Give me my freight division, old man!

Velo, Electric Ghost

There have been no murders, you sound insane again


Hell yes on the new title, @Velo, Electric Ghost

Velo, Electric Ghost

Why would there be murders, this is a simple airport baggage situation

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

oh yeah I forgot no one's been eaten by an escalator yet


There certainly isn't a family chopped up and stored in the carry on luggage

Velo, Electric Ghost

Solomon carries a knife in his teeth at all times


This is probably fine

Velo, Electric Ghost

for safety reasons


Hi, Sharko!


You go manually release the landing gear, child

Velo, Electric Ghost

Yes Joe. Lower the gear with your hands.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"luckily this plane was designed to be crewed by a pair of strong idiot teens, so you two are jus what I need"

Velo, Electric Ghost

Joe Strong


I'm tugging on my crank, bro!


"I insisted on a plane with a crawlspace. I'm not a killer."

Velo, Electric Ghost

God damn it Joe not now

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

The Hardy Boys In: The Case of the Collapsing Airplane

Velo, Electric Ghost

This book is fifteen pages of death

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

How drunk is Solomon? Like on a scale from one to ten




Soooooooo drunk

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"hahaha I didn't fuel up enough for this flight I'm a great pilot hahaha"

Velo, Electric Ghost

Fuck. Yes. Captain Mapes.


Is that what the pilot light is for? Huh. Today I learned

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

That's eight O's so his liver is currently shutting down

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"uh oh there's a 10 minute delay at the runway, our deaths are certain hahaha"


Vroom vroom

Velo, Electric Ghost

"I land all my planes vertically."

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Frank: "Please god, if you have to kill anyone, kill Joe."

Velo, Electric Ghost

Also Joe stop jerking

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Danger makes him so fucking horny

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

if this is the level of competency eddings expects from his employees he should actually be pretty happy with the Hardy boys


Mapes not having it


As they crawl out of the debris, they are informed they will receive a survey in the next few days asking them how their experience was

Velo, Electric Ghost

"Get the fuck out of my plane, Danger Sluts."


Yummy fire-retardant foam


I don't think you can call it that nowadays


Eddings just wants to keep two children from being shot by thieves and he's the heavy.

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I would absolutely read a series called Danger Sluts


That'll buff out

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Fuck, Joe

How many times were you dropped as a child?


All of them

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Was your dad too busy holding cigarettes and weeping to keep a good grip?

Velo, Electric Ghost

I think Joe may have recently drowned

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Legally he is dead

Velo, Electric Ghost

Sometimes resuscitation is the unkindest choice


The sad thing is this is still the best landing on Mapes' record


So beefy


Seasoned beefy man

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Frank can't stop staring at Forrester's tits


If you don't show me your licenses, so help me


...I don't get it.


In other words, Eddings, these are two unauthorized civilians


What is uniform

Velo, Electric Ghost

"I assume you can drive."

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Jesus, Joe

Velo, Electric Ghost

Joe longs for the sea

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger



Hi, @Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger !


Target acquired

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Start the death clock


"You lady?"


What's your real name though

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I feel like having sex with Joe would be like having sex with a mannequin


That's a half-hearted attempt at a Bond Girl name

Velo, Electric Ghost

That's the fakest name I've ever seen

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

How old are the Hardy Boys? Is this woman committing a crime?


Joe is 17. Frank is 18. So yes.


This can only end well


Amusement in Frank's eyes means he's thinking about lye

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Joe is going to finally be released from his flesh prison

He's going back to the sea


The employee lounge is an ashtray, two road pylons and a folding chair out by the dumpster


Probably just a coincidence

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

The fact Joe didn't say "heheh duty" on reflex is how you know he's a meat-based crime solving android and not a flesh and blood human man.


✅ Redhead

Velo, Electric Ghost

Shoot him


ALL the bags?

Velo, Electric Ghost

Shoot him Joe

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show



Shoot him


Good lord, his arms must be twenty feet long

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

I'm amazed the author didn't have him flop sweat.

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I believe in you Joe. I know you can do this one simple thing to end the book early


Frank commandeers a luggage cart

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

What a dick


"Follow that luggage"


I just got here, is this exciting airport baggage handling thrills?

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Curse you autocorrect

Velo, Electric Ghost

Frank that cart is moving at five miles an hour


Hi, @GDC !

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

great way to be unobtrusive and subtle, Frank

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Picturing Blast Hardcheese pootling around in the space floor sweeper

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

the criminals will never see you coming

like, you don't think maybe it's someone's job to collect unclaimed luggage?


I was so close to... Something

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Frank lost him!

No he didn't.

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Are we sure that Frank is not racist against leprechauns?


If this was post 9/11 Frank would be riddled with bullets by now.


This airport has fantastic security

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I mean he's lucky he didn't get the shit kicked out of him when he stole the cart

Velo, Electric Ghost

Frank found a loose gun


Stop molesting the wall, Frank

Velo, Electric Ghost

The wall was asking for it

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

He wasn't surprised! He shouldn't have been! He's in the unclaimed baggage section of the airport! Where the unclaimed baggage goes!!


So far, Frank's entire case rests on a collection of novelty bags being picked up

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"this thing goes all the way to th top!"


Looks like Frank's brain exploded

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

I'm not entirely sure that Frank wasn't also recently drowned

Velo, Electric Ghost

"This is a strange place for a room full of bags." Frank muttered.

"No it isn't." Said one of the twenty airport employees watching him hump a wall.


They hit his head until candy came out

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

wait he really did find a criminal within 2 seconds?


Getting to the head trauma early today

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

goddamn everyone in this universe is dumb


No, but seriously what's his name

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"there's so much stolen baggage, we just can't solve it!" and it's just some guy walking up to the carousel and stealing all the luggage


I'm sorry. I meant Daniel Microtransaction.

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

So far the Hardy Boys have nearly crashed an airplane, been confused by the concept of uniforms, sexually harassed a wall, and been tricked by the world's most obvious honey pot into likely being murdered


This is his friend Dale Smallchange

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Casefile #1, by the way


Joe senses Ted's rich inner life


That's not as bad as his sister, Laura Lootbox


She tries to hang out with her friend Alice Cosmetic Skin Pack


Exposition ahoy




They should have called him Dale Exposition.

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Oh Danny boyyyy

The card, the card's decliningggg

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

This is some quality writing right here


"I know the life he is destined for. He shall not waver from this, for yea, it is spoken as it is written."


Oh, there's your problem: the plane had a computer in it.


I'll make sure of it

Velo, Electric Ghost

Joe that's a threat


And just like that, we have intent

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

Okay, so what I'm learning is that the Hardy Boys are stuck in a Venture Bros. situation and each time they die they're brought back with no memories

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"Go team Hardy!"

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

That is the only logical explanation here


Such a rich base of data

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

My god. What sort of criminal mastermind could spearhead "losing luggage at the airport".


An international gang of Tumi collectors.


Joe is immortal with a skull of granite. Frank is a robot that only understands trivia and karate.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"sort of a systemic problem, way too big for any plucky underdog detectives to solve"


Turns out there was a perfectly reasonable explanation: all the luggage was aboard disintegrating Boeing planes.

Velo, Electric Ghost

This just got serious

It's time to kill Gina.


Fenton ain't shit with computers, so it's good that Frank is here to use one and Joe is there to blow it up.

Slampire, Dying on a Game Show

The Hardy Boys In: The Boeing Blowup

Velo, Electric Ghost

Simple plan, we start killing employees until the luggage stops going missing.


Oh yeah, these are classic video game rules. All damage erased at end of level, respawns in effect.


As someone who has built baggage handling systems and Boeing parts, I'm seeing a lot of plausible explanations.


Let's just give the kid a peeksie at our employee records

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"hey bro, I think we need to take a Long Rest. I'm nearly out of spell slots."


Did we do the microtransaction joke yet?


We did


Proud of you.


Until Forrester wakes up from Joe's apparent hypnotic suggestion

Velo, Electric Ghost

Why the hell do they have his grade average

Gentleman Arch-Thief Badger

Joe took particular note of Danny's social security number and the answers to his security questions.

Velo, Electric Ghost

Joe, strangle Forrester.


Joe exhausted all the dialogue options and was annoyed his skill checks weren't higher


The fact that they have Danny's high school grades in their file is the least likely part of this.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

that was Forrester's secret file he keeps on all the young men

Velo, Electric Ghost

Strangle him with your meat hooks.


A large crowd just watching Frank's unconscious body ride around on the luggage carousel

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

anyway Frank's skull is full of blood

Velo, Electric Ghost

Let him cook


See? Classic video game NPC response.


Blood and scar tissue.


"Huh. Boy on the conveyor."


Velo, Electric Ghost

I don't know how detectives work, do you? No. So this could be how detectives work.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

can the Hardy Boys solve the case of the missing cerebrospinal fluid?


Around and around we go

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

hahaha no one had stopped the carousel!