3: The Hardy Boys Casefiles #73: Bad Rap Franklin W. Dixon

#73 The Hardy Boys Casefiles

Cool is the rule when you're on a case...and danger's in your face!




Science God Q Alchemy

I am hard for this


Before we begin I would like to thank(?) @Alpha Scientist Javo for bringing Hardy Boys Case Files to my attention

I also may or may not have cobbled together a rap using the lyrics found in the book

Science God Q Alchemy

Oh yes

Bike Dancin' Greg

This is good


Don't get too excited, neither I nor the author have any idea what we're doing

Science God Q Alchemy

If the author was good at writing raps I'd be disapointed


Anyway, you can find it here http://www.gellaho.com/books/hardy_boys

Science God Q Alchemy

God those lyrics make my teeth hurt


An important thing to keep in mind is that this is the 73rd book in a series

I'm guessing those 72 other books won't be important

Science God Q Alchemy

And they were all written in the course of like, an afternoon probably

We may get lost in some of that complicated hardy boys continuity.

Ferroday, ScapeApe

I mean they're farmed out of a ghost writer sweatshop

I wouldn't expect anything like continuity

The Bloodsucker Proxy

I've literally come up with better rap lyrics off the top of my head


I put this in my "rap," but I can't believe the group is Randy Rand and the Power Brokers

Science God Q Alchemy

Imagine aspiring to be a writer, honing your craft and winding up as an uncredited Hardy Boys ghostwriter.

The Bloodsucker Proxy

I'd honestly be glad not to have my name in this

Science God Q Alchemy

That's probably why the mom was so depressed in today's book

She told the doctor and that's why he prescribed the sleeping pills

It all makes sense


I'll give this book credit, it's fucking efficient. Based on that first page you already know Joe is a fuck-up and Frank is a wet-blanket

The Bloodsucker Proxy

also Joe has shitty taste in music


Tight Fist records

The Bloodsucker Proxy

that name comes up in every diss track aimed at Randy Rand


Tabitha is slightly older than the Hardys. I think the Hardys are still in school

Ferroday, ScapeApe



is Randy Rand and the Power Brokers

a riff on Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch?

The Bloodsucker Proxy

"Up in the club, lookin but I can't find you, you busy gettin' randy with a tight fist behind you"

from Hopsin's track "Randy Rand Likes FIngers in His Ass"

@Ferroday, ScapeApe

a riff on Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch?


It lines up time wise

Everyone is around the Hardy Boys' age


I hate Joe


Rap star extraordinaire

That sucks so much

The Bloodsucker Proxy

I wonder if there's any JoexRandy fanfic


I would bet everything I own

Bike Dancin' Greg

Joe and Frank are college age or high school?


But, seriously. I hate Joe


So far, it's just said they were out for summer

The Bloodsucker Proxy

Christ, Joe just get on your knees and blow him

If I had said "your music is really def!" to Johnny 3 Tears when I met him he would have kicked my ass and he would have been right to do so


You know what, I hate Frank too. But not as much

The Bloodsucker Proxy

Oh, this is agonizingly 90s


I'm noticing a couple of similarities between this and Steele. They both take place in New York and every black person is muscular

Randy is the worst though


Was "jammies" ever used for anything besides kids talking about pajamas?

The Bloodsucker Proxy

"Randy's getting ripped" is another phrase that shows up in diss tracks with "Tight Fist"


Apparently the FBI and the police are too busy for this counterfeit CD case

Here's the stakes. Think about the music industry!

Ferroday, ScapeApe



Science God Q Alchemy

God this is so square


I fucking hate Joe

Science God Q Alchemy

"remember kids if you pirate the nice record company will go broke"

Ferroday, ScapeApe

a book written by someone that doesn't know dick about the music industry

The Bloodsucker Proxy

I love how the book series that had one of the Hardy Boys' girlfriends die in a car bomb didn't have the balls to portray someone dying in a rap beef

Science God Q Alchemy

That record company is probably just, financially reaming randy rand, you know how some of those contracts work?


This book is doing a great job of making me hate every character in the first chapter

The Bloodsucker Proxy

yea that's why so many artists start their own labels

Science God Q Alchemy

God, I bet Tabitha can handle things with a tight fist

The Bloodsucker Proxy

Tabitha's guilty, I'm calling it


You have the wealthy heiress, the square, Joe, and Fred Durst

Ferroday, ScapeApe

I'm convinced this is the real world equivalent of Joe Hardy's favorite rap song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8pArM99aC8


Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch - Topic

Super Cool Mack Daddy


God, I hate this kid

Science God Q Alchemy

More like SIMPathy am I right?


So here's proof of the "rap" . Also, fuck Joe

Science God Q Alchemy

Joe just cannot stop simping


I’m pretty sure that’s a Roxette track tbh


Frank has a business proposition for this twelve year old

Bike Dancin' Greg

I hate the term dupes so much

Science God Q Alchemy

"You hand over the tapes and I don't kick your ass, that kind of proposition"

I bet the tiny twelve year old could take frank actually


We have our first "you have to tell me if you're a cop"

Science God Q Alchemy

Frank is totally going to flip those tapes for a profit

This is the one where frank goes all breaking bad


Frank spent $100 for 10 tapes

I think he's not making any money on that one

Science God Q Alchemy

He'll sell them for $110

Ferroday, ScapeApe

wait, do the hardy boys get paid for solving mysteries?


I don’t know, those counterfeits are pretty good


Lol, they already found the warehouse



Science God Q Alchemy

"any criminals in there?"

The Bloodsucker Proxy

seems the bootlegs are being made in China, as if that's not where the official CDs are made


Here's my favorite part so far. Get fucked, Joe!

Bike Dancin' Greg

They just find the 12 year old, gutted for being a snitch. New Hardy Boys is REALLY dark


These people are willing to kill for these CDs

Bike Dancin' Greg

Joe died, instantly


Although, I'd be willing to kill Joe for nothing



What's the point in a one paragraph cliff-hanger?

Bike Dancin' Greg

This sentence has never been said before, but

The writing is much better in Steele


Then they immediately catch the guy

Bike Dancin' Greg

Don't run or we will catch you!

Joe put a cigarette out on Andy's eye


This is insane. They go right back to the business proposition ruse as though there was no attempted murder


Crates first, questions later


And this fucker asked whether or not the twelve year old checked them out first

Maybe don't have your first and only line of defense be a child

Bike Dancin' Greg

Second line of defense is crate

And destroying thousands of dollars in dupes


Joe described the crate murder as "giving us a hard time"

These names are so weird

Bike Dancin' Greg

Joe trying so hard to not say dupes

Can't become one of them


Uh oh, we might have our Victor Borodini

Ferroday, ScapeApe

why does andy just volunteer this information?


How come Andy is all AskJeeves all of a sudden?

Bike Dancin' Greg

This is a really ethnically diverse gang. Nice to see actually


I can't believe this is real

Ferroday, ScapeApe

I mean he's right, the hardys are trespassing, and the cops don't have probable cause to search the warehouse

it would have been smarter to tell them to pound sand or he'll call the cops on them

but I guess this is a hardy boys book so all the villains are saturday morning cartoon level and live in mortal dread of the authorities


Room 420, is this a joke? Am I being punked?

Ferroday, ScapeApe

if this room gets set on fire I'm leaving


Watch out, Randy Rand's rap rival Beastmaster J has shown up in room 420

Ferroday, ScapeApe

Beastmaster J sounds like a long lost tokusatsu show


Seems Beastmaster J's big hit is "Beastmaster Jerk"

Ferroday, ScapeApe

and come on, Beastmaster but not Beatmaster? He's a rapper!


Didn’t they say Tabitha “only” had Randy? Who are these Power Brokers selling out Madison square garden then!?


Beastmaster J also coming in with the big "baby" insults

"Beastmaster Jerk"

what is even going on

Every time they refer to Randy they call him "rap start Randy Rand"

Science God Q Alchemy

To be fair beastmaster jerk is a pretty blistering diss track about how beastmaster likes to give handjobs to underage boys, aka "the beastmaster jerk"


The Hardy Boys' father is friends with the Chief of Police in New York apparently. :NarcApe:

They got hooked up with this police officer who also really wants to suck Randy's dick

Imagine saying something like that to a teenager

Science God Q Alchemy

God, the dialogue is just, chefs kiss

Dr Skin, the dandy

"Are you scamming me?"

Torres became quiet and thoughtful "I will throw my career away for an autograph from the nickelodian kids award piece of shit"


That man wearing the suit, that has to be the gang leader

Dr Skin, the dandy

Frank had only ever met two kinds of men in suits, one was his father.

Science God Q Alchemy

How man n words are we guessing in this one?

Dr Skin, the dandy

I'm going zero.

Science God Q Alchemy

Probably no incest subplot

What if Joe was singing along and just said it, hard r, Like 6 times in a row


Apparently twelve year olds are vital to the operation


I also don't know why they think that last sentence is a surprise

They've already been to this warehouse

Dr Skin, the dandy

Martinelli seems heavily invested in this one bootleg album.

Science God Q Alchemy

There was no proofreader

Also what's with all the child labor?


What? Huh?

Dr Skin, the dandy

God bless you the author


Did the author forget this takes place in New York?

Science God Q Alchemy

I bet 12 year olds are making the CDs there too


I think places outside of Hong Kong have the ability to create a CD

Dr Skin, the dandy

"I don't know anything, so neither must anyone who reads this"


even in '94

Science God Q Alchemy

I mean, just a few years after this came out my mom had a cd burner

Dr Skin, the dandy

Laser come from China. Fist bump.

Science God Q Alchemy

She made mix CDs a lot

Dr Skin, the dandy

The crates say Hong Kong. In thick black stencil probably.


I think this is all about globalization, really

Ferroday, ScapeApe

the first CD burner was released in 1988

Science God Q Alchemy

God damn it, buy american bootlegs people

Dr Skin, the dandy

I think the CD's are in the sort of wooden crates you smash in a bad top down rpg


Lasered in HK, covers printed by a 12 year old in NY

Science God Q Alchemy

That 12 year olds got hustle though


This is some great police work


Dr Skin, the dandy

This whole global mafia is really riding this one album.


It's not private property unless you put a sign saying so

Dr Skin, the dandy

Torres has a piece of paper with "Worant" written on it in his pocket.

Science God Q Alchemy

Also pretty big self own saying he doesn't know people's rights as a cop


He really has a deep belief in the written word

Much like this author

Science God Q Alchemy

This case is going to get thrown out so hard

Dr Skin, the dandy

Imagine if the author just had him go "oh fuck this and fuck these kids" and shoot martinelli right here.

Science God Q Alchemy

"he pulled a gun, you guys saw it"

Dr Skin, the dandy

"quick, fill your pockets with CD's"

Science God Q Alchemy

Cop goes and he has like, a comical amount of unmarked guns in his trunk, just plants one on the guy


This book seems to be written from Joe's perspective now. I'm filled with so much rage

Dr Skin, the dandy

Who is writing this literal garbage


Kind of seems like it should be Peter's Gourmet Burger Heaven

Science God Q Alchemy

Peter's gourmet burger haven? That's a fucking front

Also these kids saved your record company and you buy them what, $15, $20 worth of shitty fast food?

Dr Skin, the dandy

"Peter's gourmet burger haven"

From an artist just going "Uuughaah!" Every time they remember they took the publishers money for this piece of shit.

Science God Q Alchemy

Get them a fucking steak you assholes


The Powers that B, kill me

HOW DO YOU FORGET THAT BEASTMASTER J IS GOING TO BE THERE JOE! He busted into a hotel room hours ago just to tell you that

you moron

God, I hate Joe

Science God Q Alchemy

So this author has not only never listened to rap, he's probably only vaguely heard of it

He's had rap music described to him by a nice white man in a sweatervest

Dr Skin, the dandy

Who's the good guy in this? Billy Nguyen is the only one coming out of it with any fucking brains. He's probably back at the warehouse right now


"Fancy lawyer"

This takes place in New York, not southern backwoods

Science God Q Alchemy

His lawyer is also the hardy boys age


“You know that warrant I forged...”


He's got one of them fancy, New York City lawyers

in New York

Dr Skin, the dandy

" besides no judge would hold him on a counterfeiting offence"

"Why not"

"Because is nothing is at stake with this central crime of this books plot"

"oh right, let's just go home"

"fuck us"

Science God Q Alchemy

I mean, I doubt a counterfeiter would be held without bail

But idk if he's a flight risk maybe


This author knows like 100 words

Science God Q Alchemy

Anyway, the fact this case wasn't immediately thrown out is a goddamn miracle

Wow, I'm sure shouting that in front of witnesses won't bite him in the ass


"How many times can I say ripping off without it getting old?"

Bike Dancin' Greg

People pretty regularly get out on bail for non violent crimes

Dr Skin, the dandy

Beastmaster j kills martinelli.


Maybe I'll throw in the word "creep" a couple dozen times to break it up

Dr Skin, the dandy

Did someone describe beastmaster j as muscular with a deep voice?

Science God Q Alchemy

Tight fist, ripping? I'm wondering if there's something going on here with the author


This author hasn't bothered specifying anything about ol' Beastmaster, except that he has a "broad chest"

Science God Q Alchemy

The only description of a black guy many authors have


make your own assumptions about his ethnicity based on the breadth of his chest

Dr Skin, the dandy

42" and above

Science God Q Alchemy

"it's the 90s I can't just say black"


I think Tabitha might be a robot

Dr Skin, the dandy

I'm rooting for martinelli

Science God Q Alchemy

Tabitha is the murderer calling it now


What exactly had Torres done


I love that people keep saying that, even though there hasn't yet been a murder

Science God Q Alchemy

"long day if flagrantly ignoring the law"

Dr Skin, the dandy

Has anyone checked Torres ID?


Usually her grin was the first thing you would notice about Tabitha

Dr Skin, the dandy

This fucking mallcop just stumbled into an autograph from some Christian camp rapper. This whole thing can hardly sustain a novel.


What is this conversation

Science God Q Alchemy

I'm :clap: calling :clap: it :clap: now :clap:


Why did Frank start talking about people wearing black? Is he having a stroke?

Dr Skin, the dandy

Ninjas. Oh god that would improve things.

Science God Q Alchemy

I mean, aren't the hardy boys running a business technically

Dr Skin, the dandy

Joe should stick to ugly poor bitches

Science God Q Alchemy

I think poor ugly bitches are probably out of his league too


Who would have guessed the teenager who was gifted a music label was a spoiled brat

This is rock solid writing

Dr Skin, the dandy

God if you were in this plot you would wander off.


She has activated her mouth setting functionality again

Science God Q Alchemy

I think it's all a thin justification for the record girl to be joe's age

Even though he has no chance anyway

Dr Skin, the dandy

How old is Joe?

Science God Q Alchemy

Idk, the hardy boys are teenagers I think?

Doesn't matter, as established previously the hardy boys don't fuck


They are out of school for summer

Science God Q Alchemy

And never will

Dr Skin, the dandy

If you were in the middle of some teenagers looking for the source of bootleg CD's wouldn't you just go

"This is fucking boring kid,"

I want to give the hardy boys drugs money.


They went back to the warehouse again to discover a MURDER


I’m calling it: Andy is the murderer

Dr Skin, the dandy

Someone should be watching this warehouse by now.

Science God Q Alchemy

I'm surprised the Hardy boys haven't been switchblade gutted yet, they're in New York and their whole thing is sticking their noses where they don't belong

Dr Skin, the dandy

Did Torres actually phone this in?


Martinelli was killed execution-style

Dr Skin, the dandy



And apparently Joe is some kind of gun expert

Fuck Joe

Dr Skin, the dandy

Get the fuck out of there.

Science God Q Alchemy

How many gunshot wounds have these young kids seen?

After the third body teenagers discover those parents are getting investigated


I hate that this is from Joe's perspective now


“Pass me that stick, I’ve seen this on TV”

Dr Skin, the dandy

I have less respect for the hardy boys now than after judging them by the book covers

Science God Q Alchemy

I feel like if I wandered into a corpse that had been shot I'd just vomit, uncontrollably

Dr Skin, the dandy

I'd run like fuck.

Science God Q Alchemy

But hey, who am I to question this author and his characterization

Dr Skin, the dandy

Start measuring the hole, you little fucking creep.


They've called the police and are now calmly searching for clues

Dr Skin, the dandy


Science God Q Alchemy

"whatever you don't touch anything, you may contaminate the scene, just sit tight and we'll send officers, are you boys listening to me?!"

Franks the killer, he planted it


Torres has quickly decided that he's willing to let these kids get away with anything

Dr Skin, the dandy

Name drops the chief, in response to the only sane question so far.


I'll die for the Hardy Boys!

Science God Q Alchemy

To be fair this whole thing looks suspicious

Dr Skin, the dandy

"What are you kids doing at this murder scene"



Look at this genius medical examiner

Science God Q Alchemy

I bet the hardy boys fingerprints are all over this scene


"I think the bullet done killed him, but I can't be sure"

Dr Skin, the dandy

Nobody in this story took any kind of a course before they got their incredibly important job.


This is the summary of the next couple of pages

Science God Q Alchemy

"I'm not a cop, but that won't stop me wildly speculating on the nature of this case"

Dr Skin, the dandy

Joe thought long and hard in an elevator ride to the fourth floor.

Science God Q Alchemy

I mean, your gonna have to get used to your favorite celebrities being terrible


Discovering a dead body: not so much

Science God Q Alchemy

Like Randy's not guilty of the murder but just wait #metoo is a thing


Randy Rand is heading back to room 420 with bloodshot eyes. If you know what I'm saying

I've also given up on keeping track of the names of these cops

Dr Skin, the dandy

Fucking hack surname generator


Still can't believe the room number is 420

Dr Skin, the dandy

Officers Door and Wang are here.

Have them wait with Kapowski and Chair leg


I'm gonna squeeze and go down on whoever I have to!

Dr Skin, the dandy

The suspect has insomnia? Like he's awake?


seriously, it's been less than a day

Dr Skin, the dandy

You can answer questions if you're awake. Did the arsehole mean amnesia?

This is the worst book I've ever heard of. Well done @gellaho

The Bloodsucker Proxy

I still think Tabitha's behind it


We're getting a real good impression of the single female character in this story

I guess Randy's just allowed to go back to the studio even though he's a murder suspect?

Dr Skin, the dandy

Frank knows what went down but doesn't give enough of a shit.


They're going back to the fucking warehouse

Science God Q Alchemy

Given some of the turns if phrase I bet this author is just like, the biggest pervert

Dr Skin, the dandy

No, I think Chang the warehouse manager is aware of you by now. The fourth time you've been to his warehouse today.


You don't think any of this is weird, Frank?

Dr Skin, the dandy

What happens after you turn twenty in this gang

Science God Q Alchemy

This powerful man likes to surround himself with you impressionable teen boys

Nothing weird about that


It's been a minute, but Fuck you Joe

Dr Skin, the dandy

Sounds about right for a guys whose "mafia" burns cd's

Science God Q Alchemy

"no one fucks with the neverland gang"

Dr Skin, the dandy

How do we all think Frank looks at Joe.