Blood remains incredulous
Blood remains incredulous
Blood, what are you even doing with your day?
Wyrdrune thinks Merlin should have complete control over this thirteen year old
There's a conversation you don't want to have
Dead wizard or street urchin
Royce is having a hard time with all this sexy
A real hard time
"Who's too good for community college now, Dad?"
Probably should have been faster
Carfax really can't stand a prude, can he?
A real blood bath that our protagonists are not at all involved in
Combat crouch!
It's still funny that all of the magic in the world gets whupped by a gun
Things don't work out for ol Joey
And so he leaves the world as he entered it: screaming and covered in someone else's fluids
Thus an unnecessarily complicated plot resolves
"We are truly heroes."
And we end with a thirteen year old telling an old man to fuck himself
Group laugh!
I have some notes, Coalition for Literacy
Sure wish I could read so I could know what that says
Hey! I was wrong! Kira didn't get put in a fetish outfit! Cool!
We have defeated The Wizard of Whitechapel
Great work, @gellaho ! Great riffing, everyone!
Thanks for reading this!
This one was actually pretty damn good
Aw I was so close to catching up.
The siren song of the sandwich demands a heavy price
I am just so confused which of our three bloods gets shot here.
Ian, I guess
Royce and Mike make it out
Ian died twice
Yeah, I wanted to finish this one tonight. I've noticed these books tend to try and quickly wrap up the plot in the last 50 pages, and that's where they become uninteresting for this exercise
Boy, they did not factor in the internet.
But, if you actually wanted to read any of these books, this is a good'un
I guess it would be hard to in 1988
US News seems irresponsible to project logarithmic illiteracy growth.
Thanks again for doing this, gellaho. This not only was a good read but it makes his comedy series that much more baffling
In 1991 we got AOL and Compuserve, so we were always safe.
Anyway, today's Book Cage complete
Why did Terri turn on Joey?
@gellaho you fortitudinous tour guide.
Joey tried to kill her after she failed to kill Royce
that's essentially it
He turned into a giant snake and tried to poison her and crush her at the same time
well I prefer the sandwich
But I am grateful to @gellaho as ever.
Speaking of sandwich, it's dinner time
night all
Take care!