137: Time Wars #9: The Lilliput Legion Simon Hawke

#9 Time Wars

Ninth in the exciting time travel adventure series!



The Book Cage: Episode 137

Time Wars #9: The Lilliput Legion

Simon Hawke is back baby, and he's getting small. Gulliver and his creator Jonathan Swift must deal with teeny Rambos and our time commando heroes must rise or shrink to the occasion. Plus, a plot twist you'll never see coming. Find out more, this Friday, 5pm eastern.


I'm in.

Christian Magician Action Javo

hahaha no really whats the book

like yeah we all like those dumb fake paperbook paradise books but lets be real here


Its the giant hand that gets me. I'm imagining it's about two tiny Stallone action figures brought to life for vengeance against the dolphins who wronged a very spiritual marine biologist.


I was on the fence, but then I saw the glowing review from the creator of the "Horse Clans" series and I'm in

never mind, I just googled "Horse Clans" and it's 75% less interesting than I had hoped.


Coming up on the hour, it's Time Wars #9: The Lilliput Legion. Here is your preview


Yo! FancyShark will be skipping this week. He is 'eepy

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Please tell EepyShark we will forgive and miss him

12" Rachel Silk

Speak for yourself

I'll just miss him

Octo: Jingle Engine

I'll continue to think he's here, but I won't forgive him

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time



Put on your time travel shoes


We begin with a man getting high


Simon Hawke previews the surname of his next series


I accept no excuses

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Oh Richard Steele

What shenanigans the world has in store for you


It is exceedingly strange to see Simon Hawke writing Steele in a non-Steele


The creative process at work

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

I hope this Steele is also a loose cannon who gets results


"Steele!" shouted Chief Hardesty, "I expect your next amusing essay on my desk immediately, or it's your badge!"

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Fuck yes give Steele a laser hand and let's start a new war inside the time wars


Gulliver not taking the booze very well


He says ":sharkhug: "

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

"There was something main-charactery about him" Hawk wrote


He's missing out on British Steele. Not the Judas Priest album "British Steel," but a British version of Steele

"Give me your drunken compatriot. I'm trustworthy and definitely not a time traveler from the future"






Oh, we're getting right into it

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


Usually this takes four or five chapters to go pants shittingly insane


There goes Alexander's eye


Killed by laser light show

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Tiny men with lasers: 1

Everyone else: 0


And now, Gulliver is sent to the future unescorted

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


I'm glad someone had the good sense to flee the tiny men with lasers


800 years later, Andre has a nightmare about The Khyber Connection

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Oh right the one where they met Churchill


This gives Simon space to summarize the previous books over several pages

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

I just did that


And where the main character got killed by his double from a parallel dimension

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Well that got real violent real quick

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hi @Tom, Boy Detective (Retired) !


Simon Hawke muses on the nature of weaponry

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

For you see, time travel is a lot like a crossbow




You want some plasma to sleep on


That alarm clock sounds like it sucks.

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hi @GDC !

12" Rachel Silk

So when do the miniature assassins play piano?

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hi @12" Rachel Silk !

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

I genuinely forgot Lucas was a character


As soon as Hawke comes up with a good joke about a 12 inch pianist.

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Lucas Priest, disposable main character, is haunting Andre

Hi @rooster !


Meanwhile, General Forrester has discovered an organized crime ring within the Temporal Intelligence Agency

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time



Known as "The Network." The Gray Man would never

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hawk, you could have just named this book Time Mafia


Network Affiliates, get it? It's very clever


The TIA has a section 31.


Simon could have put this list in ascending order of criminality, but why bother

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

How dare they rob the British East India Company!

Also it feels like this could be pretty easily solved by shooting these people

Just time travel behind them, shoot them, problem solved


Forrester seems to have become distracted from stopping his time supervillain son

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Because crime is sexy and cool

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

I'm sure he won't come up again


✅ Redhead

Finn always helps with that


I'm sure Creed's not going to get any news at all.


What was the guy who got lasered called? Oh, right

But, before any news about his relative's demise, Creed has to reveal that he knew about this secret, centuries old crime organization and didn't tell anyone

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Damn it Steiger


Is that because Simon didn't make it up until now? Who's to say

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


Yes it is


Oh, and apparently the part about Forrester and Creed talking about the crime organization was a flashback

Simon chose not to put any kind of page break to indicate that

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

No why would he


Creed's also in charge of the Internal Security Division for weeding out The Network, because he's been so trustworthy so far

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

That might as well happen, sure


Your brother's dead, drink up

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

"Tiny men with jet packs and lasers." Said Forrester, lighting a cigarette. "It was rad as fuck."

"His last words were 'this is the raddest anyone has ever died' and he was right."


Adorable lasers


"Puny pew pews"


A less than ideal family reunion

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Ok here's the thing about including a time travel money laundering conspiracy that spans hundreds and hundreds of years in your story

It's terrible I hate it don't do it please


On his way out, someone tries to assassinate Creed


Not his lats!

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

It's like he heard you and decided to double down


Oh, and the guy's head exploded

But, the lats are far more important

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Are Steigers late okay?

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

He must have used time travel to see my comment and then made the book even more annoying to spite me


Superficial, thankfully

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Oh thank god

That was close

Everyone remember to hold your legs close tonight and tell them that you love them. You never know what could happen



Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Velo doesn't fully understand our human musculature

(nor do I)


"You don't have to be so mean about it, jeez"


Like you don't have any emotional support limbs.


Any mention of the 20th century causes great excitement

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

They go to the 20th century all the time


Meanwhile, Gulliver first experiences the presence of the human female

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

A woman?!

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Surely as a writer you eventually get bored of doing the "g-g-g-girl?!" Scene over and over again


Nah, the only people who go back in time are people fighting in the Time Wars. Or Time Commandos who prevent time crime

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Or time criminals


Gulliver is frightened and reacts like a small bird

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Wow Gulliver sure has traveled now

These travels of Gulliver's would make for a fascinating read, I bet

Shame the Time agency will wipe his memories and no prospective author will be able to interview him

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

No time, Time Crime is happening

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Ah but we can just use time travel to give ourselves more time to read about his fascinating adventures


Andre has another hallucination of Lucas

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

"Stop asking about my Time Ghosts, Delaney."


It's "moisten," Simon! Moisten! Know your own writing style


Steele only comes out a year after this, come on

Turns out, Dr Darkness has brought Lucas Priest back to life


So, that's nice of Bob

Yeah, those things would probably do it


Dr Darkness is someone born for supervillainy.

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Which of my 3 tragic backstories drove me to madness? I'm afraid, dear reader, that you may never know

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Didn't he find out his mini nukes were just full nukes but most of the explosion was being shunted into another dimension?


They stole this bit for The Dark Knight.


That is what that passage says


Everyone steals from Simon Hawke

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Anyway I'm glad the resurrection of Curtis has filled this gaping Curtis-shaped hole in my life. Anyway what's going on with the tiny laser warriors

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

His tragic backstory is he "accidentally" nuked another dimension over and over again

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


time crime

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Oh Lucas

That was how long it took to forget his name


Oh, right. That is a thing that happened. See, Simon Hawke has a master plan

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

That one riff about Dr Darkness


(ignore that The Network came out of nowhere)

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

It's easy to resurrect anyone when you make up the rules as you're writing them

This is doctor who levels of "actually that clearly dead character is not dead at all"


Zip him out

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

That damned Churchill


That'll probably sort itself out, Darkness


Lucas's double having a hell of a death, first meets a double of his dead wife, then gets bayoneted by a copy of his best friend, then gets shot

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

I was wrong, this is the Sherlock season 2 fakeout death


Telempathic chronocircuitry

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Can we shunt him into the dimension of perpetual explosions


And now Lucas Priest has time travel super powers

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Dr Darkness should name everything


Taching off

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

"don't think about volcanoes, Lucas. Don't think about popping into existence directly above an active volcano. Don't think about it! Haha almost got you. Seriously though you could kill yourself with a thought at any moment "


Time to train my superpowers using hypnosis


Always embarrassing to accidentally tach yourself off while thinking about a female coworker

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hey how are those tiny men with lasers and jet packs doing?

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Seems like Lucas could find out instantaneously just by thinking about them, but we're not doing that I guess

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Are Steiger's lats still okay?


Meanwhile, the parallel double of Reese Hunter is hanging out in our dimension

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time



Reese Hunter in our timeline was a time referee who defected to be a wizard hermit in the 12th century. He then brought Andre to Three Musketeers time, where he was swiftly killed

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

No, I actually think he'd be more alien if he was an alien. Sorry to bust your bubble Reese, I know you wanted to wax poetical but you speak the same language as these people


Anyway, he's enjoying 1989 New York City

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

"oh I'm sorry officer, I thought this was AMERICA," Reese is definitely yelling at a cop

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Obviously I already knew that but thank you for explaining it to Tom

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

"Finally a timeline that isn't woke" Reese thinks to himself so we can all know he's the villain


He does some karate and time crime

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


the raddest crime

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Look at this poor tragic figure, trapped and alone in a world that is completely unknowable to him


He cheats at the stocks and decides to live it up

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Actually hang on yeah he's figured everything out immediately, he's just mad that the President's stupid testicles won't let him open carry

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Simon really likes this time travel betting fraud idea


And now, he's an international criminal and in the Network

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Which is so weird because it's the most obvious and least inspired time travel idea

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time



The lilliputians are pissed

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

How many small men small are they

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

"boy this gambling thing would be a lot easier if I could see the outcome before I bet," said the World's Smartest Genius

I wonder what unit of measurement they use to describe their penises


"They had stuffed animal wives and children!"

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

I don't know why that was my first thought

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

I look forward to finding out they work with the time cartel


In the deceased brother's apartment, Lucas materializes

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

I dunno, would it be more funny to learn that they have nothing to do with time travel or future genetic science or anything? Maybe they're just a completely unrelated race of tiny angry people with lasers


I don't know who you are, mister

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

If Simon had fully developed into the Steele madman he was destined to become, Finn would have pulled that trigger by now


I want to celebrate the returning of lip moistening, but the context makes it awkward

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

"Steiger what happened to your lats?!"


Andre uses her dead brother to prove Lucas's identity



Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

The time traveller has super powers


Brain Time Travelin' Lucas is much sassier

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

That's so much more personality than the original Lucas had


Andre has been in love with him this whole time, apparently

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time




Lucas you are not Harrison Ford, you do not get to say 'I know' in this situation


It's classic Simon Hawke getting bored of his own protagonists. Lucas was the main character in book 1, then he got bored so Andre took over in 2. By 4, he was bored again so Delaney took over, then Steiger became the main character in 7. And now he's cycles back to Lucas

Anyway, Ass-prin is back

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

This book started so strong


The lilliputians complain about McDonald's

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Wow they are literally complaining about McDonald's


Apparently, some of them are still dying from that first attack


But forget that, Reese Hunter has a sexy lady friend so Simon can talk about LEEEEEGGGGSSS

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Someone needs to get shot in the next couple pages


A high class, mafia prostitute

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Otherwise we lose momentum


Some very sexy prop comedy


Turns out the sexy prop comedy was a trap

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

How the hell did he not see that coming

Krista isn't very subtle

general beef's jakesy

Simon continuing his longstanding tradition of terrible made up Sicilian names

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Hi @general beef's jakesy !


You missed Steele ⁠book-nerds⁠

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time


Force of habit


Uh oh, looks like Drakov is alive

general beef's jakesy

He do be doing that sometimes

JD Masters even makes an appearance in a future novel


I remember you telling me that

general beef's jakesy

lol six inch commandos

I got yer 6 inch commando right here


What I didn't remember was Drakov dying in the last book, probably because it happened near the end and I was quite drunk. But turns out yes:


So now there is a Drakov clone

general beef's jakesy

Double Drakov


This is a very complicated process of cloning yourself

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

All this and he didn't develop a plan that accounted for "if I stand still in front of my enemy I might get shot"


Oh, and they didn't kill Drakov in the last book, it was a clone


And he's in charge of the Lilliputians

general beef's jakesy

Makes perfect sense

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

God damn it Simon


In 1989, hunter awakens to a smoothly styled sharpie


That sharpie is also a smoothie

general beef's jakesy

Calling Manelli by his full name every time is also a Hawke tradition unlike any other


But nevermind that, Dr Darkness spooks Gulliver by appearing in a chair and complaining about the Japanese

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Who? Do you mean Domenico Manelli?

general beef's jakesy

The proto Victor Borodini


Dr Darkness proclaims himself to be Lucas's mother and father

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Lucas responds with a teenage tantrum

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Lucas has a point

If a tantrum isn't the correct way to handle this. He should shoot Dr. Darkness


Then he accidentally teleports away

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Same, Gulliver


Meanwhile, a courier suspiciously comes for Forrester

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

The Forrester who knows he should be on the lookout for assassins? That Forrester?

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Ok well stand there under armed guard while I call the council to confirm


Yes, that's why there's an armed guard there to check

general beef's jakesy

Nah just kidding come right in!


Then we have the second eye-melting of the book


That brings the total to three for the series

general beef's jakesy

The classic Trojan Briefcase

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Fuckin tiny laser soldiers love to go for the eyes


Cardboard guards versus tiny commandos


Forrester decides the best thing for the situation is his .357 magnum

general beef's jakesy

I mean that's some accuracy right there


It works surprisingly well, even when thrown


RIP Stroud


Forrester busts out the M-16

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Why is Forrester's office full of antique guns

Shouldn't he have lasers

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Why was he able to kill like 3 of them with a revolver

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

He's just that good

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Was it forged with steel from the sword of Arthur Eld?


The M-16 is less effective, so he starts using it like a baseball bat

general beef's jakesy

To be fair that would work a lot better

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Bonk > Bam

Simple science


All in all, an ineffective assassination attempt


Just rub some dirt in it

Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

How did they not kill Forrester when they were all buzzing around him firing their lasers as if he were trapped inside some glowing spider's web? Suddenly can't hit a target the size of a mountain?


I don't know if it's "suddenly," as you might recall 16 of them died fighting a guy using his body to protect Gulliver


Tom, Boy Detective (Retired)

Maybe all the eyeball melting gave me an inaccurate estimate of the lethality of tiny lasers

general beef's jakesy

Also he's about to get drugged lol


And Steiger takes over for Forrester

Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time

Is the "very competent help" Lucas? Because I have terrible news about that

Lucas is so incompetent he died