🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
It's a previous loser poll. Which of these late series books shall be read? Vote via reaction.
🧙♀️ #98 - Murder by Magic
🐱 #101 - Peak of Danger
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law

🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) Poll Time 🚨
It's a previous loser poll. Which of these late series books shall be read? Vote via reaction.
🧙♀️ #98 - Murder by Magic
🐱 #101 - Peak of Danger
🏦 #102 - Wrong Side of the Law
This is another really hard one
I am going Peak of Danger because I am curious as to how they manage to get sacrificed by aztecs
He's diabetic and he's eating a single mango
This reminds me of when my dad had to pick me up from a furry convention.
I'm amazed they were let back into Latin America
maybe they werent and this is what happens when you try to sneak back in
"You knew the rules when you jumped the fence, gringo.”
I need to see the Hardy's become bad guys. Need the Wrong Side of the Law
The people have spoken! And by a narrow margin, we will be reading The Hardy Boys Casefiles (tm) #101: Peak of Danger. Will this middle manager be sacrificed to ancient gods? How often will the gang switch from being called Los Lobos Blancos to the White Wolves? Will Joe somehow survive a volcanic eruption? The answers to these questions will be revealed Friday, 5pm eastern.
@Brockway Pin this to prevent yourself from becoming a human sacrifice to the ancient gods worshipped by a South American gang
I hope they speak South American or it's going to get weird
Straight from the mean streets of Ames, Iowa
Maybe they'll meet the President of South America
Nothing good comes from Ames
Also @gellaho I'm going to need this Hardy Boys to be good after what I just dealt with. I hope the group chose wisely
Here's your preview, brought to you by the Ames Public Library
Coming up in 1.5 hours
Is it better or worse that they made up the god and civilization they're talking about?
I can guarantee it's because of the dictator
They didn't want to choose a real place in South America and give them a dictator
In fairness, it's a Hardy Boys book. Their grasp of geography was probably always a bit flakey.
Time to begin
"Fat James Woods has been abducted by Kitty and Mr. Squawk. Are you a bad enough dude to save him?"
I really don't like that these books are so often from Joe's perspective
You have to assume the reader starts knowing nothing, so Joe's perfect
Coach Jordan seems like a real asshole
If it's a "summer session" and Frank is 18, shouldn't he have already graduated?
Frank graduated. He just won't leave.
Hahaha "he's brown and speaks Spanish so he has to be Native American "
Great job warning the kid, Frank
Bad choice for a crush, Carlos
Oh Carlos, you sweet, naive boy
"In my country, shoulder claps are foreplay”
"We operate on parakeet rules"
In my country indeed
"Our toes are crushed and in constant pain"
Carlos is actually from Boise, Idaho, but he knows Americans don't know shit about geography
Joe is into Carlos
I'm so nervous for them!
You telling me Payumac ain't real?
I seen a feller from Payoomack jus' the uther day, buyin' hisself a canoe
Capitalizing Shirts and Skins makes it so weird
Short for Redshirts and- no, nevermind
Wait, Franklin, please explain how shirts and skins works
Um, they're called the Shirts Football Team now
"Well," he began after wiping drool from his chin...
The sexual tension is palpable
"You see, the 'shirts' are named for the unif-" CONK
Show him that barefoot magic, Carlos. Do it.
So far this is the horniest Hardy boys book yet
More like the Hard Boys amirite
Murder attempt #1: electrocution
On the floor and moaning, just like in Joe's dreams
Yes, the electrical cable is why Carlos was on the wet shower floor moaning
Well, he doesn't need his shoulder to play soccer
"But his hair..."
Coach Jim Jordan will work on that shoulder, don't you worry boys
Tonight, on a very special Hardy Boys...
"Only someone of Frank's intelligence could deduce this"
The Home Alone kid is brought in for questioning
Who could have done this?
"Next you're going to say you don't trust the doctor in the sweat-stained van to check you for lumps"
James Bond over here
It flashes that card on the monitor like a silent movie
I guess he's still there for some reason
Danny Trejo, fresh from the Desperado set
But also, his first instinct when he sees a random kid is "I need to kill this kid”?
"Let's see if he buys it"
Duh. He's an electrician
I guess so
But Frank would never forget the chemistry he felt that moment
I wish Carlos would hurry up, I'm cold
Carlos, you can do better
"Sure, once they find enough skin grafts"
carlos talks like the alien robot guy from the laser tag book
Book 100 sounds like a hoot
It couldn't replace the girls that had been driving the van, but silver linings
Carlos must have had a wild phone call
Maybe he just really likes Van Art
"When I hang up, you have 60 seconds to get to the next phone or I kill your family"
Frank's heart raced. Was fate giving him another chance? Dared he dream it was?
there's definitely something sus about carlos's parents, maybe the electrician is actually the good guy
They're taking a big risk putting something as explosive as a computer in their creepy van.
Also, who the hell has a company van for Electro-Wizard and DOESN'T paint a wizard on it?
Joe is thirsty in this book
Yo, Carlos!
Joe's playing hardball
That's right, Joe. Reeeel him in
damn, joe
carlos: i don't want to go back to the hospital
joe: how about i leave you to die in the road
Better do what he says Carlos
"Joe couldn't understand why Carlos wouldn't share his feelings"
"You selfish bitch"
Carlos is doing really well for having been electrocuted in the shower earlier
"You better start showing me some gratitude” joe said as he undid his belt
"We've known each other for several hours, you've seen me without my shirt on, we're basically family"
"learn from each other "lmao
We promised to learn from each other. IN EVERY WAY
lol, dangit, swooped
"they tied my father like a pig and told my mother i was dead"
"brutal, dude"
joe is so good at navigating difficult conversations
Oh man that's sucks Carlos take off your shit
"That totally bites, me amigo"
In my country, the police do not have badges, but high school graduation rings
are his parents in the Resistance
The FBI does not care about this
Our dictator was born into the influential Jostens Family
This seems more like a job for the state department than the Hardys.
that was what I was thinking
But at the same time, the Hardys have already personally busted more druglords and ghosts than the federal government
Sorry I'm late, but I'm all caught up now. Looks like we've got a good one this week.
What you've missed so far:
- A sexy South American soccer player has captivated Joe
Then he was electrocuted and ran out of the hospital after a phone call
"Your language is hard for me. I only understand words like campaign, malfunction, and casualties"
I love that they are doing that hack writer thing that hack writers always do for characters who speak a foreign language where the character says something in a foreign language and then says what it means in English
- the country of Paycuas or some shit is run by the Jostens family and all the secret police have the same class rings
"They are called Los Lobos Blancos... the White Wolves..."
they did it again
He's hoping to get elected over the current dictator?
"Instituto de la Paz... or The Peace Institute"
That...that's not how dictatorships work
"They decided to have the World Cup in a South American country with a dictator during an election year, they figured nothing could go wrong"
I mean Putin wins an election every few years so maybe?
I mean... Brazil 1950
Sure, the opposition somehow ends up dead every time
Also isn't this years World Cup being held in a country where they don't allow women to read?
"My father based his campaign on our divine right to lead"
"When the Spanish invaded, they didn't try very hard with names"
Joe is thirsty for swarthy Carlos. Carlos has been electrocuted by one of the military police from his country's dictator's army.
Carlos is now telling us how his country is terrible
Right next to El Piqueño, which was also my nickname at the Peace Institute
Surprised he didn't say "El Gigante... the gigantic"
joe is attracted to pain like a moth to a really bright light that is also pain
Ezra Collig
Every room comes with a Chief
It's super awkward
"as you can see, my friends, the panther god is no mere myth. In his name, thousands of my countrymen were killed. Though I do have a clearly established line to the throne, it is my hope that free and proper elections will--KIZZAAHHHHHHH" Carlos cut off, electrocuted again by the people's choice.
You know it's coming, yet here it is again
The striking features of the fake ethnicity
"Also huge leathery wings sprouting from her forehead"
My name is Ezra Collig... I was injured in the line of duty... I lost several of the consonants in my name
This ghost writer decided that Joe is hungry for men
"If you do know Spanish, I should explain what we meant during the drive"
so collig is definitely getting shot
and i bet it's gonna be a cliffhanger, like, the author is gonna think we forgot about the bulletproof vest
and everyone's gonna be like "noooooo, not beloved character chief ezra collig"
I'm going to predict that this is Chekhov's Vest and it will never come up again
Or he'll get shot somewhere other than the torso and it'll be a clue that they knew he had the vest
I bet this small town chief has this under control
I just realised that any adaptation of A Confederacy of Dunces would have to really exaggerate Ignatius's physical repulsiveness because in 1970 only 1% of the US adult population was severely obese
"On the back it continues 'Oh no. He's got us. Oh lord, help us.', then a bunch of screaming"
and only 0.6% of men
Here is your snack update
Joe, the last time you went for a snack, your boytoy ran away
Senora Copac dresses like a toucan but Frank would if he could.
Tsotal the God of the volcano, responsible for earthquakes
The writer stared at their box of Total. "What would be a good Aztec-y god name?"
He doesn't sound evil. He sounds Tsotally rad.
...too slow, mcginley. too slow.
Fire Cthulhu does sound badass
The Electro-Wizard van has returned. Uh oh
Oh shit that vest sucks shit
Collig's head is like a crushed pumpkin, but hey, he had a vest!
this is such a classic way to make up a fictional culture's myths. "what if they just describe a real-world phenomenon with a metaphor"
"Frank had the memory of a goldfish"
also wow i didn't expect collig to get shot this soon, i thought they would at least wait a few chapters for everyone to forget about the vest
@BlueAmaranth , just showing off
Oh no, he got shot again
Now he is Chief Coli
It's only rated against Saturday night specials.
"But he's MINE!"
One more shooting until he has to change his profession to Chef
A scientist invented kevlar and some other scientist immediately got to work like "Now if I teflon coat these bullets, mmmmaaayyybe...."
"Hands off, skanks"
Is the theory that he loses a letter with every bullet?
NYPD says, fuck this kid
Up until now he only loses consonants so this would be a slight deviation from the working theory. But yes
Eventually, he'll only be able to introduce himself by saying he's the person he's talking to
Yeah I made a joke earlier is his last name is Collig because he lost some consonants in the line of duty
They decide to get their parents involved in this dangerous situation
No need to let your dad try to anticipate a threat
"That depends, how thicc is his mom?”
The Hardy Boys can solve anything except why their mom left.
At this point when their dad gets a call he should just be like "Drugs, Ghosts, or Thieves"
"Soccer was fine. I met a luscious prince. Can we invite him and his foreigny mom to dinner?"
She's still there, she's just very dumb
"Why do you have to make a phone call about the international fugitives during dinner?"
Phone Calls: Enders Of Marriages!
This is impossible for the police chief to accomplish
how did he manage to do all of that with one phone call
Aunt Gertrude is busy brokering a heroin deal with the Taliban
That operator is a fucking prodigy
With what, Frank? Your psychic powers?
Colli tweets all his arrests
No one would know to look for Carlos at the house of those two kids he knows that constantly are getting into ridiculous crimes
wow that aged well
why didn't he just shoot the dad
Dad doesn't have an FBI friend
Theres nothing we can do about foreign nationals coming into our country and kidnapping them either
Seems weird that criminals would want to immigrate here if they get immunity through the consulate
Their mom wants these two dead
"I haven't fucked my husband in over a decade. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE."
holy shit
"When has the United States ever interfered in Latin America, Joe? NEVER!"
Laura feels it's been long enough since the insurance policy was upgraded.
The CIA: famous for not interfering in Latin America
I wouldn't either if it risked bringing forth the prophesied Third Hardy.
Chet Hardy. The Hardy we do not speak of.
He's in the cellar. The one with no door.
Honestly at this point I would be pretty sure the CIA helped arrange the kidnapping
"We will barter this soccer ball for clean clothes"
they definitely hid something inside the soccer ball
Am I the only one who is positive the property brothers kiss each other on the lips
You are not
"I will remember you for when I return, flight attendant" - Joe
That police department seems pretty blase about their chief being lit up with a submachine gun.
He lost so many letters he disapeared
"That Chief. What a party animal!"
Hey, it's the guy from Dead of Night
They can't explain what happened because they can't communicate what happened to their chief with no letters in his name.
"It's a character we remember once every 20 books or so"
Oh, damn, right. He's a good guy. Don't play with my heart, Dixon!
I've only ever seen him once. And there ended up being fake clones and pendulums and drugs and ghosts and dwarves
They say a man dies two deaths. The second is when he passes from this realm. The first is when he runs out of letters in his name and gets greyed out like a video game character so that everyone forgets him.
It was the greatest idiot plot ever. I crave more.
It's like a teardrop tattoo, but it can be sized by a jeweler
"Carlos, my love, no!"
seems like it would make more sense to wear badges until you kill, then you have a ring sized for your finger for life, but what do I know, I'm just the wildly successful head of a Turkish international syndicate.
Carlos is tired from their pre-flight passion
He has placed his everything in Carlos.
fuck me
So yeah, this is definitely supposed to be Peru
Wait, Pacific?
I am getting more Chile vibes with the whole dictator election thing
Your naked Gigante looks mighty Chile
...too slow, McGinley. Too, too slow.
I'm basing it off the Ixilans = Incans and the west coast