Gentleman Brendan
What toppings on the pizza, I need to know
What toppings on the pizza, I need to know
You can Feel the author getting close to end and they are so glad its over.
I'm disturbed by all this talk of food with no Chet .
Chet is in a back alley, offering blowjobs for a few grams of health dip
Real talk: the Masons were a better force in Chet's lives than the Hardys ever were.
That suggests the existence of an evil Chet. Waiflike, hyperfocused
Chet is being manipulated from beyond the fourth wall,being forced to consume non pizza foods.
Chet's going to get the best sleep of his life, thanks to the Masons. He's going to go to bed and not have the deafening crunch of his arteries keeping him awake
We have defeated The Hardy Boys Casefiles ™️ #84: False Alarm
Wooo! We did it!
Now that was GOOD Hardy
Top 3
Thank you, Gellaho. Thank you Nitrate Scouts.
Victory through nitrate power.
Great riffs, all of you!
Awesome. Thank you!
Thank you for this, and thank you for always doing this, @gellaho
Get some sleep, Brendan!
Great work everyone.
You all have a great night! Talk to you tomorrow!
Oh I'm still on daleks and here the thing is over. Sweet cinnamon!