And now: the ass chronicles
And now: the ass chronicles
Sure yeah this makes sense as a thing to happen
The unrealistic part is that the white supremacist reverend is interested in an adult.
Ah, the old elaborate racist stained glass hiding a cell
That old trick
Also weird that he's fine with her going around town openly topless. Not like these conservative racist freaks have ever displayed possessive tendancies towards their women's bodies or anything
Occasionally they venture into legal territory if the brain be molded into Hate after its plasticity fades.
lol "everyone at the last supper was white except Judas" is an insane take and yet I fully believe someone has said it
Jakes understands 2024 America.
Don't poop around with me
you usually pay extra for pooping with someone
Really makes you think
I'm calling it now, Whisk is going to want to use time travel to go back to the garden of eden and replace Adam to remold humanity in his own image
Like Hitler in Time Belt
"Outside the main gate of the Buick plant in Flint Michigan I dreamed of a purifyin' holy war" is real Bob Dylan lyricism
Turned into a youth minister in the middle with that "Jesus is the man!"
The original script for HBO's Watchmen really needed that second editing pass
They threaten his sister, so he gives up the time machine
So Whisk knew about the time travel machine, like everyone does, but finds it impossible that someone could use it
Actually yeah haha you could be right
Which he didn't need to do because the building starts exploding
Oh no, hoisted upon my racist petard!
Racism is wrong because black people can get up early if there's a racist to kill. I don't know how I feel about this
The littlest bunker
They get Sally out and leave
This was a terrible plan, Jomo
And then Quigley honored his sister's strength by telling the bad guy everything immediately.
Jomo decides to change time into his own image
Harold passes out again
Smart, Jakes, really 'both sides' this one as much as possible
And again
So Harold is the only one stupid enough to go back to the war of 1812
Dr Nerd does not take too kindly to the kidnapping
This time machine must be set up to only target armies
Diana turns into Catwoman
I think the Time Machine is trying to kill them
Hey, where are we at on constantly describing people as bronze vs various brown foods?
Jomo has a very bold plan
So, they go to 1591 just to visit this empire before it falls. I guess Jomo wanted some flavor for the next step of the plan
Aka Jakes didn't want to waste any of his research
Because the actual plan is to stop the Moors from invading by - checks notes - killing Mohammad
He had to go to library for this, damn it
This is the opposite of killing whitey
One of these days, pow! Right to the moon
I think inevitable is the wrong word for what he's saying there
Anyway, Jomo misses. Probably because he was trying to snipe someone with a handgun
This setback causes Jomo to want to go back to the Foundation and learn - checks notes - the entirety of black history
Every time I return to this from my dinner, it's the same heist scene.
Luckily, they have magic knowledge machines that nobody seems to use
Really not a fan of "His teeth blazed in the moonlight."
As they leave, a camel blows raspberries at them
Your dentist would be very disappointed in your lack of enthusiasm for dental hygiene
Why don' they just use those machines to teach white people empathy and history without time travel?
Seems lower energy cost.
Freylinghausen mimes his displeasure
Everyone in this book is dumb as shit
Freylinghausen then has a very long breakdown
Which ends with him talking about his junk
Chocolate coloured ass
The bronze of foods
Dr Freylinghausen immediately folds when Jomo threatens to burn the building
I dunno, I'm still pro rewrite history and erase world religions.
The building with nine basements. Made out of marble
Hey hang on why hasn't Freylinghausen gone back in time from the future and prevented this misuse of his time machine from happening
Because he's apparently pro-Neo kung-fu time heist.
I mean, that's not really true
He wasn't exactly subtle about the white supremacists
Turns out conking out and learning for several hours might have been a bad idea
Harold what the fuck else would it be
The fruit punch pipe burst! We spilled ketchup everywhere!
Damn unreliable red fountain pens
I know he's just swallowing nervously but it looks like he swallows the blood to identify it
Like Terminator 3
I actually didn't realize that what he was meant to be doing
Probably shouldn't have told the white supremacists about the time machine
They knew about the time machine
Everyone knew
No one thought to do this before now
Harold told everyone he met about the time machine because it's the most interesting thing about him
The Bongs and Gongs of time
To be fair it would be the most interesting thing about most people, but especially so for him
"what do you do for a living?"
"I used to run high stakes card games at the casino, but now I time travel."
Someone's going to assassinate Lincoln before this book is over
The casino thing is GOOD, I'm sure there are plenty of stories, but you're going to ask about the time travel first
They are killing Lincoln!
Dr Freylinghausen starts unconsciously farting
But then they'll go further back in time to stop us stop them
Harold erection update:
On an unrelated note I just found out John Jakes wrote the lyrics for a Dracula musical
"his plantation grin" oh fuck off, book
Turns out Whisk's plan is to shoot a small canon at the white house
I mean that would probably do it, yeah
Glass wasn't exactly bulletproof
Had to remind myself that 'punk' had a different meaning back then
When does Rex Moran show up?
Actually I don't think the White House had a fence at this point
You could probably just walk in
Karate time
Why is that guy exploding coins like a video game
Whisk is now a cartoon prospector
I checked and yeah Whisk could have just walked into the White House
In order to date Diane, Harold must defeat her seven evil race supremacist exes
They didn't really stop you until Garfield died.
I forget, is this a Terminator time machine where you can't carry a bunch of stuff with you?
Nope they can carry tons of shit
Hmm. I'm starting to think Jakes may have had a preference.
Silly of the white supremacists to not bring some modern weaponry then
Actually they didn't stop people for good until 1940, and then they just never reopened it
Nah it's fine, just aim the cannon at the building across the street
A captain gets trampled by his own horse
Why didn't Lincoln try to secede before his shooting
Whisk's definitely dumb, that's clearly on purpose
Makes you wonder why the name "The War Between the States" never caught on
Didn't some comedian have a bit about white supremacists who knew more Black history than anyone?
And off to Whisk's next racist scheme
Next week
How are they gonna tie this up I wonder
Bake sale
Is Whisk gonna get schooled by Black Jesus at the end?
That could be fun
I hope when the DeLorean hits the cast of this book it doesn't even slow down
Thank you @gellaho !
Great riffing everyone!
May all your time travel be non-racist
Oh yeah lol forgot to say thanks @gellaho
Gellaho, I do not thank you. All of your labors have beleaguered the sacred timeline with white supremacy we'd abandoned to time. May Black Jesus have mercy on your soul, because I do not. Thank you and no thank you, goodnight.
The Book Cage: Episode 142.5
Black in Time - Part 2
Our comically racist villain and black militant frenemy have both received the gift of time travel thanks to the incompetency of our black theater nerd protagonist. Now that the black militant's attempted assassination of Muhammad via handgun and the white supremacist's early murder of Abraham Lincoln have failed, where do we go from here? Probably nowhere productive, but the ride continues unabated this Friday, 5pm eastern.
oh noooooo
Coming up at the next hour, it's the conclusion of Black in Time. Here is where we left off
Here's where we're going
Oh dear god
Nose back up against the grindstone
Hi @gellaho !
Indeed, hello to my own event
The Latin department is a little lacking
It's pretty far from Canada, Professor
That hypnolearner sure does wonders for the narrative
In Time
Do you get it
Let's do a Time-UHC on some ofay motherfuckers!
Hi @Brendan !
Hi, Velo, which Christmas ghost are you?
Just chasing the dastardly white supremacists through time
Tell them Professor Lacksdale says "Tempus fugitive," then wink. They'll get it.
I have some questions about how a plant can be "listless"
Lazy ass tree
Whisk's attempt at masquerading as an abolitionist is less than stellar
Well I don't like this Whisk chap one bit.
I'm starting to think he might be bad
"Please leave me alone with your abolishonist manuscript, I am not from the future"
"He was bent over a secretary" is a lot less exciting when you realize he means a desk
Is he just burning the manuscript? That's his plan?
It's gone downhill from assassinating Lincoln with a cannon
Whisk has terrible plans
Harold saves Uncle Tom's Cabin with his ass
Off to the next adventure
Whisk has a lot of terrible qualities but let us not forget that he is, first and foremost, a quitter
It's actually a virtue when you're a piece of crap!
This seems a little haphazard for traveling through time
Just put it wherever, I'm sure we'll end up in the same place
Maybe it would have been good to miss
And with that, Maine lost its Black resident.
Harold uses this whipping as an excuse to whine about how weak a man he is
Well this is hardly an improvement. He went from racist assault victim to racist assault spectator.
Time to save Frederick Douglass from time white supremacists
Harold takes a moment from this historic moment to pop a boner
I feel like now is the time for Fred to have a name with our narrator.
Darn that rascally Whisk
Whisk's inexplicable racist expositing is interrupted by slipping and falling off the roof
Whisk is the worst time traveler, and not just because of the racism
This has turned into a cartoon
He just screamed he was a time traveler and then fell off a roof
And now: karate
Couldn't they avoid this entire chase by just time traveling to Whisk's youth and being nice to him so he doesn't grow up to be a Time Prick?
Their time belts are connected, so he'd just follow them there
Harold's self-defeatist attitude has enraptured Diana, I guess
Ladies love it when you're self aware enough to know you suck and everything is meaningless and you didn't ask for any of this, man
Next up: a Quaker meeting
Please be Benjamin Lay
Whisk's plan this time: walk up to Ben Franklin and strangle him to death in front of a crowd
He's gone full Tasmanian devil.
Honestly that's better than most of his plans have been so far
Pinballing through time.
Thee are not a nice person
I feel like that's pretty late for people to be saying thee
I don't think the author of The Bastard really has a handle on Colonial speech yet.
This has just kinda turned into a blaxploitation movie
I can't tell if this is Jakes phoning it in or trying as hard as he can
Oh, you don't think the man who came up with Tingo Spellhands has a grasp on Quaker speech from the 1700s?
He looked up three anti slavery people and that is all the research he'll be doing
Jomo leads them outside where he and Harold have a bout of "A-huh, nuh-uh!"
He wrote 600 pages in this exact setting.
A guy walks into your church with a pistol, and fucking Josiah starts bloviating on the design and deeper meaning.
Harold was moved by Jomo's pain. Not enough to do anything about it, of course, but he did get a tummy ache
To be fair, Quakers did do the "thee" thing
"It is wrong to kill the white supremacists that have repeatedly tried to murder both us and historical figures."
Anyway, Harold tells the white supremacist that he can turn off his homing signal. I guess in the hopes that Jomo might calm down? It's a bad plan
Hi @Dyosy !
I'm starting to think Harold is the real villain of this story
Made even worse when Ben Franklin bumbles his way out and causes them all to fall down
If we kill the time-traveling genocidist we're just as bad as he is.
If this gun goes off and accidentally kills Franklin before he can write the Ten Commandments, we're boned.
John Jakes, you were a national treasure
Whisk is on meth, it's the only explanation.
Now I understand why he's opposed to killing. It's cause everyone sucks at it.
Vengeance is mine!
Uh, on second thought, I got places to be
Vengeance is mine implies it's his to enjoy at his leisure
The plot armor is just Whisk's crippling ADD
A great retort
Jomo's a little tired of Harold's shit
Ted Haggarding through time.
And now cops from the present show up
The cops seem confused about how they got here
This is a very funny exchange
Wait, if that's Ben Franklin there is a good chance to fix the mistakes of the past. They should tell him he has positive and negative reversed in his electrical work
Then the Philadelphians start throwing things
Some things never change
Philadelphians are about to invent batteries to throw
The Philadelphia outweighs the Quaker pacifism
Then the cops' crotches get absolutely destroyed
Don't play coy with me, Poor Richard
And now, off to watch Aesop. Who I guess is black
There is a lengthy bit in Wikipedia about this
I don't know what that means
Honest to God, just hand the Arawak people RPGs and see where it takes us.
I know I've missed a goodly chunk of this, but since the whole premise is that they can change the present by altering the past, has the good professor ever addressed how doing things like, for example, inciting a crowd to kill a bunch of cops and leaving them in the past to die with their advanced tech and weapons might kinda harsh the vibe in his own time?
After a lengthy discussion, Jomo decides to go back to his original plan of changing history
Harold you actively helped someone who is trying to restore slavery, we are not accepting notes from you
Harold attempts to follow, but just ends up getting a black eye and they turn off their indicators
John Jakes operates on more of a vibes-based storytelling
Harold takes some time to examine his manhood and blackness whilst an army is running at him
But, at the end of the day, it's really about his dick. Same old song and dance
Harold, I think you can do better than Diana, she is abusive to you.
He then has an argument with his erection
Could he do better? Probably. Does Harold, the man actively defending a white supremacist tying to bring back slavery, deserve better? No.
Love!? In Boston!? You disgust me!
Harold grabs a 10 year old to try and prevent the first slave ship from reaching America
It's kind of hard to do that from Boston but okay
It goes about as well as expected. Harold gets a bottle of rum to the dome
Something something sacred timeline
Harold's plan would work if Boston was the only port in America and if Captain Smith was the only captain and if slavery was a wacky coincidence
Calling this a plan is…generous
Then he goes to Jamestown, but can't understand anyone because it's 1619
Among many problems is that the British owners of the colonies (mostly called land grants back then, occasionally patents or charters) had been trying to introduce slavery to them for decades
Harold I swear to god
If you kill everyone in Jamestown
Also, Harold, that person is just Scottish
When that also doesn't work, he goes to the far-off future of 1890
He should just walk around telling everyone he's a Moorish prince to slice through this bullshit.
Isn't Harold supposed to know history now?!
Unfortunately, New York is on fire
Is there a reason he can only seek safety in incredibly dangerous times?
Harold it is on fire, a large part of it is going to explode, and Jim Crow is rigidly enforced
What the fuck are you doing Harold
And a warzone
Harold feels like a prank