56: Starfinder Robert F. Young

He was a sailor on the Space-Time Sea, with a purpose and a plan as bold as the Stars.


gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, it's been a good run but I've been putting this off long enough. It's time for me to finally break my own brain. This week, we will be delving into the insanity that is Robert F. Young's Starfinder. This book is about space whales and time travel or something. The important thing is that there is a whale that communicates through childish ASCII illustrations. Coming up this Friday, 5pm eastern, meet


( * /


gellaho, Town Tamer
gellaho, Town Tamer

@Brockway pin this, or else this fate may befall you:

gellaho, Town Tamer

Which actually might just be the space whale calling someone an alcoholic, but whatever

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I assume discord dropping offline for a few minutes was from trying to process this book


You don't recognize the universal ASCII symbol for the triple-breasted hooker in Total Recall?

gellaho, Town Tamer
gellaho, Town Tamer

Coming up in a little over an hour, it's a requiem for my mind with Robert F. Young's Starfinder

gellaho, Town Tamer

I am terrified

public jakesy no. 1

Lol oh man we're doing the space whale one

This will be something


In the grim darkness of the far future there is only killing sea mammals for a transitional energy source.

Also probably space Japanese people eat them.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Spacewhale sweaters = adventure!

public jakesy no. 1

I'm also pretty sure I had a stroke just reading the teaser and that's not an ideal start

Dolphin cop Thrillho

What if whaling, but, get this, in SPACE


But if you die, then you don't need to read the rest.

The stroke is your body protecting you.

public jakesy no. 1

Oh shit good point

gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, no time like the present

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


gellaho, Town Tamer

A book eleven years in the making

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Robert "Fucking" Young


public jakesy no. 1


Gentleman Brendan


gellaho, Town Tamer

Time to get on the spacewhaleboat

Gentleman Brendan

There is no version of this man that I will not find contemptible.

Dolphin cop Thrillho

"I FOUND ONE! Wait…..wait….never mind, this is a flower"

Gentleman Brendan

The sweater that spacewhales wear when they plumb the depths of tolerability.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Spacewhaler isn't already jargon?

gellaho, Town Tamer

EelConCo's star-eel shipyards of Marken's Star**

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Those better not signal footnotes

gellaho, Town Tamer

Discord is going to make typing these *'s a problem


I sure hope that's censorship.

Never thought I'd say that.

public jakesy no. 1

Lol his name is John Starfinder?

gellaho, Town Tamer

I've always said whales look like metallic moons

gellaho, Town Tamer
FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Moby Dick would be so much cooler if the whales were cyborgs

What's that? Why yes I am five years old


I guess this is why his name isn't John Whalefinder.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Napping, but not napping in the sea, but not the sea


Wait, if you think of all space-time as an ocean…..


gellaho, Town Tamer

Like most neo-Japanese women, she was shrill but absolutely stacked


i'm still tripping over 'Jonahess'

gellaho, Town Tamer

Robert Young "writes" "metaphors" as though they are "explaining" something, but are just "insane"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I appreciate him dumbing it down for...who's this for?


I consider "language" to be like a "spaghetti" for "paperback".

Gentleman Brendan

Keeping an absolute clock in space sounds like a goddamn nightmare.

gellaho, Town Tamer

This exercise is called "only write in metaphors and similes"

gellaho, Town Tamer
Gentleman Brendan

Maarken's Star*** (Renascence) is exactly where I would have thrown this book across the room.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Gellaho, how intact is this book?

Has it been thrown a lot?

Gentleman Brendan

Aahaab stared at the viewing monitor. A gold antimatter coin had been promised to the first man that spied Mobii D*** (Metaphorescence)

gellaho, Town Tamer

I think I am the first to have read it

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That tracks

What is a samara?

gellaho, Town Tamer

Spacewhales can only travel into the past through their time machine organ

Gentleman Brendan

We've been making incredible progress in our 2nd-gen Japanese Woman designs.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That's right. Whales travel in time but can't think of a way to protect their young besides "push to one side"

gellaho, Town Tamer

These metaphors in no way help explain this process, Rob

Gentleman Brendan

"Naishi tittered an inscrutable giggle into her tented fingers. Could her perfect skin have blushed, she would have done so at attention from Starfinder's gaze...the piercing, round-eyed stare of seven generations of European eugenics."

I am already Team Fuck This Book

They found Galactus Whales in space where time has tides, and the only thing they can think to do is murder them.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Look. That whole star system just died. How about a handy?"


Gentleman Brendan

My great-great-grandpa was a whaler, and I'd rather just not have existed if it meant another couple dozen whales tootling around out there.

public jakesy no. 1

I'm here for the bangin' titties but that's about it

Gentleman Brendan

Time to rebuff your superior's advances, if that's how you choose to let me know you like playing hard to get.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Honestly, they seem like they are just asteroids that can travel in time. So much so that they confuse asteroids for them

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Are we sure whales are traveling in time and it's not that people suck at counting whales?

If they're asteroids, even more so

Gentleman Brendan

If you say so -- all I know is this book is written in a dead nerd dialect that deserved to go extinct.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Seems impossible for a organism to be turned into a ship and still live, but sure.

gellaho, Town Tamer

How do you measure that something is 1/10th alive

gellaho, Town Tamer

I would argue that's true for all nerd dialects

public jakesy no. 1

Deganglioned lol

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

The "I was a blind man who listened to classic music after encountering a space whale" trope is so overused

public jakesy no. 1

Mmmmmmmm I listened to the classics when I was blind cause I'm so fucking smart

gellaho, Town Tamer

The fuck does this mean, Rob?

gellaho, Town Tamer
gellaho, Town Tamer

And because he wanted revenge on his eyes

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I think they're doing the space equivalent of seeing shapes in clouds, but they're looking at star clusters


gellaho, Town Tamer

If they can only go back in time, how are they planning on getting these spacewhaleparts back over 1 million years in the future


Looking at space clouds, ogling a crew member, and cursing my weak eyeballs. Our Adventure Thus Far.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Let's get this haul of spacewhale parts to Marc Antony and be home in time for spacebeer"

gellaho, Town Tamer

Dirt-born and proud of it

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

If they're using time travel, shouldn't all this stuff be instantaneous?


Man, you can't even invent a new calendar after all that work to make spacewhales weird. Fuck this book.

gellaho, Town Tamer

I don't need him introducing more shit

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

hahaha, Japanese. Always trying to make Utopia!

Gentleman Brendan

Here comes the musing on Moby Dick.

gellaho, Town Tamer

What do the asterisks mean Rob? Oh, just going on to sandwiches? Cool

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That means it's a screenname


Which NG+ run it's on.

Gentleman Brendan

You just put 'em in orbit around a sun and let your friends yoink 'em later, wishing you safe travels in your crucial work of uh...killing whaleasteroids

Gentleman Brendan

How are they growing wheat

gellaho, Town Tamer

Not a translead ingot?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


How dare it die before his eyes

gellaho, Town Tamer

Wait, but you just said it couldn't travel into the future

gellaho, Town Tamer

I guess he must have missed that in his 11 years of revisions

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It can't. But it can go so far into the past, it arrives in the future from the other side

or yeah, he forgot

gellaho, Town Tamer


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Cold as ice

And never mind the sexual harassment a few pages ago

public jakesy no. 1


That's called consent, sweaty


i'm busy rewriting the star spangled banner to be about space whales

public jakesy no. 1

"Would you like a Dasani or maybe a snack?"

gellaho, Town Tamer

This is a fun work environment

gellaho, Town Tamer
FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

So in the future, those words mean something different, right?



public jakesy no. 1


Obviously if you don't want to fuck the big-titted japanese 2.0 woman it means you're a gay

Gentleman Brendan

1001 years BC, that's right around Moses time, no?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

You'd think spacewhales would warrant a note in the bible

Gentleman Brendan

DAMN these miraculous lifeforms that give us interstellar time travel.

gellaho, Town Tamer

All is forgotten, for it is time for deganglioning

Gentleman Brendan

Uh, I believe we already mentioned Jonahs.

public jakesy no. 1

God dam whaling union fucking this up

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That company regulations line could have been him having a stroke and no one would know

public jakesy no. 1

God dam space liberals ruining everything

gellaho, Town Tamer

This seems insanely impractical

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Stupid platforming sections

Jump on the invisible box BS

gellaho, Town Tamer

What flanks? It's shaped like an asteroid

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Awful lot of hate for something you've only killed once

gellaho, Town Tamer

Now it's getting sexy

gellaho, Town Tamer

He also said he's killed 31

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Ghaul has the best...whatever those techs are

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It's that consistency that marks a great writer from a good one

Gentleman Brendan

We're traveling one way backwards in time with the only people who will ever know us for who we are, but don't be gay.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Kinda seems like you made a bad naming choice, Rob

Gentleman Brendan

We would hate to ruin our proud naval tradition of only-heterosexual relations.

"No friggin' in the riggin'!"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Because whales and nautilus are so easy to confuse

Gentleman Brendan

Fun fact: if it's a cube, you can just say 10' once.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Man, she really wants to fuck in a small hollowed out corpse in front of a third party

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Whoa. Sick burn on Dirt

Gentleman Brendan

Transsteel is just translucent ionized Nysteel.

All of this is one continuity.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Seems like a weird brain design, but sure

Gentleman Brendan

It was here that we would end all that it was.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Roses aren't blue, Rob. Your analogy is crap.

gellaho, Town Tamer

I'm going to use all the Neo-plastique


this persons interpretation of 'the little prince' is very strange

Gentleman Brendan

Starfinder, who lived for the hate that rose within him every day of his job, prepared to kill the thing he could have let exist while he stayed in the bitchin' future and railed a line of White Guys' Idea of Perfect Japanese Women.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Why'd we bring more than two?"

Gentleman Brendan

It was not enough to kill the whale. Starfinder must ensure that it was obliterated.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

It's like when a sauce is going to expire soon. You start trying to find as many uses as you can.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, to be fair, he is insane

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"If only we'd invented a screening process!"

public jakesy no. 1

Violets are blue, obviously

gellaho, Town Tamer

The brainfare of the holocube

public jakesy no. 1

Good idea, we should read war and peace instead

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah. Thanks Rob. We can stop this trash

gellaho, Town Tamer

He's apparently attacked three people due to blue radiation

But back to work

public jakesy no. 1


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

If his whole body is heavy, we don't care that his limbs are

public jakesy no. 1

I see the mental health system in the space future is just as good as it is now

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I should search "mind man" when looking up psychiatrists covered by my insurance

gellaho, Town Tamer

Or no back to work

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Much the same, but this was different"

gellaho, Town Tamer

Just get a brain blast from the holocube. It doesn't do anything, but whatever

public jakesy no. 1

Is…. Is he the whale now

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


And lo!

A new door opened.

Rob's just trying to wake himself up.

Gentleman Brendan

So Starfinder is Ahab, Naishi is...what, Ishmael?

gellaho, Town Tamer

Occupation: Drive Tissueman

Gentleman Brendan

This book starts where Moby Dick ends.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"That's right, ladies. You need Kleenex, I'll get you Kleenex."

gellaho, Town Tamer

That sexy, sexy corpse

Gentleman Brendan

I can't believe I made a six-page story where that book was a gender-swapped romance and I was 30 years late.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

When did the tense change?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Your story was better

gellaho, Town Tamer

When we started Chapter 1

The Prologue was very long

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That was the prologue?!

gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, here we go

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

The image is "asshole". I've read Vonnegut

Gentleman Brendan

This might be a two-parter.

public jakesy no. 1

More like the Amateur-logue amirite

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


gellaho, Town Tamer

Who is Gloria Wish, Rob?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

You know. Gloria Wish. The angel.

gellaho, Town Tamer

I mean, I'm assuming she's a prostitute due to the "tired from too much" thing

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Honestly, there are times where I'd prefer only having an asterisk for a thought. It'd be less clutter.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, now you get poetry

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

They. Are. Not. Blue.

I can respect a whale doing its best thinking in a workshop

Gentleman Brendan

Psychic spacewhale: please stop killing us.,

gellaho, Town Tamer

So, it turns out that Gloria Wish is a lot

gellaho, Town Tamer

So fucking strap in

Wide, but wiry

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

did Rob just replace "one" with "1"

Gloria sounds like a sidewalk drawing


Because nothing is sexier than paps protruding through peepholes

gellaho, Town Tamer

And a business woman, and a ruler, and virtually immortal due to cryogenic something something

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Starfinder's a pap man

Oh, okay. She's a god. That has sex with dockworkers.

gellaho, Town Tamer

This seems like a lot of work

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

A vampire god

gellaho, Town Tamer

What does evolution have to do with the cryogenic technology?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

This is sounding pretty gay, Rob.

Gentleman Brendan

I was so against this book before it even hit present tense.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Just from a logistical stand

gellaho, Town Tamer

We interrupt this pie metaphor to bring you a horrific marriage ceremony

Gentleman Brendan

That's a common mistake: you see in space, no one is gay or they don't last on piloted whale carcasses.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

"made 1" fffuuuuuuuu

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


That pie metaphor can fuck right off


A man's rib is being given to a woman. Get it? Get it!!?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Dude, it's like that Bible story. About whales.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Drinking in the future sounds great



Gentleman Brendan

What I'm getting here is Fetish Statue of Liberty.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"One gin with a shot of roofie, my good barkeep!"

public jakesy no. 1

The pie is a metaphor for pussy, right?

gellaho, Town Tamer

Ninja kiss

public jakesy no. 1

There's more men than women = shortage of pie

Keep up here people

Gentleman Brendan

This is the most realistic sci-fi, in that society has a lot of unnecessary bullshit to protect social mores that make everything worse.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I don't see a connection, jakesy

gellaho, Town Tamer

, maaaan

Gentleman Brendan

Move to NYC* we have a beautiful imbalance the other way.

...that was many more asterisks

gellaho, Town Tamer

The prologue disagrees

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Discord doesn't tolerate Rob's bullshit

gellaho, Town Tamer

Asterisks are how you make things italicized and bold, so you get a bold asterisk

Clear if you have the exact same brain condition as Rob

Gentleman Brendan

Five bombs, and the whale yet lived. Starfinder cursed himself for respecting it.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

The spacewhale that is a giant nautilus grew a second brain which is a blue rose. It couldn't be simpler.

Gentleman Brendan

Are we meant to hate starfinder?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I hope so

Gentleman Brendan

Seriously, like okay he's going to realize he doesn't hate the whales, it's a character arc. But I feel there will remain so many things to hate about him.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Because if not, Rob has failed

gellaho, Town Tamer

Guess what the whale will give Starfinder?

Ramb$ne Gracie with Scythe

More like starflounder.


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


I'm betting he'll get a whale hug

Ramb$ne Gracie with Scythe

Probably more asterisks

gellaho, Town Tamer

If you guessed a look at that sexy-ass MILF, the Earth, then good job

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

awww yeeaaaahhh

public jakesy no. 1

I'm guessing this author was on a lot of acid

gellaho, Town Tamer

This may have put me off sex

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Pap count: 2

gellaho, Town Tamer

What could "putting the appointments to shame" possibly mean?


She is like a table or rather an endtable I wish to put my books upon

public jakesy no. 1

This is like if Brooke did mushrooms and then locked himself in a room with a typewriter

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Talking about a nude person and saying "viands" makes it sound like he's admiring varicose veins


my space books

gellaho, Town Tamer

This is true, but this is the book you decided to write. For eleven years

Gentleman Brendan

Carthage is still 600 years away, Stardork.

Mo's Over, Synergy

sunk cost fallacy?

Gentleman Brendan

I would dump Cindy Crawford if she talked to me like this.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Truly stunning

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer



gellaho, Town Tamer

That's what that means?

gellaho, Town Tamer

Well, that makes a little more sense

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Drugs were losing their kick at this point

gellaho, Town Tamer

I'm a little confused as to how nobody noticed the big blue rose that emits blue light, but sure

Gentleman Brendan

Top this line, I dare you, sons of bitches.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Are you asking me, the reader, Rob?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Do you want us to answer, Rob?

Gentleman Brendan

Yeah, I'd need space-viagra too after "a basket of kisses."

Is paps slang for nipples anywhere but this book?

I feel like this nerd just took bad notes in biology.

gellaho, Town Tamer

Because otherwise, Starfinder is asking what he represents which is a crazy thing to do

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Starfinder: "What do I represent, in life?"

Whale: "Asshole"

Gentleman Brendan

One time a porpoise followed the boat I was working on. I murdered a whale to honor it.

Gentleman Brendan

Melville reference comes late, but no less unwelcome than if it had made it to the party ontime.

gellaho, Town Tamer

OK, so the whale already had two ganglions? But you said he grew a new one

gellaho, Town Tamer

Dolphins are famously dickish so that makes sense

Also, the "rose" is made out of transsteel

Because, remember, this is a sentient asteroid not really a whale at all

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

They couldn't come up with a cleaner term than 2-omicron-vii for a fluid? We have at least a dozen terms for spooge

gellaho, Town Tamer

2-omicron-vii is the radiation the spacewhale uses to travel through time

And heal itself? I guess?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That's just it! How is someone supposed to know what that shit is?

gellaho, Town Tamer

Picture time!

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

oh no