gellaho, Town Tamer
How do you know that
How do you know that
Starfinder realizes he sucks at Hangman
"Butthole. You. Butthole. You in butthole. Orgasm."
Isn't oneness what they call marriage?
Is he married to the spacewhale now?
The BA radiation variant is the one you really have to worry about.
I dunno, Starfinder. Reads more like "lightning strike tiny man" to me
Could you please tell me, Rob? I don't have your psychosis, Rob!
He's going to fuck that whale butthole
Space whale
Space butthole
"Ride log over waterfall"
so yeah, space butthole
Fuck you, Rob
This was all a promotion for the McRib that went horribly wrong
Holy shit
You don't know about the McRib's status as a gay icon?
Starfinder's actually having sex with a cabinet
Lol suckin some titty milk and nutting so hard you think you're in jail
Sounds like a Good Friday night
Well, not quite, because he ends up strangling Gloria Wish to death
I guess not to death because of the cryogenic thing
She is the wind but her breasts are the hills, and then the sky is something? But he eats the hills. And he is the one pricked priapically? And he is blinded again but the wind sweeps him up which is her.
Yeah, she'll get better. It's fine
Then escapes with the whale
To spice it up a bit, try choking out your partner until she dies
I'm all for poetry and fine with most of that page, but I think it kind of loses the thread around the time he's mad at the perfect woman for spooning after sex.
That timeless line "Now, whale"
Consider the whale.
This insatiable woman men mistake for an angel is a drag, I'm busting out of here with the thing I hate most in the world.
Oh jesus christ we're only on chapter 2.
Did I go crazy?
Honestly, I don't hate dude's writing. He uses some quality $10 words.
I'm certain a chapter of Moby Dick also started "Consider the whale" you hack.
He can shove his $10 words up his $3 ass
But all the "Zapardow! Then fell the [algebra equation planet]" and macho bullshit can take a walk.
"Consider Starfinder. Remark his classic pose as he stands staring into time."
How long do we have to consider?
"Ramark upon it's rad, lightning bolt shape"
"I drew this during my calculus lecture. It's the Sea of Time."
Consider a fucking second opinion, dude.
Eleven years it took this guy to write
He had to have read through it at least once
Why is Starfinder talking like a Dickensian
Never has a book's cover so accurately conveyed the story it contains
This was written in 1980
((*️⃣ ))
Give us more hell wraiths, Rob
They had time to paint a mural?
Fuck yes, wardrobizer!
10/10 Rob
Finally, something sane
The clock is set to the timing of the Earth, which they've never seen
You could figure out that other shit, but not what two stick figures mean, Rob?
Or Starfinder. Fuck it, they're the same to me
Instantly goes to murder, sure
Okay, now I hate his writing.
Three women! Quick, to the wardrobizer!
Nobody is surprised when it's naisha
"You know how this Ghaulians are"
The whale is showing him a lesbian video and he's thinking he's under attack
It smites his eyes
I don't know why that middle "e" is in there
I mean I was kinda joking when I made a comment about fictional prejudices, but dang
Was synthleather too passe?
We don't need a history lesson on a uniform!
Was Robert the oldest man on Earth when he wrote this?
That's it. Rob is the time traveler!
Oh, OK, that makes sense
yeah, still go fuck yourself, Rob
Well, this is officially the weirdest way the redhead has been introduced, but ☑️
Full dress uniforms to ride a brain-damaged whale into a black hole.
Wow, hot image, Rob. She just finish taking a dump, too?
I have no idea what is going on
Aren't there only seven women?
The brazenness of these ghauls
I don't get why they aren't murdering him
What kind of dream is this?
scuse me ghaul**
I'm starting to suspect that Rob may not have the highest opinion of women.
Sounds like the Furies need a bath
Every single woman in this series is oversexed and/or oversexualized and this dude isn't retiring to enjoy any of them.
There are seven women rulers
I wrote the above even before reading that they were gonna snoo-snoo him.
Nice of the Furies to let him choose if he wants to die by sex or violence
This is the most female representation I've had in any of these books. Other than Starfinder, there's only been two other men
And one was a surgeon who didn't get a name
One opens the back, ifyouknowwhatimean
Zuh? I honestly don't know.
And yet...Gloria Wish has had half the (male) starfleet
You have to admire the full-forward dive of old-school sci-fi
We are combining too many things
"Yeah, this guy was blinded by radiation but he got better, and after he had sex with all seven women in the universe he rode a bomb-lobotomized spacewhale into hell's back door."
It's called "Star-Jellies of Tacyrinthia."
Wait, they're actually The Furies?
Because he's in the space-time continuum, I guess he can manifest things with his brain
This would have been good information to give before he pseudo-killed that lady
What does a man manifest when he's oversexed by alien love goddesses? Three women who pursue him relentlessly and speak only in spite.
Now he's being tried by the gods and telling them they're not worthy to judge him.
Women: They Want To Be Sex Objects To Victimize Men
Oh boohoo
I know Brendan wants to be fucked to death
You can absolutely kill me at 40 to spare me a life of whale-murder and universal entropy in exchange for snoo-snoo VS angels, and I'm already 41.
Who doesn't?
I hate poetry
That is extremely bad poetry, too.
Getting creative writing class flashbacks
If these whales can only communicate through bad poetry and acsii art, I'm fine with them dying
Oneness = SO BIG!
I remember in 6th grade we had a poetry month. Just a bunch of 12 year olds who just discovered jerking off trying to come across as deep.
That sounds like hell
Actual hell
It gets better. The teacher had us grade each other's work because she realized she didn't want to have to read our shit.
And I have always regretted grading whoever's I got low.
I graded it on "this sucks," not whether it followed the rules.
Now that is brilliance.
So this is how he convinces the whale to surface so the Furies will go away
I don't get it either
That's not how court works
"Where is my other pom-pom?"
It's the third planet, dipshit
Loft, Planet of the Stuck Key
All the asterisks just make it look like an exasperated editor had to censor a bunch of slurs.
I just got here but I'm getting the impression I'm no closer to understanding this than anyone else.
Sure, why not
Welcome, GDC. You'll hate this
Dammit, Starfinder, hug the whale
Uh oh, watch out NASA
"Where the fuck is Annie Sullivan when I need her?"
That glyph means he tore the page out of the binder too quickly
Oh fuck you.
This is the thought process of someone that makes bad point-and-click adventure games
A page of his rough draft got mixed in somehow.
Fuck yeah, StarHawk!
As bad as this sucks, you just know this guy thought he was a genius and tweaked this story until it only made sense to himself.
It took him eleven years!
He had time to think about this!
According to James Joyce, that means it should take 11 years to read.
By this point I'm tempted to think he finished the book in a couple years, actually did give it to someone to read, and they said, "Yeah, makes sense."
And he considered that a problem.
Joyce was pissed that people read Finnegan's Wake in less time than it took him to write.
Well, joke's on Joyce. Most people will never read it
"If a mere troglodyte like you, Hypothetical Proof-Reader, can understand my magnum opus, it is not yet complete. It is not above you, yet."
I think we should, but we have a wrong answers only rule for figuring out what's going on.
Their death is pretty hilarious
Dying and floating away like the grain bits in a finished bowl of Lucky Charms
"Posthumously trying to cushion contact" bothers me more than it should.
It's a good visual, but why do the corpses have agency?
Because they are evil women that wanted to sex the innocent man
Then talk about how they boobily cushioned their impact against the ship.
He brings one of them through the sphincter tube into the reefer cabinet
oh god, it's becoming Gerald's Game
Hey, you can't say Milton! Only poets can say Milton!
...dammit, markup.
I don't think the fission reproduction is why it doesn't understand falling in love with a dead woman
This is what Interstellar kept threatening to turn into
Why did he go with the whale that he hates?
Whale = friend
I'm not a genius like this guy, but how could you reproduce by fission without being your own offspring?
or something
It's the damnnest thing when you try to stop an accident but end up causing it
This isn't creepy at all
((*-|-)) = Whale
dammit, you can't have leading whitespace on the first line.
Nevermind that pointless diversion, Lincoln time
"President Lincoln Sick Of Time Travelers" - The Onion
speaking of dead members
Starfinder is surprised that he is not pumped about historical executions
This makes perfect sense. Remember all the whales at those moments?
I want the time-travel book where nobody cares about the civil strife in a blip empire, but like...Dave, who accidentally planted the Jade Forest, is the real tourism sight.
Aren't you paying attention. History is all a lie.
And yet Anglo-American history is all anybody in 3114 cares about.
He crossed time and space to focus solely on America, as God intended in His infinite wisdom
Unlike watching the planting of a tree, yeah
lol, dangit, scooped
He keeps going to sites where big speeches and dramatic battles happened and thinks "It's all hype"?!
Like i'd definitely go check out Hannibal...but that's because I like Hannibal. I feel the Epcot Center would be Caesar.
You're the one going to the basic bitch time periods, my guy.
And in neither case would I say, "Here it is, whale. The foundation of all Earth's sub-planets' history."
It's like any reference in fiction set in the far future. 2 things from 20th century America and a third wacky thing from 2450.
We're also ignoring that apparently Greek mythology is historical fact
Like, he just proved the Greek gods are real
Those were the actual Furies
The Orville Problem
I mean, not exactly real. They were products of his mind
You misspelled "Seth McFarlane can't act."
oh dang, right
My favorite thing about Star Trek is somebody thought Kirk should have a threesome to show what a badass he is, and he impresses green women with The Black Keys.
I'm skipping over the part about Jesus not being real, because whatever. He's just grinding axes at this point
Like The Black Keys are unequivocally fuck music, but imagine if I shot you a sly grin, and then put on some Salieri.
Starfinder drunkenly thinks about the end of time
Wooo! Surf the whale!
Jesus: Fake
Quotes he apparently holds dear: Fake
Medusa: Real and thirsty as fuck
Learning there's a hang ten emote makes me happier than you realize.
The ascii pictures are growing on me just because it feels like this idiot is riding a star god that wants to show him doodles
I didn't know space whales spoke ghost
At the end of time, we enter the cosmic freak out portion of the book
My god, it's full of bullshit
Fuck man, I don't know
I liked this scene better in 2001.
Is this a math textbook?
I feel like we're reading the longest word problem
This dumbass keeps asking complicated questions who only answers in Etch-a-Sketch drawings.
Well, that was pointless. Bye!
It's an engineering textbook. Calculate the moment of force on the space surfer attached to the roof of the house.
Time-surf's up, whale amigo!
I'm just checking in occasionally as usual, are they talking to a ZX Spectrum?
Space whale
It communicates in ascii pictures
Now, star eel attack!
The space whale says 8==D
I mean, if you didn't get that, and I definitely did, you're just a dummy.
Or you could look and see the eels rather than spend an hour decoding this
This sounds about as much like an eel as the Spacewhale sounds like a whale
"Shake it off!" our hero commands the titanic space monster being attacked by parasites
You suck, Spacewhale
That's just good writing.
How is it alive? Ignore the other identical thing that is also alive.
I'm guessing this will end well
"Please don't mind the corpse. She's the woman I love."
It's so weird to get a whole book of erudite star-shaman musing, and then "The whale has been attacked by a star eel!"
Impressive that the thirteen year old can steal and pilot this space eel
Just seeing "beginning of breasts" makes me certain I have to go register somewhere.
Pasha. Because Ishmael Pasha. Because Ishmael. Because fuck you
You could have just as easily not mentioned the child's breasts.
This kid sounds annoying
How else to tell readers she is not a girl, not yet a woman? She has not known the tender throttling of her 1?
"Kid, let me rephrase the question: Do you have food?"
You must not have seen as many of these books as I thought. They all are uncomfortably horny for minors.
"Starfinder," Starfinder says.
Did America genocide the rest of the planet before taking to space or something?
I don't think I really need a complete history of this universe
The Fates have it in for him? The ones he killed in space?
Furies. Fates are a different set of women that will likely die horny for him
Women are like big-breasted space lovers: they come in threes and are busty women.
If it's a woman is space, Starfinder can kill them
The space eel engages tentacle protocols
A teenage girl with a tentacle monster is not what I'd expect from Rob
Though I'm at a loss to explain why
He's absolutely had passionate debates with people about "censorship" in hentai.
And he died in 1986, when that shit took work
Pixellation had to be drawn by hand
He hung out at the saddest stall at the filthiest flea market in Michigan.
The whale gets tired of this space eel's shit
Keep away from my stall!
Technically the tentacles are cables that are used to control the space eel. That doesn't really explain why the space eel can move them around, but whatever
Nice job, Starfinder. Your pet killed the girl's pet.
Nah, that was all the whale
I mean, it was dying and the eel was leeching off it
Almost like it should have been called a space leech
Or space remora
The Spacewhale attempts the lamest apology possible
This asshole uses "haecceity" but doesn't know the difference between eel and leech.
I reiterate. Fuck you, dude.
It means the whale's going to cut his dick off and make him a woman.
Aw, isn't that cute
I should attempt to explain who John Barleycorn is
wait, "Therapy only the whale can provide..."?
"Cold sober"?! You drank two gins with roofies earlier, Starman!
So he's had weird visions that have been causing his madness and psychosis. He originally called them the Monk, but when he started drinking he started calling it John Barleycorn
He'll draw her so many pictures.
I think?
Her fridge will be full of them.
So, I guess him taking deciding care of a child is his penance for being a dickhead
I don't know
That or "John Barleycorn" is what he calls it when the whale shits
I liked John Redcorn better, anyway.
But what I do know, is I'm about 112 pages into this 205 page book. So this seems like a good place to stop for now