64: Psi-Man: Haven David Peters

#6 Psi-Man

The shocking conclusion of the electrifying series! The ultimate mind-force warrior faces his final battle...


Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

It's more fun to fuck with the meat bags.

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Peter david is using dialog that was meant for Data in one of his star trek books, but the editor rejected


Chuck Simon: Nude Amnesiac

Gentleman Brendan

It's always like talking to a passive-aggressive medieval feudal lord.

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

Alexa could you make your sentences way more clunky?

Gentleman Brendan

I am unable to apply that command to my central data processor at this juncture.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Meanwhile, real AI would just be spewing out memes and moonspeak


It really changes the scene when you consider he's been hog out the whole time.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Notices nudity for the first time "OH WHAT IS THAT THING THERE? ITS SO FLOPPY!"

Gentleman Brendan

Chuck lifted the head of his penis with telekinesis, pumping blood through his turgening turgidity

"Look at that, baby, ready to go again five minutes later," he smirked.

"LIES!" she scoffed.


Alex considers a sex crime

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"OH HOLY SHIT LOOK AT WHAT IT CAN DO! What did you call this? Pissing? CAN EVERYONE DO THIS?!"

Gentleman Brendan

Why wouldn't he remember it?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

When your Russian secret squirrel is more moral than James Bond.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Peter David operates on that belief that pretty people are always appealing, even when they smell like dumpster juice


"You desperately want to return to your former glamorous life"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I keep forgetting he was a gym teacher

Gentleman Brendan

A quiet warrior poet who wanted merely to do TK pushups and give women pleasure they had never before known.

"He is forceful like a man, but attentive and considerate to my unspoken thoughts like a woman..."

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"Notable in that it didnt work for anyone without psychic powers, which you do have."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Also, you killed a child. But he was evil, so it's fine."

Gentleman Brendan

What are you going to do with your unique gift?

I dunno, teach gym at a stripmall

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"Also you're a nerd with a Nazi dog, I dunno where the dog got off to."


We're going to do this exact same thing again, huh

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

His stench stopped it

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

don't say "dog" and "got off" you'll summon djonin

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

He deffo needs a second shower, now he just smells like wet garbage



FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

There's a colony of mites in his beard that are approaching a Renaissance

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage


Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

finally, characters I can relate to



FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Cycle Sluts were great before they went all Christian Folk

public jakesy no. 1

Now they're just called The Cycles

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

Wellp I sure hate that

Gentleman Brendan

What was her plan if she accidentally manslaughtered the one-of-a-kind hope for humanity?


The Cycle Sluts lose a fight to a car

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

queer villains? unprecedented

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Wait are the cycle sluts and the one with the slur rival gangs are or we just being gross?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah. Women gangs don't have any reason to rape. So I'm sure they'd just leave you alone and not slice open your neck and pull your tongue through the opening

public jakesy no. 1

Is this repressed anger at homosexuality linked to an event that happened to Peter David in high school?

Let's consult the charts!

Gentleman Brendan

This is such an '80s work where it has a melange of sci-fi concepts but all anybody can think to do is bum around and hang out.

public jakesy no. 1
Gentleman Brendan

KITT + Firestarter + that one Dean Koontz novel + Kung Fu: The Legend Continues


Wave goodbye to the Cycle Sluts

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I always have to

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

bye sexy rapist stereotypes

thanks for showing up for this very necessary scene


And say hello to Peter David referencing his own work

Gentleman Brendan

So it's a Psy-Man you're looking to catch, eh?

I'll get you your Psy-Man. :Quint crushed his can of Narragansett and tossed it into space:


Eventually, maybe?

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

"there was no TV, but thankfully star trek tie-in novels were still being sold"


Spies love Star Trek

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I feel nervous, but I also can't shake the feeling this character won't live up to his potential

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

Federation's Fall is absolutely a rejected pitch that David Peters made.

public jakesy no. 1

Also of note in Peter's biography, bicycles and rape appear in the same story on consecutive pages

public jakesy no. 1

Really makes you think

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I hope he just cursed a blue streak when they announced DS9

Gentleman Brendan

Some would argue DS9 was indeed the federation's fall


Odo was dope as fuck.


Just a truly annoying way to write dialog

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Only the fall in that everything after failed to live up to it

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Aw yeah my man Sex Bucket

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

maybe I should put all my traumas into a terrible novel, seems cathartic

Gentleman Brendan

It takes a certain hubris to write a biography.

Like even if things have actually happened to you, to say "Others must know of, and learn from, this."


Check off the redhead box

Gentleman Brendan


Redhead season doesn't start till October


"Bullet needle"

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Typical Soviet spies, gunning down our American redheads in broad daylight.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Terwilliger, of the East London Terwilligers

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

those anachronistic bastards!

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"But the bullet needle gored out his eye."

"Heart failure"


The Complex is teaming up with the USSR

Gentleman Brendan

aren't they both NWO?

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Sure. That might as well happen

Gentleman Brendan

Are we sure the VP is dead? Maybe he disguised himself as the explosion and walked out of there.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

If this were a musical I'd want them to follow up this part with Hawkwind's "Needle Gun" and have Korsakov do a hip thrusting dance to it.

Gentleman Brendan

He could be ANY character now.

Indeed...anyone, even...a...reader.


Meanwhile, Googie enters the ol' Pier Vault

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

I remember that Fallout dungeon

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

ENTER! The Vault of the Forsaken!

Their DM is a little overdramatic.


Well, that is unexpected

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

But their party gets a dog.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

An entire paragraph to open a door

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

That is the worst name

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Horny the Gollum

public jakesy no. 1

Wait the guys name is Horny

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Toad man named "Horny" is just.........


Horny is on first

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

who's Steve Jobs?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Horny and Googie sounds like a 60's husband and wife music act.

They do a great cover of Muskrat Love.


Nobody wants the gross toadboy

Gentleman Brendan

The longer this goes on the more I'm convinced this is an actual toad and Googie's the crazy one.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I started off believing Googie was an intelligent rat, so this is just going full Wind in the Willows for me

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

When you have toad face, its hard to not look at people funny tho, give poor Toad Lad a break.

public jakesy no. 1

They were better as Horny, Googie, Nash, & Young

Gentleman Brendan

Hahaha wait, this mummy is eighteen?

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

I have to disappear again, someone @ me if there's more gay hate crime characters

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Take care!

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Have fun.


Rommel was smelling women in previous books, so this is a little hypocritical

public jakesy no. 1


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


public jakesy no. 1

Was this written during Peter's softcore porn days

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage


FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

So all it took to win Rommel's loyalty was letting him kill people


I'm guessing Marvel rejected his X-men material

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

And in the book!

public jakesy no. 1

"Enjoy the play of her firm, hard ass" is maximum creepy uncle vibes


These were his Photon days

Gentleman Brendan

Sounds like she was fully correct.

If not fully erect.

public jakesy no. 1

I can smell the Pontiac Thunderbird coming off that sentence

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

And we know those didn't end with anything weird or sexual

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Shipping Googie x Figurine.


This psychic sanctuary Chuck was told about seems like kind of a shit show

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage


Man Figurine must have some gnarled talons then if shes been walking around post apocalyptic New York barefoot.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Are we sure Peter David didn't outsource this part to Chuck Austen?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

The bottoms of her feet aren't invisible at all.


Peter has completely forgotten that the premise was "psychics"

Gentleman Brendan

No weird religious vibes, so yeah.

He's just doing the Morlocks all the way down.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Should we place bets on whether Rootle Bootle kills all these people or Peter David forgets about them?


The Magistrate is reading Moby Dick. I'm sure that won't be at all related to the plot

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Man these people need a better naming convention, some get names like Googie and others get X-Men code names like Figurine, and others just get appearance based insults like Horny Toad or Four Eyes.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"In fact, he's dead. No, I'm not rewriting this."


Haven: A real freakshow

Gentleman Brendan

Four Eyes is just hanging in there until he gets upgraded to Great Chef

Too bad there aren't ratdogs with guns to save the rats.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Rat based augury was proven inaccurate in the 60s, real divinations should be using crystals or tortoise shells.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"They referred to her as a name I'm not going to capitalize because fuck you reader"


Well, I guess these weirdos did that to Chuck

Gentleman Brendan

no it was all lowercase. She used to be Prince.


Hey, there, Peter. You step out of Simon Hawke's territory

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

yeah I guess I'd come back for my psychic Nazi dog.


Thanks Morpheus

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Someone should tell this purple goober that fatalism is annoying in a leader.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

He doesn't have to be a nazi! The quaker named him after a nazi!

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Not to mention if the future is set theres no point preparing for anything because its going to happen regardless so you are already as prepared as you are going to ever be.


Such economy of motion

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

He was originally called Subject 666, which is dumber but less problematic!

Gentleman Brendan

The divine seer says you have to give up your dog is really provoking me to defy the fates.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"Fuck that rat gutter, I'm keeping this rad dog."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yeah. I'd go full Kratos on the fates if I had to give up any of my dogs when I was a kid

public jakesy no. 1


Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

You'd think tho they'd have just killed him with a rock after mindwiping him tho.

You might as well, you've already basically killed him in spirit.


Well, of course you have to trade sex to make a man brain dead. For a dog

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Chuck was always a dweeb. They just took away his guilt and memories of dodgeball

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I thought that pet shelter was lying to me


Meanwhile: Memory Prisms

Gentleman Brendan

AITA if I pay for a stranger's involuntary lobotomy with sexual extortion?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

does the fucking come with shots and neutering?

Cos thats real important when you adopt a pet.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yes. A shot of whiskey and some garden shears that have never been washed

oh, for the pet


Of course, the key to remembering is his Nazi dog

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Yes he would have, Chuck

He hated you

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

The thing is you cant trust a dog named after Rommel, he will probably be in on a bomb plot to kill you.

Gentleman Brendan

He scorned you.


"God, there were so many freaks!"

Gentleman Brendan

Never forget Rommel swap-evicted Chuck from his own mind while they were both boning and made their mental tips touch.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I don't think we can forget that

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"Yeah yeah collective power of one mindfucker, an invisible girl, a thirsty motherfuckin toad, and a hot stinky girl."


Wave hello to the Cycle Sluts

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"They were all so...distinct enough to avoid a copywrite lawsuit"

I hope they're talking about a pot roast



Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

I hear an awesome guitar riff every time I see the words "Cycle Sluts"


@Rachel, Swamp Philosopher they're back, the Cycle Sluts


Mu has a bold strategy

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I was just told I'd go blind


Surprising that the crotch grab was ineffective

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

ew, matted hair

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

This is not how handjobs usually go, but okay.


Psionic dick defense number 22


I had to read this so many times to figure out these commas

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

You'd think his Mind Fortress would activate BEFORE his dick got mangled.

But then D&D never really got the hang of psionics.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Peter David forgot how periods work


Wave goodbye to the Cycle Sluts

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Fallen Mu was their last worthwhile album

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Now they can't even get a gig opening for Pussy Riot.

Gentleman Brendan

Maybe YOURS don't

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

It's true, I'm not psychic so maybe that's whats supposed to happen.

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

This publisher wouldn't spring for the μ character


This is sometime earlier, but not earlier than the earlier "sometime earlier"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

That's because Rommel killed her


Scooped me, I couldn't figure out how to get my phone to do that symbol.

Gentleman Brendan

Reuel Beuel, I declare you fit for deuel duty!


I saw Fabio and now he looks like Fabio in my head, Dr. Martin Fabio

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

I'm on board with this

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Man I would like this book so much more if in 1992 it predicted a Russian punk band\activist group.


I keep various pictures of him around to inspire me, like everyone else

Gentleman Brendan

hellot it ma our doctor Fabio yu are healthy oka now off to home it me fabio


"You've been RoboCop'd, Reuel"

Gentleman Brendan

Really amazed Pussy Riot is still alive. Like they had my respect, now they have my awe.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Rootle Bootle is slow on the uptake.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Right? They've done time like twice, in RUSSIAN prisons.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Please have a scene of Reuel going through TSA


So, does he have a nose or not?

Gentleman Brendan

Peter's gonna Wold Newton this series before it dies.

Didn't I say he was evil Steele??

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"I AM A MONSTER!" "Well you were already a psychic assassin working for Not Walt Disney......"

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

No nose. Just a nose.

Shark Puke Fetishist GDC

But then how does he smell?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

A lil smellin nubbin.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer


Gentleman Brendan

They Red Skulled him!

Gentleman Brendan

But still better than Chuck does


See, that's what separates the cyborgs and Steele


Need the dong

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Told you. Hair OR genitals. Not both.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage


But just wait until they show him the upgrade path he can use if he collects enough scrap. Double jump AND a dick.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Reuel is a pay to win asshole, no question


Nooo, not the ice water!

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

He buys the $99.99 gem packs.

Gentleman Brendan

That'll teach you to save my life with expensive, cutting-edge cybernetics.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

NOOOO now how will the unethical doctors quench their thirst while defying God?!

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Fat chance of insurance covering this visit


No more murder boners

Gentleman Brendan

Say it with me

No real human penis = No longer human

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH so thats what Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was about!

Gentleman Brendan

by the by, we have resumed reading Steele, and we make it about six pages before I pass out one night a week...and at page 127 it's STILL just pontificating on the same conversation about whether he's a man or not.

But cripes, at least his dick works.

...you know, if you took these out of the context of the Hawke Steeleverse it just looks like hatespeech.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

I'd have consoled myself with a sweet robo dick that looks like it was made by a PC gamer with too much money.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Steele is the best cyborg, but I still like Reutel more than Tracker

Gentleman Brendan

If you have TK and an indestructible robo-bod, why even fuck?

You have worlds to run.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Still need something to do during firmware updates

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

I assume you'd need something to keep occupied until you confront your nameless grandson in a duel to the death that keeps the cosmic flea distracted until you can destroy it.

Metabarons is wild, y'all.

Gentleman Brendan

The humanoids series?


Sometime later, Chuck has remembered how to be a huge baby

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

It's a comic series written by Alejandro Jodorowsky, its a bit like if a peyote fueled shaman read half of Dune and thought "What if I did this, but also more peyote."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"The sex wasn't that bad, was it?"

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Sounds like Chuck needs to reaffirm his walk with Christ.


Alex finds this tantrum super hot

Gentleman Brendan

Nobody likes a psy-baby

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Sand: The Best Place for Sex

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Dirty sand no less.

Nasty filthy sex sand.

Gentleman Brendan

This sand is just SOAKED with petroleum.

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

And now cum.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

And tears, because Chuck is a baby


And I guess they were fucking right in front of the entrance?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

And some of Alex's because regret.

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

"Hey, you two can keep fucking, if you want. We don't mind!"


The Cycle Sluts episode of ER was weird

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

"Oh yeah we were too busy getting sand in my vag for me to remember, I found traces of your dog. Maybe. It could just also be a random dog."

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Magoo? There's a near-sighted old man among the Cycle Sluts?

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Okay now I refuse to believe Mr. Magoo is still relevant to gang members in 2022 IN REAL LIFE.

Let alone this fictional construct.

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher



What a coincidence, this doctor is a brother of the dead doctor

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

There are still emergency rooms, but no cops

I guess when tweakers get brought in, they go by the honor system

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

They've had character development! Their leader is named Mu, pronounced "Mew" and presumably she will end a sentence with "Nyaaaan, senpai!"

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

I flipped through and saw some trading sex for lobotomizing a dear friend so everything's normal


And the doctor's nurse is a Russian spy. This is some top notch stuff

Gentleman Brendan

Also Beutel is now Robocop with TK

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

... I have a therapy appointment Tuesday and now it will be devoted to deciphering how I feel about this

FancyShark, Foe of Flip Hammer

Small world

Rachel, Swamp Philosopher

you know what I love about this book? the elegant simplicity of the plot

Karate Physics Flippant Sausage

Man I don't know how youd explain this to someone who wasn't here.

Gentleman Brendan

Russians spreading disinformation? What kind of nightmare 2022 is this?