Wolfbang Howlbig
"Guys, that's why I speak French - we're a former French colony"
"Guys, that's why I speak French - we're a former French colony"
Our hero's name is Saint-Just and he's opposed to the Justica but he's out for justice on the Mary Just Shoot Me.
Hey, sorry I'm late everyone. Best 10 word recap of what I missed and you'll be my best friend for at least a week.
That is all
He fell off the railing of the SS fast
This picture but he's in prison.
Dastardly space Frenchman on prison ship hates the English Romans.
The English Romans hate non mixed race people.
Ah, it's one of those books. Where knowing what's going on doesn't actually help.
Isn't stagnation glorious?
90% of this book takes place in characters' backstories.
Quarantine's been rough on us all.
The rest is complaining about things in prison not being French enough.
The French will talk to you about how good their bread is if you let them.
I watched New Wave cinema, you can't fool me.
Fuck this hits different.
Bold stance, praising how nothing changes in a nation that's been occupied several times
How dare you not know beignets!?
The bloodbath that follows encompasses the next five chapters
Finally our hero gets his motivation.
How many fucking words for pastry do you need
To punish a world that doesn't know about okay doughnuts.
Beignets are like the 15th best thing about New Orleans, how good can they be in Paris.
Wait, THAT's where I heard of beignets!
My first time in New Orleans I was told I had to go to Cafe du Mond and get the beignets. I'll never forgive myself for believing that was actually a "must-do" thing in my limited time there.
This talk of delis and pastries makes me want a sci fi book like this but for being a nebbish space jew
They got a goddamned laboratory in the prison mining colony?
From space New York
My stepmom loves them and makes a point of getting beignets every day she's in New Orleans
Wait actually that sounds awesome.
Yeah, I can live without chicory coffee, too. But I kept the coffee can from there, it was a nice memento.
Neural links outta nowhere
Wait is doctor his name?
Capitalize it, Jesus Christ
"You look dehydrated. We better get you some wine."
No cook, but a full on mad scientist lab
Heat ZEM and eat ZEM you philistines!
Chicken Djonin?
I had the same misread.
Regardez: we French make the best stacked prepared meals in the galaxy.
"Coq au Vin" means dick grapes, right?
You don't see a Djonin unless you're in a Space Balkans prison, and those read like Necromunda novels.
It means Dickwine
I was close!
I have no idea how long this has been, but apparently the ship has become legend
Was he in cryosleep or something?
Then he gets parole
She didn't even bother specifying how long it was until his parole hearing
What the fuck is this book about
It's been 57 years, but thank God that the newspaper is still biased the same
I assumed it was going to be a French bad boy story but then it became a prison story
What the fuck
Are we doing relativity shit?
Sadly, this is not the most incoherent book we've read
Yeah this sounds like a time dilation thing
I must get home to my drug flowers!
Going all Forever War here.
He can almost smell those flower farts
It seems like that's not the route we're going here, but I like the idea of sentencing people to relativistic prison terms. 60 years for your family, 10 for you.
For a book, anyway.
Home to the drug flowers
Whoa whoa, they said it never changes!
Time, it seems, has made fools of us all.
They have FTL drives but they can't go backward in time.
How ironic.
If only there were a French word for this feeling of being home at last and yet unable to truly return to our youth.
...cordon bleu?
Emile is denied his cuff, then wanders aimlessly
hon hon, the flowers still fart the same back home
He overhears this conversation
Djonin, this fox looks like Vermin Vundarbar
It's a Sonic character, who is also very French
What is silver laughter?
It's when you hear silverware laughing at you. It's a sign of dementia
He later goes to the Cafe and somehow that conversation has moved there, hours later
Of course. I thought it might be another French thing.
No, that's just life in Belle's France
Antoine! I miss you!
That would be the rire d'argent.
Mostly as an adjunct of missing Bunnie Rabbot.
Still counts.
Anne-Sylvie is somebody he randomly met who knows Gorvitz
"Ugh, ze feelthy uptowners weeth zer culture"
Then we get this odd passage
Morlock chicks are freaky
And, here it is, page 69. The pastry sex fight
A hardknife
Also known as a knife.
Pastry Sex Fight: The Frenchman's Gauntlet
It's gotta be hard for the Sex fight
French cover band for Ninja Sex Party
"Emile didn't trust her."
Hang on, is hardknife a slang term for penis!
Her knife keeps rising
It's a knife, bud
What with the sharpness and steel and bleeding
Man you know how the French be with their flowery metaphors
What kind of fiber optics does that hardknife have?
A reflex scope and a tac handle.
It does prematurely soften, so that's a bummer for her
I haven't been this turned on by a knife fight since I watched West Side Story
So wait he doesn't get shived until he leaves prison?
Then transitions into the traditional French sugar fight
Aw yeah
You know what that means
"She blew sugar all over his face and shoulders"
So she's a spitter
All the locals know the sugar fights
The explosive, explosive sugar fights
Just a reminder that there are people that will go their entire lives without tasting sugar
And also, diabetes
To be fair, he did it to her first.
Yeah he did
Buh, wah
He could still be a plant! His nonfancy clothes are prison-issue! So unlike those that come with a cuff.
French cuffs.
ohhh shiiiiit
Ooh, interesting. What happened?
Cool, I didn't need to know anyway
Why are they referencing Chicago-sold beer?
Because in the future Chicago becomes our global touchstone for every human event and feeling.
Truly sounds like paradise, Emile
No, France. This book is very clear about it being France
It should have cost a fortune, except it sucks shit
Other than that though
"Sure is weird no one knows what the plants eat. And even more weird that vacancies keep opening up in this place."
Emile longed in prison to return to the hell world he called home
I was joking!
Sort of!
So, the Justica came by and burned all the drug plants. And zoo animals?
Flood the streets and cultivate the man-eating flowers indoors
Thanks for telling us the mass slaughter of helpless animals was evil, author
Now we've got sadece again?
Yeah. And apparently sadece are Audrey II
And now the other prisoners are on the Mary Damned
Having committed a mutiny off-screen
They really want these 57 year old flowers
The pacing on this book is both relentless and glacial
The emaciated Tree decides getting high is a great idea
So what's the appeal of this book? I've read aimless plotless stories before where the appeal was vibing in the setting, but this setting fucking blows.
You really want to rub it into your eyes
I think it's doing the Outer Worlds thing, minus the satire?
Maybe this is all leading up to a reveal that mixed races created crack to kill white people
Gorvitz accidentally gets drugged
Which is good because you have to be high to fly, baby
Wait is this just shitty Melange
Listen, it's New Wave sci-fi. It doesn't need a plot, it just needs to emphasize the quality of the bread.
This is the 400^2 blows.
All art is pain.
I see what you did, you magnificent fox.
but what! About! The peanut butter????
Meanwhile, dangerous poetry
I'm still waiting for how Metalaw factors into this.
I'm okay with the Great Filter if it means France doesn't get to colonize the stars this way.
"We will write poems about the rings of Uranus, how they resemble bread!"
Eating a croissant, reading the virgin paper
Writer's just taunting us with wrong words now
I bet you can brew some really good coffee in a vacuum.
Emile loves this little slice of hell
You knew the word effete would be stopping by.
Gotta love a planet with a threatening sky
I don't feel at home unless the clouds threaten my family
I actually love this segment. It's well done.
Streets are filled with water, but ignore that
Not dying so slowly now, are you, Huit Fleurs?
Emile is so turned on right now
Looks like the federales are here. Welp, time to go to bed
Effete lives in Emile's mouth.
That burning heat and smell is so soothing
Hahaha chamber pot?
The future has no plumbing?
"Man, it's really a hellscape out there. G'nite."
Chemical toilets: for when your home must absolutely smell like a port o john.
Toldja! Indoor plumbing is lost, but the French Academy is forever!
We have FTL drives and people still squat in a bucket.
Next paragraphs seem to completely ignore all that
Love in the time of space-cholera
This violates hospitality, unlike being locked in a prison
Gotta go eat burgers and watch peacemaker. Quand nous revenous!
Word. Later, Brendan!
The planet is 96% water and the rest is flowers, you are not self sufficient
You have to illegally trade your illegal drugs for everything
All you need is water and flowers!
I can't tell if this guy was serious and thought he was saying something profound, or writing a parody and thought he was saying something funny.
He fails equally at both, which is not something I thought could happen.
Guess what the next word is
skimming this and i already see too many "i'm trying to hard to sound eloquent" words
This is like a Null: Set error.
If it's not thought, it's some word that means thought but he thought sounded better, and he was wrong.
Lady. It'll be very obvious it's a woman writing a man very soon
I hope it's thought.
Try disappointment
Okay then.
I admit, I'm surprised.
That knotted groin feeling. You know what I'm saying fellas?
She was taking a clear shot at some exes
When your dick gets all knotted up
There's this weird feeling between my eyes, like someone's gently tapping it with a hammer.
Does she think men are cats?
@Wolfbang Howlbig , your thoughts?
This woman uses whore more often than I would expect
don't ask him
...wait, the more I read this page the less sense it makes.
Is this... is this what being a Grabowski is?
Okay, so... the drug allows them to bond with the ship robots.
By fucking them.
And the ship robots are whores, but also judgemental.
Very judgemental.
And now he's using a cat penis to fuck a human while they're both on the drugs.
Yeah. What's so hard to follow?
And the drugs are affecting them but also at the same time not.
Emile pretends to be a courier and eats some soup
I think I see purple.
Javo and I came to an agreement.
And then a thing happens that I cannot explain
It is one of the things I cannot mention.
I have no idea what this is
Which is a shame because irl knot based humor is a trademark of mine.
It's perfectly reasonable. There's a brain in a jar that's actually the computer's hard drive, except it's also the memory, and they have it floating in soup.
Nutritious soup.
And there's a cable that you plug into so you can communicate with the brain in the soup and ask it questions.
Because it's the future.
This goes on for a while
And that makes more sense then ow ow ow ow OW OW OW
Oh, I remember this
This doesn't make any sense
For some reason there was this period of time where people decided that actually keyboards and screens were a bad idea and we would do something else.
And they never thought of what actually happened, which was touch screens.
I think they thought we'd all have flippers or something.
Then he's in a room and encounters a lady
Wait, did Star Trek have touch screens?
knots are a canid thing. Like for dogs, foxes, and tanuki
Fair enough then.
I can taste purple. I need to stop looking at this book.
And I'm not allowed to talk about them.
I fear what it is doing to my mind.
Then some words
Fake lady?
Computer lady wants to be called Claude
"Want to know what your raise would have been if you hadn't been arrested?"
Then they have cybersex in the most awkwardly described way
oh god, he's fucking the tank brain
Heat exploded like poison
That's what she thinks men experience during sex
I don't even know what that could possibly mean
Like napalm, that famous poison
Poison doesn't explode
I have read
A disgusting amount of robot computer sex
And this fucking sucks.
This woman managed to never have sex.
I'm more sure of that than I am of the existence of pandas.
She don't know how ta fuck
The police do not take kindly to the computer fucking
I mean, at the very least the computer fucking is damaging property, right?
If you're going to write computer fucking, the most boring thing you can do is foot stuff.
"Take your genitals out of the disk drive and step away from the machine"
Come the fuck on.
Yeah. Lawnmower Man got way weirder
"Don't hassle me, man! The computer wanted it, just ask her! Her name is Claude."
Exactly. Psychic or computer fucking can go Lawnmower man, it can go Fluff Kevlar,
This is worse than the average 13 year fanfiction writer would manage to write regular sex.
You aren't restricted to normal organs or anatomy. Fucking google a Japanese adult toy store catalog and despair
I can't rate it on a scale of actual fantasy sex.
This is significantly beneath furry erotica.
It's null:set, and you need to press the ce button on the calculator.
Pfff, nice writing frenchie
It he had had buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
Seriously, pg-13 on ff.net is better.
Is this a translation?
Writer's American
A genuine American frogaboo
I think we need to apologize to the French.
Or maybe a ouiaboux
Would they like Louisiana back?
She gets off so much on the Frenchiness, the sex has nothing to offer
Emile might have been living in a welfare state and not even have known it
I'll be French now.
This is the worst crime against the French that didn't actually involve trying to kill any French people.
Fuck you, ouiaboux was my A game
Emile recognizes something important
Have we considered that Emile is just a fucking moron?
I like it but it only works written down.
He has
Sorry, needed to do another read. Trying to keep up with everyone
Have we considered that Emile is actually really a brain in a jar, and the woman was a real person?
And now she's incredibly disappointed?
Man I wish Ice were in the story again.
The author did say disappointment is part of sex