103: Spy High: Mission Two: Chaos Rising A. J. Butcher

#2 Spy High

Tags: The Year of Pain
CHAOS is coming!



The Book Cage: Episode 103 - Spy High: Mission Two: Chaos Rising

Can it truly be The Year of Pain when we haven't even been back to Spy High yet? I say nay! This time, the team of dumbass teenage spies are after the Sherlock Shield. Has A.J. Butcher, British English teacher, learned anything about America since Mission One? In what new and interesting ways will these teens suck? And will any random Frankensteins show up again? Find out this Friday, 5pm eastern.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

That cover art is already a joke.

It's one edit away from being the "NO DADDY NO" meme.


I will have to miss this Friday's reading, but I look forward to seeing the chaos you all unleash on it. Fingers crossed the preppy "leader" gets killed in this one. And the "funny" one, too.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

It's the year of pain, we aren't lucky enough for that


I mean, it does get worse


hahaha, I forgot these covers. It's incredible he even sold enough for one sequel


What could possibly be more important than a twenty year old book for children

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Well this is just Michael Myers from the racial allegory planet on Star Trek.


Minnesota State Fair Hotdog Meetup (TM)!

i.e. Lethally fried foods

But I will try to drop in where I can, because these reads are always a highlight of the week


The inside of this book reveals that the first book was called The Frankenstein Factory in it's native land.

Really gives away the shock son of Dr Frankenstein reveal in the second half

infinite tempest jakesy

The killer I mean teacher being named AJ Butcher is just too perfect

This is the detective in change, John Crimesolver


Coming up on the next hour, it's Spy High: Mission Two: Chaos Rising. No preview to speak of, so instead "enjoy" the beginning of Chapter 1

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Oh fuck me, now we have to wait sixty years from now til this shitshow starts rolling?

infinite tempest jakesy

Wait hold on what

How would that narrator know what happens 60 years from now

Poor writing from the first sentence, hooo boy

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Listen: Billy Narrator has come unstuck in time.


It's weird to establish the date in the second book

2063. Which I'm sure will make a lot of sense

infinite tempest jakesy

But also this guy from the past knows about it

Oh fuck is that going to be a thing, is there some shitty time travel mechanic


I don't think so

But the last one involved a descendant of Dr Frankenstein, so who knows


All that security and absolutely invaded their first book.

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

oh no

one of my worst discord hotdog fears realized

a book cage about a series I actually read as a kid

Ferroday Plays Both Sides

my only solace is that I only remember enough of spy high to recognize the page layout and font, I do not remember a single fucking thing about the actual content


Let's see how you butcher this one, AJ

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Spy High is probably the state he was in when he wrote this shit.

infinite tempest jakesy

Part One: Bad CGI Karate

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

I like how one of the spy girls is just A posing.


AJ Butcher, a British man, apparently thinks having constant football holograms is good camouflage for a spy school

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Which football, AJ?


That was in the last book, but he thought it was good enough to repeat

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Oh shit this is his version of "In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."


Very inconspicuous

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

In the stale murkiness of the not too distant future, there is only soccer practice.


No, this is just him learning what America is from Juicy Fruit commercials

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

I feel like giving even the most disciplined teen a full body taser suit is asking for trouble.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Spy High's Cybermen need work if they're going to sweep the cosplay competition at Comic Con this year.


These teens are constantly sexually harassing each other, so it might be a necessity

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Literally everyone in the town knows about the secret spy training facility but pretends not to because it brings jobs.




But do they, you know, learn math?

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

if "cybercradle to cybergrave" doesnt appear in this book its going to be such a waste of potential.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Just like every adult out of the academic lifepath, spies never need math.


The old school memorial to the dead

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

The child soldier memorial doesn't make the child soldiering much easier to swallow, AJ.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Well.....the forces of evil and somewhat more evil, training an army of children to kill for the state isnt a GOOD thing, but we know what you mean, AJ.


Really wish AJ would stop comparing these two to twins

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

And yet the dead kids don't number any more than enough holoprojectors you can fit comfortably at the end of one hallway

The Hall of Little Bitches is presumably much more crowded

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"They're what you might call "close".......AJ stop being coy, we know what they're up to.


Sensitive as always, AJ


✅ Redhead

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Jesus, meeting that ginger quota early today.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

I hope someday someone will tell aspiring authors to stop using the word "swarthy" as a general thing.

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

Dark, even swarthy!

What's the delineation there?


Jake's from "The Midwest"

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Oh right, he's from the biodome.

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃
Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The notoriously swarthy dome people of the Midwest, yes.

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

JUST ONCE can we have a redhead dude that isn't the class clown?


Yes, the entire Midwest is covered in domes

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

Is it possible to have a brooding, sensitive ginger?

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

It's basically bubble wrap out there

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

You'll have to ask Javo, that's kind of his bag


The American spy trophy is called the "Sherlock Shield"


The famous American spy, Sherlock Holmes

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

AJ clearly isnt from around here, we'd breathe the government cancer gas before we let them make us live in DOMES like fuckin moon communists.

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

Except for brooding and sensitive

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Well.........at least their trophy isnt the Bond Belt.

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

Common mixup, they're thinking of Herlock Sholmes.

infinite tempest jakesy

The Bond Jockstrap


I have bad news about their team name

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The J Edger Hoover Girdle Award winning Bond Team.

infinite tempest jakesy

Ah yes these famous American spies, James Bond and Sherlock Holmes

No doubt this institution was founded by American president Neville Chamberlain


Jennifer Chen was essentially ignored in the first book, so AJ thought he'd rectify that

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage



I can't tell, but I think what's happening is impossible


But AJ only told me that three times, so I don't know

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

But hear me out: what if what was happening…………. Was impossible?


The language is very subtle


That's how I think of graves, as gaping

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Grave Digger's Grave Gapes XXX.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"



Is waking up vomiting better than waking up screaming?

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

AJ........when that guy in the pub told you about the Chinese Grief Barf he was lying, for the love of God man.


Jennifer cries wood chips

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

She's turning into a wood sprite!

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Delicious mesquite flavored grief.



Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

No, fuck you AJ.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Oh fuck OFF

How many pages in are we and it's already the worst fucking thing I've ever seen

infinite tempest jakesy

I remember the first book as just being so fucking boring too

This isn't really straying from that formula


Take this morning, please

infinite tempest jakesy


Automatic sheet retraction service gtfo

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

OH MY GOD AJ stop saying his full name like you are proud of it!

Pumpkin Spice Mordred 🎃

He's so proud of it


Dan Dan talks to his cyber-waifu

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

How old are you, Double Daniel?!


Dan Squared receives some electronic mail

infinite tempest jakesy

He's going to Dans like no one is watching

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Went thru a goth phase and insisted people call him Dans Macabre.


This is an elaborate computer virus

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage



Ferroday Plays Both Sides

no laughing skulls? amateur hour


And we all know what happens in The Book Cage when you get a computer virus?


infinite tempest jakesy


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage


infinite tempest jakesy

Exploding computers and insurance money, that is what. we. do!


Return of Screamers!

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Screamers 2: Rescreamed!


Then all the computers explode, but he's fine

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

I'm still so fucking mad about his name.

Fuck you AJ. Fuck you forever.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"Damn. I knew it was a bad idea to cool the CPU with liquid nitroglycerin, but the salesman said it was awesome."

infinite tempest jakesy

Lol a chain reaction of exploding computers


Safe, that is, until the electrical cables in the building threateningly come down from the ceiling

infinite tempest jakesy

Better call the Geek GeekSquad

Like black intestines

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Oh shit the virus caused an earthquake, reboot Earf.exe


Nah, the virus is magic

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage



I mean, it has to be magic because otherwise this is the dumbest understanding of electricity I've ever seen

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Great job AJ, you wrote the dumbest thing about computers I've ever read.

infinite tempest jakesy

Mmmmmm Harper steak

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

AJ, I would literally belive in a computerized earthquake machine before this, you fucking hack.

Aj's editor should have flogged him.


Then Dan Dan runs straight into an empty elevator shaft

infinite tempest jakesy


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

You asshole, you should have seen this coming. You deserve this.

Its basic fire safety to not use the elevator, and thats just for FIRES and not magic hacking.\

infinite tempest jakesy

Yeah but the doors were controlled by electro wizards

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

hahaha I remember this plot twist from some dumb soap opera.

infinite tempest jakesy

From 60 years in the future


Meanwhile, Ben climbs a wall

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

You stupid piece of shit, you werent living by a schedule because tis the future, you're living like that because you are too dumb to be alive, enjoy being dead in an elevator shaft, you prick.



Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"And by human glue we mean its MADE from humans."

"Technically all glue is human glue."

"If we meant works on humans."


That can't be her name!

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Solo Team, the contrarians.

infinite tempest jakesy

Together as one

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"Remember to ask the wall for consent."

"No, we are Bond Team, we dont do that."

"it's in our charter."

infinite tempest jakesy

Solo Team doesn't have to worry about asking for consent either, but for different reasons


Ben, as his way as a dickhead, knocks his competitor off a sheer wall


Goddamn, do I hate Ben

He was such an unrepentant asshole in the last book, and AJ seems to think he's the hero

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

I was sure Jake would take charge but nope.


Just such a dick

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

He's a real Allen Dulles.


How do I kill a fictional child

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

By committing the most heinous crime of all. Writing fan fiction.


Yes, cheer for the cheating narcissist!

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

How have they not murdered him in his sleep and pretended he ODed on some future drug?

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

If only he had


"That doesn't mean anything to us, Senior Tutor Elmore Grant"

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Proof AJ is a clone and was decanted at full biological maturity, real teens would have started hooting and laughing when someone said "coming"


Why don't you kiss my ass, AJ

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

AJ is what you get when the clones get too many middling to good sci fi novels piped into their brain and you dont tell them that they are sleeper assassins.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

That was all chapter ONE??

Fuck me.


I know the world is ending, but I'm more concerned that you just dropped "hovertel" in there like I'm just supposed to accept that

infinite tempest jakesy

They did it. They hacked the planet

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

It's always California or New York.

You never hear about Bozeman Montana succumbing to terrorist chaos.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Im going to say AJ was decanted to a media diet of old 2000 AD comics and Warhammer 40k novels, but specifically not the best ones. He got like the Dawn of War novelization and only the Judge Dredd strips about the Apeolito gang.


AJ is great at writing the most hateful characters, but on accident

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

God, Lori is such a wet sandwich.


That is such a tortured acronym

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Aj fuck your backronyms.

TCFHAATOOS doesnt roll off the tongue but thats sometimes how acronyms work.


Why'd you have to make things so complicated, Dr Frankenstein?

infinite tempest jakesy

This book is DUMB (Definitely a book that is Under consideration for Maybe Burning)

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"



Ah, memories

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Gene gas.

infinite tempest jakesy


Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Gene. Gas.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Lori is such an oversensitive little twerp she can feel her DNA.

Wakes up in a panic every night as her skin cells die.


Dr Frankenstein had an army of mutants

The second half of that book got real weird

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Every single one named Gene.

Sweet Gene, Mean Gene, Eugene.


infinite tempest jakesy

Sorry but Frankenstein is actually the name of the doctor, not the mons-oh wait that's what's happening sorry bad reflex


She's broken out of her reverie by the school's senile Q

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Such a wonderful display of compassion, letting an old man wander around the spy academy all day.

He gets a whole broom closet to sleep in.


Well, this has gotten strange

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The gas mutated Lori into someone elses granddaughter! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!


Lori's going to wake up dismembered

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Leads the poor old man to an old quarry, and he never comes out.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Uhhhh… should we really be letting the old geezer who doesn't know where he is or who he is play around with Semtex?

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

They let teens do it, might as well.

infinite tempest jakesy

It works in Metal Gear Solid


Jennifer's doing great

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

It's great that Jennifer is constantly detached to the point you wonder if shes tripping balls. Makes for a wonderful character we can really invest in, emotionally.


The Gun Run

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

It's fun!

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"Actually we will be, I love infrared sights. We're going to get married and honeymoon in the French Riviera together, so suck it, Lori."


Oh, good, the random newsbroadcasts are back

infinite tempest jakesy

"What if technology turns on us, maaaaaaaaaaaaan"

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

It took them like a book and some change to realize Jennifer doesnt give a fuck and is not involved in any given conversation.


How many times are you gonna use this coffin metaphor, AJ?

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

God Jennifer is gunning for the worst kind of goth girl archetype, the "pretend im dead" kind.

Hon. Just do opiates.


Well, back to the sexual harassment

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

The more things change

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Eddie........Jennifer has on numerous occassions demonstrated she can and will tear your dick off with her bare hands and only sort of tolerates you.


Oh, Jesus Christ

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The academy needs better psychological evaluation processes.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Also fuck you AJ, kendo?!

infinite tempest jakesy

While you were out playing with your sticky skin, I was mastering the wooden blade….

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

They have future tech and are experts in unarmed martial arts, where the fuck would they get a fuckin sword?

I mean aside from the obviously contrived scenario you are going to present later.


Bars. Bars to order drinks at

Bars to get drunk in. Bars to forget Spy High

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Shes got Havana Syndrome!

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Where everybodyyy knows this suuuuuucks


I'm guessing they forgot to do the extensive background checks on Jennifer?


Time to kill Mr Korita!

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage


Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

The night man!


Oh, Eddie you pest

infinite tempest jakesy

Seems like the acceptance rate here is 😎spy high

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Mr. Korita isnt a very good teacher if he cant handle a berserk teenage girl with a stick, like kendo is kind of his whole deal.


AJ forgot these were bamboo swords, I guess

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

hahahahah AJ, bro. Shinai just kind of bend in the middle when you thrust with them.


You also can't, you know, cut somebody's head off with one

infinite tempest jakesy

Yeah then explain why guillotines are made of mostly wood

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

so was this even an assassin or is Jen just crazy go nuts

infinite tempest jakesy

Checkmate libs


So, AJ, pro-tip from a non-pro, there should be some kind of page break here

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

She could have wailed on him all day and not really done much, thats kind of what the padding is for, kids.


Because, now it just looks like everyone teleported


She's got issues, the kind you only find in fiction

By Gawd, that's Jennifer's music!

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Someone needs to tell Jennifer the Nightmare King isnt going to show up someday to have his ass kicked by her with a stick.


I forgot how weird the punctuation was in these books. Look at that question mark

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

And all this because she didnt want to go to boarding school, jeez.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

jesus, what fucking typeset is that even from


And this adorable little exclamation point

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Hahahhaha someday its going to be a big exclamation point.

Maybe in a book about sex or fast cars.


But the biggest em dashes in the business

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Eddie, you........., She went berserk and tried to cut the head off your kendo instructor with a shinai. Of course she's unstable.


"We hold hands in public and everything."

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

Um.......thats not how chain of command works, Ben.

Its absolutely going to be your fault, Mr. Team Leader.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"




Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The best kind of terrorists according to The View.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

Really lacking the quiet dignity that a word like "bioterrorists" carries


Prepare the stasis crossbow

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

The honor of Bond Team was at stake.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

The fun part of it being a stasis rifle is you can shoot all the civilians you want.


No shit, they're in high school, AJ

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

AJ maybe just let the teen killers drink, its much more believable.


I'm pretty sure they weren't even 18 in the last book, AJ, because I know you don't know the American drinking age

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

"Its "Hamburger" innit?"

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"

you can tell this is an american school because they get to have guns before they can have alcohol


Gotta get in your baby shooting practice


Shoot it right in the goddamned forehead

Jesus Christ, wtf


Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

That baby had a gun, righteous kill for Lori. Clear cut self defense.

Badger, alias "Señor Thief"


No baby studies quantum physics. Clearly a spy.

Premium Apeshine FlippantSausage

She self defensed that fuckin evil baby to HELL!