Sure, whatever

#2 Spy High
Sure, whatever
Why is the posthuman robot future always so dire looking? Why do dipshit writers never think "Oh maybe the godlike AI will like sunshine and clean and polished surfaces."?
You know how shiny coal is
Yes, I remember my grandfather coughing glitter after a day down mine.
The famously sparkly coal dust, you see.
No cure for Sparkle Lung.
MLP: Friendship is Fuel
They seem like a real threat
"We could have just shut off the server but this is way cooler!"
So your anti-code is being delivered via coded payload. Sure, AJ
Until the magic suits suddenly stop working for no reason
This is the most boring post-apoclyptic ninja mummy zombie Matrix we've ever surfed.
Until the spiders just decide to leave
It's honestly kind of impressive in that regard
"But how do the irradiated skeltons intensify the girls' self-doubts?" asked AJJ
Man some names do not lend themselves to affectionate shortening and Lori is one of them.
"Do you think that girl is skinnier than me?" asked Lori.
Its already short for something, Ben.
The key to winning in this universe seems to be "outlast the author's attention span"
Until Nemesis shows up, like a bowling ball
Spider bowling sounds fun
For a godlike super AI they are fighting it an awful lot like its not.
You have to take away its confidence. If you treat it with respect, it'll remember its full arsenal
We break in the middle to find that Senior Tutor Elmore Grant does not pass the Steele test
Half a man...lengthwise
Now it's a cybernetic All Of Me story
does he have his... you know
his asshole
Anyway, back to this shit
Nope. Just a USB waste port.
Well, good thing there are no stakes
Legitimately, Senior Tutor Elmore Grant has barely been in this book. I don't know why he randomly appeared for three paragraphs
They have to remind you he exists for a bit every so often, hes the M in this one.
Ben feeds himself to Nemesis, and this happens
"Hi. I'm Elmore Grant. I need a special machine to poop. Anyway, thanks for your time."
Fuck off, Ben shouldnt do something that cool.
Spiders: They have skulls
Also why is the AI cybergod acting like a fucking t-rex? Fuck off and die in a Yorkshire ditch AJ.
"Just like a spider!"
"Its........some kind of cyberChrist!"
Putting itself back together like a tent
poles don't snap together!
It's doing this for the first time, which means it's getting the hang of this
unless they're tent poles I guess
his legs snapped together like the earth's magnetic poles....
Nemesis was our Neo all along??
his legs snapped together like flag poles
his legs snapped together like mr. and mrs. kowalski who donated the window above the confessional
The spider broke itself together exactly the way a melting pile of jelly in the sun wouldn't.
A web that was like a cyberweb, cybermade by cyberspiders on cyberspace
Cally has cybercrabs
jesus is this guy paid by the word
All this imagery doesn't change that they're supposed to be in a competition for a school award
cally was trapped in the doorway by the World Wide Web
Cally WAS the gateway
Are YOU the 404?
This is how AJ understands port forwarding.
Eddie decides a suicidal distraction is the correct course of action
What if the web were like...a WEB?
You fucking dork, its VR, psychic powers dont work in VR.
Reacting to Eddie with hatred makes Nemesis the audience surrogate
it was like a spider web, except it wasn't made by spiders, and it was electrified. [one sentence later] cyberspiders
Yeah that tracks. Reading this makes me want to have teens devoured by spiders.
It goes pretty well
is a Light Train something specific
is this part of the worldbuilding
This book seems to assume you can break your legs in VR. Like the power of the human mind is capable of breaking bone
I think it's a mobile base?
because it seems like a heavy train would make more of an impact
Its a solar sail powered train they were on earlier.
With solar panels.
Which is great for trains
Winds always blow in the same direction. It's fine
The age of sail never really ended, it just went on land.
damn I'm getting the sense this isn't a very good book
At least Napoleon isnt master of Europe now that the oceans are battlefields, and also the fields are battlefields.
But seriously I would watch a movie about two trains shooting cannons at each other.
Well, time to put the physical suit on in cyberspace. Why they couldn't just do that in the real world is for only AJ Butcher to know
Lori is going to have to get used to dressing the unresponsive. Its a core part of stealth according to Hitman games.
If you're bones are tingling, you already have problems, man
you're fucked eddie
But we're not going to get that, are we, book
Tingling bones is a normal part of growing up, Eddie.
no his death is certain, it says right there
It's like you're some kind of genius
Damn you, AJ Butcher. We WILL kick the football one of these times!
eddie nelligan
Dammit. Of all of them Eddie is the one I would like to die the most.
I think I'd rather Ben die first
It's like a buffet. It's difficult to decide where to start
At least Ben does something worthwhile from time to time even if it is scream at one of his teammates until they have a nervous breakdown.
You don't really get the full impact of how much of an arrogant piece of shit Ben is without reading the book
Also, AJ seems to think he's the protagonist
It would be really cool if they all died in a bus crash and AJ gave us a novel about talking dogs.
Ive never read Ian Flemings Bond novels but I have a sneaking suspicion AJ has.
Anyway, the pods are about to give birth
According to Wikipedia, there's a second series where each of these little shits gets his or her own book
AJ Butcher has decided, fuck narrative, I'll do whatever I want
I had to check to make sure my eyes didnt start to spontaneously bleed when I read this.
I'm a helper!
AJ's editor should have killed him with a brick.
Oh no. You better fire some anti-loop variables at its getvar ifelse
Just.........unplug that shit you fucking shitheads.
Turn off the power, I guarantee it will fuck it up.
Good news, they immediately do that
Fuck maybe I should write a book.
Resulting in them killing it incredibly quickly, three times
CHAOS taught Nemesis to live. But these kids taught it to hate.
Well, dealt with that virus that killed millions. Time to deal with the real threat: a kid who cheated in a competition
AJ you dumb shit you kind of exterminated your SPECTRE analog in one book, where the whole point was they were going to be a problem from now on.
Of course by "Deal with him" they dont mean "Roll him in a carpet and beat his ass with sticks."
"Simon, please leave."
Just enough time to get some groping in this book for children
Children love a good grope, huh AJ?
Some bare flesh for the kids
Yeah "somehow" Jake.
That's a typo. She has a fridge full of bear meat
Lori is a big freeze dried jerky enthusiast.
Jesus Christ
Hahahahah he bugged your literal tits and you didnt notice, Lori.
Simon is a creepster but he's got some pretty impressive sleight of hand skills
Ah, the back of the neck. Famously not a sensitive part of the body
That's just a tick
Jake, explainer of the concept of leaning your head forward.
Writers must get a different anatomy lesson than other people. Joe didn't notice the dart in his neck for most of that one book
Also not an area you scrub when showering, say when washing your hair
Lori is dumb enough Simon didnt even need to paw at her, he could have just tagged her whenever and shed never notice.
"She didn't just get out of the shower right? Oh, she did?" - AJ Butcher
Remind me why they can't just flip the circuit breaker on this room?
Her self worth?
And its the size of a thumbnail.........
Take that, girl with no self-esteem
"Now, don't use the bathroom before the stand up competition. And don't practice any of our jokes!"
like hon, you might have some kind of condition if you didnt notice that.
This is how we find out she's been washing a mannequin every time she "showers". Her own hygiene is non-existent
He's like a fucking raccoon sidekick in a straight to DVD knockoff of Guardians of the Galaxy.
The kind you find in a Hong Kong night market with a misspelled cover.
The ancient art of paint ball
Jesus, this is the longest fucking walk for a paintball episode.
What fucking paintball episode needs a 9/11 subplot?!?
Everything had a 9\11 subplot for about 5 years after 2001.
Or a Lawnmower Man Spider plot?!
Yeah but this doesn't even have finger-tutting!
AJ couldnt afford the lessons.
How am I supposed to know what's happened?!
AJ's just going full Brit now
"Our American NHS has taken care of.........what do you mean that isnt a thing?!"
"Let's go on holiday and take a lorry to queue up for a game of cricket, Fellow American"
Jake rolls out his master plan: bird calls
That means he flipped them off
None of these kids has ever seen a live bird.
Jake least of all, he lived in a dome.
Yeah, full English now
In a more entertaining book Simon and the gang would go "Ahah! The sound of a crested bluetit, not native to this area. Jake the dome living dumbass is right over there."
Ham, AJ, the tradition is ham over here
Or goose, if you want to remain stuck in the 60s
The one as big as me?
You know what we Yanks always say: Robert is your uncle.
Anyway, the slaughter begins
It's not paintball until someone gets paralyzed
Hahahahahah rad, use your woman as a human shield.
Hope you like having a dry dick, Simon.
That's an interesting spelling
Sure, yeah. Jake has earned that with all the zero conflicts he had with Simon.
Jake's going to hell tonight
He totally doesnt spend most of the time sulking in the background.
Jake slits Simon's throat and watches the life fade from his eyes.
"No one disrespects Sonia but me."
"No it isnt."
"We go to spy school, dummy. Of course its legal to do spy shit, why do you think we are having a spy competition?!"
Jake is the main character. I mean, AJ doesn't know that but it's obvious to anyone with half a brain
Time for murder
Going a little overboard for him planting a tracking device on the back of her neck
Just.........stab him in the ear with an icepick and claim he killed himself, Jake.
This is why you are the main character in secret.
Nah, straight to stranglin'
Kill him and say he fell, Jake. You're supposed to practice lying.
The chad move would be to prevent Simon from being able to respond
Jake you fucking little wuss, you dont have the balls to make that threat stick and now he knows you're a problem.
What a triumph
Remember, kids: If you want to win, threaten the competition
God, Ben, I fucking hate you
"I mean I dont control the judges and its a points thing and we are way ahead, so fuck you, but you won in spirit."
I hate you so much
Desserts, AJ
You stupid asshole
Ben justly belongs in a desert
Alone and without any water
I would read the hell out of that book
I'm sure this is fine
Great leadership instincts, Ben
Just the worst team leader.
REally reflects well on the Spy High staff they dont notice what a little shit he is.
Time for the school ball, you know, like in America
No, it does need to be said, AJ. Because I wouldn't invite them to be part of the cleanup crew
Whatever, we dont even need to think about Jennifer's issues because AJ is going to have them be the kind of issues you fix with some Jake loving.
Senior Tutor Elmore Grant has a message for Jennifer
"Back in black."
Then several lines that just say "guitar solo"
The gorge?
Aunt Li lacks somewhat in felicity of style, admittedly, but you cant fault her for clarity.
In a much cooler novel she would be puking over the return of her estranged father, a lethal kung fu master who killed her mother and her new husband.
Callie and Eddie wrestling on the dance floor
Lori feels the back of her neck and find seven more tracking devices stuck there like chewing gum under a table
Lori finally picks up on something going on without having to be told? Preposterous.
Poppycock, as we Americans say.
In America.
Where we all are.
Here in the colonies
Eddie takes some time out of wrasslin to taunt Ben
The end, apparently
First thing Eddie has done that I can get behind.
"Yeah you said. Look, I know you're the hot but dumb one but I was asking for more information, not the same information rephrased."
"If thats all it says that's fine, just say that."
The note actually says "Jennifer's gone", just so Lori wouldn't get confused
Then a preview of the next book, so we don't need to worry about that
Strangely it was signed by Aunt Li.
The betrayal!
While I doubt that happened I feel a strong need to lecture some English schoolchildren about not giving dorks their well due ass beatings.
Jen has been absent for so long I thought she wised up. And I was right.
Also AJ "Trying to tell stories constantly so I dont get my ass beaten." isnt the way you want to phrase that to someone who just read Spy High.
We have defeated Spy High: MIssion Two: Chaos Rising
We did it!
We have infiltrated Spy High Book 2: The Nemesis Imperative
The cover edit is brilliantly subtle, great job.
That's more ofa Time Wars title
As we say in America, "Cheers, it's brill, luv."
Great riffing, everybody! Thank you, @gellaho !
So concludes the 103rd Edition of The Book Cage
May all your computer programs be cyberresurrected
Have a great night, everyone!
Thanks everybody but mostly gellaho