I'm startingg to think this book is a cry for help
I'm startingg to think this book is a cry for help
someone tell Jack they have naked women on the internet now
i want to study him like a rat in a cage
but he might like it too much
fair enough?
You're under arrest.
I knew this was coming
Ever since he described his bikeshorts by brand
I reckon maybe you could find aunt emma and the space bunnies
Silk and Leather Hitler in a Turkish Jail
whoa wait up, I have a lot of questions about turkish jail
first one being "why is that in your maybe list, Jack"
Jack decides to get high on wheat germ
use ergot instead you pansy
It increased Geometrically
Get it everyone?
Do you get it? He used the wrong math.
ill spread u geometrically
We should take a break to let everyone stop laughing
This drug seems unpleasant
Gellaho risking our lives with a comedy overdose
I'm scowling in absolute giddiness.
Ahahahahaha Mike you genius
Fuck you Douglas Adams you hack
So, that ends and Jack looks for his next... amusement
He ignores all the porno theaters and is much more interested in torture and murder
Oh, hello Ed Gein.
Man's about to open up a hotel by the world fair
as someone who is kind of into true crime, I have to say very few true crime stories include a mass murder maze
This Mike Sirota is a real card
yeah H.H. Holmes and that's about it
Mazes are notoriously hard to build
so the book is now just point-by-point someone randomly eploring a maze?
Encounters his first murderer
This shit is typed one-handed. I'm convinced.
And easily escapes, Blogodox.
He hasn't used two hands since the boulder piss
Yeah, you really showed John Wayne Gacy
Ha. Ha ha.
please Jack, please be murdered
Then he looks straight at the next murderer's vag
The problem is Jack knows he has plot armor and it's made him insufferable
But you know that's how he cums; then how could you live with yourself with that knowledge.
the bat lady said bat-shit
Fuck off
even in this nadir of storytelling, he still manages to dig deeper by having the bat murderer say she went bat-shit crazy
Oh he double dipped on that joke
Well, better put some more real human tragedy in here
also do you think it was in poor form to include the real Gacy in this, when the book was published only about 13 years after Gacy's last kill?
oh what the fuck ever
That's probably why he did it.
This sure is a fun space adventure we are having
What a great chapter
But, do you know what this book really needs?
A Star Trek reference
Five page sex scene so I get bingo?
fucking christ, even I'm not as indulgent with the Trek references.
As someone who has never watched star trek, I look forward to this
old trek was surprisingly horny sometimes
never THIS horny
but still
a writers room full of dudes from the 50s will do that
even the 90s one
Or nowadays.
But, before Jack can jack off, the kids run up and tell him the place is wired to blow
this whole book is wired to blow.
And the theme park has no security, because why not
the security force stays invisible by being other things
" I was getting wired to blow before the place was wired to blow!"
like, the security force pretends to be a bench?
Mike thinks there haven't been nearly enough references yet
Fuck you Mike
So this is what pain is.
And they just happen upon the criminals
More. References.
This is Ready Player One but with more Sex Crimes?
Also he spelled Sydney wrong
So, what is the most wonderful attraction of the future?
turksih prison hitler
Blowjob Toilet
A Merry-Go-Round
batman pinball
more is doing so much heavy lifting for Mr. Cline
So wacky
it's a metaphor
for how the simplest things can bring the most joy
and also Mike wants you to forget about all the pissing stuff
Cline seems more of a harmless nerd. This dude collects used panties and is on several watch lists.
Mike's desire to reference has become untenable and inexplicable
you say that now but he wrote a poem called "Nerd Porn Auteur" that I think is worth a second look
He better be looking at a Farside
oh FUCK you, you don't have the right to invoke Larson like that
fucking piece of shit author
Badger bout to go full khorne
Finds a space hamster
Yet another crisis immediately avoided
nah touch it, what could go wrong
Get some Scooby-Doo in here, why not
So this guy's idea of humor is referencing other, better things?
And Mike gets horny again
When did Mike stop being horny?
And, wouldn't you know it, the guy who owns the theme park is related to Jack
"We remember you as an annoying piss freak, eight hundred years in the future!"
I don't know what you are talking about
Another fucking Cervantes reference
Mike really wants us all to know he read Don Quixote
Or, much more likely, he saw the musical
because everything he's referenced was in the musical
joke's on him, I'm so ignorant I missed the reference. He literally cannot impress me
The Golden Helmet of Mambrino is a bronze shaving basin that the titular character mistakes for a legendary magical helmet that I think is supposed to make him invincible
It was 1605 so that was hilarious
Jack returns to the Ultimate Bike Path by riding off the roof of a Hilton and singing "Free Falling"
Things! Happening!
I think Tom Petty was used as a comparison to one of the weird alien freaks in the first half
Mike is running low on references
It's a callback!
Don't think Mike Sirota didn't explain each and every reference, I just skipped it
haha I guess I would have noticed that
I love when a story stops dead for no reason so the main character can learn nothing about himself.
can't stop if you never start
Mike didn't get Don Quixote which is a 5,000 page collection of dick jokes and puns
Onto the next adventure
This has disturbing implications of either unseen skeet-removal bots in a universe otherwise devoid of droids, or some redshirt has to mop the holodeck.
the exocomps did not fight so hard to have their sentience recognized just for you to marginalize petty officer Almond Basket the spoom janitor like this
Or a hack writer who needs you to know how much he loves star trek
why would a checkerboard be depraved
And guess what, it's a world he recognizes. Again.
Remember that line in Hitchhikers
to get to the other side!
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't"
This whole book has been Mike trying to do that
don't do that. Don't make me remember good writing while we're doing this
The Fourth World is where you get fourth meal
Or...does it get absorbed? Is the holodeck fueled by human fluids?
Oh, good, Mike is just straight up stealing ideas now while saying who he's stealing from
That is a bold move
Jack Miller: Bike Pervert WILL return in...The Spoke-Lords of the Tandem Dimension!
Jack Miller does return and that's a problem we will all face eventually
oh my god he's fucking brought the narrative to a screeching halt to whiteguysplain about the Dine.
I forgot how 90s bad this book was
Time for magical native americans
I just can't believe this was published in this state
Does he spend a long time pointlessly explaining the four worlds? Of course!
I'm so close to bingo right now
it's like if TVTropes wrote a novel.
You could publish anything in paperback between 1940 and the year 2000
"he writes these wonderful mysteries about either of two cops (sometimes both together) who work for..."
you don't have to use your first draft
I read paragraphs like these and start to understand why javo hates world building.
Wait, let's get another Nazi reference in here
He didn't even seed it. He just got to the coyote and was like by the way, I know all about this shit.
All he had to do was listen while the coyote explained to him.
when have we known a white man to shut up and listen
The fuck's a mamser
I hardly know 'er
I assumed it was one of those words jewish comedians say that I don't understand
"I'm so into this fascinating lore, let me gloss over it for you and smarmily handwave away all the WHYS I don't have answers to."
Trickster gods love accurate exposition
yeah it's gotta be appropriated yiddish
Hey! That's better than every joke in this book combined!
oh that's fucked up
I get it, research in the '90s is hard.
man out here being a fucking tuunbaq
The first stretchy character that came to his mind was plastic man?
Time for the entire Navajo creation myth
And next a vision quest, Jack, to show you how special you are
It's a beautiful story, especially the part where the insects listen to them fuck
"This is the mythology of Creation"
"Pfffft, uh, yeahhh, I knew that alreadyyyy! 🤓 🤓 🤓 "
I can't help hearing coyote speaking in johnny Cash's voice.
Well now I hear it too
so because of the premise of this book, this sequence could have been anything
literally anything
why is it this?
Because it was the 90s
and native americans were more magic than anything before or since
but why do they have to be hatefucking while the insects listen in?
Because it was the 90s and Mike didn't have tinder to keep him company
is that specified in the myth?
This goes on for a while, so here's some things out of context
Fuck yes five page sex scene
Double bingo
It was more that one sentence, but sure
Off to the next adventure, with a repeated reference
(The title is a lie, there are a few chapters after this)
arg arg arg arg arg
It's a sci-fi comedy epic, of course it needs several epilogues
Just think of all that's happened
This is slow braindeath
Jack finally overcomes his fear of Bart Simpson
not much else to say, is there
Mike smells toast
Hey, guess what?
hey maybe if this shape is supposed to be scary, just don't use Bart Simpson as a reference
Star Trek was a thing that existed
I've learned almost everything I know about star trek from this book
The black void was called outer space you fucking dickhead.
Can't go into space without a bike, duh
Yes, when I think "dread," I think of Mr Rogers
"I was afraid of hyperventilating"
"Gosh wouldn't it be scary if I hypeventilated?"
Oh fuck you, Mike. What kind of joyless douchenozzle shits on Mr. Rogers?
Give him a break, his angst is in overdrive
Now time for, let me count... six old timey music references
summary bot thinks this is a sci-fi comedy epic
That's my bad
I mislead the robot
And now presenting: Ghost Elvis
God damn it Elvis was on an early draft of the bingo card
I feel so foolish now
Hey I've read this Stephen King story before.
oh yeah, that rings a bell
Get another reference in there
"I stumbled backward and would have jumped out of my skin, as the saying goes, were such a thing possible."
The Bart Simpsons lead to the afterlife, obviously. I didn't even need to explain that to you
That sentence is a crime
I didn't even see that one. My eyes just rolled on by
It's so bad my eyes skipped it in self defense but I made myself go back
Jesus Fucking Christ, Mike. Give it a rest
I guess it makes sense. The Simpsons will never die, after all
hey so this whole poignant cosmic mystery vibe we're going for here, do you think it's slightly diminished by the fact that he already met God in the first half?
Was the ready player one guy this guy's apprentice or something?
and that God had a potty mouth and was named 'Ralph Ralph'?
The trick is to not think
It's like a magic eye painting
Just unfocus your mind and try to think through the story
And also Harry Chapin wants to talk to him, for some reason
I thought the trick was to not think about the story?
It seems to be what the author is doing currently.
I'm pretty sure this whole book was just a first attempt at beat poetry
ha I do like that analogy
And none of you can do anything to prove me wrong
And Harry Chapin means it's time to cry about dads
I was about to fuckin say
field of dreams and now the cat's in the cradle guy
He explains the entire song
it's about family, and that's what's so powerful about it
Honest to god
I've never seen something so fucking pathetic
This might be longer than the wikipedia entry for that song
Oh actually almost
I think someone else used this last time, but hell
The first Dineh people greet the sunrise then suddenly there's Jack heckling in his best Jerry Lewis impression.
This is definitely a true story ™️
It's a very funny book
He's ruining one of the most touching songs
He is hatefucking this song in public
still goin huh
Here's a song about estranged family. Here's a fake story about that song about estranged family. Here's what I took from THE THING THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
This is now longer than the wikipedia entry for that song
Anyway, Harry leaves after saying almost nothing
Then pranks him with a novelty song
This is actually fucking masturbatory.
"You are the best there's ever been at liking my song"
And now to revisit some references
it's okay. He's spray and praying 70% of the pop landscape on a typical '90s prime time. You'll get there.
This fucking Sirota puts down Nightmares & Dreamscapes and says to an empty room, "What if rock and roll heaven...WEREN'T secretly radio hell?"
Please tell me we flashback and reminisce on our journey
a clip show episode in a book would be a new low
It would be the ultimate bingo
So he gets two saves he'll never use because his nanny is keeping the training wheels up.
And now, the land of Nixon potatoes
Everyone in this channel right now should pick up a pen and start working on a manuscript after this finishes because we will never — NEVER — do worse than this.
Mike has set the bar in the fucking Marianas trench.
it's inspiring in a hatefuck kind of way isn't it
I've got a few half-finished drafts
And Cracker Jack pebbles
I'm just going to steal this book
This is like looking at hoarder houses to feel better about your own filth.
Why would you eat them Jack
Oh I've read worse
You've shown us worse. Not much, though.
And another fat guy
I know a guy who wrote a great book, and one of the best edits he made was deleting the parts telling you on every page what he was listening to while he was writing it.
It's funny because he's fat!
Do you get it? He's fat and he wants food