So I need you to send me out big, Gellaho.
#10 Tom Swift
So I need you to send me out big, Gellaho.
yeah that sounds awesome
Give me Tom's most negligent science.
Hell yeah. Have fun, Mr. Gentleman Bastard!
Make the ghosts of 1700s priests weep, you beautiful bastard
Tom Swift's security system consists of pointless rock trivia
oh I thouht it would be like minerals
because Tom's a fucking nerd
Is it a bad sign that I'm twitching over that
Tom Swift, the boy who likes to show off his passwords
Like if it's tied to your voice why even have the shitty password
His unccessary passwords, since it works via voice recognition.
that is an excellent question which will go unanswered
To impress Mandy with his rock knowledge.
Bruce understands technology
He just got a subscription to VH1 and will not let people get away without hearing about it
oh shit there's the answer
I'm sorry it's named Megatron
I genuinely don't know whether that's cool or not. I'm leaning towards not
Security files? What could go wrong?
I just don't trust that superintelligent, sentient computer with my personal info but it's Prime Day so I guess it can measure my shits.
At the very least the author did predict that robots would want to know every detail about your body and activities
see this is so rigged
the second Tom loses the game he makes everyone play the new version hosted on his own magic computer
Tom, you're the worst. Not you Discord Tom
You're cool
everyone else is only playing along for the faint chance to kill him
thank you sir
If he gets distracted brain him and steal the computer
"Dont worry, Tom, I have calculated the exact amount of nutrients you flesh beasts must consume to survive, based on the intake of the Rick beast."
The thing about it being called Megatron is that Tom Swift could have had that name before Transformers. Tom Swift is over a hundred years old. But nobody on the internet cares, so it's impossible to look up
"But he's diabetic."
oh god yeah it's learning how to keep their bodies alive while it traps their minds in the game
He's how old
I thought he was a teenager
"unrelated query: how do I keep feeding tubes from causing infection?"
"I will ensure maximal opportunities for you to do the deep kissing with the female beasts, Tom."
What could possibly go wrong
yeah he's a teen genius
Are we committing to that? I haven't seen Discord Tom's Matrix yet.
The character was invented in 1910
What's its user kill rate?
Ah, okay.
oh no I'm being judged
This is THAT Tom Swift?!
Yes he of Electric Rifle fame.
I assumed it was different since it's such a generic name!
Holy shit
Discord Tom, unless you can make the digital world of the future not shit you are uncool
Wow. No pressure
too many double negatives, I got confused and made the future shit
Surprise fire
So I'm clear: they had a computer in a perfect simulacrum, and then quit it to go play tabletop games on two boring-ass real computers, refereed by ANOTHER supercomputer, this one run by a hopefully still-friendly AI.
You just remade the Metaverse didn't you
They have God and His Creation on silicon, and they just chased the wonders of the imagination minus the challenge of math.
And the first one almost killed two people, one of whom created it
It sure does read that way yeah
I think they went back to the first supercomputer after thenormal computer didn't let Tom win
But the second was Alan, so we know it's still following its basic programming
Holy shit
See Tom Swift and His Giant Cannon sounds cool and like something gets blown up
The normal computer and the meat beast refereeing did not satisfy Toms lust to melt the cerebra of his classmates.
oh also I skipped over this part where Megatron used a real supervillain as inspiration for the game
surely that won't backfire at all
Tom Swift Accidentally Causes the Singularity Playing Shitty Warhammer is much less okay
Original Tom Swift sounds radder than the underside of the pipeline wave.
Okay? No. Rad? As fuck.
Who's this kid? He's fucking 12 and he has a motorcycle and a giant cannon.
I mean if you just go purely off of that title and make it not as insufferable it's rad as fuck
Is he going to combine them and do a moto-moon shot? I don't know, let's find out.
Probably shouldn't be compacting those batteries
"oh no that's the building where we were developing Double Fire."
Damage control is the janitor
Dad is basically inventing the battery in the Samsung Galaxy Note.
The doctor is ready for you now, Mr. Galan.
It would be such a different book if they just took out "Space"
Dad is fuckin dicking around with batteries and Tom is building a machine that can do anything.
Seems safe
"You're gonna want to get that lump inside checked out, Gary"
Tom Swift is young now, but he knows he'll get to a certain age where he needs to get probed, and he wanted that device to be as sci fi as possible
So Tom's been batshit for a century
Fuck you Bruce, "Solid electricity"!
Goddamn it Tom there's a sex shop somewhere that has LED light dildos
You don't need to do this
Dad still retires rich while Tom's forced to take a tech job to get health insurance, then gets laid off to hear from Dad how soft he is for not taking two jobs or offering to work for a paycut.
"It will also weigh as much as thirty car batteries, because conservation of mass is stupid"
Assuming Tom doesnt upload his brain to the internet before he turns 21 and become CyberChrist.
Tom Swift and The Electric Coming of Nu-Christ
Tom's going to upload his brain into a battery
"Solid electricity" is making me so fucking mad.
Tom Swift's Electric Lawnmower Man
I just yelled "solid electricity" out of sheer confusion
Megatron you rapscallion
I was just googling solid electricity, and as far as I cna tell it's not even a theory
I feel like an ape who's having a conversation about nuclear physics
You programmed a computer to account for "maybe"?
Why would adding "Mayybeeee?!" to "Yes" and "No" help at all, Tom?
Electric bricks!
You fucking idiot. How do you think light switches work?
Power cubes!
so even megatron doesn't know how its fuzzly logic circuits work
"You know, that vital function that society needs"
this is certainly very safe and cool, Tom
Well. When the switch feels like the vibe is right
Ooo, I did forget dimmer switches
See, science nerds?
Gettings yourselves all worked up
You're a regular Bruce
Which I think means I hate you
I hate me too if that's making me Bruce
"which is a great thing for it to do when it's hooked up to Alan's brain"
"No, dad, my dangerous world ending experiment will SAVE LIVES! By.......simulating deaths and.....melting brains........No yeah im sure nothing bad will happen."
Bruce can't breathe underwater
And Shark definitely would've killed Alan by now
I'm willing to test that
Tom..........did you just give your computer the ability to just be wrong about things?
I don't know much about programming, but I'm going to assume that just putting down "maybe" into a supercomputer's code doesn't do much
I'm an idiot but I have long believed a trinary "maybe" computer or something like assigning a degree of certitude to any machine learning is the path to AI, and I can only respect this book for it.
Tom invented ChatGPT
You got two days, son, or else it's your badge on my desk!
Tom Swift and His Bored Ape NFTs
Tom the reason computers can do certain things better is because they DONT work on hunches.
it's better than that, he spent a billion dollars to allow the supercomputer to put "maybe" in its own brain without his supervision
What in the goddamn
Fuck it I'm gonna go live in the wilderness
Tom Swift's Erotic Feet Pix
If this is the future i want no part of it
Best to do it before the Swift Enterprises Hunter-Killer drones roll out.
"How are your feet?" Tom asked, trying to distract Alan from the singeing around his temples
"Oh Alan. You're out of the infirmiry."
"Yeah it's weird I think someone tried to solder the door shut."
"Oh. That was probably the computer that did that."
Okay, I'm out. Enjoy your reading about a fictional RPG campaign, which is so much nerdier than just playing D&D
I left out the part where the batteries fried only the soles of Alan's shoes
"My feet? Fine.........wait what would be wrong with my feet?! TOM! TOM?! WHAT WOUD BE WRONG WITH MY FEET!?"
This is like below MLB sabermetrics-level nerd
Have a good night, @Brendan!™ !
Don't ask how, nobody knows
I just did!
Tom Swift was the original NFT bro
This is why we need solid electricity!
In the middle of the night, Tom Swift is drawn to the constantly malfunctioning robot and his computer game
oh you know I actually forgot about the latest electrical fire. I was still going off the start of the book where the electrical fire was in Alan's brain
Enjoy your night of making priest wraiths howl with horny malice
Because when people are hit with a metric fuckton of electricity, like when they're struck by lightning, it can end up getting grounded by the rubber soles of their shoes
what could it hurt? Well quite a lot, Tom, I would wager
It goes really well
Okay, this at least tracks for a nerd: staying up way too late to play video games
It usually means someones dead
We must kill Tom Swift before he meets with Elon Musk
so the fact that Alan isn't is extremely suspicious
hey Tom remember last book where your VR computer invented an electrical supervillain who came into the real world and almost killed you?
"Dogecoin made with real doge!"
Tom's body was found the next morning by office cleaning staff
That stupidity and that money combined will cause the world to become shitty Cybermen
Oh this is how iRobot starts
That makes sense
"I found Bigfoot and made a cryptocurrency using his brain"
Wait shit that's too cool for this
Huge and blue, just how Tom likes 'em
he just... put on the vr helmet that electrocutes brains and makes them think the simulation is real and can kill them
he just put it on
he knew all those things
Tom Swift doesnt have a firm grasp of consequences, due to his teen brain.
he even knew that it was using hsi real life nemesis to simulate the villain
Quiet Tom, Tom needs to embrace his destiny.
And now he never will, because of his electrocuted teen brain.
he had so much information
Are you talking about Tinker?
Maybe see a dentist
Hell yes Tinker
Tom is the kind of dude who wrote his character an extensive backstory so its really a shame he's forgotten it now.
"En Taro Aduun, Tinker"
Chameleon is the shittiest wizard
ok I'm calling it now, we're getting at least 3 ocasions where he should have arranged his puzzle gun into a useful configuration beforehand
lol, such sorcery
All it took was a cantrip, not even a spell slot.
"I threw a rock."
"maybe we should shut up and hide, then?" no one said
"GOOD STEALTHING" Tinker shouted
Tho with a name like "Chameleon" this wizard is obviously just an illusionist.
Let's see, what kind of exotic name does this robot pirate have
Robot Long John Silver
ah but with mastery over the enemy's senses one can achieve anything
Captain Argh (Robot)
except hit them with a big fireball
Or a sexy lady with a pet iguana
fuck that was my next guess
Robot pirate............Peter.
Obviously a spy. Kill him and see what's in his pockets.
I've joined team pirate
I think I hate chameleon
Statistically pirates are most likely to kill Alan
"I made a bush grow a cast for him"
You know, a cube-fist
the cube
"It can only interface with the prostate."
"Why would-"
"I don't make the rules."
Bruce has given up on writing Tom Swift, and is now doing this
I would give all of my money and recant my words against this book if there is a time cube
I don't know who you're talking about this book has always been about Tinker
Tinker and his quest to slay Alan
The worst wizard
just give Tinker some false memories
for fuck's sake
"LET'S KILL ALAN" clap, clap, clap clap clap
Worst wizard, second best Chameleon
oh she's the Lizard Wizard
So she uses their Karma for her magic
so she's a karma chameleon
Fuckin Bruce, you watched Star Wars on VHS didnt you?
I hate myself for immediately thinking "Karma-karma-karma-karma-chameleon"
Energy wraiths attack, and let me tell you, this part suuuuuucks
Peter the Pirate needs to be saved by the Puzzle Pistol
oh does he have to spend five minutes assembling his gun while dodging infinity attacks? why yes what a great character with a very powerful power
OR conversely, you could kill Peter and wear his skin as a suit to hide from the wraiths.
I vote murdering and skinning Peter
That's what Alan is for damn it!
It's only practical
Not a single part of that makes sense
It's alien logic
What energy energy and what principles
ITs a fucking Borderlands gun with swappable modifiers, stop acting like its a big deal Bruce.
was peter the pirate one of the player characters???
Bruce, honey, no
Ah, yes, the gun nozzle
who can't defend himself or do anything?
I'm not sure anyone actually knows
Bruce this isnt a puzzle, its specialized ammo, have you been reading the Judge Dredd strips again?
Bruce never made it past his first physics class
almost like it sucks or something
Can anyone explain what actual energy he is using
Puzzle Energy
Or is it like new age energy where it's nothing
So the gun is just a fancy way to kamikaze
Alien puzzle. Next question.
Next question: What in the fuck is Alien Puzzle energy
The thing that powers the gun. Next question.
I demand answers, Tim Swift Corp or whatever the fuck this kid's name is
Twist? Cyborgs captured Chameleon and Peter is also a cyborg
Tim Swoft
Tinker's a real glass canon build
How much amphetamine do you think was involved in the creation of this
"Who are you? Why am I asking when I could have checked your ID. Do you smell toast?"
Oh, no Peter died. Who gives a shit
guys I think this book might suck
Alan can be killed with a light breeze
Find him and push him
brb gotta go cry on the floor
I had not considered this
Let me just check how long this video game bullshit goes on for
It's an interesting hypothesis
seriously was peter one of the 4 player characters and if not who are they
Hmm, fifty more pages