Meanwhile, here's Sharif Khan

#6 Time Wars
Meanwhile, here's Sharif Khan
Hahahahahah nice job Sharif.
Lucky him the Brits were there or he'd never get a chance to prove himself a man
I guess it's true, chaos is a ladder
Sharif Khan? Of the Hottenspam Khans?
This just makes me want to watch RRR again
Take the barrel off, and make your very own jezail.
Except, it's not Sharif Khan. It's Reese Hunter, aka Barry Martingale, aka Phoenix
Who shot the Sherif tho
Different person than shot the Deputi
If you don't remember who Reese Hunter was
They sure like giving their covert operatives bad cryptonyms like "Mongoose" and "Phoenix."
He's called Phoenix because he's from Arizona
He's the one who got took Andre from the 12th century to Three Musketeers times and died
Reese is my new favorite
Isn't he also the one who eats out the stripper
In uhhhh Cold Steele?
No, that's in Jagged Steele and is a completely different guy
I think in the future they may have forgotten cryptonyms are for making assets and operations look innocuous on paperwork and providing no hint as to their identity or content, like Nifty Dolphin.
Could have sworn his name was Reese too
Simon likes to reuse names
JD Masters (the character) agrees
But, you remember Dr Darkness, right?
The deus ex machina from the last book
The guy who lives in a far off galaxy and can send them future technologies?
Oh right, the Hawke designed OC who is totally not Dr. Doom.
Oh right. Dr. Huh
Whats important is that he is 100% NOT Dr. Doom, you guys.
Anyway, Reese is in brownface
And will never BECOME Dr. Doom.
Dammit, Reese
I never want my features to be described as "lugubrious"
He doesn't wear a mask or run a fake eastern European country, so yeah
I kinda do
He's a great guy
oh there it is
And he's named Phoenix, so killing him isn't going to shut him up
Oh, by the way, he's also not Reese Hunter, so ignore everything I said earlier
dammit, Hawke
Damn it, Fake Reese Hunter! What am I supposed to do with all this Reese Hunter knowledge?
Someone take those keys away from Simon
That sounds like a fake degree
Be careful, he bites!
I built my next seven bits about this being Reese Hunter!
I wrote a song!
Divide it into little Reese Pieces and store them away
Zen physics is just zorth dimensional theory but with more insufferable white people being cryptic.
if you don't even know what the truth is then how can you say it's staring vargas in the face? Idiot. Fuck off. (fart sounds)
Tached, translating into tachyons
It's weird how all these Time White Guys get beigeface surgery to appear Afghan instead of like...recruiting 22nd C. Afghanis.
That would require making new characters
Oh boy, we have bad news about what 22nd century George Bush was up to to make that request impossible
And admit the Future Taliban to the Time Council?! MADNESS!
Your thumb looks Afghani, is that your natural tone, or was it nano-pigmentation by your era's Racism Bots?
or having made your characters diverse in the first place, and who could have thought that would be necessary in a globehopping adventure series
Hey they have a French woman! Thats two kinds of diverse right there!
Hey, they're diverse! He's got a redhead, a woman and a burn victim!
Later, Andre puzzles why her implanted knowledge of the future hasn't told her about Churchill
oh no
Andre's going to bang Churchill, isn't she
Hahahaha they didnt tell Andre about like most of the first half of the 20th century.
Bracing for a PHOTON-level "what's a Hitler?"
Just imagine all the things youd have to just not mention to exclude Churchie.
Simon's getting confused about his own paradoxes
I thought you were saying "oh no" because if Churchhill's been erased from history, that raises the slight possibility that we're doing a Nazis
We also have to explain 9/11 to her, not that the author knew it
Woman has a point
Hahahahahah Andre having a good point about time travel, she rules.
This leads Priest to conclude that he's going to kill Churchill
I've played enough Risk to know you can't kill Churchill
Then maybe you should go home?
Or just not kill Churchill?
Sounds like a good time
kill, marry or fuck?
All three
That's going to lead to a comical mishap that ends with Churchill being SUPER dead
So the Time Cops what protecc history sometimes be history?
The Timecop meets Weekend at Bernies mashup we always wanted!
That's not a name
Simon sneezed when he typed that
Wasn't there another Meiklejohn recently?
If Digby Thatham-Wharter is real then a General Meiklejohn is probably a real one.
The British are deeply unserious when it comes to last names.
Its weird how much Churchill looks like Alex Jones but less red and more fat.
Simon gets meta
If you touch your past self you both die....of pleasure
which raises the question, which one is the before and which is the after taking his stupid fake vitamins
Wow, read another author. Any other author
Shoot Churchill right fucking now.
Do the funniest thing possible.
Kiss him first!
Granted, my dumb ass can't name any Kipling contemporaries
Andre isn't really interested in keeping up this disguise
He read Jules Verne for the last one. Then got bored and ignored Verne
He could do Edgar Rice=Burroughs and we could get a John Carter of The Time Corps.
Which one?
Andre doesnt give a fuck about her cover story.
Tarzan vs. the Indescribable Mad Manifestation of Nyarlathotep
Previous book. He made Verne a massive nerd. And the Nautilus was real. And named after the one Verne hadn't written about.
Meanwhile, Phoenix's animal force readies for battle
I'm picturing actual animals in adorable tactical gear
Aw man i was hoping he was building a gorilla army.
Agent Fox 🤨
ackbar's camp will definitely be a trap haha get it
Hawke would be the author to be like "Yeah cyber apes from the future, why not."
He made ninjas fight sharks. It was impossibly stupid and I love him for it.
It's in the next book
Oh also Verne was an unstoppable fuck machine
As is Churchill
Priest gets shot in the chest protecting Churchill
Good call Priest
Priest is the Rickety Cricket of Time Wars
What's the thorax? There's nothing important in there, right?
That's like right beneath the mandibles
So, he's dead
Worth it
Simon has officially killed his main character
Worht. It.
Oh no, not that guy
he was the good cop right?
He was the burn victim
I'll miss the way he existed
Lucas was the main character?!
oh yeah that was rough
He was present, and I appreciated that
He was before he got his ass exploded by a jezail ball.
It's only been six books
Was he in the last one?
He was much too young to die, at only six books.
That's not a bit, I genuinely don't remember him being in the last one
He was in the previous ones! He was not at all important or interesting, but he was there
The one with the exploding castle, yeah
He was present!
Curse you, random rifleman!
Didnt he get melted by Ork plasma fire?
Yeah, half his face got blown off
We will have our vengeance, Afghanistan!
For Judas Priest!
<whisper> Lucas
Realistically, he was the main character of the first one and then it became an ensemble piece
No you're thinking of George
Its pretty rad to have your funeral attended by General Blood tho.
He's been all over these books, but you must understand that I can't share the entirety of these books
He's too boring to be worth paying attention to.
He grounded the books, and that's not funny
Now the books have grounded him
Anyway, he is dead
boom roasted
And will remain dead for at least the next three books
Hahahahahah it kind of is funny that a character in a series where they are going to time travel and fight Dracula thought a single dingus could "ground" it.
No time to wait, only time for adventure!
Lucas Priest will return in: Moonraker.
There are twelve of these, I haven't read all of them
Why couldn't I have died for Churchill!
Getting merked by a random goon is how he would want to go
He did go to school with George R R Martin
So just imagine very loud, sad bagpipes for the entire rest of the book
It kind of feels like this event should have happened near the end of the book as the big moment
Anyway, the bad guy is Drakov again
"You knew about Churchill?" No, why, who is he? Is he important?
Hi, Drakov
We've got a ways to go
Goddammit Drakov again?
Drakov you scum, you pox, you plague!
Has Drakov been in these before? Was he the submarine guy or the castle guy?
He was both
"Mildly annoying stupid asshole who is a stand in for the Soviet Union" isnt a great villain imo.
Recurring villain and son of guy who couldn't kill his son
Which is sort of implied
Colonel "Doesnt Believe In Birth Control"
Moses "Can't do a Hungarian Abortion" Forrester.
Moses "didn't show up for work the day they did the mandatory vasectemies and hoped no one would follow up" Forrester
Damn you, Time Bastard Drakov, you memorable villain!
Curse you right in your distinguishing features!
He's got an eye!
Possibly two!
More than Priest has at this point
RIP Judas, you melty hero
He took the word "drake" which means "dragon" and Russianed it. Top tier villain naming
What was Hawke's original name? I remember he's Russian, but not his original name
In Russian, Yerma is mean Haw
Kov mean ke
Very good trade, i throw in potato
No potato, only turnip.
Good news, my phone can't connect to the server
That's not good news at all!
All the servers seem to be acting up
Did Drakov do it?
I'm getting notifications from other servers about connectivity issues
Turnip for Name? Upon my son's hairs on his head I will SPLIT YOUR BLOOD.
Alright, I'm going to have to do my laptop setup, this shoudl only take a second
Right in the important bit
Don't worry, we can always travel back in time to the important bit.
I appreciate that they posted an update 1 minute after the initial announcement
Heeeheee, I curse your book channel
No blood. Only salt.
"Hey everyone we didn't fix this in 60 seconds"
yeah a couple of my personal servers are not responding. I can confirm Hotdogtide is still there but the other one is just nope.
Phoenix slowly figures out it's Drakov
I will summon the giant to wade the Black Sea for the iceberg of salt
Dost Drakov Khan blending right in
Take gruel. Is made of finest Russian sadness and beet
He pronounces "jihad" like "Jared"
Sir you are gonna hear from Star Trek's lawyers
Hi, @Sumerian Dick Curse Javo !
Hawke don't give a fuuuuuuck
"All great men of brown history were actually white men in disguise" is a heck of a book pitch.
Not a great look, Simon
The logic behind Ancient Aliens
A specific white man no less!
It doesn't go great
This parable isn't as popular as the one about crossing a river with a bag of grain
(this came out before Next Gen)
Oh no! Fox! Sable!
I'll always remember you!
They were so mentioned!
They are the ones who will be hearing from Hawkes lawyers! Hawkes Legal Eagles, who are literal eagles.
Meanwhile, Andre and Finn are accosted by mysterious beings from the future
I didn't even realize they died
I'll carry your memories with me as a flame against the darkness to come!
I am so bad at reading this book
It's extradimensional Lucas!
Death made him sassy
Grey instead of black! What a wacky change!
Just like a Brit to not acknowledge the sovreignty of the United States in 1897
I like how unprepared they are for an alternate universe counterpart even tho they were specifically briefed about this very thing.
"I came from another dimension to be more interesting!" He shoutedbefore being shot
the entire rest of the book is more Priestses showing up and dying immediately
I never thought an alternate version of me would happen to me
He incapacitates them
hey fair warning right now @gellaho they're doing rolling server outages on discord so this place might drop any second
Damn. Alterna-Priest is not fucking around
Could they not just call him Priest2?
I just got access back on my phone, but thanks all the same
Oh no! This Priest is a loose canon!
It's the Time Cops. We'll vanish and never know it.
Alternate Andre is going to be exactly the same as regular Andre and I might have to lie down
And they teleports away with their big warp disks
Not me. I will live on in the hearts and minds of 12th century French peasants
Is Andre another repeat character?
She's the 12th Century French knight who keeps kicking everyone's ass
She rules.
And is the obvious real main character.
Oh, I was calling her "Cross" in my mind
That's her last name. We're bad about consistency with these names
So is the book!
Meanwhile, Drakov gets high
These are soldiers right, so they go by last names
(And Andre is a boy's name in my mind, so I missed that detail)
They are and they do. Hawke...doesn't always do that
After the last adventure, Drakov accidentally escaped onto an alternate dimension
She was a knight in the 12th century, so she took a male name