Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time
A funny one! Are you not amused? ARE YOU NOT AMUSED?!
#2 Kent Montana
A funny one! Are you not amused? ARE YOU NOT AMUSED?!
Zero Zeller
Kirkie is a name you give to a pet turtle you keep in a bathtub
Would it help to know that he is dead?
It brings me some comfort, yes
You'll notice "comedy" is not listed as a specialty
Ladies and Gentlemen, and those that lieth betwixt..........We got him.
If Jim Henson and Mr. Food had a baby
Looks like he wrote a lot of licensed tie-in novels
That picture makes him look like hes about to do LSD and jack off in the desert to summon a new girlfriend.
Nothing as illustrious as the Wild Wild West novelization
Another person with long plans, afraid of Kent Montana
Do barons do that?
Is he literally a baron too..?
He's a Scottish lord
Okay i guess
The one I keep beside my bed to make me feel like a genius every morning by comparison? No, nothing that good
Excuse me?
Fucking Americans trying to write British humor
You can't hide behind British-isms with that one, Lionel
Okay if you werent dead, Lionel, I would kill you for that. Not just being mean to Willie Nelson but also the homophobic slur.
Milo them gets an erection
I bet Willie Nelson could kick your ass, he knows martial arts.
I bet Willie Nelson as he is right now could kick Lionel's ass
Gretchen, aka slut #2, also went to Yemen
Especially as Lionel is right now.
Where she saw Elvis or something
Good news, Lionel wrote a book about how to write good
My bet is Paul, because it's 1991 and Lionel wants to be British so much
I really forgot how loathsome all of Lionel's characters can be
Kirkie needs her stuff
I want this
In an ideal world that book wouldn't exist but i would somehow have a copy
Look, Milo. Sometimes you have a cocaine girlfriend, and thats fine. But you have to know when to let go and find a non cocaine girlfriend, someone who likes you for reasons other than "You have cocaine."
OR just a different girl that likes cocaine.
There are lots.
Some are even named something other than "Kirkie"
Kent Montana deals with a mom bomb
I know its a real hassle to find one that likes cocaine and dislikes paying for it enough to bone down, but thats the price you pay for being a shithead.
That was almost comedy
Good job Lionel
Lionel even ruins a Looney Tunes premise like "mother trying to blow up son"
Is hard.
You fool, you just invented Don diebel
Don Diebel doesnt have cocaine.
Hes too cheap.
Alex Scarrow brought in to guest write this chapter
You don't have to read it, just be aware of the length
Eat a whole fucking barrel of asses.
I can tell you what happened: a woman almost got attacked by the invisible man
REASONABLY invisible no less.
Next chapter, Lizzy Howgath, the older woman with an undefined secret, is accosted by a gasp American
An American who says mayhaps is the most dangerous kind
Shut the fuck up Lionel.
Shut the fuck up. Dove?
Lionel gets distracted before actually telling the reader anything
The bastard, dinner? WITH HIS WIFE?!
lol I think I'm glad I'm missing this one
Back to the bar, where the policewoman walks up to him. There's also something very strange about a ladel
Was...........that a sexual thing or just a cooking thing? Lionel, im so confused.
Hi, @Tom, Boy Detective (Retired) !
She tells him that her feet hurt for some reason
His mother was expert in artillery and poisons but very ignorant of cooking implements.
Then the lights go out and someone screams again
Hey everyone sausage doesn't know how to fuck ladles! Let us all point and laugh!
Kent doesn't have the resiliency of a Hardy Boy
The most boring head trauma ever described.
And then he leaves, so
That was pointless
Time for more wacky names
It's just great female characters all the way down
My fagometer is off the fucking charts
this came out in 1991
Who knits sweaters for a budgie?
Also bulldogs are great.
I dont like Etta very much.
The cheese riots!? So wacky!
Hooker surprise
Angus Dean, ex-Army, wishes he could have had soldiers as courageous as this stumbling drunk
That "Ten steps. Thump." thing happens a couple more times
Could really have done with her in Checks notes, the Falklands war and oppressing the Irish.
Lionel hitting all the classic gags
Haha so classic what a day
Three paragraphs later
Hey Lionel. Do you think heeled shoes with no heels are easier to walk in?
It'd be fantastic to know what's in the bag, Lionel
It's been fifty pages since it was introduced
Sure, there were a lot of british soldiers in high heels in sudan in the 80s
Guess Lizzy's got whatever "the stuff" is
Angus decides to completely change his life for this drunk stranger
" just conked him. Its drugs, dude. Hes my dealer, you just fucked me out of free cocaine."
And guess what, they need to see Kent Montana
Why? Who knows!
Sorry, had to eat. I miss anything of note?
Kent got beat over the head again
There were a couple more slurs
And now Angus Dean found true love with the woman he was hired to stalk
But for him, that is tuesdaah fine, how are you?
Oh right
They're in this book
The invisible man flashed these old women
You probably have some questions
I have no answers
Instead, Kent takes the other fake hooker to his cozy hotel
It's cozy, you see?
So is the invisible guy not that invisible? Like the Predator? Is that why you can still see his dick?
Well the cozy bisexual bar is a surprise
I'm sure Lionel meant for it to be outrageous
Lionel Fenn breaks new comedic ground
Manic pixie police hooker
This book is 50% the word hooker
Her eyes blinked so rapidly his hair nearly blew back off his forehead
Lionel's Word of the Day calendar is a napkin with the word "hooker" smeared on it
She starts hyperventilating about looking like a hooker
Before bizarrely coming onto him
I take offense to the idea sharks perv out on dolphins
If porpoises didn't want to get eaten by sharks they shouldn't have wait what the fuck am I saying
They do, but it is rude to air that dirty laundry here
The other policewoman shows up to say she saw the invisible man's dick
Lionel, stop this
Onto Part 3
Name it and Claim it
Mr Smith sits in his above bar room, thinking about Yemen
He's the invisible man, who would have guessed
I think I understand how Shark feels about Bicycling Through Time and Space
Then he starts manically screaming and playing the guitar
So he's the singer
The one that made the pigeon an insomniac
The singer with the fakest name of them all
Try again
That isn't a name. That's a keyboard malfunction.
His dick is invisible once again
"It's not invisible! It's just very small!"
That was a solid three pages for that chapter
And section
Onto Part 4
I hope his dick is haunted
You're overpromisng, Lionel
Gotta ask what "The Secret" was
In a different author not so impressed with themselves, id say there was some missing pages.
Lionel would think this shit is funny tho.
Was it his dick?
It was his dick wasn't it
Back in Kent's hotel room, the policewoman Janice brushes her teeth with her finger. Like a crazy person
Janice sleep fights
He is beset by the lead inspector
He's a big fan
These characters all seem carefully designed to have zero conflict
Oh right conflict
Pointless things happen, he leaves
That's what this story is missing
Surely? Surely! Shir-surely; surely: surely, surely surely surely
Surely's a funny word if you think about it
Lionel's trying his best, which is tragic
If the zombie was right
Lionel, your fingerblasting jokes are stale.
Do better.
Welsh people are always chuckling madly.
I was going to joke earlier that Dargren's name doesn't make sense. It's probably Welsh. But I didn't because even I knew that was a hack joke.
Its why they have names like Llanfairpyllgwyn.
Glitter memories
Which does nothing because clothes don't have veins
He gets very mad he couldn't make his jacket invisible
See? Even Lionel knew that plan was dumb
You suck at this, Racine
Later, he gets very mad that the bartender sees his mood lighting
His Christmas mood lighting
He is a mighty Welshman
The barman vows revenge
I assume Eddie's revenge will be to not pour him a full glass
Hell yes on the new title, @gellaho
I'm pretty sure Janice had some kind of learning disability
Are we sure she wasn't the one getting repeatedly conked?
Sorry I was playing mahjong, what did i miss?
Nothing, really
The invisible man is the singer they alluded to at some point
That's about it
Lionel is completely losing his grasp on the language
Like he ever had a grasp on the language
"Sorry. Reflex"
"I wish"
"Trusting himself not to immediately go for her throat"
What the fuck does that mean
Are her tits out?
Sorry, I was pulled away. How many noses have been licked?
But a leg has been squeezed
The other cop gives Kent a lap dance to announce a murder
Lionel is the worst type of horny
Yeah. He's Brooke horny.
But a worse writer, which I thought was impossible
The art is better though, in that there is none
I think I'd rather be stuck talking to Lionel. Mostly because he's dead.
Yeah I'd rather be trapped in his coffin than brooke's office
A thief sneaks up to the invisible man's room
This guy happens to be the bald guy who chatted up Lizzy ninety pages ago. He has not been mentioned since
Stan then passes out hiding in a closet
Racig then assaults him musically
Racig is very inconspicuous
White-bellied Wife-stealer was the name of my bad boy country album
Hey I have a white belly, Lionel. Fuck you.
Anyway, Stan's dead
Oh my god no
He was the best of us
Everyone knows the wives in the park are free to take.
Take a wife, leave a wife
You'd think that thing about the alien would come up at some point
Or that woman he was involved with in that book
So on the island being an orphan is a...job?
Did this book get a plot while I was gone?
I think its erased the plot from a couple other books tho.
Yeah you gotta go to Orphan School, get a BFA in Orphan
There is less narrative in the world since this book was written
So hard to find a school with an Orphan program. And forget getting a PHD.
F- pun, Lionel
Janice is doing her own thing
Die in a fire, Lionel.
Yay nipples.
But dude, if you confused eyes and nipples, you need to read more.
Oh, no! The flower girl is gone
Oh no!
I think I've skipped everything about her
Oh no!
She sits outside the bar selling flowers and is poor
Aerth dies again
Mary Shweet
She would have starved anyway. It's a bad business model.
Its a bad side hustle. Better off giving blowjobs tbh, people love blowjobs and dont really care either way about flowers.
Enough of your FF7 fanfic
Damn you, the sun!
"Damn you, Sun, for robbing me of my wretchedness!"
You know youd read it. Especially right now when its up against Lionel.
Anyway, she's dead
Really want us to know how horrible her death is, don't you, Lionel
Back to Kent's mother
Lionel, I don't know how you botched this running bit, but you did. And seeing you try to keep it going is depressing
RIP Flower Waif, we didnt know you existed because you were boring.
Like, you clearly are trying to do something like the Nately's Whore bit from Catch-22. But you screwed up the setup and you've utterly failed to stick the landing
Sorry, I'm hoping my lecture reaches the dead man before the end of the book
Janice out here getting confused and wanting her nose licked
Why is the nose licking thing still happening
Is this how Lionel flirts?
Because Lionel wants it
You don't use six pen names without something shameful, and two X-Files novelizations, to hide
Apparently, these two are only fake hookers now
In spite of the earlier assertion that this was the first time they've done this, and they hated it
Lionel doesn't want to read Lionel's shit book
Kent gets tired of their buffoonery, and ponders how best to murder them
Lionel was obviously a psychopath because of the nose thing, but I'm surprised it took this long to admit it
The first relatable thing this asshole has done.
Nodded warily at the lack of nipples
Just repeat words, eventually it'll count as a joke
There are filibusters that have more substance than this book
Lacking in the hooker department, though
Good point Army Guy, soldiers should have a union.
Time to snort something