#2 Kent Montana
Fe-male flesh
These are very disparate definitions
English is a fake language.
No spindle had gone unviolated in his home, all according to Maleficent's plan
Hi, @Deep Chief noiretoon !
Do you think Lionel went insane writing this, or did he never know what a joke was?
I shudder to think of the condition of the original manuscript since the writer's clearly doing this all one-handed
Could be both. There are many ways to go insane.
Im not a brainologist but I think not knowing what a joke is is a form of insanity
Kent sees what's in the bag
It'd be fantastic if we could know
If it were a book id demand the author be beheaded in the town square.
It's incredible how I'm not even holding this book and I want to throw it
Not the most dignified words to be remembered by
Turns out it is
I'll get the axe
Im drafting a letter to my congresspeople right now, demanding Lionel be posthumously executed.
Get the big axe
"Necronomicon Ex Mortiae,"
The small one hurts more!
I'll split the difference and get the hammer
Good writing demands you don't get to the motivation until page 126 of your 198 page book
Part Six
Is that motivation for the invisible man or motivation for the protagonist?
The protagonist has no motivation
The invisible man wants to kill him for sleeping with his wife
I can no longer blame the illiterate for keeping up their defenses in regard to this book
The author wants to get paid before anyone realizes what he's done
Get excited for the motivation!
Next week
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy next weeeeeeek
We partly did it!
Thank you, @gellaho !
Great riff work, everyone!
For a book with a cover and a name that evokes the things this does, this book is so fuckin boring.
"Reading and writing? Isn't that how Kent Montana stories are made? Not even once"
"...fair point"
Have a good night, everybody!
Except you, Lionel
Thank you @gellaho ! I can't believe this is a two parter
This book has the opposite problem of the first Kent Montana, where there was way too much happening
I survived it by eating fried chicken and watching Longlegs with a dog instead.
Hell yeah dog and chicken movie.
The Book Cage: Episode 140.5
Kent Montana and the Reasonably Invisible Man - Part 2
Seeing as how there have been no messages since, we'll be keeping the Kent Montana train rolling once gain. Kent Montana is fighting against a mostly invisible country-western singer in the UK, because that's comedy. His assemblage of fake prostitutes, fake sailors, and clumsy old women are all that stands between Kent (failed soap star and Scottish lord) and total doom! Maybe. The plot still hasn't really kicked off even though we're 65% of the way through the book. And maybe we'll watch The Hardy Boys Casefiles #80: Dead of Night: The Movie afterward as a treat. See you this Friday, 5pm eastern.
He got six books out of the Kent Montana character
Say what you will but I haven't even gotten one book out of the Kent Montana character
Coming up on the hour, it's the second part of Kent Montana and the Reasonably Invisible Man. Here is where we left off
And here's where we are going
Suck it, losers
Hi, @Velo Was A Ghost The Whole Time ! Hi, @gellaho ! Hi, @Verified Pervert FlippantSausage !
Hi @FancyShark !
And now, a chapter entirely in italics
Sure, why not, sometimes a typewriter gets stuck
Yay a change of pace, so exciting.
When you're out, you're out, and when you're out, you're out
Fuuuuuuuuck offffffffff
Old age and train accidents. The only two ways people die in Britain
I can't believe no one wants to hear his novelty country-western songs
The NHS used to be so good.
Who would have thought that Britain would run out of grandmas?
Not the tower records!
Well, you shouldn't have invested in straw
You know how much the British children love Waylon Jennings
Should feeling bad for this goober? Instead of "Yeah sucks to suck, Welsh Lyle Lovett."
I didn't know the Mortdecai Twitter account was still going
Hi, @Tom, Boy Detective (Retired) !
Those wacky Germans, always stepping on toes
If HP Lovecraft got way into folk music
You'd think not being able to swim would make drowning easier
He only got as far as a puddle in the bathroom
A puddle of his own making
Man you have fucked up when "Walk into the sea." isnt an option.
Then he gets beaten by random field louts
You gotta watch out for the roving bands of moor toughs
He's not even landlocked
Ask your doctor if Paxil is right for you
lol bro you didnt pawn your guitar? Are you even that broke?
I can't say I understand what this is about
Wow, still going huh
New theory: Lionel wrote all this out before deciding to put it in a book
It's the whole chapter
"oh no haha that's for a book I'm working on," Lionel said. The stranger at the cafe didn't believe him, but also didn't care.
This is the most boring suicide note ive ever read, by far.
This lacks the quiet dignity and succinct, punchy prose of "Itchy. Tasty."
One step closer to the edge, and I'm about to break
Coroner gives it back with notes
Kurt Cobain really feeling let off the hook here.
"I cannot see, yet can spell without issue"
I mostly missed the first half. So this is a comedy book right
A brief respite to read about Ken reading
Oh right this is a book about that asshole.
Took the words right outta my mouth
Was it pathetic?
You have to tell the reader these things, Lionel
Wakka wakka
MOSTLY invisible.
We can apparently see his nipples and dick and balls.
Anyway, back to the diary
He starts eating plastic food?
"This organic shit is for the birds. Literally, because im eating grass."
Racigargren Darcidagren
"Get it?" thinks Lionel as he scribbles this in crayon
He finds his guitar in the trash and then Lionel's got the old suicide switcheroonie
I'd say this guy should try journaling, but...
Dude, Johnny Cash couldnt sing a bit and he did fine.
Lionel's got the same bit again
Maybe write more songs about doing cocaine and shooting your woman
Well, Britain so youd have to write songs about doing cocaine and stabbing your woman, but close enough.
The only laughs in the book are the ones Lionel writes himself
Hey bro? Maybe fall back on your science training a little quicker?
You could have gotten a decent job in all manner of places.
Oh I thought it would be a magic realism thing where his fading from the limelight caused him to become invisible
But no he's just incongruously also a biochemist who will invent an invisibility potion
So he wrote "[Later]" in the diary? Because otherwise you've been just using line breaks for that
It's funny because the bird died
Let's go for round two on the same bit
Forever more shall people bonk their heads on the invisible pigeon statue I shall erect upon the moors
So..........nobody.......commented on the truck driver that hit an invisible bull?
Thats a pretty big animal.
He's eating vermin, which is funny? I also don't know why he's making them invisible if he plans on eating them
I think hes probably wanting to gain their powers.
And figures he might as well make invisibility one of them.
A "loud-hailer"
I think it's kind of a play on the actual book The Invisible Man? A book that really shouldn't be parodied by a hack like this
Suicide bomb the cops! DO IT! MAKE IT HAPPEN TED........I MEAN WELSH GUY.
The little slut down at the library
He thinks he's being arrested because the pigeon belonged to someone. Is that funny? Ah whatever, put it in the book anyway
Hell yeah Library Sluts.
The best kind.
So... that was the motivation
Well.......Lionel, you have a day job, right?
And Lionel has a real kneeslapper for the next part.
Are you ready?
SO ready
So funny
Kent really likes the word "preposterous"
I really wish Kent had been killed in that bar fracas.
Lionel congratulated his own writing in his book
Which was a great observation I just made, but Lionel hasn't earned it
The next section is titled "I'm Doing So Good At This"
I might need a minute after reading this. I'm so irritated
Fuck you Lionel
Lionel............little tip. Try not to make the reader feel like stabbing you ALL the time.
I hope you hated writing tie in books
Lionel, you have a worse story than any D list Chinese indie game trying to get me to give them five dollars.
That's so dumb
I guess the characters are meta now. Fucking fantastic
And fuck your goddam "How do you write in ITALICS?" joke.
You can't make a meta joke when you still haven't made a normal joke, Lionel
Kent is the hero?
I've read so many authors who can do this sort of thing well
I didnt think he was even the protagonist.
Lionel attempts writing visual slapstick into a book. Goes as well as expected
I feel like Gellaho's getting closer and closer to throwing this book into the woods while screaming, and I support that
If I were Lionel and wasnt a dipshit, I would pass this all off as if it was an elaborate experiment in trying to write a novel without relying on critical structures of writing, like "pacing", "characters" or "being good to read."
If I were Lionel I would wander into the sea for the good of humanity
"You get it? Suicide the only way to stay alive? I'm so witty," thought Lionel, shortly before failing a Highlights magazine puzzle
Just pretend i was writing a Finnegans Wake via primitive Douglas Adams aping.
Lot of suicide in this book
Clearly it was on Lionels mind.
Lionel has ideas
Ideas he might want to act on
Like even books about suicide I think might have fewer references to suicide
If it saves us from four more of these books I'm firmly on team "Lionel should bungee jump without the bungee"
Also, I don't get it
Excuse me me, it's library slut
"Lionel thinks the word slut is funny" kind of explains the problems with this book
Slut and suicide, evergreen punchlines
He's going for irreverent and overshot it into "short story rejected by the middle school newspaper because no one got your jokes" territory
Im glad Angus hit him.
Never shame the Library Sluts, honor and respect them.
Tom Holt and Robert Rankin, btw, for some slightly lesser known examples of authors who did this sort of thing only better in every possible way
"He's right," said the slut
Kick his ass anyway.
I still don't really understand why he's censoring some of these names
Just doesnt want to spell fake Welsh proper nouns.
Wonder what song he was singing under his breath
That is convenient
"gonna make myself invisible,
She's a slut, so insatiable"
And hes really missing out because Welsh proper nouns are things like Mwnt and Penisarwaun.
"gonna show the world my nasty side,
Much more fun than suicide"
Not the best room service
How do you impersonate room service while invisible
Its Britain, they think people who bring you food are invisible anyway.
Meanwhile, the other policewoman is still pretending to be a hooker for some reason
That's a great example of something too clever for this author
I wish the jackass up for belt strangling was Lionel.
Don't know why this is a separate part, Lionel
When does the terror start, Lionel?
A great place to keep a gun
Every time he makes eye contact with another customer at the cafe and says "oh, this? Well I'm writing a novel, you see. A delicious little send-up of classic crime thrillers with some Invisible Man thrown in..."
Unless Janice has a considerable bosom that revolver cant be very big.
Every time Gellaho posts
I'm not sure eyeballs on their own can do anything but glare
Shoot him between the eyes.
You have a perfect bracket.
They can't narrow if his eyelids are invisible, Lionel
It's hard to have a dramatic standoff when one of the parties isn't fully visible
Also his head is fully above hers, shoot him in the face!
Its the number one rule of hostage negotiations. Always shoot them in the face.
Second rule is always shoot thru the hostage.
Third rule is Robocop
Probably should have lied and said you invented an invisible knife, Dargren. Choking someone takes ages and that guy has a gun
Wakka wakka
See that's a good punchline
It's just the paragraph of setup that sucks
hahahhaha bashing kent with a pipe WAS pretty funny.
And the rest of the book. The rest of the book also sucks.
Lionel briefly starts writing Kent as a California surfer dude for some reason
"I cracked your skull because youre a shithead."
And the hostage is probably not happy about Kent's "why me?" Approach to saving her life
She barely counts as alive, she works in a hotel in Britain.
Man the Brits are catching some serious strays today
Legally shes a kind of mobile fungus since Brexit.
Oh now I get it
The writing of the invisible man is also widely inconsistent
Fuck off.
So you hate him the most and all you did was hit him in the head instead of kill him
Lionel realized nothing had happened in this book up until now, so now he's trying to cram all the events in at the end
Lionel lists off a bunch of pronouns and pretends that's a joke
Lionel, if you keep up this level of comedy, you could get a job writing Tripping the Rift
hah hah.
So, I guess Kent's mother bought the record company in Kent's name, then laid off a couple of country western singers
This was somehow blamed on Kent
And for some reason, a lot of people cared deeply about some singers losing their record contracts
I feel like with the right actors this would be a very funny TV show.
So much so that it ruined his acting career
Wait...........Lionel is this your fucking Blackadder spec script?
Shit, I think you nailed it
But if there was no good reason for letting Dargren go, wouldn't some other label have been happy to pick him up?
I'm not entirely clear on why firing a couple of aging country singers would affect anything, much less a relative's acting career
Even if he took a pay cut, would have been better than eating invisible rats in a shed
I guess people would despise him for firing a popular singer?
Like how music companies immediately go under when they let go of a pop star
You know
That thing that definitely happens
I don't think you were selling millions, Welsh country western singer
That seems like an extremely limited audience
Was he internationally known?
Its like 20 people in Wales, and a few hundred thousand in China.
Lionel got a bit distracted during that paragraph. Hopefully he cleared his head quickly
He typed that paragraph very quickly and then went to the bathroom.
Kent decides to give up on the chase to get the notebooks. Which they've already read.
The library slut is horny for gore
Hell yeah, a Library Horror Slut.
Where they serve roasted capes and grilled wines
I prefer my capes stir fried with a savory sauce.
What the hell are you talking about
Lionel thinks this constitutes a full chapter
I'm completely lost on what the villain's goal is
And then the next chapter starts the exact same way
Which is a... joke?
Which villain
I don't even know
Because there's also the fat guy and skinny woman who want to take over the world...somehow
Ohhh, right
And Milo here who plans on getting rich... somehow
The invisible man is the villain I was thinking of, but he keeps giving up on killing Kent
Something to do with the notebooks, but I don't know how either goal could be accomplished from what we read