9.14 Psychodrome - Epilogue
"Somewhere between the two there was a balance point on which I was precariously perched, compelled to spend my life forever taking chances, living on the ragged edge of dreams."
9.13 Psychodrome - Chapter 12
"We were both street people, and we would remain street people and we would remain street people, no matter where we went or what our fortunes were. Ours was not a great romance."
9.12 Psychodrome - Chapter 11
"With these kids, artifice was art. They went all out to cultivate the image of the technoman."
9.11 Psychodrome - Chapter 10
"There is something called a night terror, a nightmare so intense, so realistic, that when you awaken from it, the dream imagery breiefly remains engraved upon your consciousness, etched so sharply that the border line between the states of wakefulness and dreaming is momentarily erased."
9.10 Psychodrome - Chapter 9
"You mean you absorb your food like an amoeba?" I said. Suddenly I understood and I felt sick. "My God. You ingested him."
9.9 Psychodrome - Chapter 8
"Well, in that case, as some ancient personage once said, 'You ain't seen nothin' yet.'"
9.8 Psychodrome - Chapter 7
"If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time in targeting his groin. There is nothing there except som rather sophisticated artificial plumbing." Featuring "Crowd Cheer.mp3" by mrrap4food (https://freesound.org/people/mrrap4food/sounds/619036/), "CROWD YAY.wav" by mlteenie (https://freesound.org/people/mlteenie/sounds/169233/), "Cheer crowd" by Johanneskristjansson (https://freesound.org/people/Johanneskristjansson/sounds/371339/), "Cut Through Armor / Slice / Clang" by SypherZent (https://freesound.org/people/SypherZent/sounds/420675/), "Soccer game in Brazil, goals and crowd shouting" by felix.blume (https://freesound.org/people/felix.blume/sounds/611816/), "Sword Drop Heavy" by EminYILDIRIM (https://freesound.org/people/EminYILDIRIM/sounds/536100/), "Hitting in a Face" by florianreichelt (https://freesound.org/people/florianreichelt/sounds/460509/), "SciFi Gun - Plasma Slinger" by dpren (https://freesound.org/people/dpren/sounds/440146/), "Crowd at Cafeteria" by sonically_sound (https://freesound.org/people/sonically_sound/sounds/625112/)
9.7 Psychodrome - Chapter 6
"There is something to be said for paranoia. It grows on you. Especially if it improves your odds for survival."
9.6 Psychodrome - Chapter 5
"And just as people at sharks, sharks also ate people. Only they were better at it."
9.5 Psychodrome - Chapter 4
"It's hard to deal with the fact that you've got some powerful feelings about someone when you know those feelings have been broadcast to several billion people."
9.4 Psychodrome - Chapter 3
"It took us barely two weeks to secure the first objective of our gaming round."
9.3 Psychodrome - Chapter 2
"There's an old Japanese belief to the effect that if you save somebody's life, you become responsible for it."
9.2 Psychodrome - Chapter 1
"Honor is a word for virgins and tombstones, O'Toole."
9.1 Psychodrome - Prologue
It's winner take the universe when the name of the game is...