Human Mammalian Hybrid Vooster
Soluri incepted the memory of Emily into everyone via hypnosis
At any rate, Anthony is skipping town
Oh god poor Elmo
He can't ever go to that Park again
why would you take the monitor but not the stand
Except in his dreams, when he can never leave it
I do declare
Anatoli Speigelheimer
Anatoli Spiegelheimer would have been much easier to remember
here's the problem, the author wasted all the good names on one guy
He vas German zis whole time!
I feel like secret german was also a big sleep twist
Now he has several old, bruised books. The largest of all crimes
Elmo got robbed and assaulted by two different groups for no god damn reason
wow a laconic detective. I love when writers take the time to make the side characters really come alive, you know?
This book is full of tragedies
"Elmo not like this"
Hello, I am new character 15, John
Back to trying to break into Emily's apartment
I knew Soluri is a fake name, but his real name sounds faker
Oh god let her just be there
She's just home
She has the flu
Living her best life
They beat up her apartment
The Hardys kidnap her
Her sofa is hiding secrets
"Joe, if I say it it's a good idea, ok? Just fucking follow me."
Make this all worth it
Is Ben the same age as the Hardy Boys? Is Emily older, then?
"She's got a lot of electonic, EELS-branded.... rocketships?"
"Hey why does it smell like rotting meat in here? You know what, I bet Elmo has a book that can explain smells." Cut to the Hardys throwing a brick through Elmo's window
Hi Ed
"I have more reason to be here than you, weird teenage liars"
"What is wrong with you two?!"
Bye Ed!
"Our three skills are breaking, entering, and assault"
Bye Ed
Ed did it
Fucking incredible.
You've narrowly escaped tragedy
wait, Ed let them in and left with them still inside?
Never trust a Montgomery
I will not have the Montgomery name sullied like this
It's been sullied, good Velo
Ed fucking left
Some good names sully themselves
He just fucked off into the night
What a god damn hero
His girlfriend has been missing for 3 days and his response is "Lol, idk, bye"
bye, ed
God I hope Ed didn't do it. I hope he's just like this
Frank figures the lack of asthma medication is a clue
He's leaving to go assault George now
I love it when a media presents a dirtbag boyfriend so you think it's them, but really they are an unrelated dirtbag
The best trope the x-files ever had
some dirtbags just sit around playing xbox all day
And I'm only up to season 4
Meanwhile: laser controlled helicopter
Hi Phil
Do we know Phil
That's so much less reliable than a regular radio
I've been so distracted with our traumatized bystanders
lasers traditionally move in straight lines, right
Phil is the science friend
But mirrors!
These boys go through so much pizza, like turtles, or Godek
why did we even need a special explanation of how the helicopter was being controlled
just hand wave it
Remote Control was invented in 1996
All non-Ben friends have existed for 100 years
That's a bit dark
Mr. Pizza is chet's third place. he's there like 40% of the time
wait really?
oh lol
They flew whole aircraft via remote control in WWII
oh I didn't know that
that's pretty cool
Fuck, I believed you
Only $130,000 short
Radios are cool
Seems safe
ok, lasers!
laser time!
The abandoned warehouse where George's parents died
And where Elmo was raised
That's one obese helicopter
That's one mean helicopter, said no one ever
"Come on, guys, you don't have to shout! I have sensitive ears"
"Hi!" Called Frank "Does this place have any special meaning to you?"
"What? No?" crackled the voice from the hidden speaker.
"How about this day?"
"Well my daughter was just born."
"Perfect." Frank said, the glint of hate in his eye
haha what a suddenly-reasonable kidnapper
I love them
"there's no need to shout, young man"
Also it's Emily
Because this is the big sleep
But with lasers
Time to handle the sack
There was a lot more helicopter than I was expecting but that's on me.
Yeah more helicopters, less lasers
good lord, one whole thai meal later and they're still flying a chopper via LAN
Pew pew
Why not put a bomb there? Get rid of the boys
We can only assume George had the lasers and he's too busy crying into the well loved remains of his teddybear to use them
Laser beams were everywhere
pew pew lasers!
"Don't ask us why we didn't use these before!"
your destiny has arrived joe
That's how that works, sure
"Do these lasers have sentimental value to you?!"
now mince! Mince like your life depends on it!
These lasers move at the speed of arrows
hm the pic didn't work
this ghost writer thinks lasers work like in star wars
We used to set paper on fire with a low end laser back in the day
Just leave some large metal sheets around, can't see how that could be used against me
there we go
You don't have to be mostly naked to turn into a diamond, but it helps, somehow
It does
Even though your underwear will also turn diamond
More form fitting diamond
I'm sure it is necessary
So the laser beams cut through everything except metal, cool
Aluminum, specifically
shiny metal
which is weird
like this rusty old sheet of aluminum is perfectly reflective?
Because that's probably the most commonly cut with laser metal
is that how lasers work?
That is weird, if only you had been told about a technology company with a stupid acronym earlier in the book
TBF, Emma probably would no matter what job she fell into.
It's video game boss rules. The means to defeat them are always in the same room
Wait, Ed works for EELS???
Hey, if I looked like January Jones, I would too
"no no I believe it. I'm pretty stupid."
They'd be so cold.
"Oh wow... So you're saying we didn't need to set Elmo's bookstore on fire?"
"You did that?"
"Yeah. Joe locked him in before we started it. And all for nothing. Geez, don't we feel silly."
And you'd have to worry about losing them and errant royalty trying them on everyone.
but when you are diamond, you no longer feel the cold
But good job spending so much time on the psychic
I can only be defeated by heavily damaged stone pillars. But joke's on you, I have to crash into them first
The psychcic escaped with $2000 and I hope we never see him again
Did they have all those clues several chapters ago?
Let Zak Bagans be the one person that escaped unscathed
Ed has discovered the perfect way to elude the Hardys' suspicions: Just leave whenever they show up
Kudos to whoever actually wrote 'you can't slip up with eel systems' it sounds like synthwave album.
and to get me to charge you have have to damage all of my giant glowing eyes! Good luck with THAT, adventurers!
Soluri was the real hero
I don't know if you understand how refrigerators work
You can buy a whole washer/dryer set with that kind of scratch!
sharp jawed, sharp nosed
"Bit hot headed but brilliant. Laser expert. Super handsome. Great dick."
Fucking around with appliances, kids, amiright?
Millions of bits, could you even imagine something of that size?
It's such a reasonable crime
"Lips like velvet. Smells like sandalwood."
Just an incidental conman
that's so fucking great. "he could build lasers out of anything. He does it constantly, pick a time, he's probably doing laser stuff then"
"Anywhere we put cable, I should clarify. Laser goes all over the place if you don't focus it."
"Broad shoulders just begging you to rest your chin on them, to let him hold you tight as he whispers about lasers, his one true love. Aside from money."
Lasers, you dumb kids, LASERS
"So it would be a really stupid way to control a helicopter drone"
Why didn't the chopper fly on laser instead of fiber optic?
Ah, he was the chief designer on the traffic signal project? Couldn't be him
"Well... The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound."
What makes lasers so much better than radio waves? Said no teen boy ever
"That's the big difference."
"unless you had some sort of, I don't know, laser genius or something"
Radio is just slacker laser.
"what do think Joe, is the rogue laser genius who desperately wants money a suspect?"
"seems kinda weak, Frank."
"From what I hear he and his perfectly toned back left to pursue his own laser dreams, and we wish him nothing but laser success."
"Sounds like George"
It's great Ed told this guy at work everything he was working on
"let's go rough up the bookshop owner again"
Every brilliant engineer/scientist/inventor thinks they can make it big on their own, but then they don't know how to market, mass produce to scale, or hire team members
Bold to use all of it on a kidnapping
or kill teen detectives
or write erotica
Is a perfect example
This is the most important step of starting a business
Montgomery has a bright future at Raytheon
Now that the author has spelled it out, you too can determine the culprit!
That's right. It was Hitler!
It often is
Elon paid for his degree, and also bought into Tesla after it had been created. He has wannabe engineer brain
He stole expensive prototypes and you haven't called the police yet? It's been six months!
"We miss him here at EEL. We always said, Ed, you're the first E, and the most important. But he and his great dick heard the calling of a brighter future, and we don't hold that against him."
And probably writes terrible erotica
The worst!
I mean Nikola Tesla
Oh yeah
Poor fella
Now that guy probably wrote some dope erotica wait ..I've lost the thread
"Anyways that's all I can tell you as a parking lot attendant. Maybe you should go into the building to talk to someone else."
This seems like a bad system
Yeah almost as good as vooster's
Ok I think EEL just wanted to see what would happen if they let a real supervillain into the world
Great interjection Joe, very helpful
Emily and her boyfriend faked her kidnapping to get the money. The other crimes were sundry dirtbags in Ben's life.
"Fuck you Joe tried science"
I never wrote erotica but, I am pretty good at drawing
This ghostwriter esteems Joe at the level we all do.
Joe is here
"I wasn't wrong" Joe said
show me sometime
And that's all we can ask of Joe
Frank has seen so many fires in his 18 years
Joe who almost killed George
I can't. It was mostly doodles in notebooks I have long since discarded
I should start doing art again, though
I recommend a WACOM or similar tablet, I prefer the feel of paper but digital is very flexible
Killer lasers
Oh I have a WACOM, just don't use it
I don't like that they're just assuming a Montgomery did this!
"I know one thing, and that's what I'm gonna do: lasers" -Ed
Follow your inspiration, even if it's weird and stupid and only 20 people will get it, like a poem about bigfoot hunters or something
Velo, I think it's time to accept the truth
It could be anyone aside from sexy, sexy Ed
Ed with his windswept hair and his slacks
But videogames are more fun!
That's the theory. That's the plan.
also true
I also have a bad habit of just deleting/discarding shit everytime I move or change computers
I am an archivist's nightmare
To pass the time, they beat up George
Well, they probably have this all sorted out
Nooooo George
Unless, I don't know there's a weapon or something pointed at them
Not even out of malice anymore. They just do it on reflex
"But Frank, red light is scattered preferentially by atmospheric dust, that would give the signal a very short range!"
What's this then?
This time they remembered to use masks.
Something like a gu- Laser
Not quite
Ed, you had a rocket launcher this whole time and you stuck to flash paper?
oh no it's a phoenix
I didn't have hit by anti-tank missile on my bingo card
"It's Ed and Emily, doing it on a pile of money!"
But what if it's a laser guided rocket?
Oh Ed
Ed you absolute stud
Which I guess it is
"It occured to Frank that if that rocket was a rocket this was going to be a problem."
The rocket is being controlled by lasers! Mounted on the helicopter! Across the street! Being controlled by other lasers!
I hope it's one of those non-explosive ones
Oh this was when laser guided bombs were all in the news, right? 1994?
"Oh god, some sort of tube or cylinder capable of propolsion!"
Which exploded his remote control, I guess
We have this in common
"Clutching his right hand and moaning"
Hit by the tiniest missle
That's not how remotes or lasers work
Or rockets