Trial by combat
Trial by combat
yes! fight you funkers
Classic nine-way three-way
this time refuse the armor and just KARATE
nine men enter, maybe somebody leaves
More than two sides sounds fun, but if you tried it in a video game, the side that sits back and waits usually wins
The third member of the West-World team had better be Randy Savage.
that's how you win tournaments in mount & blade
Last time our hero won by barely not dying while someone pretended to fight him. How will he utilize this now?!
Apparently considering his own mortality makes Denny sleepy
I can relate. I get sleepy when I get too stressed
I feel the same about Don Quixote.
Our hero bravely thinks the whole world hates him
Our brave hero is correct
Wise hero
Seems hostile
Be really funny if the anti anti anti missile missile missiles are just "missiles with no warhead, alot of them."
and thus the Hunger Games were born
"Then the Romans just shot them"
"then the loser refused to surrender"
These combats crop up in history from time to time and they never really work out.
But theyre always funny as hell.
Hi, Alex
"I choose the knife gun of 1987"
"There'll be lots of boars, right?"
30 to 50
oh it's kinda lame they're bringing in a ringer instead of using the three main characters
Fast stepping molly with a bilbo
serious question, is a rapier good at fighting anything except another rapier?
"You know what a gladius is, but I'm going to Den-splain to you anyway"
not really
against an unarmored opponent it's just a fancy spear
Grope them wounds
It feels like Mack Reynolds met some British people, couldn't understand their lingo, and declared revenge
I keep reading Mack Reynolds as Burt Macklin
This is like the Playboy version of 1984.
Cockney rhyming slang by itself deserves hellfire and retribution.
Turning Funker
They don't want a man turning to funk
"whichever contestant is slain last gets the big bottle of 7up"
Cameron loves getting drooled on
Don't we all
The thunderous, deafening silence tells me no
Acceptance is best with satisfaction
People love gladiators so much they will mob a campus, but universities famously hate national sports attention.
Harvard doesnt even HAVE a gladiator team.
I think the point of that was that the dean hated attention being on anyone other than him
Completely pickled in leprosy
Pickled like an eel
Hey Denny? Why do you not want anything? Like a life of handjobs, wealth, and fat stacks of cash seems great.
Maybe dont be a gladiator at all if you dont want that?
because a life of welfare has robbed him of all motivation
Maybe some of those volatile stocks, eh? eh?
except to be a genius black belt international man of mystery
It's so hard to root for this hero when all of his problems are his fault and completely unrelatable
Well, that seems like a good of a place and time to pause as any
He can't finish if the hands aren't Etruscan.
This book really hammers home the dangers of Roman empire larping
Italian ladies do know how to work it..........🤔
I didn't expect a cliffhanger!
oh well
We partly did it!
Mack always gives a good time.
Thanks everyone! I hope all this lack of time gladiators will be worth it
You don't want to go all in on Mack in one go.
Great job, everybody!
I am shocked there will be a part 2 to this
Thank you, @gellaho !
I can't believe this blue-balling @gellaho
Next time: the nine-way three-way
aw yeeeeaaaaah
Bette meets Time-Bette and becomes her own grandma
Have a great night, everyone!
The Book Cage: Episode 120.5
Time Gladiator Part 2
The fate of the world is at stake. The three major world powers: the West-world, Common Europe, and the Sov-world must fight in three-way gladiatorial combat to decide who stole a scientist. Oh, and prevent Common Europe from invading the Neuts, causing another world war. Will there be time travel? I'll never tell, but find out this Friday, 5pm eastern.
Time Gladiator Part 2 is coming up on the hour. Here's the beginning of second part. Which is actually the middle of Part II, but don't worry about it
Cameron is already more interesting than Denny
There are colonies of moss that are more interesting than Denny
oh denny
denny denny denny
I can't wait to see him suddenly be super amazing at fighting again
Hi, @gellaho ! Hi, @Tom Owns Diebel's Grave ! Hi, @Velo !
Hi @FancyShark !
Time to resume the gladiatorial combat
booooook caaaaaage
also hi shark
also my baby just shit himself, perfect timing
The keen edge of fitness
Thrilling background check action!
Searching for the peak specimens who can win by just not dying long enough to run out the clock
Janos Horthy: The Cute One
Team complete, let's roll out!
Such adorable tactics. Who else would think to duck down to stab up?
He's probably shamming
Then kill him a third time just for the thrill
I can't wait to get stuck by a cloddy!
Shamming and wowing
I didn't realize this was that kind of book
Bette shames the tight, luxurious, sexy yachts. Those boats are just asking for it
A tight yacht would be the opposite of luxurious
Have you ever, like, thought about it, maaaan?
Okay, Bette? You're right. But this is a little late in the process to have this conversation.
I think whenever you say something like "Whatever happened to the world's dreams," you forfeit all rights to be taken seriously
A king-size buss
Do they even have money in this future
Let's put down the thesaurus, Zero
Yeah, everyone is given living money (Unalienable stock) and their jobs give them some additional money (Variable stock).
In the simple system of People's Capitalism in the Welfare State of the West-world
Bussin that bussin bussy
Is he bussin' or is he suss?
Javelins only is a bold strategem
Better hope you don't miss
Hi, @Areze ! Hi, @FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning !
Javelins only is a sure sign the Euros are going to kite and campe, the bastards.
so no variety in either team
I hope he means Javelin missiles
Trench knives is a weird choice.
Like I can see having SOME knives, just in general but in this scenario you kinda would like something with a little bit of reach, like a nice longsword.
oh yeah that's the type with the finger guards, they look cool
Give them bricks
And socks
but yeah why would they not have like one guy with longer reach at least
Like the Celtic longsword the Romans adopted when they realized it was way better than a gladius for close combat.
Or a nice axe.
Axes are cool and practical.
Good old brick in a sock, the gentleman gladiator's weapon
Or just a sharpened trench shovel if you want.
Spoiler alert, Mack
I would pay good money to see that duel in a movie
Well shit, Mack.
That's one way to get rid of the only competent person we've met
Youve already killed our handsome Cuban and the fight didnt even start yet.
He died as he lived: unnecessarily
Way to make sure he cant blab about our MC attending some kind of anarchist meeting.
Damn you, brain tricks!
Yuri Malyshev doesn't want to be here. He was supposed to be on the Men's Tennis team
It's called Running While You Werent Paying Attention.
Yeah but he's so gosh darn cute
Its the Communist version of the Jedi Mind Trick.
Thrust, counterthrust, thrust and counterthrust. It's got everything!
Denny dives in elbow first
Ackshuallllllyyyyyyyyyyyy Denny, the gladius was a sidearm and Roman legionaries used a short spear in tandem with the shield. Fake Rome scholarrrrrrrrrrrrr.
it was probably the romans' defensive formations or something more than the gladius itself that aided the conquering, but I'm no expert
Denny, having split a man in twain, trips over a root
Thrust. Counterthrust. It's all in the mind.
Trips TWICE.
Denny sucks so much
denny is fucking cheating
no other explanation
I think hes trying to do a glitch and clip thru the ground.
he must have changed the handicap settings while the other gladiators were in the bathroom
It's nothing to be ashamed of, Denny, it happens to many men
Denny is trying to do drunken boxing with a sword
But less rad than that sounds
Ah Stumbling Asshole style, I know it well.
The next stance is Asshole Stubs Toe.
Mack Reynolds busting out the brass knucks
The End
It's actually blacking out in the middle of a fight to the death. Let's see if it pays off
It worked out for Bilbo
He skipped to Asshole Falls and Hits Head on Coffee Table, clever.
Alex, taunting Denny with how rock hard he is
That gets Denny fully erect
They have trees in the arena? That's nice!
Hahahahah of course the professional gladiator carried.
Good tactics from Alex, he got his back secured and with that long reach the trench knife isnt gonna work so well.
Next time on Deadliest Warrior.
is the arena so big that the 3rd team didn't know where this fight was? because that's the only explanation for why they wouldn't have pushed their advantage now
I think he's probably fine
dear god
Only six? Man people get stabbed more than that all the time Zero.
This makes Denny look so much worse by comparison
One of those better have hit your heart, Zero or maybe you just dont love America
Zero got turbo-shanked, Denny. You fucking tripped and passed out.
That many stabs, I think Zero just got shivved
Yeah, what Velo said
It's pretty big. They could choose where to enter, there's a wooded area and a large open field. The Europeans are hanging there because javelins are hard to throw in the forest
yeah that makes sense
Famous last words
No scoops, only solidarity in our disapproval of Denny
Jesus Christ Zero's alive
"Tell Bette..."
"I always hated you. You, Denny. Tell her that."
"Tell Bette...........her ass is..........nice.........blergh 😵 "
Cameron steals Denny's sword
"Tell Bette I was always confused about how her name was pronounced based on the spelling… thank god I heard it out loud, otherwise that would bother me constantly."
His best friend dies and he wears a look of "oh, I forgot to get butter"
LITERAL heel turn!
lol after "trips like a dipshit and gets knocked out." Id do the same.
We would all abandon Denny
Well, that's a nice surprise at least
Cameron is the clear hero here
Alcohol: for drinking AND for medicine!
Fucking, what?
That is a hell of a sentence construction, Mack.
Mack's backspace key broke, it seems
Well that narrows it down
Just take that first probably and make it a maybe.
Hi, @GDC's Quivering Thews !
Cheryl should have caught this one, Mack, did you not run it by her?
That curdish funker
I'm all caught up but should have just jumped to present and assumed "Denny fails"
Hi, @disculpa mi tulpa !
lol "actually it was correct to abandon me"
our hero
"Neither the dead man nor the total incompetent would have done it, so it must have been the right thing."
"Come to think of it, why did I sign up for this?"
He's up against four weapons, but he's half-drunk and bleeding. He's got this.
I don't understand why you wouldn't even keep denny around as a meat shield, but whatever
The fucked part is that Alex could simply have gotten a sword of his own if he wanted.
Spear and rapier in one hand, two trench knives in the other
Oh and Mack? I dont think after two weapons they continue to give you advantages.
Just dont drop the second one, its not that hard.
Rapier in one hand, trench knives in the other, spear clamped in his teeth
I like to imagine hes pinned the trench knives together and made trench scissors.
You carry the others for the passive buffs
Denny can't moisten his lips, Simon Hawke weeps
sword is silver, one trench knife is cold iron, other trench knife has ghost touch
The spread out Denny is presenting?
Those horrible, dry lips
Please Don't Hurt Me-Fu
10/10 dialogue, no notes
Throwing knives arent that dangerous, Denny.
th-th-th-th-THREE weapons in ONE!
a knife with knuckle dusters on its handle? he's gonna throw that one?
Thats that good Soviet craftsmanship they were known for right there.
It's perfectly weighted to- oop, hang on. Landed in the dirt
That's Stone Cold's music!
Our hero, in the face of danger, immediately surrenders
How did Rincewind make cowardice so fun?
I'm just surprised he hasn't shat himself
Denny you have failed Sensei Greg, you have failed Karate, and you have failed yourself.
With a brick in a sock
"glass tinkling" is the sound the fucking time machine makes it when it jumps into the narrative off the top rope
That's some precise aim
How would Denny know?
Hes clearly a fucking idiot.
He Mr. Beaned winning a gladitorial game.
hey malyshev, aren't you in a death tournament where if you win, the answer to your question is "you"?
"I did nothing about it, even though I knew it might cause a world war we don't want"
Denny you are a real think 'un.
ok 2nd question, malyshev. If you saw that, why would you think this chucklefuck has any idea where bazaine is
"Can we please drop this subplot? It's very at odds with the rest of the narrative."
"Hey so when does the time part happen?"
Denny, having had the entire thing laid out in front of him, is only sorta starting to get it
"Also isnt the device the science dork made just a missile you shoot at missiles you shoot at missiles? Doesnt it seem like you could beat missiles you shoot at missiles by shooting missiles that arent important?"
They want to invade neut-world to secure their bountiful testicle harvests
"Also if the Neutrals are like.....not Europe, the Americas, or the they even HAVE missiles?"
"I'll be the big spoon"
"Cameron died. Real, real fast too. Cried the whole time."
Guess Alex should have stolen Dennys shield.
Denny still thinks Alex did the right thing
Couldn't use a shield, he was duel wielding spear and little sword
even with the huge to hit penalty
"Oh, right, you killed my friend"
Obviously you fight and kill each other, Denny, you fucking fool.
I wonder who should take the fall? Possibly the wounded one with no weapons?
So the massive fight Mack setup is already done and we are back to what Mack really loves: philosophy
No. Quick. Denny stab!
I'm glad we're sticking with "brain tricks"
His wily communist brain tricks!
things like "Rationality" and "working together"!
and "negotiation"