They have to rent the city council from the crips?
#7 Steele
They have to rent the city council from the crips?
Lol that owns
This is not far from how it is in Hartford, so I concede.
Thanks man
...Suddenly Masters just got more woke than 2/3 of actual 21st Century America.
I am Aragon of Albuquerque
Do you know I was just writing that and deleted it.
Whence my parley with Ice-Bloq of Yon Crips?
There better be some robo-Ice in this book
I'm sure this guy knows what's up
Baggy white linen pajama things.
So the Mexican-American is named Miguel and the Mexican national is named Tom
Ah! How did you know.
Great nysteel minds make cyberjokes alike
Also, more fat
I am your Stalker, you are my Steele.
this reads like JK Rowling's last book. Which fat person hurt you, Hawke?
I'm gonna burst.
Oh god.
The new author is Victor Milan and I’m guessing that has something to do with the sudden influx of Latino characters
Lol odd bird dance
Stop introducing characters
isn't Milan an Italian name?
I can't cope. The sentences are...
At least he preserved the all-important sandy crew cut details from Hawke.
The volcanoes are unrelated to the nukes
So why though
Is Jal...Jalisco?
His bio says he was born in Tulsa and died in ABQ so he’s American southwestern, which is very Latino
Shitting on his own characters perception of his voice is inspired.
open the paragraph with the voice commentary
Nobody expected this kind of ride. After the bio wars, we thought prose couldn't get any worse.
don't close with it
Ferroday, just assume I'm using :point_up_2: on everything you write.
Good point, I read it in a voice crisp with the tones of command, then felt robbed.
The parade of characters continues
She had probably not been unattractive at one point
another stroke victim of a sentence
He was a small, sleek blinking blonde man in a beige suit. He bagged a bagel.
Holy shit, I don't need that much Brand life.
This entire council dialogue comes from a 1950s film.
Let's not stop now
I think Masters wrote Fallout before there was Fallout.
I want to kill the author.
I wonder if this was originally written in spanish and clumsily translated
Fat, fat, fat
it kinda reads like it
Don't stop there, man, tell me about his socks and whether he cuts sandwiches crosswise or diagonal.
how the fuck do we know he's a wimp?
Milan just told us, that’s how
The author's weight thing needs investigation
like, all these useless descriptors that do nothing
This is in Donelson's view, because Masters is preserving the obsession with strength.
Right, they add nothing and they come from nowhere
Film commission? Fuckin what
I'm gonna say it early: hats off to the absolute BONKERS ideas coming through here. Bigger imagination, but less action and way worse diction.
it's like if Axe Cop were written by a high schooler
The sentence structure is just really bad
Why is he telling us this?
Run-ons, double negatives
comma splicing all over the fucking place
is the author so hypermasculine that he can't even stand the sight of a period?
Oh, good. Five major factions
Donelson should just deal with the Crips, obviously.
What the fuck. He really need to justify this. How did the Jr. Crips seize all government buildings.
Three words
Starts laughing like a maniac, sure
You can't just have Volcano:Crips seize government infrastructure
I guarantee somehow Borodini is controlling the crips
Guys Borodini fucked his son. Remember that. Remember when an author though that would make sense. Wow.
We all read that, together.
Listen, it's not child molestation if you do it because the boy reminds you of his mother.
I mean that's in the Bible.
Mr. Skin!
I am going to quote you. Out of context.
Señor Piel
Watch my comedic stock rise when I'm finally edgy.
The leader of the Crips is my new hero.
I am sorry to inform you that your Crip is actually a produce mascot.
I wish someone would draw this dude
He reminds me of tribore.
He did too much work to paint Aragon as a soyboy.
Sabrina didn't make it
If he was going to kill her her could have...I mean what was all that?
This crip leader is nosferatu, right?
There is too much happening
And a volcano eruption
Wait the Crips run the university too
Haha what the shit is this book
Dead hooker skinned and raped in the warehouse district and we're doing semantics
And pay for it I guess?
this book is written with the subtlety and grace of a school shooting
This is. I don't know
Through a break between panels of the cloth hung like a curtain on the front of the table the Council sat behind
It says something for JD that we could follow along 100% when give about 20% of the text
I wrote a whole comic based on people using run-on sentences and i stand before you an admitted rank amateur.
I miss Steele's terseness.
Mr Skin is my hero.
I'd be more impressed if I thought it was being done on purpose
Yeah Steele barking out 6 word sentences would make this a lot better
Mr. Skin is plainly our new Ice.
Prayers up for Ice
Ice died and all the quality went with him, apparently
I was looking for a new user name
Hmm. Maybe Mr Skin, the Dandy.
Motherfucker. These people rejected the federal government a couple of pages ago. What country are you talking about
"Certainly, the rights junkies have much to answer for" you wanna retry that sentence, hermano?
At least that part of Masters is still around, the part that forgets this is the apocalypse
I miss anything good?
Brand is the communist.
I mean...GOOD?
Yeah, fuckin rights junkies!
There is a tumbleweed slave farm like a chapter ago. The Crips run city hall. Who has rights in this?
reading this book is like having a stroke in slow motion
Interesting: the Crips run ABQ and are led by Nosferatu
I was too busy at work and just got home
Which is Spanish for Our Iron, to You
This is so bad.
I'm getting whiplash
Any surprise out if nowhere incest or rape?
Also a gigantic plastic Jesus lights up different colors at night when people bicycle to generate power. And a robot student has never seen a robot.
it's kind of impressive that this makes Masters live up to his name by comparison
Worse, his grammar. I am not kidding.
Well 50/50 shot either the books where going to get better or worse
There somehow seem to be more people in Albequerque than there were in New York
Well there are no chuds here so...
The story of how Mr Skin took over the Alberquerque Crips is the real story.
I'm starting to tune out proper nouns
Is Steele even in this book?
I'm so confused by that paragraph
Steele vs. Satan LET'S GET IT ON
is someone speaking?
There have been one or two books in this series where Steele is basically just a background character
So who is our hero?
Ha, this idiot thinks these books are about Steele
In all seriousness steele gets surprisingly little page time in this novel series where he is the title character and ostensible protagonist
Like the one with the guy who was forced to eat pussy didn’t intro Steele until like page 120
Oh shit I forgot about that.
How was he forced?
He had to eat pussy for his survival
That's like kiss me someone is coming of the Steele universe.
Mega-city 4 sucks.
This word soup
He wasn't forced, he was tipping his benefactrix.
He was being hidden by a dancer and while they hid she was like "go down on me" I'd say it wasn't really forced. It was real fucking weird though
Obviously male footsteps
It was like major terry or whatever and he was stuffed under the stripper desk to hide and while he was hiding she like grabbed his head and make him get to work
“Strongly suggested he pay her back” or something along those lines
It's not required but it is expected when a stripper saves your life.
Only men can wear cowboy boots
I mean I don’t hate the move, feels like a fair trade
I love how this story is making fun of the character like 2 seconds after introing him
Sargeant Dirk Dagger was coming up and I feel commited to Mr Skin now.
I've had two different strippers make out with me and I don't know why. Did...wait, was my life in danger?
Like if he sucks that bad just write him out
I just thought they were trying to get a bigger tip.
Oh, is that how you do it
They were, just not the tip you were thinking of
Women wear tire treads and rope sandals.
Just say Jilly desperately wanted to make jack off gestures. What is this.
Lol I need to know, how do you make the Jack off gestures!?
Technically it's jilling-on when a lady, especially Jilly, does it.
You can just say- nope, @not actually a Dr Mithritic beat me to it
Can you tell this guy is obsessed with the Japanese
I don't know that any parents are obsessed with their kids following in "government human resource engineering"
They did actually, all cultures do. It's called "savage unrestrained violence"
He uses so many words to describe what's happening here instead of just quitting writing and learning a trade
What's a human resource engineer for the government. Cos it sounds like Cybernetics
"just hit the fuckers with it"
Nobody dreams of their daughter becoming HR.
HR people hate HR more than anyone.
He found a gun but didn't know Gun Kata, so he put it back.
Also how is cyberneticist a job in a world where only 25% of the population and 15% of the land survived.
why does this dude have like seven names
Bad writing
You just get placed there eventually and one day start posting things like this in your cube
Then your HR transformation is complete
Or yours. FIRST.
It's 2170 do people just drop 200-yo TV references?
How is lost in space still a relevant reference?
Lost in Space as the first reference drop, who had that on their bingo card
I imagine the author is inserting his thoughts
Was this written by a chimp?
Maybe Lost in Space is one of the few tapes that survived for public entertainment
Is he trying to be ironic here?
I honestly can’t tell anymore
Then the future really isn't worth living in
Moisten them liiiips
I'll give it this: no female characters have been introduced by which body part you'd masturbate to.
Wait is steele just dead and these assholes need to revive him?
Which is good considering there are only three female characters and one of them is in separate parts.
Oh God, what if it's 2270 now and Steele's been mummified for a century? It's the Donnie Matrix show now.
What is happening
Stockholmin' is my least favorite porn genre
I feel like gellaho is saying "what is happening" more than usual for a Steele book
Did he kill off Steele as a fuck you to Masters and is now reviving him to reboot the character?
I'm have no idea if this is optimistic or foreboding.
Our tour guide is lost, what hope have we?
I don't want to live in this version of the world I don't want to live in.
I demand you stop
Is he adding a title with each appearance?
Is this the honoriffic singularity?
I mean, the author is overestimating the point at which a mind has had enough of a given sentence. Ugh I do it.
what the fuck
"when my christ statue is activated it's like the feeling of cuming for me"
Literally everyone likes to cum, brother
Ha. Genius in the middle of this rabble.
This isn't necessary
"I'm cumming at home, I'm cumming at the church, I'm coming all the time it's great"
I uhh. Think he’s saying it in the “bundles of sticks” way
Does he mean kindling.
Wait, christianity hasn't been around since time immemorial
I would like to use this opportunity to promote the Savage copy rules regarding come/cum:
This is a lot of work to say fat again
this dude fat-shames like he's in the KKK of weight watchers
Why are we redescribing the characters we already met?
So you know they are fat.
Ew again
Did they get fatter?
Padding I suspect
Though pear shaped isn't that big of a deal
How much are the crips charging them for food?
Well padded but nicely shaped.
warm and runny.
I feel like the new guy wanted to write about the character steele as much hawke did
When does Plastic jesus fight Godzilla?
Why do the authors hired for this steadfastly refuse to write about the cyborg super badass who is our main character?
We could be in pirate Florida right now. Steele could be blasting pirates with lasers
He has The Taint
I don't understand. what's the jack-off gesture, is that like when your thumb and finger make a circle...?
All these post apocalyptic rural folk, wandering around wanking off the air.
Oh that's the perfect reaction well done.
Rosebud boobs aren't technically a sign of British writing, but it FEELS like they are.
God this early script for mandy was off the rails
how far in are we? how long is this book?
How is anything like unto something.
Chapter 4 out of hopefully 6
But more likely 10 to 20
More ew
It's Ew but it's story Ew at least.
I mean the whole thing with church dudes banging kids definitely scans
The other books ditched Steele but replaced him with other dudes that were basically Steele
Or in Ice's case better
We gotta make sure these villainous hillbillies also sexual objectify the science hottie.
Much like the writer of the previous books
Yes, that is a normal chain of thoughts.
Hoo boy
She failed to analyze a robot in a week, and about that caboose.
Oh yeah I forget. That way we can slaughter them in the narrative
The hero is permitted to be as brutally violent as possible when the villains have no humanity or redeeming qualities
These people deserve this Psychopomp
I prescribe one Holy Trinity, which is what I call a three some