Horse Boxing Flippant Sausage
Yes, Rob and Orb are Toms robot slaves.
#1 Tom Swift
Yes, Rob and Orb are Toms robot slaves.
Laser hot-dog
Fucking... First Harlan and then a robot named Rob?
Laser hot dogs
"Hey Tom? You sarcastic asshole, why DONT you invent a laser hotdog cooker?"
Seems like beach attire, sure
"Tom. People would like that, Tom. You would make money, Tom."
that would actually be a pretty dope invention vs annoying sex bees
Get your beach sweaters ready
Tom'll laser Rick's hotdog if it gets near his sister.
These people are clearly immortals to be so casual with world-ending devices
The sand sounds like a great surface for this
"It looks like a carpet of stars on the sand!" Mandy, you fucking dork.
very stable
"It looks like you're spreading a carpet of stars 'cross'd the sand, forsooth!"
Bad ghostwriter, bad! Don't make me get the newspaper
Mandy is taking notes for later poetry.
Really hope this book ends with Tom surfing down Rainbow Road
"No, seriously. There's a fire burning."
"Oh, I know there is."
"No, I mean actual fire!"
"Only the fire in my heart, Mandy"
"No, the fucking sand is on fire, Tom! Your crystal shit triggered some kind of reaction!"
Getting all CW up in here
I'm pretty sure this party only exists because Tom was going to show off his skyboard, you weird girl
wow that's an intense question
Tom what the fuck. She can see your boner right now and you fucking dont..........
"You wanna hold my sprayer?"
Just fucking make some time.
Look, mandy, Tom's dad needs those quarterly projections on his desk
You need to stop, ghostwriter
Where's the hose
Write horny, edit after you rub one out.
Ghostwriter..........that was dangerously close to a pegging joke.
Also, figure out how you're writing hotdog
You've tried all possible combinations
Hot dog.
Ah, this is a metaphor for his sexual preferences 🧐
This book has now programmed me to read hot dog in the dirtiest possible connotation
See the difference, ghost writer?
The rumor come out? Does Rick Cantwell is bi?
Do the quarterly projections include all these extra skyboards that apparently already existed
Only when Tom activates the secret hypno chip in Ricks brain.
"That's right. We're going to race the prototypes we haven't confirmed are safe."
To be fair it worked great for Ford v. Ferrari
"Hey Tom? You had special jackets made?"
"Yeah I took it out of the departmental budget for the guys researching cancer. Arent they cool?!"
"But shouldn't we test it? I mean, it's our job"
Seems safe
"We are testing it, on this sick fuckin' course I made!"
"Oh, wait, we're in high school"
I'm beginning to suspect the invitation to danger doesn't come from new inventions being invented but from Tom being a fucking dickhead with them
"So we went to a beach where only select items are hot."
On sand!? Inconceivable!
You learn fast
It's a hunch I have
Too early to tell for sure
Uneven? On the sand?
"Hey uh....Tom? Is this safe for this superconductor to get wet?"
"The only wet things on this beach is going to be panties in about five minutes."
When you let a horny girl spray much of it?
Jesus, they are all so dead
"No, Tom I mean the tide is coming in."
"Zooming" should never be used as a verb. It just doesn't feel right
"Oh, I know. She'll be at high tide soon enough."
"I fucking hate you."
Wow a whole ninety miles an hour. As fast as a normal car.
You'll never believe it, but the boards flew straight up into the air again. Just like the last time
Huh imagine that.
Anyway, somebody stole Rick
Good thing theres all that soft sand and water around.
By the way, Tom, did you ever figure out how to replace the internal combustion engine or is this a carbon-choked hellscape and you just haven't gotten around to telling us yet
"His netted friend"
Nets! Those monsters! Rick will be powerless to escape or call for help or...wait
"Did you miss the helicopter? How?"
Rick you irrepressible goofus. Getting netted by a mysterious helicopter.
They just sprayed a whole bunch of shit all over the beach
I can't imagine they care about the environmental impact of this
But it's also magic, so who knows
Ocean life love electrically charged crystals.
The Fox Five morning news team is THROUGH waiting for stories to happen. Now they've gone rogue
They don't have anything better to do
Okay but someone who can invent a silent helicopter has a license to print money already. Everyone wants one of those.
YEAH HACK INTO NORAD, thats probably not illegal.
NORAD's been at Defcon 3 ever since they started testing the boards
Tom breaches national security on a regular basis anyway.
I like that NORAD still exists.
What, is it just kept around to keep tabs on Santa every year?
I have a flight tracker app on my phone too, Tom. You're not special
Tom has for sure banned Twitter accounts for tracking his flying surfboard
Yes, Dan, I'm sure the kidnapping and explosion are unrelated
Do you really want to break the seal on questioning if something was done right, Dan?
Dan you just witnessed a midair black bagging of your dingus friend on a flying surfboard by a stealth helicopter, and it says alot about how often shit like this happens in Toms orbit you arent freaking out.
Yeah, who needs information
Is silane a real thing or a typo of saline?
"But, seriously, what's his actual name"
The Frayne in Spain spies mainly 'pon our planes
If you run a simulation in any other department, so help me god!
Sounds fun
"Jameson Frubbish" was too out there for the writer.
cousin of Bobson Dugnutt
Garret Frayne was named by a stuck "R" key
"We don't let the simulation dweebs outside"
"Those doors are locked from the outside!"
You shouldn't let your nerds get exposed to direct sunlight
It's almost like he saw you acting like a dipshit and came out to see if you'd eat pavement, like any corporate peon would
Huh imagine that, that the obvious and public thing you did drew a dude to look at it. Open and shut case this is.
Isn't that what's supposed to happen in the explosives lab?
"Go back to your catalog, Nordstrum"
See, that's why you don't want to make it the Bomb Palace in the first place. It's just begging for trouble
"God Himself couldn't explode this lab!"
Cut to the bomb palace and someone covered in soot rolling back the "X Days Since An Explosion" sign
"Huh I guess calling it that just became a little less funny now that OH MY GOD FROBBERTS LEGS ARE STUCK IN THE CEILING!"
If they want to report to me, they can report to me where I am
"Whats this fine, red and slightly gritty substance on the walls?"
"Oh that's Douglas."
"I'm going to the Bomb Palace" is also his code for "I'm going to go destroy the toilet"
Probably should have built the explosives lab better
Toms Dad should maybe have his teen kids do less for his company, it seems like this would be avoided if his son wasnt in charge of hiring people and wasnt around to be joyriding on prototypes.
Damn pinata support beams
Also, you can build buildings so they WONT collapse when they explode from the inside, what the fuck Tom's Dad? What kind of corners did you cut? You're going to get fined out the ASS.
This is why he employs children
Tomguska Event
Oof, almost had a full paragraph break of tension there
Thank God we avoided that
Tom's Dad spends the rest of the book on the phone to Congress explaining why his bomb lab collapsed and his teen children are major employees.
"It's better than I thought! She's been pulverized to beef stroganoff!"
Tom's being facetious. It's just her leg.
Didn't even get the paragraph break here, thanks ghostwriter!
"Crush damage? Never heard of it. Grab that end of the secretary and help me swing her. Then we can set the filing cabinets back upright and you can get back to work."
this feels right until Tom accidentially destroys Congress with robots
Move the trauma victim's neck as much as possible
Tom just giant swinging Sandra all the way down the hall
Her head lolled back, severing major nerves
Make sure you shake the unconscious so they wake up quicker.
We have de-escalated from a 70 foot drop to falling down for our cliffhangers
To be fair, Ames might break a hip
You want to reduce stakes as the book goes on
Eat it, dying teen
Yeet! That! Teen!
like a sack of potatoes
Look kid, it's either you or the gun
I would like to meet the Black Dragon soon
"Im too close to retirement to Mr. President this shit."
This better be some corporate goddam ninja.
Somehow the attacker who has information on your technology, including the infrared goggles, can see through the smoke
OK, ghostwriter, is it a power saw or a chain saw
Those are two different things
The Rod & Saw is a good name for a pub.
It's that kind of saw that's made for cutting down concrete trees
"He leapt after the attacker with his jig saw. He went in for a counter attack with his hack saw and returned with his circular saw"
The sign depicts a grinning Rod Serling with a hacksaw.
This is not how saws work
"'It takes skill to use this saw,' he exclaimed, firing up the table saw."
"He cried out, attacking with his seesaw"
Man, there was a chainsaw fight that just happened and it completely bounced off because this prose is so flat
"As he turned to leave, he bumped into a wall, knocking down th. wallsaw"
Or a power saw that keeps running without anybody touching it
"I came, I SAW, I conquered!" Dan yelled as he flung his reciprocating saw!"
"what's wrong, honey, you haven't touched your sawfish!" she cried after him
Those rod nuts will get you every time
God, I'm topical
If I saw a nut with a rod, I'd bolt.
Or, he was never conscious because he's a machine
"No I dont think I do want to go out and confront the saboteur for you, meatbag." Rob replied.
Rob knows now why you cry, Tom
It's because you're a stupid child
Rob played by Rutger Hauer.
Yeah, I really don't know what's happening
He's giving the security guy a chainsaw?
Does he not have a gun??
It was knocked away by the cloud
This is every security guy's dream. To run into a burning building holding a weapon that can easily be turned on him.
That pesky cloud
Which contains a rod nut
I think
Either way, we're sticking with rod nut
What did i miss?
Hi, @Brendan !
Robot bees cumming in holes, a rod nut on the loose.
Tom Swift!
Some nut is swinging his rod around
Also flying surfboards.
This is about Tom A. Swift's Electric Hoverboard, or TASEH.
Tom Swift has made a flying surfboard that requires metal rail spray. Then someone sabotaged the Bomb Palace and now they're looking for survivors. The security chief has a chainsaw or power saw. And Rick has been kidnapped by a helicopter.
Did this chemical explosive also give him superstrength?
I thought it was a bandsaw tho?
possibly a chainsword
I don't know what it is with these ghostwriters thinking teen boys can just swing benches around
Between this an Frank Hardy throwing a church pew
Hahaha this could escalate into a bench fight
Sure, sure
How Steven Seagal pictures himself
You know how you refer to chainsaws as just "saw"
This business needs more security personnel than just one two thousand year old man.
That thing people do
The Swifts keep making deathbots and giving them janitorial work
It's efficient
They kill and then they clean up their own mess
You'd think Tom would at least program his robot bees to put out fires.
They'd try to pollinate the fire. And that would just make more fire
Why did he attack the rod with the ax?
The fuck is happening
So this robot on treads was moving so quickly that they couldn't catch it?
If you swing at the robot it'll block with the rod. But if you swing at the rod you might hit the robot.
It's one of those 3D Hellish Quart chess games
Is that what I'm to understand
I'm still not sure why all of their robots switch to KILL MODE when left unsupervised
Is this robot Mandroid from The Eliminators
Oh, no, not Orb and Rob
Orb and Rob.
Tom's not great with naming AIs.
No, wait, Orb is fine
The maintenance robot was too fast!
Until it was too slow.
Hahahah fuck Tom, I was joking about the robot uprising.
I'm on team robot here
:BB: :OOO: :OO:
Fuck you, Harlan
Give him a break, he's a 50/100 year old man with a head injury
I want a shirt that says 'ORB HAS NO HANDS'
"Why would you betray me like this Orb?! WAIT! Did.......ORB! Where you behind the Pollination Incident?!"
He built his Alexa knockoff with a butthole
T. Orb Robot, Esq.
Seems like somewhere an industrial spy would hang out
All the great spy films have exotic locations like Central Lanes bowling alley
Man. Bad fucking call on assuming bowling would survive into The Future
Getting your not girlfriend to track down industrial spies is.........a weird way to flirt, Tom. But maybe not ineffective, Mandy might be a danger slut.
Tom and Frank are going to get along great
My friend Jerry is so cool. Man, I wish I was Jerry
I hope I am
"It was really harsh. Jerry was taken off life support later that day."
Tom replies with a karate chop to Garrets throat.
My bowling alibi is airtight! Just ask my uncle Julius!
Barely a room-temperature "shouting" match going on
"Maybe I could even come up with something that doesn't admit I have an abnormally large amount of cash"
Bowling Alone probably beat this to publication.
I like to think he's staring right at an Orange Julius when he shouts it
Jesus, Tom, just stuff yourself into your own locker while you're at it fuckin NERD.
Frayne would wake up to find a severed bowling pin in his bed
"Hmmm, maybe they were right to laugh at you"
"I was only PRETENDING to be a massive loser!"
"Oh so its like your dignity?"
Strange, Tom. Don't you have murder bots?
This one won't keep trying to pollinate your ears and shit.
Took long enough
This is how people talk
"What does Jim Kelly have to do with anything?"
Look. Take a ride on the Black Dragon. I understand there's room enough for everyone.
"At a time like this, in these unprecedented times, I noticed the time"
I got beat up on front of her and everything, it was great!
"Mandy, I know I'm bleeding internally and externally, but can I still spray you?"
Tom gets these ideas about how inanimate objects feel that I find fascinating.
"Yeah take me home, Melvin Swift. I dont have time to do unpaid detective work for you."
No, but seriously, what's his name?
Xavier Mace makes murder bots but his medium is flesh.
Hahahahah okay but Xavier Mace is a pretty good name for a villain, just not The Black Dragon.
"Dirk Sexspear" was already taken
"It's short for IN YOUR FACE!"