Some are autumns, some are winters, you're a fennel.
#2 A Hardy Boys and Tom Swift Ultra Thriller
Some are autumns, some are winters, you're a fennel.
And if he's such a super genius, quadratic equations wouldn't be hard
He's in fucking high school
Tom invents time travel but women and their crrrraaazy sizes!
Literally just give her a hoodie, a scarf, and some sunglasses.
Go easy on him. He was meant to be a butcher.
Butchering that alien pussy.
There it is. The crassest punchline of my 2023. I regret NOTHING.
Like "medium" and "small"
And its only May.
Tom buys so many booty shorts
The crassest punchline so far
Tom, she's an alien, just get her something that fits and worry about fashion later.
She doesn't even need clothes.
Tom..........did you buy makeup for her legs? Maybe shorts arent a great idea.
I hope she just eats all the clothes
Tom looks through his sister's clothing
Tom doesnt know about breasts.
Brendan wants to see that bug vagina
Because even as a teen I knew women have different sizes of shirts because of boobs.
This alien is unique; she's so new there isn't even a Rule 34 of her yet.
Tom has always been doing this. Now he just had an excuse to do it publicly.
"insectussy" is the scientific term, I believe.
"They said you're a national security threat. Should I let them in?"
Oh no
What happens if Joe falls for the alien lady?
Update: two days later and nothing has happened
"Who? Oh the hamburger dipshits. Yeah let them in."
Car Bomb.
If it's an alien isn't it technically a xenussy
And then the Intergalactic Genocide begins
Only if it doesnt fit into a proper existing taxonomy, I think.
Writer had a stroke but kept right on typing.
I think history judges Gorpoblorcho unfairly.
Glasnost was a good idea on paper.
"Dan.........are you okay? Do you smell Toast?"
Classic squid move
How are the humans having less natural dialogue than the alien?
"Yeah so just go ahead and mess with my teen boss and his lab, that way he wont become a mega nerd."
Fuck yeah, new title @gellaho
"Because corpse ladies are hot, man"
Also Dan underestimates Tom. He would invent a machine to give him home vision corrective surgery before he wore glasses.
Whoa, what the fuck Dan, you don't have to throw out the ableist slurs like that
Dan jumps in the factory runoff and never resurfaces
Sounds like something a spazoid would say
"Dan you have been told so many times, that's not a swimming pool. It's a coolant reservoir, that water is highly radioactive."
I don't like how horny this ghostwriter is
Yeah you know what Joe? Tom thinks he's so smart, you should take him down a peg or two by dating and then letting his sister explode.
"Hi, Sandra. I don't think I'm still contagious."
Tom's sister looking to get carbombed
We had to be told all of this instead of shown because that's how talented storytellers operate
Specifically, Fantomah
Some guys have hair on their shoulders, Sandra
That's not a thing
Tom retaliates by turning Sandra's hair into snakes later.
Blond snakes.
"Gentlemen prefer blonds!" he will shriek as he leaps out the window into the night.
Tom's new machine negates all hair to make dating equitable.
It's Coastspeak!
Good to know that ghostwriters across the board can't figure out "blonde"
Just a bunch of shades, barbers, and loxies
Joe's a great detective
"AND FUCKING A BLONDE TERRORIST!" Joe shouts, forgetting he didnt speak his train of thought out loud."
It feels good to be back in the fun kind of stupid Hardy adventure
"All the kids must be hot," thought the ghostwriter. "Kids also love hoedowns, based on what I've read."
Tom Swift's secret spy date could be a real life Atomic Blonde, Joe burgered thoughtfully to himself.
The kind were we might find that Tom didnt find an alien or anything just some weird girl who likes Star Trek.
"A hoedown? You mean we can get even whiter?"
Only if we bring Miley Cyrus into it
"Fuck you Rick, you said it was a hootenanny!"
Somebody needed to turn the hose on this ghostwriter
"THE HELL I DID! Its a hoedown!"
A classic California activity
A horny teenager? What is this science fiction?
Also Tom starting to tell her shes going to be cold. In California.
Are they horny for Tom Swift? Yes it is
She actively kissed you Tom and you can sort out whats going on with her. Telling.
Really reads like they walked in on him jerking it
Tom......they were trying to rescue their dad.
Poor Mandy getting her personality overwritten by a writer, a gram of coke, and a nine-day deadline.
You're such an asshole, Tom.
In Tom's defense he's about to be the first person to make it with an alien mantis queen.
If they'd actually waltzed in together this whole story would be much better.
What, is Simon & Schuster worried Weekly World News is going to sue them for writing Batboy?
Tom doesnt even communicate well with human women, I dont see why hes so quick to think an alien will be any better.
I would have thought he'd be worried about the tabloids because that's how The Black Dragon communicated in the last book
Don't tease us with the possibility of a Ratboy adventure, author!
Boy that book was fucking weird
"Also the Ratboy thing was a one off." Tom thought. "Totally an accident."
"Eh, you weren't interested in my shooting stars earlier, madame"
I'm pretty sure several papers would still write "Boy Scientist Discovered Living With Girl Alien" if she wasn't an extraterrestrial, Tom. Some people are assholes and some are desperate for headlines.
Tom, does she have to spell it out?
You're so dope at communication Tom, clearly.
Jesus Christ
Mandy why did you even like him in the first place?
Thank god. I was worried she'd actually commit to Tom.
Women be communicating, amirite?
Like again, even as a dipshit teen, I knew that girls get mad when you blow them off for no good reason.
It's pretty universal
Yeah weirdly enough, not limited to girls, TOM.
☑️ Redhead
Rick is stuck in a loop
Mandy is going to fuck Frank so hard.
Just bang the shit out of him until he's woozy and concussed.
Then fight an infinite Callie army, like a good version of that Neo vs Smiths fight
Or that bit in Metabarons where Aghora fights a woman who replicates herself while Aghora is also giving birth.
God, Aghora was so awesome
Didn't expect to see the word "bimbo," but here we are
"I feel like I've been kicked in the balls. Now he's going to know how that feels."
He finally found someone else who speaks in base-60.
It is kind of funny that Mandy thinks Tom, who is such a dork he barely notices his girlfriend is DTF tonight, is cheating on her tho.
What are you, a Babylonian? I'll see myself out
Women: the gentle sex
Nobody gets teen girls like a middle-aged male writer.
A caravan of teens
Take it from me, author of 1930s hit series, Dinky Dax's Sloppy Jalopy: The Clue in the Razoo
The Hardy Boys do not understand those who don't live the Hardy Boys lifestyle
If I were Tom, I would simply go up to Mandy and kiss her to stop him from shaking
Of course Rick drives a Jaguar.
There's a genuinely fun comedy of errors in this, but the writer is too creepy to notice
Frank and Joe simply get bored and shoot everyone to death to solve the potential problem.
As it is right now Tom's caught up in a world of uphill climbing
The Hardy Boys somehow tail two cars on foot
I bet Tom uses a ton of gas in that van of his.
This whole thing is taking place in a roundabout
And Tom? When you put your supervillain lair on top of a mountain, you should have some kind of way up it that doesnt involve driving a van up.
You know how alarms sound unearthly?
Creeping along at like three miles an hour.
Oh shit they're going to Silent Hill.
It used to require a rickety cart pulled by a lone horse. But times change.
Tom keeping his bug-girl secret by threat of death
I always forget Frank is supposed to be the technical minded one.
It's refreshing that all of Tom's supervillain tendencies are going to sink him when he's being suspected of something he didn't do
Fortunately for Rick the laser cannons and hunter-killer drones are another mile up ahead.
Watch out! He's got a remote control!
"How do I communicate my vision? Lots of things have remotes. Better specify a VCR."
And this is why you always carry a gun, Frank and Joe. You could shoot Tom right now and it would be perfectly legal. He has you in a fucking booby trap, that's way beyond Castle Doctrine laws already.
A reference that will last forever
What Tom doesn't know is that that really is just the remote for the VCR and the Barbarian Brothers are already peeling out of the city with the universal remote prototype.
Some computers are for sure rigged to blow
Tom Swift: Master of Deception
Tom you stupid bastard.
"Awwww jeez guys, why can't you just leave me alone T_T"
Just vaporize them, you can have clones ready before Saturday.
If this was a comic or movie, Tom would have just winked at the camera
I wonder why that Tom Swift series didn't last very long
Mandy's not going to let this one go
Very dirty
Tom "Makes his Girlfriend Cry" Swift. Boy Hitlerrrrrr.
The Hardy Boys do not understand LA posturing.
So you're saying she's a face through the window
Weird that we had to take the time out to shit on whoever tuned the engine on this jag
Crying in the night
They are noble Connecticut natives. They understand only hard work and bad driving.
And Boigin.
So much boigin.
That's what most people remember about Hitler
F- joke
I'm going to jam this Manilow bit in whether it works or not but tbh it's working pretty damn well
"My humor is timeless" thought the author
"An idiot? Perfect!"
I like how quickly the Hardy boys have decided they dont like Tom again.
Name two differences.
Hardy Boys Do It From Behind.
A very cool joke
Don't give the writer ideas
Hardy Boys Do It In The Dead Of Night
Very cool joke, Frank.
"REAL funny, LOUD MOUTH," retorted Joe. "Tell it to the Marines!"
Who am I to poke fun? My jokes haven't even lasted ten years.
Because of the WOKE MOB. It's all your faults!
"That little shorts and T-shirt outfit"
Shouldn't have been standing on the edge of time
It's getting so you can't even make fun of the disadvantaged and disabled and otherwise less fortunate than you these days.
Because Corey Hart whips ass, Frank. This is known.
Guys who tell cool jokes should know the answer to that already
Reliable Joe to notice the alien girl looks cute in her shorts.
I am also confused as to why she's wearing sunglasses when they're alone, but more concerned about the old-time horniness
My one mistake was being born too late for the easy discoveries, like boron and sarcasm.
That was a sarcastic joke, borons.
Dames these days with their little t-shirt petticoats
You know that tall, golden blonde in too-small, too-scant clothing with a cosmic-scale brain in her head is kinda cute.
Alien girl melts the Hardy Boys with a gamma emitter?
Yes do it
gasp the final element, this is my crush now.
throw hiiiiiim
Strong AND breaks Joe's skull.
And in that moment Joe knew true love.
I'm ready for her to lay her eggs in me.
Frank responds with karate to the head
Fuck yeah, M'na is rad.
Which is something I've only previously said about Shirley Manson.
It's two pulp adventurers vs. the actual bridge between Weird Science and DCU.
Joe loses all his bones, but immediately stands up. For he is immortal
Two burgerish dipshits vs the star born strength of a space goddess.
Fuck yes. It's Hulk vs Thor time
This is Iron Frank and Captain Joemerica vs. Adam'na Warlock.
The battle we HAD to show--because YOU demanded it, true believOH MY GOD HE DIED
It's telling that Frank and Joe immediately noticed the bug eyes and it took Mina projecting her vision into Tom's head for him to notice
"OH JESUS FUCK NO!" He finished as she lunged for him, ovipositor at the ready, quivering for his moist orifices.
She must've really hit him. Normally Joe doesn't stop attacking until a chapter break.
Do I want to know why Tom was putting makeup all over her while they were alone and protected by deadly security
Also she has a really well made robot, it didnt explode from being too near a Hardy.
He was gonna take her to prom
Book's not over yet
"Somehow nobody noticed the giant spaceship exploding in our solar system"
I don't know why they're going to prom when they've already mated in their mutual cultures' courting battle.
In space no one can hear you kerblooie
So this book came out in the X-Files era, I take it. you think maybe regardless of how much you wanna fuck the alien girl, maybe hiding her in your treehouse is not the best response?
Frank can't believe Tom hasn't figured this out already
"Tom, we mostly handle international espionage and murders committed by disgruntled movie stars. Space aliens are a bit outside our wheelhouse."
Because worst thing that happens to her is the feds dissect her before she impregnates Joe Biden.
1993, so was written before it
Frank just became my favorite character ever.
Like everything in The Book Cage
Someday you guys will learn that all ideas originate from garbage
Watch Frank just strike up a conversation likes shes fucking R2D2.
I guess we were just at a collective "The government lies to us" stage.
Joe translates because he speaks aikido star-toss.
A time which never came again!
Psychotronics don't work on gleep glops
The Twiktill?
He has absolutely no idea he just said "Hey dipshit, keep your hands where I can see them." in her language.
As tall as one very tall man was tall
I don't even know what the joke is now that there's a standing militia of the elderly and stupid who are like "Government is evil" which, yes, but then also "It doesn't hurt enough people, I'm going to burn this country down because I love it."
You could make up any alien name and you chose "Tinkerbell, no wait"?
Like how do you frame that in the crossover Venn of these lunkheads with Tom Swift?
It's like the world's worst Fringe episode.
Don't look at me man, I only work here
Shush Joe, let the turbo nerds converse.
Frank, I have a one panel humorous comic for this technological era that I think you may enjoy
In the meantime, that alien girl is cute, go talk to her, Joe.
Frank's blood feud with Linus Torvalds would claim four generations and the water supply of half of Europe
She kicked your ass, maybe she could survive a car bomb or two.
Dos or C, amirite
You are so wise
Frank solves all the problems with a laser-iron while Joe attempts to talk to an alien
It's happening! The Prelude to the End War!
Dare we hope he has to karate fight her father?
This will become my favorite book if he does.
"It also keeps broadcasting a plea for death. Is that normal?"
She understands perfectly, she just is trying not to say bless your heart.
"Shut the fuck up nerd, I have a nerd brother, remember? I know what neurons are."
I promise you are not ready for what comes next
That was Frank's last thought as the golden wires laced his cortex.
Orb is becoming a man that's all.
I'm looking at it and I can't believe it
Guys, I know I invoke this a lot
No I don't think it is
oh god no
But from a plot element standpoint, this is the second closest we've ever stood to Rex Moran showing up.
When a hyper intelligent robot and an organic computer love each other very much, or just think they're hot and up for it, this is what happens.
i refuse
you hold onto that beautiful dream
We have three options.
And only one of them is Stallone.