Pictured: Vicious John Smith predators.
#1 Kent Montana
Pictured: Vicious John Smith predators.
They are about to rip the arm holding that phone right off.
Citrus superiority
Also John isnt homeless, he has a little cottage in Gander Pond, hes just living that freegan lifestyle.
Lionel Fenn "write a likable character" challenge, difficulty: impossible
Hey, guess what?
All of this because he has the default white guy name
This guy is described like a cartoon hobo
Where's his bindle?
Officer Cartoon at your service
Finally, someone with dignity
I think John just has a real problem with animals and should go back to Long Island.
He can be angry at seagulls and pigeons and shit.
The pigeons will take his kidneys
He doesnt need them, his blood supply is 70 percent piss anyway.
Comedy is hard
"Oh im not arresting you. Im going to set the car on fire and tell everyone you did it."
Abbott and Costello as written by a used napkin
Onto the next player, Italiana Pizzapie
Lionel Fenn "write dialog people would actually say" challenge, difficulty: impossible
What's this guy got against Italians?
Credit where due, few people would call a woman's mustache "seductive"
It's because Sophie Pizza runs the local spaghet' joint and the money is good.
Ah yes that famously Italian last name Chong
It's an Italian thing.
Enjoy your sweet and sour fettuccine
Okay but this does sound like a sweet restaurant.
I hope it's a mural of Bruce Lee fighting Genghis Khan
Too cool for this book
That nephew should be painting vans.
Rad decor, and you can get honey walnut chicken and pizza in the same place.
Magical woks, amorous gonads
We smell like garlic.
Now ask me about my Scottish heritage OCH AYE
hahaha, the amorous Italian. What fun stereotypes are!
Im on Arthurs side here, hot Italian wife, happy life.
...munificent like money?
What he's getting at is, Arthur nuts in the food
So random, amirite
Well I'll be. Munificent is an appropriate adjective.
He's Chinese, excuse you. And dressed like a priest for no reason
Some kind of pirate-priest?
Arthur rules, he's like three different characters in a Hong Kong movie.
Artie Chong: Philandering Chef
Are we sure the monster in this book isn't from our universe?
He has a pump action shotgun and two SMGs under the cash register.
"To keep the flies down"
It's nice that they're keeping the fires lit.
A man can't stir fry with full balls, Sophie.
I hope they do this in full view of the customers. At full volume.
You'll burn them in the oil. gomez addams
Just utter madness
Ewww Sordette. Thats how you get a yeast infection.
"I guess he really fucks anything that moves. Damn my Moorish blood!"
Who hasnt fed a polticians wife with their toes?
"Fuck you for giving me a house, dad!"
He hurts me with his wandering kink, but alas, I am a stereotype.
Sordette Biletto is an even more Bobson Dugnutt name than the last one.
You're not going to get a decent return on the house if you salt the ground
Look, we're clearly playing by the rules of this book's universe. I've written like this, I'm unable to judge and condemn.
✅ Redhead
✅ Redhead
✅ Redhead
Yeah but how are the mayor's wife's feet
Like, would you eat water chestnuts out of them?
Janis panics every time tax brackets are mentioned
Oh good, now some cartoon rich people to go with the cartoon cop and cartoon hobo
James + Eunice = Janis
Infidelity is hilarious, especially with no second thing
Look, the '80s weren't a period of subtle art.
This was 1990
Somewhere within the purple flash Dolemite is screaming "WHERE'S CAVALETTI KEEPIN' MY GIRLS"
They thought of calling herJeunice but realized she wouldn't be allowed into any country clubs.
I'm sure this next player will have a nice, normal name
All that means is the rain jackets were day-glo yellow nylon sliding into teal.
1990 is just 1989 2: Electric Boogaloo
Oh good. A prostitute. I'm sure the book will give her some self-respect
No, not prostitute
If you wanted to name her Cassiopeia, you could have at least let her go by Cassie to keep it simple. The fuck is a Casopia?
Even better!
Isn't it that thing in the middle of most car consoles from the 90s?
Gumpers: Fuck Monster
No I think it's one of those little electronic keyboards.
Oh shes a hillbilly with class but her parents dont have the citified ways to spell proper.
She's just too good at fuckin!
You're thinking of 1984. 1990 gave us Breakin' 3: Electric Reconstruction.
Today's book is a real callback to today's article.
And also one of her husbands disappeared, which is a joke?
Question mark?
I guess unsolved disappearances are funny
Probly died of fuck exhaustion
She was so good at fucking he died
in the woods or maybe the ocean.
I like the implication that she's some kind of Fuck Hulk that gets smarter the more sexually serviced she gets.
its real common.
Like in Species.
Fucked the brains right into her head.
Lionel Fenn hasn't just never spoken with another human being, I'm not convinced he's ever even observed another human being
So we need to look out for the Alfred Molina character
He has, from the back of a bus or from a nearby shrub
Let him die happy.
Sooooo shes.......upset because....... Nobody is using her holes right now?
An honest-to-God "I need a vacation"
Men really had no conception of womens' thoughts until like, five years ago, huh
Does she usually conduct her transactions in complete silence?
To be fair, he also doesn't understand men
I'm starting to think Lionel is just rerolling characters until he finds one worth following
You know how nuns wear plaid
the Traveler gambit
If his name wasn't on the cover Kent would definitely be the character that fucking died in the middle of character creation
Give the sister a chance, Cassie. Nuns love to fuck.
Kneel before Vorth
Kent's real name cannot possibly raise an eyebrow in this world.
Ah, the unsalted peanut seduction. A classic technique
No, only wacky names like John Smith
A wise man once sang "only the good die young"
Prostitutes don't kiss because it's too intimate and also their breath smells like stale peanuts.
But the scent of a Bloody Mary is so arousing! Tomato juice? Sexy
Thats how a nun tells you she is DTF
That means she wants any spare change you have
this is the most awkward lesbian pick-up line
"set you back onto the path of awakening" is a euphemism
she'll suck them up her holes and shoot them back out in any denomination you desire!
TBH a Bloody Mary in the evening sounds like guaranteed reflux so same joke but more.
Just madness
The old Seattle.Heartburn, tomato juice and cum reflux
Sister Lillian appears to be batshit insane
Might as well add some more weirdo religious characters. Don't have enough yet
jesus christ we're still introducing characters
I don't blame the nun for laughing tbh. If it looked like the fucking rapture was happening outside and I had to deal with the passive aggro draw of being Catholic for my whole life I'd be a little smug, too.
Lionel, at some point, you need to have a narrative for the characters to do things in
And they're done
oh my god this is going to be a two part Caging isn't it.
if we're lucky.
Hey, Ben
oh my god a real fucking name that isn't some weird joke about how boring it is
Too Many Cooks didn't have this many characters!
Its just a little porny, but not too much.
This book doesn't need two mediterranean beauties OR two religious wingnuts.
The only way it differentiates them is by their moustaches.
This is Cocktails, but dumber
Waaaaaaay dumber
if the rest of this novel was just introducing characters while the actual narrative was background noise I would almost have some respect for this author
Well, at least he's likable
Not by the end, no.
Do people not keep their savings in banks in this universe?
Oh thank god Benny is just a burglar.
if we get done with introducing characters and the next chapter is titled "Cocktails" this will have been the greatest set-up to punchline in hotdog history
This is a very long paragraph. Especially when it doesn't explain her wealth at all
Tho maybe not a good one if hes doing b&es in backwoods new Jersey
He's putting a lot of faith in someone not spending money meaning they have money to spend
I hope you are in the mood for wacky hijinks
Yeah i think ol Mary Lou might just be poor.
and that they'd keep said money in their house as oppposed to say, a bank
Okay, Mary Lou fucking rules
why the fuck is this book not about Mary Lou
"Krutch is my husband's name, my maiden name is Rambo"
Its 1990 and women werent allowed to be main characters and rad without special permits.
it's kind of impressive, in its own way, that Mary Lou has had less than a paragraph of introduction and yet has stolen all our hearts
The classic, "Are you a stud" interrogation
uh oh
goddamn you Fenn don't you ruin this character for me
we had one
My guy its that time. You have to fuck like your life depends on it.
its easier than youd think with a live grenade in your ass.
Continuing that bit
the ticking clock element makes it more erotic
"Do you think she'd step on me?" - Lionel Fenn
oh lord, and she's a misanthrope too. it's like she was made for this discord.
just if you hear the ping before you nut you need to run.
yeah, save Mary Lou by running the grenade away
it's the 90s so I'm picturing Sigourney Weaver
its the gentlemanly thing to do.
Lucy Lawless is also a fine.choice even if its a bit early for Xena.
Linda Hamilton works too
Lionel Fenn decides to give up on that and take a ninety degree turn
Benny the Gigolo and Casopia are going to fall in love and elopia
Aaaaaand MaryLou lost me
Mark this, the last time a Republican accused a billionaire of hoarding wealth to the detriment of society.
with the idea of "communist cat burglar", Fenn invents the ideal career path of most millennials and zoomers well ahead of his time
Aw hell yeah Mary Lou is a comrade if not all that bright.
Oh, wait, Lionel Fenn decides to give up and go back
hahaha fuck yeah Mary Lou, style on this punk bitch
Nevermind, she won me back
Shut up and die right
Beating his ass to the tune of Solidarity Forever.
Quit playing with my heart, book
And now, you have met The players
Sure, IT might as well talk like a stereotype
holy shit. The Mexican Revolution was run by aliens this whole time!!!
jesus even with context this barely makes any sense
Anyway, Chapter 2
that's not problematic and racist at all!!
Cool. iT kearned English from watching John Wayne movies.
what self-respecting scot would belly-ache this much
Chita works in some hardcore bars
Hot take, Scotland is overrated, its just Bumpy England.
The unmistakable black fur of an unmasked raccoon
you missed our fucking Game of Thrones-sized cast being introduced
Great dialogue transcends the bonds of time
Have a list
oh no, his stuff!
all I got out of this is that this dude has the tackiest fucking apartment even by 90s standards
Who hasn't wanted a double-elephant jade lamp?
What is a double elephant lamp? Does it have 4 tusks?
Is it made from 4 tusks?
Double barrelled dick.
I think it's two full-sized elephants, encased in jade, with a dimmer switch
Well at least they stopped talking about purple, and where it is and its potential purplosity.
Damn, all of his expensive electronic equipment that's about to be replaced by flat, compact, and portable versions...gone.
I just realized all the alien purple stuff is stolen from the first level of bart vs. the space mutants for the NES.
Lionel now revealing that he's into teeth
I'd wager I won't be sad if this entire cast dies
She talks into his mouth
Damn Kent's dick must dispense chocolate or something because this woman is HORNT UP.
You might mourn MaryLou. She whips ass, although she's not the brightest
It's the Glenn Miller effect
He considers punching her in the head
What kind of asshole from Scotland lives in New Jersey and wears cowboy boots?!
Kent's a bit materialistic.
"Its your dick, I mean. I was talking about your dick."
"I have seen many a dick, is what I was getting at."
how fucking big is this guy's apartment if he's got fifteen feet from floor to ceiling
Pics of King Tut doing a keg stand at spring break
Socialization has lied to women about nobles not needing to be killed on sight.
Specifically this pic
What even is a baron
I think it's the lobby
I will forgive this book if it somehow turns into a novelization of Bubba Ho Tep.
So wacky
I get lords. Duchies and baronets? Now that's just silly.
Probably something the Scottish made up.
this is the most English sounding scotsman I've ever seen
I hate everyone in this book
So Kent's entire schtick is "cluttered"
"Do you like hearing about my belches, milady?"
How broke do you have to be when someones worthless custom car is your only option for a ride?
You can hear her drying up as he talks
Oh no she loves a farty gentleman.
Shes gonna slip right out of that seatbelt and hurtle thru the windshield if he brakes too quick.
They find it surprising that the government has some say on the explosion
Oh thank god, the colonial marines have showed up to bail Mary Lou out from this shitshow
They moved fast
YA author: She folded her arms
I think I missed why they decided to go on a joyride at this time of night after a meteorite blew out their apartment building
Adult author: She folded her arms beneath/across her breasts, pressing them together/flatter, in a way that Kent couldn't help but notice.
Oh, okay. The alien talks in old TV show transmissions
wouldn't normal people like, go to a hospital or something? Kent was injured yeah?
Kent did it to avoid sex, Chita is coming because she likes being fucked by gassy men in the woods.
That's fucking stupid
And not the first time some asshole had that idea.
"Hooker," he said shyly
This is a screwball comedy masking as a Tom Robbins novel masking as a Stephen King story.