113: The Eyes of Kid Midas Neal Shusterman

Tags: The Year of Pain
Ultimate power has its costs



End your movie with nothing, good strategy

Flippant Sausage, rebunned



"I remember."


I tried to give this the blue ribbon but that emoji has vanished.

Velo Martingale

Sets up the sequel perfectly

PhysicsBoart vs PhysicsBoart

Where Kevin becomes the devil


We have defeated The Eyes of Kid Midas


We did it!


It's funny how Kevin finally SEES CLEARLY and also his eyes got fixed.

GDC's Quivering Thews

Good work, everyone!

PhysicsBoart vs PhysicsBoart

but at what cost

Velo Martingale

And our final score

Flippant Sausage, rebunned

Those glasses are objectively cool tho.


So concludes the 113th Edition of The Book Cage


Thank you, @gellaho !

Great riffing, everyone!


May your corrective lenses never fuse with your face

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

oh yeah no one really cared about the cars, did they


Oh no the dog has the glasses

Everything is ball now

Flippant Sausage, rebunned

Fuck yeah. We might fail to contain a book someday, but it aint today.

Velo Martingale

Thank you @gellaho ! This will haunt me!

Velo Martingale

Not even for a god damn second

Still. Quintuple bingo's pretty good

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

I liked when it got to the existential horror

Flippant Sausage, rebunned

I........id be cool with a dog being the supreme being.


This one was genuinely unsettling. And it kept up the pace!

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

it was a bit like the ya book series Gone where a bunch of kids are isolated and fucked with by an evil alien god

PhysicsBoart vs PhysicsBoart

SOunds fun


I'm pretty sure Bingo already had godlike powers


And A TALKING CAT??! is the devil. Everything tracks.


Got this book on Monday and decided it was going straight up to the front of the line