119: The Hardy Boys Casefiles #12: Perfect Getaway Franklin W. Dixon

#12 The Hardy Boys Casefiles

A vacation from th law is always costly.



🚨 Hardy Boys Casefiles Poll Time 🚨

The Hardy Boys are under attack! Animal attack! Choose your favorite by using the matching reaction for this Friday's reading.

🐆 #12 - The Perfect Getaway

🐻 #26 - Trouble in the Pipeline


I will be on a plane, so I will vote for the one I don't want. That's politics


We'll miss you!


One of these involve The Assassins, but you don't get to know which



I'm sticking with my first pick. I need to see if I can trust my instincts

Ferroday is a woman, too!


jakesy, aristocrat of crime

You guys are crazy for not going with the man in the obviously fake bear costume book

Bear paws do not look like that!


It was not an easy decision!

But when it's "threatened by a possibly fake bear" vs "leopard actively diving at Frank like he's made out of hotdogs", one of those is going to require a higher level of bullshit to write out of


It weirds me out every time they draw Joe like a middle aged man. They always make him look like my stepdad.

jakesy, aristocrat of crime

17 year olds looked 40 back in the day

Nobody knows why (cigarettes and no sunscreen)


The Book Cage: Episode 119

The Hardy Boys Casefiles ™️ #12: Perfect Getaway

The people have spoken! Journey on the underwoorld express to meet the ultimate criminal operation. And visit a secret evil kingdom ruled by gun manufacturers. The only escape is $5 million, this Friday, 5pm eastern.


You have, unfortunately, missed The Assassins this time




oh well, this still sounds like a fun one

Hardy Boys Undercover leading to a Most Dangerous Game


This was where I landed also. That leopard is slightly more in the foreground than Frank, he's actively separated the two of them and taken out the bigger meal already, man.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Watch there not even be a leopard mentioned in the story.


If it kills Frank, it can gnaw on Joe for the rest of its life

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"A vacation from the law is always costly" is such a nothing tagline compared to that cover art


The Hardy Boys Casefiles #12: The Perfect Getaway is happening at the top of the hour. Here's the preview


Nice! Changing up the "Mow down a Hardy Boy with a car" trope by swapping with a horse


We're going to solve so many mysteries tonight


Now that America is a dollar store wasteland, there are 19 franchises like this but Ollie's is somehow the one that's simultaneously depressing and has great residual lot auction stuff.


To understand Bret Easton Ellis, just imagine John Lydon but boring.

I am far more interested in the works of Mr. Franklin W. Dixon, Provocateur Insidious


I need a synonym for "trying sounding for the first time, but not really into it so far" for this Valentine, please help.







Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

woo book cage




Looks like a flawed getaway, tbh


HELLO, @Brendan!™ ! Hi, @Velo ! Hi, @gellaho ! Hi, @Tom Owns Diebel's Grave !


Love it when we start already crazy

Hi @FancyShark !


Hi, Sharkie, baby!~


Bienvenido a Miami y Feliz Navidad


I'm on team hurricane now

Justice for George Swell


It's really weird because it's May


Drown these bastards


Will Smith looks so young, what did the Hardys do to him?


University of Miami fan, I see

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

there's so much to mock in such a short passage

disculpa mi tulpa

they brought him where the heat is hot


Frank is wearing his Chinese karate varsity sweater




We're starting so strong

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

but I'm gonna go with "world's greatest teen detectives surprised that weather is different in different place"

disculpa mi tulpa

not trying to brag, but he's a brown belt guys


Hi, @disculpa mi tulpa !

disculpa mi tulpa

also wtf why isn't karate a school sport?


Couldn't even make him a black belt, Dixon?

Ferroday is a woman, too!

this is starting exactly like an episode of the original power rangers


Hi, @Ferroday is a woman, too! !

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

shockingly accurate


He's going to earn that belt karate-dueling a European atop a naked girder.

disculpa mi tulpa

or is that why he fights the tiger?


Busy year

Ferroday is a woman, too!

not an assassin, mind you, just a guy very salty that he lost a fight to some teenagers


Joe looking to steal some money for a beach house


This is before the bombing that set up Dead of Night, I'm assuming

disculpa mi tulpa

I read that as the baseball team which changed the meaning a little. I'm tired.


Joe is the partier. Frank is the nerd who will make them all pay.


Why are they 40 in this one?


Because 40 was the last age the writer talked to another human

disculpa mi tulpa

Dixon's being passive aggressive to his family maybe

jakesy, aristocrat of crime

Nobody on the Colorado Rockies can be counted on to get a hit, man


Dixon is forced to write this on vacation, and can't even expense the upgrade.


Hi, @jakesy, aristocrat of crime !


Damn now I want the Hardy Boys all grizzled neo noire


Very fancy


Moody narration and everything



disculpa mi tulpa

wait, is that a bag of money?


Sorry, Velo. Just...just trust me. You don't.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

there was a movie about a boy detective who grew up and never moved on

think it's on netflix

disculpa mi tulpa

they just took down a hit man now they're traveling with a case of cash. not suspicious at all.


There are too many Gold Coasts for me to keep track of.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

.Frank inadvertently suggesting his brother would pick up sex workers .


I think Joe's getting high on all the cocaine dust on these bills

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Successfully no less.


Hi, @FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning !


Joe is the one who fucks. How ironic, then, that Frank is the one who makes women explode.

disculpa mi tulpa

just another place Tarantino borrowed from I guess


Frank is treating Joe like he's making this warehouse meet deal go on too long.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

they are trying so hard to get robbed in broad daylight

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

I would watch a Tarantino take on the Hardy Boys.


Joe is smoking to try and steady his nerves. The smell of the salt air brings back bad memories.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

they've hit Death Wish 3 levels of wish fulfillmint vigilantism

Ferroday is a woman, too!

talking loudly about the big bag of money, in the middle of the day, in Florida


Chet would get into a shootout that spanned three states


Already threatened by a British man with a gun


Quick! Insult the queen! It renders them powerless!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank has a rape whistle?

disculpa mi tulpa

I like it when my apointment to be threatened happens on time

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

I mean better to have one and not need it than not have one and need it, I guess.


They have the same last name so it'd be weird if used their surnames


British idiot worth his nickel gun

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Its probably one of those adorable little British guns, you can't kill anyone with those.


Joe brought a sock full of nails, idiot

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

what company works like this? the CIA?

disculpa mi tulpa

Mr. Hardy. Mr. Hardy. Might I be Frank?


Someone please mod Vice City to star an idiot Hardy who ignores half your controls to do the dumbest possible thing.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

The kind people make fun of James Bond for being fond of.


I assume this man's backup is named Wooster


I think that just requires a change of hair color

Ferroday is a woman, too!

I guess you'll have to ask him

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

His real name is Dorcas Hanrahan.

disculpa mi tulpa

When do we get to meet your boss, Mr. Wodehouse?

Honestly, a Bertie Wooster surprise crossover would be a fun trip.


This system seems inefficient


"I need you ask you boys for help eluding Aunt Agatha"

Ferroday is a woman, too!

why are we having this meeting at gunpoint?

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Nobody told Frank and Joe that this is not how you buy scones.


Oh hell yes, he's really talking like Jeeves


The look on Frank's eyes warrants extra precaution

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Also making the classic mistake of gesturing with a gun, and thereby throwing off your aim.

disculpa mi tulpa

I want you to make the "tickets" visible, but I am going to call them tickets.


Battleships like this are for big wheels only

disculpa mi tulpa

shit yes hit the bar boys

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Jeeves needs to return to the prison the SAS got him from and relearn his gun safety, you never point a gun at someone if you dont intend to shoot them.

GDC's Quivering Thews

Are they reusing dialog from books written in the 50s?


Funeral directors famously love limousines with luxurious bars

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank and Joe fucking EMPTY that bar.


To be fair, everyone the Hardys meet has a plan to shoot them.


Funeral directors get loose


Hi, @GDC's Quivering Thews !

GDC's Quivering Thews

Frank can tell they're good windows by how little his noseprint smears


They are riding in bertie wooster's limo, confirmed.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

If they paid more attention to firearm safety, they could have shot them both by now.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

somehow I don't think funeral directors put the corpse in a limo

disculpa mi tulpa

nah the family, but not usually with a bar. I think my family would want the bar.


And since nobody will mourn these Boys, I guess that theory's toast


Flashback to yesterday, where Joe is allowing Frank to buy his girlfriend a Christmas present?


How quickly they grow up.

disculpa mi tulpa

that sounds like they argued about what to get Callie and Joe is letting it go

Ferroday is a woman, too!

I'm always taken aback at how clunky the narrative exposition is in hardy boys books

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

frank pulled a karl pilkington and got her a box of condoms for her birthday


And also everything else

disculpa mi tulpa

I read a bunch of these in the 80s but moved on pretty quick


Never buy a woman jewelry. She will hate your taste and exchange it, leading to her blowing up in a van with the computer she was going to give you.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank wanted to just refresh the nutrients in the cloning vat and maybe add some Vitamin B, Joe thought maybe a nice necklace.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Just do like I do and give her cool rocks.

"Hey babe! I found this neat rock in the park, and thought of you! Here!"


Meanwhile, 11 books after Joe's girlfriend exploded and 7 after encountering her clone, he's exploring all available avenues


Guys love chicks with awesome rocks.

Dudes love babes.


Joe moves on fast


Fellas love birds.

Wiseguys moon over frails, see?

Joe ffffuuuuucks

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Trying to make Joe out to be some kind of playboy is kind of hilarious given he's kind of a sexless Ken doll of a humanoid.

disculpa mi tulpa

Peronally, I've budgeted two knuckle sandwiches and a swirly for you, Frank


Make Callie watch as you give Joe a diamond necklace.

Joe likes punching and headbutting punches.

Or maybe that's Frank, I can't tell.

which one is the blond?


That's Frank

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

This is when you stuff glitter up your urethra before you nut on your patners chest.


That's Joe




HA! Classic Frank.


Before they can ask Frank's magic computer for financial advice, they receive a phone call


"I killed Callie, is my point"

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

His computer is just what he calls the phone line to his stock broker.

GDC's Quivering Thews

That is chekov's explosive computer

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

He has a very conservative portfolio, heavy into bonds.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"Computer, what do I get for my girlfriend for Christmas so she'll like me and won't die?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

disculpa mi tulpa

I asked ChatGPT how they can get more moeny and the first suggestion was solve more cases. I bet we're in for one.


This ghostwriter really understands how late '80s teens talk

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Do they even GET paid for this?

disculpa mi tulpa

good question

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

I assumed their approach to crime fighting was like an 17th century biologist, just cataloging butterflies for the love of the game.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

jesus christ Frank. "Everything except a mother." tactful


In experience

disculpa mi tulpa

the money is probably mom's life insurance


"I always think of her as Rich Little," said the normal human child.


It's not Marcie's fault she rules. She had to grow up fast and become all woman without a mother to suppress her and keep her dependent on love and control.


She thinks he's the tops, the cat's pajamas, the bee's knees, ya see?




Marcie would weep to hear how the other 40-year-old teens speak of her.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

No, Frank. Everyone likes her because shes one of the rare rich people who have a personality and isnt a ghoul. Its deffo not her dead mom.


The exposition is more like introduction.

disculpa mi tulpa

Dads who talk to their kids are pretending to be moms. Noted.


Thank you for attending this two-hander feminist reading of RICHARD COREY.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"What Marcie lacks in a mother, she more than make up for in a father," Frank exposited. Joe agreed, adding some more information they both already knew.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Its the kung fu movie method of exposition, all at once up front, except in a kung fu movie they finish by stabbing someone in the tant til their butthole falls out the bottom, and here Frank and Joe will probably just get hotdogs.

disculpa mi tulpa

so taints either way


Just going over to her giant colonial mansion in small town Bayport


"I appreciate how he's 5'4" and approximately 182 pounds, with a distinctive scar in the shape of a crescent on his lower lip." Joe agreed

disculpa mi tulpa

well, Joe was talking about taking someone else's money and spending it. Kinda hope the Brit plugs him.

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

Buttholes? Plugging? What did I miss?

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

You find a surprising number of grand colonial mansions in weirdly small towns. I went to high school in a town of less than 500 people, and it had this huge old house like that. Right next to the school, in fact.


Hi @Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island !



"I sent the maid home. Her home is the shed in the backyard. Don't make eye contact or she'll think she's people."

Hi, @Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island !

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Me being a total gremlin and inventing a sex thing, normal stuff.


Like a simile without a purpose

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

Never change


The Boys are talking like they're jaded private eyes with four divorces behind them

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Car bombs are LIKE divorce, in a way.

Also just saying, you dont get kicked out of the Catholic Church for car bombing your wife.


Frank said, putting out his cigarette on his own palm, hoping to feel something, anything, again.

GDC's Quivering Thews

Bayport's geography is pretty malleable

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"We know the word embezzling, Marcie, you don't have to richsplain to us"

disculpa mi tulpa

"Your dad?" said Frank, thinking of a distinguished-looking yet down-to-earth man who was completely irrelevant for no reason


Karl Ross, the big Kahuna, the big cheese, the king of the hostile takeovers

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Maxtel, the thinly veiled reference to Mattel. Her dad is the VP of Barbie.

disculpa mi tulpa

Karl Ross has two first names, which is suspicious

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Hahahahaha imagine a world where white collar guys didnt get bail.

GDC's Quivering Thews

Sounds like they might have to start dredging the harbor for Karl

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning



Yeah, I hid evidence, so what


I've had the soundtrack to L.A. Noire playing this whole time and it just keeps fitting more and more


"They been doing vanishing acts. A real one-two, twenty-three skidoo. You get me?"


"Fuck the cops." Agreed Joe

disculpa mi tulpa

Golly, Marcie, do you want us to carry the bag for you? What a great case!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Hahahaha imagine a world where cops dont search a teen girls room just to steal her panties and valuables.

"Knock down that door, she might have twenty bucks and I feel like chicken nuggets."


An Adolf in South America? What could go wrong!


Mr. and Mrs. Tanner did not love their child

disculpa mi tulpa

Tanner did it. Case solved.


Well I think it's clear what we have to do. We have to find Adolf, and bring him to America.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Whats the world coming to when you cant trust a South American man with a suspiciously Germanic name?!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Coming To America 3 got really really weird.

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

Bold of Eddie Murphy to play Hitler though


Are you sying you wouldn't buy tickets if I told you Adolf was played by Christoph Waltz?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"I hef nuffink against ze Jewish peoples," Adolf Tanner insisted, eyes darting back and forth. "I hef no idea why always people are asking me of ziss."

disculpa mi tulpa

Twins 2: Eddie Murphy and Christoph Waltz are both Hitler


Marcie gets a phone call from Perfect Getaway. The call is from Perfect Getaway. Did I mention Perfect Getaway?


Frank why... why are you speaking with a fake voice

They don't know what you sound like, Frank

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"This is Code Word Criminal Services Incorporated, returning your call."


"Blink twice if you would like a Perfect Getaway."

"But I'm on the-"

"I said BLINK"


The ghostwriter gets five bucks every time he drops the title

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"Hurry up, the Kidnap My Daughter For A Fake Ransom people are on line 2."

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

His "I heff nuffink against ze Jewish peoples" shirt raises a lot of questions already answered by his shirt

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"I have a meeting with Burn Down My House LLC later."


"The plot gets thicker and thicker," said Joe knocking back his fourth bourbon of the morning, "Frank I think this dame might not be on the level."


"I Was Home Watching TV Catering is waiting with your paninis"

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"so if you want us to, WINK, transport you out of the country, you need to, WINK, give us five hundred thousand dollars"


neo noire Hardy Boys would be so good

disculpa mi tulpa

that's the Tarantino version right there


What you're writing would be. What we read way back when was not.


So put away all your Grover Cleveland $1000s

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

Needs more foot stuff

GDC's Quivering Thews

That's a perfectly normal and legitimate way to pay for things


"Joe are you doing a bit?" Asked Frank, confused.

"Maybe this whole bitch of a world is doing a bit." Said Joe

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

But hey, that's why we have Chet am i right fellas?

disculpa mi tulpa

damn, can't use 500 bills.


But what about the $150s Marcie's dad gave us?

disculpa mi tulpa

they used to make $222 bills but they stopped


Marcie's dad guilty of another, unrelated crime


"Give the case to the first person you see. They might work for us, they might not. Fate will decide if we move forward."


"Could you send us a usable map instead?"


Somebody doesn't know how big Florida is

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

In reality this is just Marcies dad having signed up for and ARG where he does spy shit.

disculpa mi tulpa

if you could tell me which county, no? just southern florida? huh


"Do you want me to dispose of the map with only one mark on it?"

"No. Bring it with. We only have five."

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank and Joe are played by Michael Douglas in this one.


I think there are other records besides your files, but sure

Rachel, Mayor of Bitch Island

The map is 12 feet by 8 feet fully unrolled


"Okay but what if instead of the messenger you just sent your representative?"