119: The Hardy Boys Casefiles #12: Perfect Getaway Franklin W. Dixon

#12 The Hardy Boys Casefiles

A vacation from th law is always costly.



Rachel, you forgot to switch out of your sock puppet account.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Shut up and tell them about their rum ration and how alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays are Lash\Sodomy day.


Captain HT Exposition


"There I go expositioning again. This is the new ship, after the last one was stoved by a whale."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

we can't only have one horny weirdo

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"I had to check you out"


Sam just does whatever the last person tells him to do


"All four other ships were stoved by whales."

Ferroday is a woman, too!

so far I'd rate this 0/10 because we're 6 chapters in and there's a startling lack of mauling by jaguar

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Nah the average boat doer is the horniest professional.


"Whales are common in these waters. They eat anything they can find. Normally, whales eat plankton or fish. But the ones here have a grudge since the Incident of 1922. That was when whale oil was in it's prime, you see. Whale oil was used as fuel and-"

"Let's kill this man."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"and then that one ship was sunk by the horn of a giant narwhal"


I'm hoping for sea jaguars, but preparing myself for sea disappointment



FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Something about living in tight quarters with other humans and breathing their farts just drives people wild with desire.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

he finished what with his tie?!


"Aye that's just what the whales said."


"But I married one anyway."


"The sea gets lonely sometimes. And sometimes you find love in places ya didn't never expect it. And then that bitch stoved my ship again!"

Ferroday is a woman, too!

this ghost writer watched Top Gun and thought they could out-do the homoeroticism with a PG restriction


Igor is their very special VIP


So they switched out of their black suits into black suits without jackets.


"Now grab the harpoons, boys. We're finding my ex!"

"Dude, we're still tied to the dock. There's no engine."


An Eastern European! Arrest him!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Not locking your door on a cruise is a good way to get more than salmonella.


The laws of the sea clearly state no Russians.


"Ya don't need engines where we're goin, boys!"

"To the future?"

"To the bottom of the sea!"

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning


P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"Or she would be my ex, if we had no-fault divorce laws on the sea!"


Bring me your whitest and only white food

Ferroday is a woman, too!

"oh god I didn't realize Stockton Rush was heading this shindig"

disculpa mi tulpa

he'd have ordered crystal pepsi if they'd thought of it yet

Ferroday is a woman, too!

so just any diet soda will do?

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"I am so white"

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Okay the chicken sammies, fine. I been there, sometime you dont want cheese. But DIET soda?!


"Bring me food as pale as I am!" shouted Igor, retreating to his cabin.

"Well we'll certainly never see him again." Joe decided


Sam instructs the children to drug the man so they can go through his papers

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Cmon Comrade Igor, they didnt trade Pepsico those warships so you could drink DIET soda.

disculpa mi tulpa

remember the agent on the phone? Igor was the supervisor that approved the group rate


"We're killing Igor."


"It's cool. We do this every Friday."


"Your first duty aboard this ship is murder."

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Jokes on them Igor uses the diet soda to seduce dolphins.


Oh right this started with a bag of cash didn't it

I got sidetracked by our sea adventures


Ah, can't believe that plan didn't work

Ferroday is a woman, too!

this whole adventure feels like it's been operating on Inception-level dream logic thus far


Technically the bottom of the sea is our future.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

See? Told you. That lump is Igors latest paramour.


Die for your captain, Frank!


And that chicken better not have skin or herbs!

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Hardys, you are so bad at this

Ferroday is a woman, too!

I wonder if you got chatgpt to rewrite this book if it would be noticeably any different


Salt is for ethnic food only!

GDC's Quivering Thews

I mean if someone tried to poison me I might try to Die Hard my way off the ship too


It almost feels like Gellaho is hiding that this is a choose-your-own-adventure book


See? You let a Russian on your boat, this is what happens.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

it does have that weird nonsensical twist every other page vibe to it


Frank uses all his abilities as a brown belt

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

they really should have known that a guy named Igor who was using the Perfect Getaway service would be intimately familiar with knockout pills


This was before Google, the author had no way to look up what the belts meant

Ferroday is a woman, too!

the man knows when his soda isn't so diet


Joe starts doing a jig


Okay, this, finally, is realistic dialogue for how strip mall senseis talk.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Its ALWAYS suspicious when someone orders diet soda.

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Brown belt in Jiujitsu is high level tho

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave



FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

To be fair, Joe is a really fake sounding name.

disculpa mi tulpa

Frank "Hardy" Dux

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs



A fun visual for the children

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Children love a good throat slitting.


It's the best part of Christmas

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

at this point they should just jump overboard. There's more chance of the tides carrying them to safety than their own decisions

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

You always remember the first time you see someone get their weasand slit ear to ear.


"Hey, watch that rubber knife"

GDC's Quivering Thews

Igor's been to enough dodgy brothels to know when he's being drugged and robbed

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Hahahah you dorks didnt check his umbrella for concealed weapons? You deserve to get your gizzard opened.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

"you are not the fuckable twinks I ordered for room service"

GDC's Quivering Thews

wait so he's a small fat guy with an umbrella weapon?

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"It's my first day, and also my brother Joe hardy's first day too," said Frank, last-wordsishly.


What are you, a pirate?


Meanwhile, the twinks are foiling the entire criminal empire

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Fuck is that what ordering chicken means?! THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH!

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

I'm disappointed that Igor doesn't have a cheesy written Russian accent

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

lol Igor has traveled from land to land burying treasure


Igor hides his wealth in on-shore accounts.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

He has so many gold Ronald Reagan coins yall.


Igor offers them both $20,000 to do something for him, and then really spells out some very obvious things

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning



"So, either of you have a spare kidney?"

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Time to do what the Hardy boys do best

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

...why would Igor trust these guys

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"This guy has a huge attache case full of money, totally trustworthy."


You're right, it's time to do nothing

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

They tried that once, and something got done

disculpa mi tulpa

at the end of this, they'll be left with $10 between them to get gifts for their lady friends, and Joe will take it because he has more ladies.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

get a bomb exploded in their faces and miraculously survive?


Got a trusty face on them


Ah, the 80s, when everyone talked like gangsters and newsies

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

The first time they made money on a case!

Crime pays!


"You guys tried to poison me, which makes you okay in my book"

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

It certainly pays better than being a cruise employee.


Because they trust him despite knowing he has a briefcase full of money. Now he can turn his back on these juvenile poisoners.


I don't feel like I'm at sea, I feel like I'm in sea

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

pretty soon Frank and Joe aren't gonna be able to keep the lies straight anymore

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

For 20k Id murder everyone on that boat with my teeth.

And their teeth.


Frank, if you were swimming with sharks, you'd feel a bit different

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"Igor we found out that Perfect Getaway is a criminal service - wait no, you knew that"


Joe added nothing to that simile.


Yay hardboiled Frank is back

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Probably a sense of wonder and amazement at the beauty of nature.

disculpa mi tulpa

did I miss the tiger while I was eating Chinese food?


And bites

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

"and these sharks have teeth," Joe said sagely.

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Depends on the shark.


"And those sharks are swimming too." Joe nodded


The kind that bite


Don't you go into that off-limits space, curious children

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

it really feels like the Hardys have been distracted by sidequests at this point


Well, shit


I always go sack out when I'm playing cards


Is this about to become the most dangerous game


Unless there's an off limits sign

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Its just the officers mess.

Sea Nobs get really persnickety if they have to eat with the ocean proles.


Joe spends a lot of time at the National Guard Armory for... Reasons

disculpa mi tulpa

I bet the crates are full of bananas.

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"2 weekends a month!" 🫡

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

A surprising amount of this book is happening on a boat, much like Metal Gear Solid 2, and much like Metal Gear Solid 2, there are two protagonists. Coincidence? OR CONSIPRACY!?


Guns and gadgets, a useless device!

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Igor is the cyborg ninja for sure

GDC's Quivering Thews

Joe's penlight has some great batteries

disculpa mi tulpa

Holy guns and gadgets Hardy Boy

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

F..............aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaather Ted?

Ferroday is a woman, too!

why would you narrate your thoughts out loud in a place you were told you'd be killed for entering

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Joe has a brain injury that makes him unable to inner monologue.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

it's like you know you're going to be knocked out for dramatic effect


"I SURE WOULD HATE TO BE CAUGHT DOWN HERE" Joe shouted into the darkness

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Its from all the times he got knocked out as a child, it also delayed and shortened his puberty.


Joe gets so invested in two guards arguing about dinner he doesn't notice one walking towards him


Been there

disculpa mi tulpa

Joe's gonna have brain damage. Thinking it won't impact the narrative though.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

what a useless paragraph

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Joe is in his element

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave


GDC's Quivering Thews

Usually Joe gets head trauma much earlier

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Ive been on so many jobs where the only thing important to me was getting lunch, I could have been stabbed by a ninja and as long as I could enjoy my gas station egg rolls I would.


The ghostwriter would like you to forget about the preceding paragraph

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

You fool! Head trauma makes him stronger!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Joe got punched so hard he went temporarily blind, it happens.

disculpa mi tulpa

Joe has unlocked the power of concussion


Luckily Frank is there to repeatedly bash the men in the head

disculpa mi tulpa

tray fu

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Follows up with a guillotine leg drop from the top rope.

disculpa mi tulpa

Frank is where Jackie Chan gets his ideas


Joe watched helplessly as his brother saved him.

Ferroday is a woman, too!

why bother setting up any dramatic tension with a cliffhanger if you're just going to undercut it in less than two paragraphs

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank only stopped saving Joe when he saw red.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Joe forgot what team he was on and stared fighting Frank

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Joe, with pesky brain function out of the way, continued to do nothing


Frank kept hitting until the guard wasn't recognizable as human or solid

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Once youve beaten a man into soup its way easier to get rid of the body.


Time to unclothe some more men


The quicksand soaks it up like a sponge!



P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"And since we're on a boat, we can toss the bodies overboard!"


they are doing the same plan THREE times


By the time this is over, half the operation is going to be nude and unconscious

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Just need a mop and bucket, and you probably have one on hand if Cardi B is guest starring.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

the Hardy Boys once again forgetting that they have faces


and acting like it's novel the third time

disculpa mi tulpa

video game stealth rules


AND they're already dressed like boat stewards


"Weird dick on this one too."


They learned from Agent 47



FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank and Joe are just Agent 48 and 49.

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

So much blood on the old unforms, tho


They plan to steal their pants later

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

You cant PROVE Fenton didnt get them from a monastery in Hungary.


"What? It's weird. All these guys have weird dicks. We might need to know that to blend in."

disculpa mi tulpa

"okay, but do you have to call them limp men too?"


"Okay, who wants to be Ving Rhames and who wants to be Bruce Willis?"

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"Straight sailors? Now there's a mystery, Joe!"



FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Hey Frank? Who is picking up the cargo and you?


"Oh hey, it's Ron!"


But right now they're so limp!


For some reason, they shake Igor down for more money. I think they've forgotten what they are doing

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Im confused about the chain of custody here or what the point of this was? Like surely by now their absence from their cell has been noticed and theyd like.........radio the ship about it.


"Now that no one will recognize us, let's go rob Igor."


I've lost all sense of plot. This is now an old Sierra game.

disculpa mi tulpa

negotiating for a bit. a second or so.


This ghost writer is a bit rougher than some

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

the boat captain said they never use their radios for any reason because it's so secret

disculpa mi tulpa

moon logic


I'm very much enjoying the madness, though

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

This boat is very unsafe.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

but yeah it's like they've abandoned the main plot of the book to clear out some dlc or sidequest or siomething

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

Completionist Frank

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Frank is going to platinum this motherfucking case if it kills him.

disculpa mi tulpa

still no tiger?


They don't have radios on the boat. The people only know their own part of the scheme and aren't allowed or able to communicate

Ferroday is a woman, too!

this definitely feels like that dlc from Deus Ex Human Revolution


You want to steal all my money! Fools! Igor is too alert! I would like to hire you for far too much money. Then I would like to double that money every 20 minutes. ho ho! American babies, you are so soft the weak hed

Ferroday is a woman, too!

the one that happens in the middle of the game where Jensen winds up on a ship

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Lol I legitimately missed that, chalk it up to "Author doesnt know how boat work.", I guess.


Joe has a strange dream where he writes "Pumped Up Kicks"

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

And he had a weird dick


Damn it, Jeeves!

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

meanwhile, Marcie is comforting her father and telling him the best detectives in town are on the case

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Joe, this dream could mean so many things for you.


Jeeves was played by Stephen Fry in the TV show, so you better believe that's who I'm picturing now

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Digging yourself deeper into a hole alone is rich with symbolism.


Shaking him. Shaking him awake. Awake he was shooken


Shake shake

Shaking awake

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

so they knocked out and tied up some guards on this small boat and then just went to bed?

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

Actually Joe if it was a nightmare made real you would have dreamed about Sam holding you at gunpoint.


Joe immediately gives up the ghost

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

This is just a coincidence, lets circle back to the "Digging a hole deeper and deeper."

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

yeah they definitely should have jumped overboard hours ago

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"Igor told me."

"That bastard! We trusted him!"


Probably should have remembered there's a guy who is in charge of the boat and can go wherever he wants


Frank, Sam does that to everyone!


Even when threatening with a gun, Sam gives way too much exposition

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"Exposition Sam"


Luckily, Sam decides to take a nap

GDC's Quivering Thews

Sam loves his sacks




I'm sure that's fine


There was a brief moment when Sam was the best character

GDC's Quivering Thews

Haha, his heart is going to stop


Their dedication to diversity resulted in hiring only narcoleptics

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"Hey Frank........while hes out...........you wanna see if his dick is weird?"


I'm so confused what exactly Sam thinks he's uncovered when the cat and the bag aren't even in the same room anymore.

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs



"It's another weird dick!"

"I'm starting to think your dick is the weird one, Frank."

GDC's Quivering Thews

"this one doesn't even have a proboscis!"


Well, time to go torment those two guys again

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

"S......shut up! Mom said its normal for it to be cubic and curve like that!"


"And now we throw him and his weird dick overboard! He'll sleep-swim to shore!"

Ferroday is a woman, too!

weren't these two in a fucking munitions storeroom? why the fuck did they not arm themselves?

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

The best thing about having a weird dick is that maybe its a good rudder and you can become a human canoe.

P.Boart vs Knockoff Xenomorphs

"Igor! Do you have a weird dick?"


Frank drinks their fear for a bit


They were too busy stripping some sailors

Hi Dave and Mike!

Ferroday is a woman, too!

no I'm talking about the sailors lol


I look forward to your contributions to the story, Dave and Mike! It will be nice when you last more than three chapters, Dave and Mike!

FlippantSausages Daddy Lightning

So how many crewmen does this ship even have? At this point I think Frank and Joe could just lock them all in the galley and set course for Miami.


Just a parade of limos stealing people from that one spot in Miami


They must be tying them up near the engine room for nobody to hear them.

Tom Owns Diebel's Grave

Frank getting a taste of real power for the first time in his life