Lazaret is having the worst day
#3 Dragonard
Lazaret is having the worst day
Theracouch promised things they couldn't possibly deliver.
It mostly just delivers IV Theraflu.
Yum, green goo
Oh boy, I love lime jello
"eww. A hazy IPA."
Oh no! And Dragonard was so jolly!
Its really just a half cantaloupe they found.
This is underrated even at 4x 💯
"Whining intensifies" is really more Magus's thing
That door is controlled from a different room entirely.
The key being a "hemisphere of metal" makes me think he's just plugging in the entire doorknob
Things are going well
No! No just kill them!
Is he sure that isn't the refuse pipe? I know they tend to put them right next to each other.
What the fuck are you doing!!
Stop monologuing, you're fucking it all up!
"I think that is exactly what my lips said"
We are holding steady at 3.4 Hawkes of lip action
"Prevstrike" because preemptive strike is too many words for the future
This is as bad as Zoomers abbreviating everything
On god fr fr
Its giving me Battletech Clan lingo douche chills.
You've been sitting in prison for this long and still hadn't figured that out?
Sus, caj (can't even spell it, it's short for casual)
A supple motion
Probably why you don't promote SWAT guys to undercover detectives
Dragonard is eventually going to realize he's blown his cover
Shitbeasts/Wenches/Alcohol Tactics
Dude loves militaro
"Well, not so much a WAR, since I dont really think they'll be able to fight back."
The FreeTerr?
"My boss hated my plan no matter how many times I told him. So I did it anyway."
Genmo Feinstein.
The indcomps pose a compthreat
Everyone loves Bludblom
It's weird that Bludblom even got that high in the organization when all he can say is his name
These guys catch on quick
I like how the narration seems to think Dragonard has the upper hand here when he's still in a locked room with guns pointed at him
A descendant of Hans Huygens
Heroic, fat Hans Huygens
Grima Bludblom, Image '90s hero
You may not
Marshals and the like are like basset hounds. You have to express their war glands for them or they get real jammed up.
"I am an idiot! Love me!"
Then the shiv found his kidney.
Dragonard just got conned by the superior con artist.
"Alcoholic domestic abuser" is definitely a more accurate portrait of a cop than I think Jakes was driving at
Bastardly Tactic was the name of my punk band
Said the thief and attempted poisoner
She got over that slap faster than a mob wife
Wait what? No she's obviously NOT an expert thief, this plan was stupid from the get go.
TwenCen heroes were something else.
The only smart part was the lightning eating cumjar.
"Your plan involved a colossal dook eating a fence. You're experts, right?"
Merclamps are those clamshell things Ariel was wearing, right
I hear they pinch something awful but boy howdy do they make the boobies look perky.
They were underneath the clams.
Being a psychic seems fun
"Just so you know, I totally saw all of this coming"
"I.......knew you.......were a cop."
"No, you didnt."
A lot of fun
"Yeah. Im not really psychic either."
His ancestral wall of red rage protected him from psychic probing
Lazaret is the rickety cricket of II Galaxy.
It's a wonderful power
"I'm really just hypoglycemic. Does anyone have a sugar cookie I can borrow?"
"Really all the stuff that made it seem like I was psychic was just cold reading and coincidences."
You can be psychic or you can be a leper with a gun. Those are the only two loadouts left, Laz
"My dad once told me never to admit it when I lied and things just got really out of hand."
Be fun if Laz got to keep the guards body or something.
Lazaret mindjacking into the guard outside and unlocking their cell would actually redeem this scene.
Dragonard's hands have become sentient
It worked!
Fuck. Yes.
Scene redeemed!
Hahahah nice.
Goldurn it Jakes, you've done it again!
Afterglow is an interesting choice of words
"Thanks, Laz. Now mindjack another guard to bring me some raisins. This trail mix they gave us is too salty."
Laz? Oh, right, you're dead
You suck, Laz!!
Can't even get me raisins. Feh.
Bring the shitbeast
"Guess I gotta do everything here."
For once I'm glad Rex Moran isn't here.
Shitbeast going out in a blaze of glory
This heist is going so well you guys.
And Dragonard immediately succumbs to blood poisoning
Imagine the stench of the shitbeast explosion.
Okay. Jenny, as far as guilt goes, you should feel okay about sacrificing the shitbeast, it probably wants to die or doesnt have enough awareness to care about being alive.
Down goes Jenny
Well now you fucked up.
Always let the cop take the shots, Jenny.
The sun never sets on space Waterloo.
Expert thieves
And Dragonard valiant runs to tackle an old man
Especially the drunk ones that lied to you about being space jewel thieves..
The star-lords are dropping like Blockbusters out here.
I like how the most powerful people in this setting are uniformly deployed as set dressing.
"He's a thousand years old. Shoot him anyway, Genny Tightpants has led a full life."
That is a bold amount of time to ask for
This man is a walking bag of sticks and Dragonard is going to tackle him like a linebacker
"Pebbles rattling"
[Street Fighter reference]
I like how accurately he estimated how long it would take to explain. He respects genmo's time.
Slit that old geezers weasand, you bootlicker.
The ritual gesture is too vulgar to describe
The ritual gesture is turning the key trying to get your Chevy to start
Truly an intimidating figure
Dragonard is easily impressed and also kind of a servile.
"I know you just said you didn't want a genocide, but I'm going to brag about it anyway!"
I've noticed this series has a weird pro-feudalist bent.
Just a bit.
I think Jakes went for a governing system that didn't require much thought
Jakes wasnt very smart, and people who arent very smart really like kings.
Space fantasy has a weird relationship with modern legalism
Kings can be fun, though. They have pointy hats.
Yeah but anyone can have a cool hat.
Probably not worth treating everything as a political treatise
Anyway Genmo is no Technopope.
The first one ended with Dragonard joining a revolutionary group, but sure
Sometimes they add in lines just for reviews to use
God Genmo is so old and boring he cant even be a fun space tyrant.
Blow up some planets you old geezer.
Accountant to the rescue
Forensic accounting, the fascist's one weakness!
You know what I'm constantly thinking when I read sci-fi? "I wonder if they're able to afford all these lasers"
Oh god its really going to come down to "make the hero and everything he did mean nothing because the real hero was already doing stuff."
This is like that star trek episode where quark gets the Klingon exiled by proving he cooked his books.
Laser guns always take the sideburns first
And what we wanted was the episode where Quark gets a crash course in Klingon romance so he can lay pipe in that hot warrior lady.
Internal Affairs is not going to believe a word of this
The question mark makes this a lot funnier
"Goddammit Dragonard, you really are a loose cannon!"
it's funnier if he talks like Forrest Gump in our heads this whole book.
"Jenny? Do I have your number?"
Shit Jenny really did have a gun.
Bacta tank!
God damn it, Waterloo. Way to blow it at the finish line.
Quit screaming you wuss.
You still have your jerking hand.
I leave for two seconds to turn the AC up and look what happens.
Hand > Marshal
Get a chainsaw, Dragonard
Eh. Yeah I agree there.
But look on the bright side. now you can become Dragonard Spellhands.
And the prophecy will be fulfilled.
I dare this book to end like Brazil and he's been in the hypnochair this whole time
Also he gets depressed about murder alot, huh?
Like get a different job if it bothers you that much.
The booze will do that
Marshalls are plentiful, you've only got two hands.
Now he's Wolf "One Hand" Dragonard
Alloy device
Truly his ESB here.
Sere lips
"I nearly missed my brunch. I bombed the SHIT out of that planet tho. So what was it you said about that thing?"
Up to 6 Hawkes
So the massive fleet of ships is gone?
old and sere.
The fuck does sere even mean? I should look that up.
Genmo needs some chapstick for his old ass lips.
"Those other Dragonards are much better than you. Except Robin, he sucked"
Big showdown with the old man on the bench
The insane screaming of the instigator probably didn't help the invasion's case
Just like the ending of the Matrix
"We also found a lot of waitresses in your family tree"
That sounds like, 3 star wars.
It's more of a throne.
The Iron Bench
Head up, you still have your human penis. And that's all that really matters
She slaps him.
And then stabs him.
And then kisses him.
And stabs him a little bit more.
Then repeats
The End
But we had a lovely time regardless, thank you @gellaho
Now time for upside down The Wagered World
Unfortunately, the Stars gave them both lymphoma and they died sterile three weeks later.
What a great ending
Imagine if he had a flamethrowiner in that mitten like Psycho Clown.
We have defeated Tonight We Steal the Stars and thus the entire Dragonard Saga
We did it!
The end of a Dragonard age
Space huzzah!
Great work, everyone!
Thank you, @gellaho !
I wonder if the books Jakes wrote about the regular, non space barbarian are as good?
So concludes the 93rd Edition of The Book Cage
define "good"
May all of your sideburns be safe from laser blasts
His North & South series got turned into a miniseries starring Patrick Swayze
Luke got a bionic hand that could still use the force!
Holy shit, Jakes was the North & South guy???
He's more known for the war books
Okay I might have to look for that, it might be delightfully batshit.
Okay, time for me to go do whatever it is that Brendans do after work. Which is more work. Or tacos, I dunno.
Thanks everyone. Rest in peace, Jakes.
thanks, @gellaho
Now he belongs to the stars
"Thanks for taking my picture, you homicidal slut."