141: Gen¹³: Time and Chance Jeff Mariotte and Scott Ciencin

#2 Gen¹³

America's hottest supergroup in an all-new novel!


Ska Slut noiretoon

The Creation Equation???


how to do a Noodle Incident badly


It's like the Anti-Life Equation, but the opposite



FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Stop acting like anyone should have read the comics, you fucks.

Ska Slut noiretoon

Sounds like the Schoolhouse Rock solution to DC's Darkseid


Meanwhile, Joe's been stripped, shaved, and been given complete crime knowledge

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Also Lynch, stop whining. You are going to hell, where you will probably defeat the Devil in a boxing match.

Tom strips for action!

I was gone for a bit to make food and I thought I must have missed more text

But everyone's confused so I guess I'm good


That Gen-Active serum really does a number on your dick


Every gram?

There's fat in the brain

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

And then his fingers turn into little clacking parrot beaks and his asshole speaks in Ancient Sumerian.

Tom strips for action!

Yeah he probably died from that

PhysWiz vs The New Year

Now his brain can punch out a hulk


Back to oggling the muscle ladies


That name sucks

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

No it doesnt.

No it does NOT work Suzanne.

Tom strips for action!

Name the levels, Suzanne

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"Fuck, I meant Chipmunk-" "Too late"

Tom strips for action!

Define them for us


Time to get into cuckolding

PhysWiz vs The New Year

don't dare them, they'll do it


"Yes, Suzanne. I have a spank bank."

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Ohhhhhh is Wager one of those wheelchair people? I hear their blood is totally normal.

Tom strips for action!

Is he paralyzed? Or does he just sit in every scene? I forget


He's just agoraphobic. JeffScott don't know what that means though

They seem to think it means staying in one chair in a tiny room

As opposed to not going outside

Tom strips for action!

Yeah because this scene sort of implies they can't fuck until he takes this serum

PhysWiz vs The New Year

His "getting up" serum

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Also Suzanne, you should not be okay with him watching you fuck without permission.


They give Joe a real shitty outfit


They made him a rollerblader

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

The son you care about less than Thunderbird.

Oh shit.........

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"His feet were too small, and his face, asymmetric"


Also, it's not an armlet if it's on the legs, Joe


I'm looking that up

Tom strips for action!

Ok that's one level

We need at least two more


And now he's a ghost


Well son of a bitch

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Yes tell us Suzanne is this homeless dude math?

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Or is he the activity of doing math.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

☝️ There's all your levels, @Tom strips for action! ☝️

Tom strips for action!

I've never been aware of that definition


A brilliant plan worthy of the Hulk

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

Me neither.

Tom strips for action!

I reject this

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Wow this super juice really made this homeless guy good at beating ass.


You remember how The Terminator turned into a ghost?

Ska Slut noiretoon

They've created the ultimate Amway salesman!


Hi, @ShmeEVAsaurus Rex !

PhysWiz vs The New Year

We are going to get all of those, ALL OF THEM, because the author(s) bothered looking it up

Tom strips for action!

Good thing Wager subliminally implanted the knowledge of how to hack a secure elevator by shoving your muscly ham hands into it


And now: piss and shit




FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

You agreed to become an unstoppable meat golem and do violence but didnt consider you might have to kill someone?

Look, Thunderbird is delicious but you cant blame that for this lack of foresight, Joe.

Ska Slut noiretoon

Reminder all this is happening because some John in Reno got incarcerated so hard he got good at percentages

Tom strips for action!

Please, calling this mindless automaton a golem is a pretty weird reference. He's much more of a cipher


Now he's attacked by naked Asian women

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

Hmmm... "Was it blood sweat and tears, or piss shit, and tears... I swear it's the first one... "

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead


He has a force field or something? What?


I mean i kind of assume everyone does in Gen13.

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex



Then he haunts the crime lord

Tom strips for action!

He's exuding glowy white energy for some reason. I guess it's a force field as well as a ghost-maker

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Ohhhhhhhhhh the stuff they injected him with was semen. This is a semen retention thing.


Then the crime lord pulls out a cartoon bag of jewelry, because this book is extremely stupid and getting dumber by the second

Tom strips for action!

This foolish villain is 98% weak to boy-paralysis threats. Not his first mistake but certainly his last

Velo, Juice Criminal

This book has the same understanding of organized crime as The Darkness


At least he's having fun


Appropriate, since it's the same publishers

Tom strips for action!

Comprehensive and nuanced?

I didn't play very far


Now: video games

Tom strips for action!

Hey look a big puffy jacket

Put that on when you go superheroing Caitlin

Velo, Juice Criminal

Does it look like jacket girl is getting kind of unwantedly handsy back there?

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

God yes i cant wait to see what two out of touch writers hamstrung by comic books come up with for videogame references.

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Probably depicting the predatory lesbian of the group.


Back at the shelter


Fuck you, Bobby


Sarah insists upon her mystical Native American powers

Tom strips for action!

Fuck off please

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Sarah shut the fuck up, a rottweiler eating out of a dumpster is about as far from the natural world as you get.

Tom strips for action!

'My Indian senses tell me this dog is no threat to us!"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead


PhysWiz vs The New Year

Whenever someone takes a 1-level dip in druid, they never shut up about it

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

You're probably right that it wouldnt have bothered anyone.

Well not hurt anyone anyway, it IS kind of a bother to be slobbered on during an extended bout of rottie affection.

Tom strips for action!

And yes superheated plasma was a bad reaction regardless


The homeless lady starts talking about being a messenger against the demons


Reminder that these two dipshits already defeated hell

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Knowing Image shes not crazy.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

Should have firebolted the homeless lady instead of the dog

Tom strips for action!

Ah yes, the woman who moments ago was described as always talking like she's ordering around the waitstaff in a fancy restaurant

Ska Slut noiretoon

"Would you join Gen 13? Or take a slow, searing ride on Sabnack's carousel while Wager watches? I'm Todd McFarlane"

Tom strips for action!

I knew a lady who sabbed my nack if you know what I'm saying

Please help I've lost a lot of blood


They find out the family of the homeless guy got a bunch of money and moved away

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Oh what a shock, the homeless guy was divorced and hadnt seen his family in yonks?!

I could have sworn he was just in it for the love of the game. the game being drinking inexpensive, quality fortified wine.


He gets cozy with Sarah

Tom strips for action!

Is this another homeless man being groomed for experiments?


After hearing their cabbie talk about his romance novel, they start making out out of nowhere

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

Its a trap!

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Sarah............what are you doing kissing Bobby? Youre gay.

BlindMonkey DARK


Tom strips for action!

Oh these are the fucking heroes? I can't keep track of their civilian names

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Their non civilian names are equally dumb and forgettable.

Some of them are just their surnames.

Tom strips for action!

At least Burnout has a fire word in it

BlindMonkey DARK

In their non-defense, a Gen13 novel is the definition of "for the freakz"


Okay what is did the happen

Tom strips for action!

And you know exactly what you're getting with a character named Rainmaker

Ska Slut noiretoon

His nickname is a failure state, which is just perfect


They visit the homeless man's wife, which instantly crumbles Burnout's new lust for life

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

A homeless man got superjuiced, and the lesbian forgot she was gay.


The 90s

Ska Slut noiretoon

When Rainmaker comes to her senses:

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

What kind of pervert puts a space in the middle of Playstation?!

Tom strips for action!

Same pervert who names a kid Joe Jr

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

It's not a secret if you tell everyone Joe Jr.

That's just what your dad tells you cause he'd rather be... Not there.


Literally the only reason you've been doing any of this, Burnout

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

Sure Joe Jr. Sure.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"And I'm gonna have a son named Joe Jr. Jr.!"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Bobbert.............you should know by now, that this kid is going to tell you the exact address of the villain lair.


It's astonishing how the writing just gets worse as it goes


Well, except the Jigglypuff thing

I don't know if anything will top that

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Did we get a bit where Sarah gets replaced by a non lesbian shapeshifter or something?


It's painful to look at


Rainmaker is lameass-flexible.

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Its like her one personality trait and it really seems like the writers forgot.


Maybe that happened when they were in the Keys

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

His incredibly burning a hole of uncomfortably creep into the back of one's head.

That power

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Also nobody has a cute goatee.


Eat my balls, Jeff and Scott

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

It doesnt exist.

Not even literal goats have cute goatees.


I have seen no other part of this book, but this is the worst thing ever written.

Tom strips for action!

They may genuinely believe that lesbians are just cranky broads who ain't met the right fella

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Die in a fucking FIRE Jeff and Scott.


That's exactly halfway through. So we will return to finish this...book? I'm not sure it qualifies as such

Tom strips for action!

There was too much to get to at the time, but you are so right


We partly did it!


May your skin turn to glass so you may see the sensitive organs within


Thank you, @gellaho !

Great riffing, everyone!

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Hell yeah that would make figuring out whats wrong with some of my organs so much easier.

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

Thank you! This was fun!

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Also thanks @gellaho for helping me reinforce my previously held beliefs that Gen13 is one of the worst things ever committed to print.


I saw some goats a week ago and one tried to drink another's piss in stream, and this feels like we can no longer judge.

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

I didnt doubt that Gen13 was bad, but its nice to get confirmation that 15 year old Sausage was absolutely right and my friend David was fuckin wrong.

Eat shit, David. But thanks for lending me your NES games.

But eat shit for beating me at Killer Instinct with infinite combos when i didnt know how to play.


We all had a David.


Some of us WERE the David

And aren't proud of it

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Fortunately I wasnt. I let people borrow my games and DIDNT try to convince them that Spawn was cool.


The Book Cage: Episode 141.5

Gen¹³: Time and Chance - Part 2

In the first part of the book we learn very little, other than the lesbian member of the team is no longer a lesbian. The bad guy is a tiny, pathetic agoraphobic who is an expert at statistics because he was put in prison. His plan: give stolen superformula to a homeless man, make him threaten the mob, and then take over the mob. There are also super lasers and child gangs, and if that doesn't convince you to show up this Friday, well there's also a lot of teen sexualization by two married comic book writers. This Friday, 5pm eastern.


Coming up on the hour, it's the conclusion of Gen¹³: Time and Chance. Here is where we left off


And here is where we are going


See, they want her to step on them

With her big, strong, sexy, smart, and strong legs

Tom strips for action!

That's weird, how is she kicking while wearing a big jacket. Ladies have to wear revealing skintight suits if they want to do superheroing

Velo, Juice Criminal




Velo, Juice Criminal

Hi @FancyShark !


Hi, @Velo, Juice Criminal !

Velo, Juice Criminal

Ready for some book?

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex


Tom strips for action!



Hi, @Tom strips for action! ! Hi, @ShmeEVAsaurus Rex ! Hi, @gellaho !


Will be after I get back from an errand! Enjoy uncomfortably horny teens in the meantime!

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

More of an observation today. Multi tasking


Let us continue



ShmeEVAsaurus Rex

It took me too long to see that was a foot


Sam Perrine, weapons research nerd, lives in a walled mansion

Tom strips for action!

Why would you think the guards at the gate live there

Caitlin still thinks her teachers lived at the school

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex


Tom strips for action!

This happened a lot in the first half too. These writers just throw in some cliche to round out the paragraph but it doesn't actually make sense


He was in the business of weapons manufacturing and sales earlier, but sure he's all about intel


Shapeshifting tastes salty, got it

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

This is why the government should use less road salt to de ice roads, thing of the Absorbing Man sex pests!

Velo, Juice Criminal

Hi @FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead !


The nature of these guns is exactly why you were here in the first place, Caitlin



Velo, Juice Criminal

Hi @Brendan !

ShmeEVAsaurus Rex


FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Why in fuck would you have a gun that shoots regular bullets stapled on to your plasma gun?

Just the insulation requirement alone to keep your ammo from cooking off makes it bonkers.

Tell the truth, writers. You just think plasma guns are cool.


"Ugh, God, why couldn't I be that guard?" - Jeff Marriotte

Tom strips for action!

Haha he calculated the exact stopping force he could bring to bear against a gate kicked by Caitlin... But he didn't account for gate plus Caitlin!


You're a "techno-geek" Caitlin. Just one turned into a Titty-Hulk by science juice


You were this close to fucking that weird nerd earlier

Velo, Juice Criminal

That was earlier in the book, though. We won't be referencing that in any way.

Earlier may as well have never happened


Dude, you're like being totally heinous right now

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Hahahahahahha Grunge expected this dude to keep notes on his criminal conspiracy.

Tom strips for action!

I'm guessing the first nerd was hot. Caitlin's reenacting the "hello human resources?!" meme


Weapon nerd gives up the ghost real quick

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

"Also you arent cops, youre shitty kids."

Also selling privately owned firearms isnt a crime, why do you hate America and the 2nd Amendment, Gen13?


"This is the US. No one cares if I'm selling guns."


"But, yes, despite the mysterious leader, I thought the people I was illegally selling to were police officers and/or suburban home owners"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

I mean...........Ring exists in real life.

So cameras arent that suspicious,.


I bet he's learned his lesson

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

"Yeah thats the point you fucking idiot. I make goddam next gen space guns, I didnt think theyd feel good."

Tom strips for action!

I think this group needs a teen Punisher to kneecap this loser


Cipher really stepping back on his murder methods

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

The big disco boots with the extra long cuffs are sending me.

Tom strips for action!

Oh right, Cipher. I'd forgotten about him, but then I just thought about what his name means and it easily reminded me of his whole deal


Jay kept asking, "Eh, have you seen this, have you heard about this?"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

As long as he isnt getting weepy about hurling the C suite to their doom im fine with it.

Also who wears Armani to the dump?

Tom strips for action!

Gangsters duh

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead


Unacceptable fashion choice. Release the Regulators.


Not sure why you knife needs to be electrified

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Makes it cooler.

Also more useful when fighting the Flying Polyps.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"Guys titanium is a terrible conductor and- fuck it, I'll electrify it if you're paying that much"


I'm not sure the flesh coloring is going to help too much when you have 10 conspicuous bumps in your palms

PhysWiz vs The New Year

All that stuff must make him look like a ninja turtle in a suit

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Man i hope nobody forgets theyre wearing those and jerks off, talk about Russian Roulette.

Tom strips for action!

Yeah concealed weapons in your own hands is always great


A g-g-g-g-ghost!

Tom strips for action!

You sneeze too hard and dope yourself into next week

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

hhahahahaha bald AND a dragon tattoo.

I gotta say tho i have sympathy for people trying to keep track of what is and isnt real in this universe.

Must be a real pain in the ass.


Jesus Christ, JeffScott. This is embarrassingly stupid


That how a very sad 10-year-old nerd would write about beating up their bullies after math class

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Fuuuuuuuuuuck writers, dont bring math to a perfectly acceptable impaling.

Tom strips for action!

Wager has a phd in hulk smash


Boy, you can really feel the tension

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Probably not X-com accuracy then.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"Bazookas," in what, the 90s? Those were archaic then

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Not that it could salvage this, but note to authors: making a character an infallible genius capable of making math future predictions is fuckin boring and serves to undercut any tension you may or may not be building.


You guys are really bad at this, JeffScott


"I've killed all these people, but murder? Why, I never!"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck offffffffffffffffffffffff

Tom strips for action!

Cipher, that's a you problem at this point

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Give this dipshit more Thunderbird.


Oh, no! The chain of command!


Eat my balls, JeffScott

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Goddammit authors, I get that shit enough from the Jesus freaks. I dont need it from weird dumb crime lords who have maybe the most Opposite Day names ive ever seen.


This is beyond odds calc. His power is now structural omniscience.

It's still better than when FTWD split the bullet on the axe.


They do that two more times, and Wager starts making an obscene phone call


2099, very timely

PhysWiz vs The New Year

CPT-2099 - action playset now available!


You are a killer, you've literally killed. And maimed. And threatened. And stole. You're not a great guy

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Have you considered being a killer? It seems pretty rad.

Tom strips for action!

I'm one of the good ones, he explains

PhysWiz vs The New Year

"Boss. I was onboard with becoming a cybernetic killing machine until I learned I'd have to murder"

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Here, watch this film, its called The Killer. All you really need is a cool scarf and some doves, apparently.


Yeah, yeah. What the fuck ever


Killing is wrong. I'm just a bruiser for hire.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

Jay has had the best arc so far

It was a ballistic arc but still


Meanwhile, Burnout and the former lesbian stop making out long enough to see a man explode


You would bounce though.


Then it implies Bobby burns all his belongings

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Well he didnt need that condom in his wallet anyway.


When they find nothing, they fly to a playground and start having an argument. For some reason


Is... Is he still naked while they are arguing?

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

Was.............that a question?

What is this interaction?


I don't know. It goes on for a while and I still don't really know

FlippantSausage Bullies The Dead

I guess we all dont understand.

PhysWiz vs The New Year

Can Cipher kill them now?