The ancient makeout ritual

The ancient makeout ritual
I'm not saying that referring to yourself in the third person with all your titles will give you a PhD.
The necklace is filled with grenades
I'm just saying I don't think we can rule out that's why it happens in the Dornverse.
Wow she made that in three or four day........oh that was for someone else originally.....
The Orville, to its credit, drops so much 20/21st c. pop culture they call out its richness and then make a random 23rd c. reference to "Zorgo the jazz-o-sax player."
Because honestly, this schmuck?
He bought that PhD.
With daddy's money.
He's tenured!
This necklace is a big departure from this tribes usual dick-based jewellry
"Peace out, bitches"
Is there a reason he didn't take her with him? Besides the obvious?
Like, he killed her husband and then claimed her in a way that no one else will want to have her because she belongs to God.
She had sex with him. Her purpose is complete.
Her life is probably going to suck from this point on.
Yeah but then he'd have to to her and learn about her and stuff.
Miller thought " Miller Time continues unabated, its for everyone."
You're right, that's ridiculous.
You know, lemon pudding crust. We're all familiar with that
Maybe in their society she's now a holy relic and all the men will line up until her blessed vagina knows its deserved holy pleasure.
I'm not sure that's not worse, but sure.
Hi, I'm Ice Honey Love, anime artist. Draw the above with your kids using circles and tubes.
Yeah, I've tried that line
So... where's Dorn from?
Dornopolis, circa 3040
Miller steadfastly refuses to acknowledge his reality
Right. Is... is lemon pudding served with a hard crust in some part of this country I'm not aware of?
The analogies in this book are amazing
He got langoliered!
This exact same thing happened before, but Miller is befuddled
"Huh. Weather."
I enjoy that he shouted 'Home free!' after time freezing and the ominous radio message.
"There's no possible logical way this could happen twice. So it's obviously not happening."
Tsunami: The Revenge
I would have thought short term memory a vital quality in someone flying a plane.
Did the author that wrote this part read the previous storm scene?
Listening skills too.
Hang on.
Guys, I have it.
We've been wrong all this time.
The storm is the hero.
Quite the gamble
Megalodons, I implore you: go for the buzzing thing just above the water!
"CRA-ACK!" Went the big guns of the storm
I dont think "Fly real low" is the best idea for dealing with bad weather but then again, I'm not a qualified pilot.
Jump, sharks!
I just got here, and all I know about Miller is he murdered the only other outsider, seduced a woman, then abandoned her, taking with him the device keeping their culture alive. From this point in the story he is the villain.
Jump like you never jumped before!
You're caught up then
Seems legit
Enjoy Neptunes cold embrace, Miller!
Tsunami's excited because it was hoping to see Cook again
In before he freezes time and walks to Tahiti.
'bellowed' was an odd choice of word here
What luck
I think it works.
Other dumb animals bellow.
It's more manly than "screamed girlishly"
The vehicles are lined up to watch him crash
Awww, the thief, murderer and seducer is going to make it.
Our hero, boys and girls.
It did. The Artifact. And it was.
If it was that heavy, I would think he'd have secured it better.
For the people who missed last time, the first thing Yuki did upon meeting Miller was try to fuck him in Pirate's house
On his tiny plane.
Oh good.
To be fair I think it could probably increase it's weight as it likes.
I withdraw the charge.
That artifact is trying to fuck him up.
Should have got some bungee cords at the gas station he topped his plane off at
They were also horrifically sacrificing people to the artifact, so they're probably better off without it
The Idiot and The Doomsday Device, this Fall on CBS
Klingons only have one means of expression. This character has Dornlungs.
I mean, I guess.
Hey a communal liquification is what brings a village together!
Peace out, bitches
Boom-Crunch is a great cereal. Actually better than Lucky Charms
The artifact is God's clitoris, and it is wrathful at Dorn's neglect.
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that now the artifact is in his hands, we're all much worse off.
So swings and roundabouts.
This better be good, Dorn-Hemingway-Lindsay
"Surprise! Happy Birthday!"
A unicorn.
If it's not at least a unicorn, I will be disappointed.
Miller Time. Miller Time is what occurred.
A creature wearing the faces of all the dead Arab children he killed appears and gives him a kiss
That is the level of amazement I expect from you now, Dorn.
Oh, reality flickered at the end of this. Not the half-dozen times it hit the ground before that
This would beat a unicorn.
Everything that happened before reality flickering was perfectly reasonable
Idea: the thing the writers never had, yet also had too many of
Nope. The artifact doing what we were told it can and would do is not unicorn level.
It sounds like the authors were trying to convey "time is resetting" but got confused by a passing child with a ball and did "bouncing" instead.
He saw all that from the pilots seat with his head turned through a hole in the back of his plane. Good eyes.
Maybe the lightning hitting the Artifact going to fix this
I mean
Oh, wait. Thirty lightning hits makes it worse
Okay, naked blue people.
I guess that counts.
He did see some Avatar Seanbabys though
Naked blue people might have been okay, he can liquify a few of them and fuck the rest.
I bet Vaseline paid a lot for this
So, how many drugs was Dorn on?
That's just a Yondu. What you describe is a planet of Yonsdu.
Let's take bets.
I want that story more than this one
I knew I wouldn't have to correct your grammar.
Yonsdu is the plural of Yondu.
Because nothing bursts with flavor like dirt.
Ah, but the runway is still there. Convenient
Got them rich flavor crystals.
Maybe he's developed pica.
And synaesthesia.
I keep thinking his plane is fucked, didnt part of it get exploded by lightning?
Now time travel? Don't be ridiculous
That's right. Fly right at a group of innocent people in your plane, Miller. Nothing you've done in the past should make you hesitate to do that.
No, that was before the magic.
Well no matter, he's in the future now, hes going to have to fuck a morlock to get out of this jam.
At least two morlocks.
"It doesn't have to be a morlock-"
"Nope. Them's the rules."
He also needs to convince some morlocks he's a god
Also, he caused this by tampering with the desert island murder people.
They now rule the universe.
And sacrifice people to Ku.
Airports: They show the future
He made everything worse for everyone!
Our hero, ladies and gentlemen!
It didn't survive multiple falls from great height and multiple lighting strikes? They don't make future space artifacts like they used to
Every time I take a return flight I'm going to step off and think, "Clearly he was in the future."
Pfffffffft in my day mysterious space artifacts from the future could take a beating, these ones are basically made of sandalwood.
Oh darn. Intergalactic war thing broke.
cheap Chinese made space artifact knockoffs.
Well, I knew he was going to fuck this up.
Fairs fair, they are likea third of the price of the genuine article.
But not in this exact way.
Maybe my seamaps will reveal the clues the crazy future man left
I have to leave for a bit to feed a friend's cats. I hope you're all still sane when I get back.
Never was!
Suddenly, the hunter
Someplace "odd people could do their business without attracting attention" hes going to Portland?
What year is this book? The state of infrastructure, he might have just been gone a week.
Miller tries to get out of saving this woman
Miller if you hear screams at fraternity parties that does not mean the screaming is not a bad sign.
Miller, I know its 1997 and all but we knew what screams meant back then.
Come on, man, act casual around the screaming woman. Gotta be cool
I don't know
His track record with saving things and people isn't great.
I can appreciate he's thinking logically.
It will kill him.
This woman may end up struck by lightning fifty times.
And then explode.
He should have left logic in Yukis vag where it belongs, hes in Time War territory now.
Check the redhead box
Shits going down and theres no time for logic!
Sweet! Future Celts!
And a redhead!
There are all sorts of reasons for people to be painted blue.
The collective noun for a group of men is a clot, apparently
Why even try to get home?
Could be football fans.
They could be football fans.
This is what you call a real Time Blender
Fuck yeah this book got awesome!
Time Samurai!
He's on the Deadliest Warrior set.
The Artifact only cultivates warriors from time.
Next, vikings.
It's building a time army
Vs ninjas.
Yeah, Vikings or Spartans
"Hey, she's your problem now"
Celts in blue warpaint.
Theres worse problems to have than a sexy redheaded Celtic lady.
Does she get clothes this time?
Well known for speaking Latin.
Famous for it.
Luxe redhead is the best housewarming gift.
She's just going to be naked.
You know the drill.
Maybe a torc and a smile.
Apparently, Miller decides that one of the samurai is "The Samurai"
She's got a robe. Better than the paint the decapitated dude was rocking
Oh shit, that means he owns the redhead now.
I call bullshit, this samurai is INAUTHENTIC Mr. Dorn! He would have used a bow or a spear from horseback!
That is how redhead ownership is transferred.
She was held in trust until the Celt turned 18 (kills)
We all know that.
Until we get the knives out.
Apparently Miller is flying Wonder Woman's invisible jet
In fairness, there's no reason why they would want to get involved with Miller.
Samurai fucking love Hulk Hogan mustaches
Samurai are notoriously unappreciative of sexy redheads.
He hung the moustache from the saddle?
Maybe cultural osmosis has turned the samurai into head hunters.
And the Celts now recite poetry.
Nah you gotta bring the taisho the heads of the warriors you kill so you can properly be rewarded.
Time for revenge magic
Its like pokemon.
But for decapitation.
the ones with moustaches count double
Revenge magic is ineffective
Okay, so now it's a fantasy story.
You want a head with a nice stache or a good beard for extra grabby handles.
... So, uh.
This is still Tahiti right?
So far as we know?
Future Tahiti, with celts and samurai
Yeah some Pacific island at least.
Famous haunts of Celts and samurai.
all we know about the samurai is that they prize moustached heads
Tahiti isn't exactly a big place. Where are all these warring iron age tribes living?
The future Tahitian redheaded celtic witch is taking the random appearance of a black archeologist well
Also not readily available on Tahiti? Iron.
We all know he manifests gasoline when he needs it so there's no worry there.
Metal in general, really.
I smell shenanigans.
Hold up, are you trying to tell me something about this doesn't make sense?
Hmmmmmmm, I don't know
It is the future so they've probably repurposed stuff?
Look it's just a minor point.
It all seemed so plausible up until now
I'm sure he'll put it all back together.
Im pretty sure when the artifact broke so did like all of time and space.
I'm sure the burning gasoline would have barely affected him, sure
Its Civ 5 rules now.
Like some kind of Time Blender
This woman is the Horse Whisperer of Curses
Can you kill someone with a flare gun?
Like, for real?
If they're covered in gasoline
Ended the third dimension, scored a hot redhead, net positive day.
You can kill someone with just about anything if you apply it enthusiastically.
I once killed a man with kindness.
He knows it's hot enough to burn fuel, he singed his dick with it
Or if they roll around in gasoline
I tend to prefer hammers, but everyone has their own preferences.
It's not the first time it's come up to me, so I was curious.
Remember folks, Miller is no murderer.
Please read that in the voice of the Shogun 2 voice over fella.
"Oh, my skull"
Yes, that's the appropriate response.
She is trying to figure out if hes a sorcerer or a total fuckwit.
Green, like the color cats are
If there's one thing we've learned from books, he can be both.
"And smacked her palm into the goose egg."
Still not like...speaking though.
The way she kept running unarmed at Samurai signaled intelligence
My cat has yellow-green eyes, which I guess is the hazel of cats
She comes from Druidia
IS beautiful but SEEMS intelligent.
Funny, she doesn't look Druish.
Making a lot of assumptions here Miller.
Wow deep Celtic cut there with Mara.
Eolas died so that Miller could fuck so that Mara could climax
Tony Miller: able to easily identify a torc, unable to recognize the sound of bagpipes
The ghost writers would have had an aneurism trying to figure out how to spell Niamh or something correctly.
Claymoor vs. katana
Well, I guess the bagpipes won the day.
Good for her talking down to this obvious idiot.
I like her already.
Yeah, that's certainly the weirdest thing that's happened
Mara. I give him a C.
Oh shit, we found a reverse Hodor.
A Rodoh if you will.
Missed my connection to Tahiti, had a lovely time in Sciretland
Samurai hate herbs