Sex Bologna Flippant Sausage
And the one with the racist puppets.
And the one with the racist puppets.
And Jefferson Davis.
It's a real wonder no one has died yet, really
I read them, and I can confirm they were not about bears. Well
So not all Jeffs are going to heaven, is what I'm hearing
Some Jeffs go to heaven
That's quite a change between paragraphs
That was a hell of a jump cut
"clear plastic bags of liquid nourishment" is how Canadians have to buy their milk
Just the ones with eyes like Marshall
That'll keep his spirits up
What do canadians use milk for?
I thought they put maple syrup on their cereal.
It makes a pretty good medium for maple syrup flavor too.
Hey @Rachel, 2-Ded Krew is this some kind of sex thing, the bags of milk?
My favorite thing about that is that they then have to put that bag in a pitcher so they can pour it
His favorite horror novel, unfortunately, is a story about a man who is going to be dissected because they think he's dead when he's really just paralyzed
Homework!? My homework is murder!
Okay so maybe you can still hear and process whilst in a coma. And now you're just gonna be constantly dreaming some horror novel.
Doing my face
Maureen I don't think you can tie your own shoes without help. You ain't got this.
I've learned my lesson. Time to go make sure my 14yo isn't baselining angel weed or anything, gnight
"My Homework Is Vengeance" would make a kick ass movie title in like a 70s style exploitation\ grindhouse flick.
This isn't Death Wish. You have three suspects and you've already talked to two of them
Or a super dark diary of a wimpy kid
The End
I'm almost certain that's not how that works. Any part of that
So youre gonna what? Drag that dog to like a hundred odd peoples houses and beat the shit out of anyone the dog doesnt like?
Or what?
BArks at?
Why did her dad bring home drugs? They have a scent clone they use to train. HOLY SHIT HER DAD IS ON THE TAKE. HES THE KILLER
Here comes Jeff
He's got a real bad idea
Like a bunch of these drug dogs give false positives because their handlers have biases and stuff, this is a spectacularly stupid idea.
Oh no. No no no.
Jeff, goddammit
Whenever Jamaica comes up in hot dog circles it's never in a good way.
Abort, Jeff. Abort now.
Go for it Jeff, the time is now, transfer that unhealthy affection to yourself, eat your rivals heart and gain his power.
Real smooth Jeff
That's my favorite part about it. Like a cop can't stop and frisk you anymore. But apparently it's cool if a dog gives him the nod
This is turning into an all time bag fumble.
And all the cop has to do is pull on the harness or something to make the dog freak out.
Like, you saw her being physically abused, my dude.
"What I mean to say is that I'm stalking Marty"
Diane you dipshit. Maureen told you this before and she DOESNT want to fuck you.
NOW YOU GET MAD?????????
"I think this conversation was originally supposed to be about Gary, but the author is an idiot"
Lady. You had to assume that the abuser who doesn't have time for you probably isn't going to take being monogamous seriously
Good luck, Jeff
Holy shit he pulled it off.
Great job Jeff, you twisted that knife expertly. Now its just matter of taking Marty's head so you can enslave his soul in the afterlife.
Diane, Jeff is huge tho.
Real nice of you to not tell Jeff all of that, Diane
It's fine, Jeff has the power of Beef.
Like barbarian bros huge
Plus he does kickboxing and jits.
Besides nothing impresses a fairly stupid teen girl like kicking her abusive boyfriends ass.
Odds are pretty good you can impress her by kicking her non abusive boyfriends ass too
He deserved it. Brown jacket is just defending the honor of no jacket.
Well, I had hope to end at a moment that was slightly more upbeat but Kathryn decided that would be impossible.
I forgot the cover was like that.
I hope we get to the surprise party next time!
They're very happy together now. They have a B&B in Denver.
Jeff's mastered negging to the point where he can put a woman on the defensive in thirty seconds no matter how violent her committed boyfriend is.
I don't know where you got that idea. Other than the cover and misleading preview
Oh a Chesapeake. Cute dog.
Still love that she teaches writing
Well there's no use crying over spilt milk, eh?
it's like Proton with a G, and also in many other ways that you would not want it to be like Proton
I really wanted the murderer to have something to do with that mask that looks like Satan's fat son.
So concludes this part of the 96th Edition of The Book Cage
May all your children be free of crack cocaine
See? Canadian!
My kids dont exist and so do massive amounts of theoretical crack. Basically infinite crack.
Thank you, @gellaho !
Why am I always getting off the train when this ends
Great riffing, everyone!
Seagal has mastered the art of standing so incredibly still that the book's author doesn't even realize he's there
This is more of a Chris and Tony GIF.
Go explain teenagers to her!
wait no
Quick, go do a wellness check on her!
This is only like half a joke.
Honestly, this tracks with all those mean-ass Fitch students at Groton.
I'm starting to be genuinely concerned for her.
The only realistic character in this one is the dog.
Really depends how you feel about Connecticut sailing town women writing the Jamaican experience.
I just appreciate that I've somehow lucked in to reading these in an order where she outdoes herself
Although, I don't know if this is quite as stupid as Crash Landing, yet
Are you complaining or bragging?
It's getting there
I've always felt possesed by a bored library assistant
Crash Landing was so stupid.
Like its so stupid I cant think of a clever way to call it stupid.
Honestly just wishing for faster rail
I could live off nothing but that and whey powder
Rhymes with rotten. My buddy lives there and takes beautiful sunset photos.
Soylent White
Brendan's entering The Stunt List
Logan's Run x Breaking Bad let's goooo
I'm usually having to start making dinner when it begins, then I pop in sporadically and miss most of it.
The Book Cage: Episode 96.5 - Surprise Party
Once again, Nicole Davidson/Kathryn Jensen/Kathryn Johnson manages to surprise in just how stupid her books can be. Last week, many shitty teens have declared vengeance upon a party. Then that party ended, then the protagonist's brother drank crack left by a different shitty teen. We shall conclude said riveting tale of suspense(?) this Friday, 5pm Eastern.
It's borderline miraculous how someone managed to get that description on the back cover out of what we've read so far
Just under an hour until Part 2 of Surprise Party. In case you forgot where we left off, nerdy Jeff is looking to get murdered
And here's where we're going
It's unfortunate that Jeff is both the most likable person in the book and the guy whose only seduction technique is "lecture abused girl about her shitty boyfriend"
It's relentless! Will we even have time to catch our breath?
Don't forget taking her to a Jamaican dance concert
We have a massive German Sheperd that could easily kill someone and a dorky hero type who can't fuck. We are one explosion of psychic powers away from a PsyMan story
Explosion of psychic powers is the exact type of swerve Kathryn would attempt and then botch immediately
Looking forward to her offloading the entire actual plot in the last chapter as the cops explain what happened
Remember when this book started with Maureen pissing herself in terror that people might think she did it?
"It" being poison her own kid brother with fucking heroin or whatever?
That thing no one would ever do intentionally?
It's Pain O'Clock
Kathryn would imply psychic powers were at play but then make it a homeless guy with a rubber ball on a string.
That seems like a little too much incident for these books
Marty, Marshall, and Maureen. Thanks for differentiating the names, Kathryn
At least it's better than the last book where she gave two characters the same first name for no reason
Let's remember that her entire plan is "take a geriatric drug sniffing dog to the house of each suspect and hope to find drugs"
Maureen please dont do that.
Evan Dorkin just sold the BEST milk and cheese print on ebay a couple days ago.
Kathryn what the fuck.
@Hannah Bunches of Oats ☝️
Jeans leg
That dog is going to give her so many false positives when she gets uncomfortable.
You know how drug sniffing dogs bark and run amok, right?
Maureen know how drug dogs work?
Were you expecting written reports or something?
Man. It's already insufferable
Time for some breaking and entering
Maureen now wishes she'd read the instructions
I'm not sure it's wise to use an old police dog for a crime there, Mo
Whom among us hasn't been delighted by a doorknob?
Fuck yeah, Maureen, B&E with a large angry and old dog, that's probably not a special kind of crime.
This poor dog probably thinks they're going for a walk or something.
There are many knob enthusiasts, or "knobheads"
This is such a betrayal of Marshall's trust.
Like throwing an invisible ball
No, nope. That's not it. That can't be it
"This is a genuine brass Heinkel knob! ITS PRACTICALLY AN ANTIQUE!"
Dog runs upstairs to her dads bedroom.
Please let him find cookware want him to find cocaine.
All drugs is the same, right?
You know boy stuff: loose change, Fig Newtons
I know you are square but its the 90s. DARE taught you the difference Maureen.
TBF, the drug sniffing dogs they used at my high school were told "find the dope", which I think was a blanket statement
Usually they found pretzels
Boys love sleeping in condemned buildings. Great job, Maureen.
Depending on the brand pretzels are their own addictive substance
How many prepositions can you fit into a single sentence
This poor pooch is so confused
"Do you want me to find drugs or are we on walkies or is it treats time?"
I dont think you should give an aged dog a stale fig newton you found during a B&E.
He looked like he might possibly be somewhat interested in maybe some kind of treat
I don't think Kathryn knows what a magazine is
Marshall gave the impression of a notion that he could be persuaded to accept the concept of a treat made manifest
Marshall is every reader waiting for Kathryn to get to the point
I'll have you know Nude Beach Scene is very tasteful, Maureen.
Or should I call you OLIVER CROMWELL!
Nude Beach Scene blew the lid off so many scandals. That's where The Jungle was first published
Be hilarious if she doesnt find jack shit and Marty just beats his girl stone sober.
"Quick, we only have 45 minutes until he's docked and tied the boat!"
heh heh, he'll never know we were here
Maureen, even if you find something it doesnt prove he poisoned your brother, and also you broke in to get that, it would be inadmissable.
So you might as well kidnap him and break his knees in a shed.
Hell yeah. Dibs on being Mr. Blond
Kathryn isn't sure you think Marty's a dirtbag yet, so she's added some subtle details
The dog mess left on the carpet and didn't clean up because Maureen forgot to bring doggy bags could have come from anywhere!
Cheating: When physical abuse is not enough
Marty tying up a Bayliner sounded real kinky until the actual woman showed up.
You really are a scumbag when you cheat with a girl younger than your 18 year old girlfriend.
Marty has age of consent laws on a laminated card in his pocket.
Also a boat, and thats a red flag.
Never date someone who owns a boat.
Unless its made by hand or something.
Or one of those cool fan boats.
Maureen's plan apparently was to search every male student at a different school. Until she thought it was infeasible
Not because that's too many students, but because she doesn't know where they live
Tony the mobster might have had coke on him? What a concept
Lazy beats stupid and Maureen's plan is the proof
If only his sexual excitement over a knife could be some kind of clue
Knives are cool Maureen, you'd understand that if your dad had ever given you The Talk.
At this rate, she's going to remember his pretending to choke her to agitate the dog just before he slits her throat
Didn't mention that or how he freaked out when his soda went missing
Kathryn, why include this
World building for yuppies
Who eats fries with pizza? Is that a thing and I just didnt know?
Not just for the inanity, but because you think pizza-and-fries is a thing
In Marty's defense, girls his own age have learned not to tolerate his bullshit.
Who am I kidding, his gf puts up with everything.
If you want to hit a body weight record
Old Time Photos is a stripclub
Oh yeah the one where you can take selfies with strippers while you dress like an old timey prospector or cowboy.
i've done it
Their champagne room requires you to sit perfectly still or the photo is ruined
true aesthetes get totchos and pizza
so a big oll slab of tater tot nachos to accompany their pikza
Very inconspicuous
Totchos are technically a pizza
Marshall having a flashback to the time his handler shot a dude in a blue car.
by the transitive property, they're a vegetable then
I don't know, Mo, but probably more than one
At least one.
There must be a gas leak affecting this town
Also if you're someplace in the northeast in November then you might as well be in Maryland, I guess.
Well, she doesn't have to think at all because dude just walks right up
What great foreshadowing.
A lot more New Yorkers than drive to the beach in Rockaway, I tell you that.
Marshall just really hates Ford automobiles.
Fix Or Repair Doggie
Cool under pressure
And its an Escort. Thats a fucking grandpa car.
Even in the 90s that would have been a grandpa car.
All time hall of fame inner monologue
Maureen you.........didnt open the trunk.
Chris was probably standing right next to the car the entire time
Nailed it
In the '90s drug dealers would murder anyone who knew they had drugs.
Smooth, Maureen. He wont suspect a thing.
ESPECIALLY their target customer base.
It's how they made all their money that they spent on loud music
Usually shortly after forcing children to eat their free drugs.
So they'd buy more drugs after they killed them
This is known
The only way to keep from being forced to do drugs was to call them a turkey.
Aware of how dark it had gotten
For the uninitiated youth:
Maureen, theres not even a single fucking inch of steel in a 90s Ford Escort.
Kathryn writes sentences like they're puzzles you have to to decipher
An inch of steel?
They really relaxed rationing after the war, huh
Certainly not depth.
Unless she meant the dog was digging across the car
Kathryn were you trying to imply Marshall was investigating a nearby manhole?
Ford makes cars for baseball moms who need to bounce an anti-tank round from the Jerries on their way to school.
Rewatching that ad, all I see is a young man finding out the painful way that Joey is not the friend he thought he was.
"Joey! Come share my pot!"
A knife... a knife!
Poor Tony.
Secret Origins!!
This badger gets it.
Maureen........lots of people carry knives..... not know that?
Turns out we have a right to.
They carry a knives… A KNIVES!!!!
And now for the VERY initiated
A voice containing secrets, cocaine secrets
Maybe we're all being unfair to how pre-Third Wave feminism women felt in a pre-cell phone era around unstable young men when the gasoline was still leaded.
hear me out.
Mo is the turkey.
Chris maybe you dont want to date Maureen, she seems exhausting and frankly a little paranoid.
Her friends suck too.
And her brother does cocaine.
That brief kiss certainly needed it's own paragraph
Definitely the sign of a healthy relationship when you're left shaking and confused after an interaction
That brief peck blew Mo away
Osculation confuses Maureen.
"How could someone who does drugs be a good kisser?! UNBELIEVABLE!"
I'm really starting to see why her friend was unwilling to take her word for Marty cheating on her, Maureen is kind of a dingus.
She has the survival instincts of an unattended toddler with a fork in a room full of electrical sockets.
The things Maureen knows about Chris: his name, maybe.
This background check is gonna go great.
Reynolds comes back in half an hour and Maureen has written Chris's first name, Tony's first name, drawn a bunch of squiggly stick figures, and started panic-eating the notepad.
So you see these teens are from New York City, eh? VERY suspicious...
Riveting stuff, Kathy
NEW YORK CITY!? Get a rope
Reynolds is doing a really great thing, performing an unauthorized background check with no real details on the word of a slightly slow and panicky teen girl.