Tom, Wizard Columbo
Gotta be it
#1 The Chronicles of Galen Sword
Gotta be it
Hell yeah brother.
Martin, this is a Macho Man household
My brain is so full of nonsense that I immediately caught that reference and I've never even seen the show
I hope the rest of the book is Judfield describing various TV shows
Also we skipped right over the beastman hovering outside a little girl's window staring at her and licking his fangs
Martin insinuates there's something wrong with Ja'Nette's parents
She's not a fan
Hey Judfield? If youre gonna use it that badly you can return translocation to David Eddings.
Nice one Martin, that was a difficult conversation to have but you definitely nailed and didn't cause any doubts or concerns in her mind
Hmm, don't care for this
"In First World we have thing... called racism"
He flipped away, werewolf hog flapping against his thigh.
Is this more or less uncomfortable than Time Riders Liam staring at the unconscious test tube clone girl's tits
It's just a small girl in a room with a giant furry with his dick out... oh
Ooh, boy, it would be great if you could impart information, Judfield
And not in a long concussed coma
You always need your gun, Janet.
Wait what? Ko's name is Melody Sword?
Melody Ko
Martin talking like this feels like the author is inventing ways to be racist against werewolves.
Maybe have someone else explain this
Lucas stole Jar Jar Bink's voice from Judfield's notes
Oh Martin said "Melody Galen Sword," was he just running both their names together because he's an idiot?
Sure. Elemental shapeshifters.
Judifield, you wouldn't happen to have a plot anywhere in this pile of words, would you?
She will be weaving for a long old time
No, Judfield, bad!
"It'd really help us all out down at the station if you could find that plot, sir"
and the apewoof is 5
Glad we spent all that time on the mom's clan then
Is it?
I thought we did this already
We did
How could you all use such demeaning language
No surely not
Look how sad Samwise is now
Why would the book repeat itself like that
I guess Judith and Garfield thought we weren't paying attention. Like we're editors or something.
What could it possibly have to gain
Hey, I called it
Judfield not beating the paid by the word accusations.
Not that impressive considering one was Hiroyoshi and the other was Galen's, but you know
And just think, this was written at least a full year before White Wolf was even a thing.
Martin's great at socializing
"You piece of shit"
What if this is the thing that started it?
Oh, good. Attitude.
This has been going on for a while, Judfield
This would be much more moving if we had any reason to care about these characters
I care about Martin.
I don't
He's like the bigfoot son I never had.
I care about Galen, negatively
That's fair. He does like puppies and kittens.
What are you talking about, Ja'Nette's our kid sidekick who is not yet a woman
Martin has exhibited more personality than the rest of the cast combined
If this just turned into Rudy But With A Bigfoot im fine with that.
I googled marratin to see if it was stolen from anything, but seemingly not. It may be arabic for 'time' or 'twice'
Wait is she an actual hobbit or is she just short?
She's a half-blood
She's 12
Judfield just want to be clever
Yeah they meant something more like "half-breed"
Yes, hug the bigfoot.
Ahuh, sure
This is the least empathy ive ever felt for a migraine sufferer.
Like the noble blobfish, Galen needs constant pressure to survive
This book has too many tones, and I hate them all
Let me just cup my own ass first
You can't build tension for someone we hate, Judfield
Pants are necessary for travel
Actually no, Ko, I agree, its good to ask questions when someone tries to extract a vague promise from you.
Listen, you guys need to understand everyone in this is a moron
Softwind is a gentle breeze that feels a bit weird unless you're wearing pants. It's not actually part of the First World
But different kinds of morons
Art Engoron
The quadriplegic has pants to give away?
Ko is the kind of moron that would jump off a cliff if a five year old asked her to
Specfically big dick pants - yes
I would also like to jump off a cliff
I'm trying to imagine what you could possibly have meant by this 😆
Yeah he still has legs shark
Love this narrative technique of revealing information via a dumb, uncooperative five year old
Softwind is a soft jazz Hawkwind cover band.
Just seems a bit cruel to say "Hey, your legs are dead. You can probably spare some pants."
I mean he probably has more pants right?
Shit, Yugi, it's the Shadow Realm
It'd definitely be cruel if he's sitting bare ass on his wheelchair right now because they made him give up his only pants to the wereape
They disguised the door as a door, huh? How ingenious
Just sitting there cold and furious. "I'll get you for this Sword, and your little ape too"
His completely normal blood will keep his nude ass warm.
You know, the rhythm of the sea
That beat
It's not like water ever moves at different speeds
See, soft jazz.
Got a real schozscape in this apartment.
Sawdust always made Sword smile
Apologies all but I think I need to call it here. Thank you for the read, @gellaho ! Have a good night everyone! I hope something happens!
I'm not optimistic.
Roundly obese females
Oh so short fat girls arent human, huh Judfield?
A horse
Cool bar, has a horse. Drinks are expensive. 4/5 stars.
One of the German creatures shows up. Martin remains unhelpful
A horse! Can you imagine?
See the problem with the main character not getting any information is that we don't, either.
Tantoo, the bald ferret lady
Fist bumps, rad.
Tantoo sounds like a star wars name.
I hope Tantoo is the self insert
It would be great to know what was going on
Also imagine going into a foreign place for the first time and pointing and saying "look they have waiters just like us!" This guy is supposed to have traveled the world
but they're little dragon lizards, right?
I'm not sure? It just says they're a tiny person
I don't know what you mean, Ferret lady
George Lucas says "tone it down"
I'm sensing an unusual amount of fear for an invisible cat dispute
You know what, Sword? At this point, please do. It might accelerate things
You have knowledge of how much it costs to buy a person, Sword?
Absolutely he does.
Sword is the kind of guy who can give you price quotes for human beings for three different purposes and originating in six countries.
Oh, good, we're getting into a negotiation with mystery currency. Yay
God why can these godless heathen magic types not just use the American dollar?!
Hey, Judfield? You're writing the damn book
Currency is fake anyway!
You can tell the reader what that means
Fuck. You.
Hey guys didn't we determine that Martin has a child's mind? How is he 'art of the deal'ing this
I think that was just Melody being bigoted and thinking a squatch cant have a sharp mind.
I mean she did find him dick out in a pet store he broke into playing with puppies so I can see why shed come to that conclusion.
The book is trying for that
"MArtin fuck over muggles, heehee"
Unfortunately the book already showed him being a complete moron
And saying he's 2 and a half
Yeah but I think he said he was 2"changes" old, and a change was some unspecified number of years
I guess the deal is falling apart because Sword doesn't know some stupid phrase
"Oh well its a Fuck You Mind Your Own Goddam Business."
She's figured ouut he's a fake fan
"name all their albums"
So all of that, all of it, was for nothing
She said the H-word, ooooh
Kill her
And him
Then he gets super-tased
And yourself
Tom Swift would be so proud
Use your sword, Sword
A spooky skeleton
The spooky skeleton scalps him
I hope it eats him
This is a pretty sick bar fight.
I guess scalping is his move, so he does it to Martin
Sword's attempt to help fails
Sword, you just had all the muscles in your shoulders ripped apart, remember? The old Kirk double fist isn't going to be as effective as usual
Captain Kirk that undead
The skeleton then uses Sword's scalp to do the fire spell that killed Askwith
That sentence made me feel like I was having a stroke
"one thing I just can't figure out, sir. How did the lich get some of Askwith's hair to do the spell? It's like somebody musta gave it to him!"
In comes the five year old to save the day
I guess the skeleton is catholic
Just casually dropping the H-word, now
It can't see without its… stupid fucking necklace
Hahahahahahha awesome.
Guess that's what happens when you play a shadow game
"you see kids, without the guiding light of Jesus Christ, even a lich is blind!"
Y.......yay? I guess?
Only a minor scalping.
Yes, clearly Martin knows everything. Which is why you're both crying in the snow
Get with the program Sword, fucking hell
You already had a conversation about how Softwind moves
You speculated if you would feel the teleport
Call in the A-team
Yeah its totally going to be okay, you only blew Martin's cover immediately.
Well, Martin's body probably should have blown it in the first place
Considering at the end she could tell just by looking at him
Anyway, the skeleton gets a name. Any guesses?
Torgus Boneer.
Mr. Debonesby
Bone Daddy.
The evil, spooky skeleton
God damn it
I guess I was closest with Greg
Tom wins
And that's as good a place to stop as any
Fucking hell
This book rules.
This book sure does exist
Oh yeah still no boobalicious snake girl
Thank you @gellaho
Thank you everyone
Great riffing
Great book cage
Good night
And remember:
I'm going to have to start taking notes to understand this
Yeah thanks gellaho, thanks everyone
I'm gonna go watch Columbo
I've toyed with the idea of running a "Wizard CSI" RPG campaign, but magic makes a lot of mysteries too easy
Or you need to do a ton of work to write out all the rules and limits of magic
And your players need to understand all those rules so they can solve the mystery
Hahahhaha I forgot that people thought illiteracy was rampant in the early 90s.
Like people were forgetting how to read.
I can't imagine why
Yeah, you know, in 10 years 30% of people are going to forget how to read, I guess
Or dead, WWIII coming in 2005 and all
And to be honest, the people of 1990 couldnt have predicted No Child Left Behind.
They dont get credit for that.
The Book Cage: Episode 135.5
The Chronicles of Galen Sword #1: Shifter Part 2
Last we met, Galen Sword spent about a quarter of the book in a coma fever dream. Now, Galen Sword has his crew of a psychic child, a fake/half-werewolf child, an Asian lady, and a quadriplegic. How much more will Judfield bungle this strange race allegory? Find out, this Friday, 5pm eastern, as we continue these chronicles.
All hail incredulous, obviously-AI-generated snake lady!
Psychic halfling? Fucking ridiculous.
Coming up on the top of the hour, it's The Chronicles of Galen Sword #1: Shifter. We left off meeting the evilest of all creatures: Dmitri the Skeleton
And, coming up today: Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
You guys doing Wight Terminators in here?
Hi, @Velo Might Be A Ghost !
Hi @FancyShark !
Do you think Galen Sword will do anything in his own novel this time?
I was about to ask you if he did anything after I left last time
Hi, @roosters control time !
No. He exercised less agency than a house plant.
Shift your engines to sword
Classic Galen
Hi, @gellaho !
Sword's out of shape chest
What's the gist?
HELLO, @Brendo !
Batman but he's magic but he doesn't know it yet and he sucks so so much
It's basically Buffy, but the main character does nothing
Damned irascibility
Just a bunch of book nerds whose avatars wear hats
Yeah he's Elon Buffy
And @roosters control time where it's in the name.
Also, they met a werewolf who talks like a caveman and is maybe two years old
Shirleys and crystals
The authors are a husband and wife team who wrote some Star Trek and an episode of Batman: TAS
What a system
Ko is the hot sidekick who's just too competent for her own good
She's not a loose cannon but damn it she gets results
Forsyte is modern fantasy Stephen Hawking
I spit on your rubies
Also they keep derailing the story to do gem math
A lot of gem math
I missed the gem math
You are being very generous
I worry how much gem math @gellaho has seen that he didn't share
MWG isekai is a real theme this summer
But all of this is much less rad than it sounds