What light through what yonder parabolic dish breaks? It is the scree, and lizard men are the Brothers
#2 Dragonard
What light through what yonder parabolic dish breaks? It is the scree, and lizard men are the Brothers
We few. We band of SCREE SCREE
For the first time on Broadway, it's The Band of Brothers and their Scree-Scree Chorus!
Something something St SCREEspins Day.
Oh, no! They've got the flashbulbs!
He keeps talking about hauling out this sword like it's the fucking Buster Sword.
They're flashbulbs.
Are they attacking with floor lamps?
they took fuzzy poorly framed shots and Magus just couldn't handle it
One Brother used a bulb and the target was epileptic and they thought they'd found a doomsday weapon
Just swing wildly
Looks like a job for Ringo Spellshades.
Chitin, that very lizardy material
Smelled the smell, very descriptive
Alien, that's a familiar smell
Make sure to tell them they're hideous, Magus. Aliens love that.
They smell like Old Spice and cinnamon.
For I have smelled a smelly smell, beyond the isle of Skye;
I saw a fat mage lose a fight, and I think that man was I
All I can think of are the draconians in Dragonlance who wore hooded robes and bandaged hands.
Slit-like mouth, or: "mouth"
"Also, we can speak your language. You're a shitty father."
You get this a lot when you're desecrating holy places.
Simon Hawke has lip moistening, John Jakes has lip gnawing
"We have heard the stories from the one called MAYMAYAMAYAMAYA."
"We know about the scarves and are not impressed."
Please. Conquer the lizardmen with colorful scarves
hahaha, dammit
This book is so instructive in how to write at things rather than about them.
"We are familiar with these card tricks"
Oh shit this is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!
Time for some more head bashing
Magus is gonna teach the Brothers the meaning of Christmas and shit.
"Okay, but you aren't allowed to laugh"
You idiots don't know what a SWORD is?!
"Magus Blacklaw."
"Hahahah. No your real one, not your nerd name."
They only understand camera-related technology
And spears
And transparent membranes?
Hmm....I'm beginning to thing this doesn't make sense
The lost secrets of the great wizard Zip-Loc!
"Fine. My real name is Melvos Purvulator XXI."
Nay, it was the great alchemist Saran!
You would think being released from it's plastic wrap for a couple of weeks this book wouldn't still smell like tobacco
And not the nice, sweet-smelling kind I bet.
lol for some reason the book being kind of stinky is just really funny and appropriate to me.
Yep, yep. Promontory. I definitely know what that is
Gellaho catches the book grabbing a smoke from the corner of his eye
It's the best track from the Last of the Mohicans ost
He wrote this while at a seafood restaurant staring at a little cup of drawn butter.
It's entirely possible we have too many words for this
"Promontories of Dover" doesn't have the same ring to it
It's a fishing community thing. Like the innu and words for snow.
We know what was on Jakes's word of the day calendar when he wrote that page.
The Irish just used to name things after lady bits and I think we should return to that naming convention. Promontories are clits.
OK but Promontory fucks so much harder than Pride Rock
Let me hear it from the back! I know you love this one!
Ten times as tall as a man!
As a tall man or a short man?
So one spaceship tall, then
"How tall is he?"
"As tall as a tall man!"
I hope Jakes meant the actual pupils and not the irises, because even without internet he could have looked that up
Pink orifices shaped like mouths, or: "mouths"
The Brothers psychoactive pheromones are beginning to work.
8 Mile
Dude you're a narcissist just tell them.
Motherfucker when Mushroom Yog Sothoth asks your name, answer. You're being rude.
He's sweating and looking at wet, pink mouths...
"Please use the nearby squirt bottle on us! We can't blink! It's raw agony!"
A normal night at the club after taking just a skosh too much LSD.
Just haul out your sword and start lopping pocket pussies.
Not the promontory!
He'll make a fortune on Space Ebay.
Wait. The fucking sun just fell out of the sky??
I'm suddenly reminded of a song I once heard that I do not know the name or artist of nor any of the words except "watch the sun fuck the ocean."
Magus I think you better whip out those scarves and colored powders because I dont think a sword is gonna help you against the mind bending plant chorus.
Uh oh
The Hauntplace is one volcano short of a DIO album cover
Oh god, it's Shunting like in Society. Get outta there, Magus!
Names are power, don't tell it!
He took some acid and stumbled into a sex toy shop.
When does Darth Vader step out and turn out to have his face?
"I knew I never should have dropped acid in P-town!"
Growing the hole closed
And immediately devoured by maggots
I'll bet it was dank
The escape hatch of unconsciousness. Jakes is a poet laureate
I'm glad we're sticking with this full man-measurement system
Going unconscious in this place is how you end up with plants growing into your dickhole and asshole, Magus.
Men are all the same height, right?
The last sentence of this book is going to be Magus's actual height so readers will feel compelled to read again with the knowledge they've gained.
I think when you use the manheight based system you measure from the most historically relevant man available.
Behold the lightning mammoth
The Hauntplace is better than the entire book leading up to it
And instead of just using mammoth the noun, he used mammoth the adjective
Then described what a mammoth looks like
You don't get to use mammoth as a size adjective while describedan yeah scooped
Oh Jakes. Never change.
About the size of a shed.
You have to give Jakes credit, he is very innovative as an author.
How many giraffes tall was it?
Probably should have used an actual sword and not a pool noodle
5.3 men talls worth
The kind of shed a tall man would build?
You know, a dappled mammoth would be pretty neat.
Sky erupts x3
Giggling because I dated a girl named Sky.
Damn you, Wile E Coyote!
All of this because he couldn't admit he's a stage magician
He's been huffing the photo developing chemicals, hasn't he.
They just locked him in the darkroom.
Nobody should ever HAVE to admit they're a stage magician.
He's hopped up on fixer.
The Hauntplace kind of rules.
We end here with Magus swearing at children to drink their ovaltine so they can escape the Kodak-IBM Ruins' sewerage manholes
It's like some kind of
And we avoided this future by switching to digital cameras.
This entire planet is a camera, right?
Smile! You're on Candid Camera!
This is the Kodachrome Forge World
We call it the DEPP for short.
eastman kodak
Figured that out last week, but welcome to the club
For full reference
Yeah but I haven't been here because work is stupid.
We have missed you
For the record no one else called Arsgrat as being MGM so if it comes out they're an entertainment consortium I win Book Cage forever
He very slowly deconstructs the entire holographic projection
Anything is better than my fish joke about the East Cod.
I think if you win Book Cage like that you are just Cask of Amontilladoed in Simon Hawke novels.
A hero's death
I think you can figure it out from the words used, Magus
Have you read my will?
So not one person ever sent to the Hauntplace ever terror-flailed and snagged a loose cable in the planet's entire history?
I'm concerned he just fell asleep playing Bioshock Infinite
You expect more from Hans Huygens?
I just kind of assumed you were going to create a tomb\library for yourself when you felt the time was close.
They found the AV Club room
is magus gonna use this place to go full Oz?
God I hope so.
That would kind of rule
You think Gellaho isn't aiming for that kind of cyborg-viking funeral?
Is that what we're building to?
Loathsome snakish suppleness
My point 🍨
By "internal secretions", he means earwax
The Gellaho Memorial Bibliocrypt.
there was something loathesome about those creepy scaly fucks
Jakes apparently not on the "snakes are cool" train, sad.
The book cage was for him all along
Magus goes to rescue Catto. During said rescue, Catto almost gets a spear up the ass
The first person in the book to think to use the pointy end of the spear and they decide on sodomy
One of the Brothers is named Vlad the SCREEpaler.
Almost? The narration itself says he's about to get his guts rearranged and not in the fun way
I can't believe the same man who named a character Catto also invented Magus Blacklaw and Tingo Motherfucking Spellhands
He tried to hitch himself to WHAT to go faster?
To get out of the way? You don't hitch yourself anywhere
And Mongoose!
I think that means he did that move where you clench your ass cheeks and sidestep.
Really he could go nowhere but down after Maxmillion Dragonard. Tingo was just a fluke, dude's lost his fastball
Dodge roll?
He has multiple red mustaches if that helps
"got yer nose!"
They do not
Nah you have to keep your ass loose or your legs lock in a dodge roll.
The ass loose shouldn't be a problem actually...
Excuse me? Philosopher Arko Lantzman
The only way the multiple mustaches works in my head is if they're stacked. So you have the normal stache, then another immediately below it
Of course
If your ass gets too lose you just end up with a fat roll though.
He's every Ghostbuster's name put together.
Or one has a bigger and harder mustache on the outside, like a hermit crab.
hahahahaha, wait
Always on the right side, this Magus Blacklaw
Their hiding spot was behind the most conspicuous structure on the planet?
Stan Bush, Space Lizard.
It stiffened as it died. This is context you did not want or need but now you must live with it always.
aaw the screes have seen the full life cycle now they're enfeebled
Count with Magus Blacklaw
Okay fair is fair, "Because I wanted to." is an okay reason to me.
Ah ah ah!
Ah ah ah!
Catto is fully erect at the sight of his family's corporation
Yeah he fucking would be, the freak
Signage gets him rock hard
Didn't need to spell itout at the end, jacks, we got it
My phlegmatic companion
Hey Magus, you should kill this guy, he's weird.
And chances are he's gonna kill you.
Or try anyway.
You mean try again?
He's a stage magician, he only gets along with weirdos
Because he already tried on the ship
John Jakes gets bored with his own description of scarves
But is Magus one man tall???
Ooooh, how many men has he bound with silks?
And only charged a ha'credit! Very affordable.
Catto Mr. Maggoes his way into danger
Some people have to pay a threecred for that.
Which is odd because my impression of this text is that this is more Magus's schtick
Don't you hate it when that happens?
It's those little touches that really make you check how many pages are left
No maggots for this injury?
Its some kind of desert beetle eating his foot.
Deadly scarves
A stink of excitement
D&D troglodytes confirmed.
Magus 47
Its good for him they dont breathe thru their skin.
And get one last dick kick in there before death
Let's put aside all that stuff I was angry about earlier in a very healthy emotional fashion.
Yay reunion.
This is why we established their dicks isnt it?
Good news: Robin still sucks at everything
But at least he got bandaged up with her panties
I'm glad we only experienced the aftermath of this sideplot and were never shown what they were going through
Robin's headwound count must be off the charts if he got here alone
Man I think it would be more sanitary to just let a cut be rather than bandage it with undies but I'm not a space barbarian.
Showing up to meet her dad wearing some of her underclothes is a power move
New Maya characterization: Wolverine healing
I guess those face bruises were from crying too hard
And then spin the Maya character roulette wheel. Next page:
A smile from the Nard is worth a thousand words.
!) Bring her dad a bottle of fine whiskey
2) when he shakes your hand, lean in and whisper "I'm wearing her panties right now."
3) ???
4) happy relationship.
And a sample from the Nard is worth a thousand scrobbles
Which is about how many it takes for Jakes to describe it
Magus decides it'd be a good idea to leave. Catto has a weird breakdown
Sorry gang, turns out it's hard to do this and also scroll through a movie frame by frame. What's the sitrep?
Magus found his daughter and Dragonard
Dragonard has an injured arm and is using the daughter's panties as a sling
Maya hit her head on the sidewalk
We've all become deeply obsessed with Dragonard. Mostly me.
He's assembling a stupid cosmic Avengers in these books, isn't he?
Magus, are you going to argue that he's not insane?
And a family dynasty with the House of Dragonard
The Dragonard Cinematic Universe
Probably mostly that
I'm assuming the last book has nothing to do with anything that happened here. Much as this has almost nothing to do with that first book
Jakes doesnt know what a trilogy is but is going to write one anyway.
Great time for a nap
"Wizard. Your.........uh.........your staff has a knob on the end, if you get my drift. Do you need a minute?"
Popping a boner while your daughter's head is on your leg. Hall of Fame dad right here
Florida Wizard Arrested in Camera-World Incest Incident
This is going to pop into my head the next time I cry at something and I won't be able to prevent it.
It's actually okay because she's the spitting image of her mother, and he never raised her, see?
Lassitudinally count with Magus Blacklaw
The glee of counting!
"A huge shudder of tiredness worked over Magus." Goddamn, belabor a verb.
Start with "Magus shuddered" and work your way up, guy.
Like i can appreciate when you're fatigued the shudder having control over you might make it the subject but come on.
Jakes had three pages and was told "that's not a novel". And something snapped.